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=] The 12 Months of Hobby 2022 [=


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39 minutes ago, Rogue said:

I have no idea how people manage to knock out multiple tanks or hordes of infantry on a monthly basis

It helps if you have an airbrush and, like me, are an average painter. Volume I can do, speed I can do. Quality...? :biggrin:

Edited by Lord_Ikka
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Half of my first Dec vow done- 5 Ordo Malleus gene-mod acolytes w/bespoke bolters.




Word Bearers kill-team is getting rebuilt now (dog knocked over their carrying case so various resin weapons broke) and they are going to require a bit more detail, so I will vow some more to do in the meantime that are less... fiddly.


I, Lord_Ikka, vow to paint for the month of December 2 Regimental Enginseers and 4 Hive Scum/Space Pirates.



Edited by Lord_Ikka
Updated with vow pic
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Not quite speed daemon-y, but close. Tried some darker skin tones on the two flanking models but have some horrible lighting where I'm at so it doesn't show up well. Anyway, 2nd vow half done- 4 Hive Scum/Pirates/dirty and rough hangers-on. Still have to finish up my 2 Tech-priests and 6 Word Bearers, but both are looking good (base colors down on the Enginseers and my Word Bearers are put back together) and hopefully will be finished by the end of next week. 




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This post was recognized by Grotsmasha!

Cleon was awarded the badge '12 MoH 2022 Completed' and 1 points.

December done. With Christmas commitments and travel (and too bad weather to spray undercoat) I'm not going to have time to finish any more, but I might get a head start on building some models for next year.



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Here's my 2022 12 months of hobby models gathered for group record shots (I don't have anywhere with the space to put them out, back up to a distance to get good focus and good light... so apologies that the pictures are a bit rubbish.


Firstly the monthly batches from January to September saw the 2022 completion of my Ad Mech (all the Ad Mech I own is now painted, the rangers and Vanguard were re-jigging existing squads for the new codex, so aren't legal on their own as is):



Second was the starting from scratch of a Grey Knight project I'd collected via hexfire and a few other purchases here and there. January to October saw me paint most of my existing collection, I'd hoped to get it all done, but one Storm Raven is dripping over to next year.



Similar in origin was a new Thousand sons project, however I knew at the time that firstly I wasn't going to get it all done and secondly that I'd need more models to make them work, so wasn't really targeting getting them all done, but progress was good and I got most of my models done, a forgefiend, rhino and some spawn left unstarted before I picked up the Christmas army box and a box of the new cultists to give me most of what I see needing (also need to pick up another box of scarab occult) so hopefully the army will be finished off next year.



And finally The Horus Heresy relaunch happened, and with it came the Age of Darkness box.... adding models previously picked up and in the backlog from the Calth and Prospero sets and July to the end of the year got me a usable just over a thousand points of zone mortalis usable Emperor's Children



Put them all together add in the 3 Deathwatch and try and zoom out with my back to the wall - 2022 done:



Hopefully next year I can make similar progress, finish off the Grey Knights and Thousand sons, push on with the Emperor's Children and then roll in one of my other stalled projects, maybe the Death Guard, or if there are interesting new 40 releases maybe my Blood Angels will push back into the queue.

Edited by Cleon
One of the pictures double posted
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Hey folks! Got lost in the warp again but I'll throw myself a gauntlet before year-end and will push to complete at least one mini this month :)
I finished only one Intercessor last month, so will continue working on my November vow

I, Majkhel of the Blood Angels, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of December pledge to complete 1 Intercessors and 1 Eliminator for the glory of the Angel by month's end.


At least the Eliminator is nearing completion

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1st vow finally finished- 6 Word Bearers. 




Individual pics











I will also be vowing again (hit while the hobby iron is hot/annoy Grot by multi-vowing continually I say), to clean up a couple of leftover models from a previous month that weren't finished and do an automa that is just fun to paint. Just kidding Grot, I will tally up all my stuff this month in a later post to make your life easier.


I, Lord_Ikka, vow to paint for the month of December- 1 Ordo Astartes Inquisitor, 2 Inquisition veterans, and 1 converted Luther-Pattern Excavation Automa.




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On 12/4/2022 at 12:33 AM, Brother Captain Arkley said:

I, Brother Captain Arkley, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of December pledge to complete 1 Repulsor Executioner & test Cadian model (Macragge PDF) for the glory of the Risen Primarch Guilliman by month's end.






Decembers vows are complete.


With the Repulsor Executioner its also the end of my 4th for the time being. I do have a Pasanius conversion I am tempted to do as I have over a week left.


More pictures are in my Defenders of Ultramar thread in the Ultramarines sub forum.


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And progress of the year thanks to @Grotsmasha forcing us :P.


All the Ultramarines I have painted this year (March-December)


Aggressors (Squad Leader)
Inercessor Squad II
Redemptor Dreadnought
Hellblaster Squad
Intercessors Squad III
Heavy Intercessor Squad
Storm Speeder
Company Champion
Eliminator Squad
Infiltrator Squad
Invader ATV
Intercessors Squad IV
Uriel Ventris
Invictor Warsuit
Phobos Librarian
Bladeguard (Squad Leader)
Inceptor Squad (Squad Leader)



B&C Reiver and the Terminator for the mental health challenge.


Crimson Fists Captain that I moved on.



A 3rd Company Lt I did.



And lastly Khârn and Cypher that I did for my friend.


I think I have a few more in me this year. Boxing Day challenge and maybe one last IVth Company model.

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This post was recognized by Grotsmasha!

Rogue was awarded the badge '12 MoH 2022 Completed' and 1 points.

That's a lot of very nice Ultramarines. And that Crimson Fist is brilliant. Nice work.


Here's my final completion of the year:




As ever, he's not flattered by the extreme close-ups that I seem to default to since the board update, so perhaps best viewed by standing a long way back from the screen...

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Excellent work @Brother Captain Arkley!!


I'm going to add to my vow. I've nearly completed the tanks, just some weathering and a matt coat to do. I've also started on 3 Medusa's too. These will likely be done at the same time. 


I'm also going to add in a castellum stronghold. I may not finish this in the time frame but I'm at a heresy narrative on the 7th Jan that I'm going to take it to. Just for cool terrain as it didn't make it into the legends index. 


I, Dwango, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge , for the month of December pledge to complete an additional 3 Legion Medusa's and a Castellum Stronghold for the heresy era Dark Angels by month's end. 



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This post was recognized by Grotsmasha!

Lord_Ikka was awarded the badge '12 MoH 2022 Completed' and 1 points.

Ordo Astartes kill-team finished- 1 Inquisitor, 2 Inquisition veterans, 1 modified Luther-pattern Automata.









My total completed for this month is- 6 Word Bearers, 5 Inquisition Acolytes, 2 Regimental Enginseers, 4 Space Pirates, 5 mining guild rebels, 1 Ordo Astartes Inquisitor, 2 Inquisition veterans, 1 Modified Luther-pattern ambot.


For the year, this means that I'm up to 195 models painted (will work on getting pics of that) and I might try to get a model done for the Boxing Day Bash, but I'm very happy with my output this year- managed to beat last years total by 21 models. Getting better, and speedier, at batch-painting models and keeping them at a consistent level (I think). Anyway, thanks again Grot for the challenge, it definitely keeps my hobby mojo going and my pile o' grey small!

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I, Brother Captain Arkley, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of December pledge to complete Apothecary Selenus of the IVth Company for the glory of the Risen Primarch Guilliman by month's end.


He will also be my Boxing day challenge as I am :cuss:ing retarded :biggrin:. I have switched the chainsword out thou.


Edited by Brother Captain Arkley
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