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So... this is awkward...  Only a few days from months end and I am just getting some before shots up...  Here is the before of the Assault Intercessors as well as the before of the Boxing Day Bash challenge, an ancient and a Lt.  (Note my first attempt at green stuff in a while giving the sarge a beard...)



My Boxing Day Bash submission,


23 hours ago, Grotsmasha said:

Let's get it, for the glory of The Lion and the 1st,





4 hours ago, Grotsmasha said:

MOOORREE BLOOD, just on the base,



Edited by Grotsmasha
8 hours ago, Grotsmasha said:

My Boxing Day Bash submission,




I love it.

There can never be too much blood and gore!

Looking forward to painting that awesome model myself soonish next year....

Shortly before the end of the year, I finally managed to finish up my Kroot Kill Team of the "Cunning Cockatiels".

Sadly, too much stuff is happening in the real world- for one, busy at work, and then there is the issue of the landlords renovating the downstairs flat and having cut power twice already and now I also happen to be without internet (sending this from my phone.....) because in an act of wanton destruction the landlords not only smashed down a wall, but also destroyed the main phone and internet lines. What they lack in DIY skill, they surely make up with enthusiasm, I can tell you.

Anyways, here is my Kroot Team.

Not sure I will be able to finish up anything else this year, however, even if all that lovely terrain is staring at me accusingly.





Edited by Valkia the Bloody

Might as well throw this in here. For December I vow my Boxing Day Bash model, a converted Enginseer for my 7th Rhûnish Dragoons project.  


6 hours ago, Trokair said:

Quick update. The gap between the backpack and the models back was not neat, so I used some greenstuff to fill out the space. It has cured over night, hopefully sufficiently.  


  Hide contents





Also as we are approaching the end of another 12 months of hobby thank you once again to Grotsmasha for runing this, without it far fewer models would get painted. A Hip Hip Hooray for Grotsamsha.


Also looking back I have to say my plodding along goal for the year did not get very far, I painted all of two little AI planes, with the remaining thirty odd planes having mostly sat in a box.  

Definitely a big thank you to @Grotsmasha. I would not have nearly as many models painted as I have for the past two years if not for this challenge keeping me on track. I'll be getting pics of my total painted minis and will post them up later tonight- not going to be painting any more this year as I have much to build from my Xmas gifts. 


Sorry for the multiple pledging Grot, I've done a lot more than I expected this month. I will do a summary when I complete everything. 


Here's my Boxing Day Bash entry;


On 12/26/2022 at 10:43 PM, Dwango said:

For the glory of the Emperor, the First legion and my loyalist allies I vow to complete Grub Targeson





3 hours ago, Dwango said:






Ok- total vowed and painted for the year is 195 models. Managed to get them pictured in three sections:


Primaris Space Marines and Imperial Knights




Primaris (The Riven chapter)
1 Primaris LT
1 Phobos Captain
3 Inceptors
2 Victrix Guard
1 Impulsor transport
1 Phobos Librarian
14 Assault Intercessors
3 Aggressors
1 Firestrike Servo-turret

Primaris SM sub-total- 27

Knights (House Romlas)
1 Knight Questoris
3 Armigers

Imperial Knights subtotal- 4








Necrons (The Haunted Legions of Sarkon)
4 Overlords
1 Lord
1 Pyschomancer
2 Plasmancers 
1 Technomancer 
28 Necron Warriors
15 Immortals
2 Canoptek Plasmacytes
6 Skorpekh Destroyers
5 Lychguard
5 Flayed Ones
1 Canoptek Spyder
1 Triarch Stalker
1 Grohh'Yod the Bleak-Host (Nightbringer count-as)
6 Scarab Swarms
3 Canoptek Wraiths
5 Praetorians
3 Lokhust Heavy Destroyers
2 Canoptek Doomstalker
The Silent King

Necron sub-total- 93


Inquisition and Random miniatures






Inquisition and Random
4 Inquisitors (Inquisitor Eisenhorn, Inquisitor Cartavolnus, Ordo Zenos Inquisitor (Mental Heath challenge model), Ordos Astartes Inquisitor)
38 Inquisition Acolytes (3 Terror-squad members, 2 Xenos Members, 1 Hired Hand Orlock ganger, 10 mining guild rebels, 7 unaffiliated privateers/scum, 2 Inquisition Veterans, 2 Luther-Pattern Ambots, 1 Daemonhost, 5 Gene-mod Malleus bodyguards, 5 Imperial Assassins)
16 Black Sentinels (1 Admonisher, 5 Wardens, 10 Sentinels)
13 Random (1 Legio B&C Sergeant, 1 HH Word Bearer, 6 Word Bearers kill-team members, 1 Terrax pattern drill (count-as), 1 ex-Alpha Legion Scout, 1 Imperial Psyker, 2 Regimental Enginseers)

Inquisition total- 71



Truly a good year for painting for me. Of course, after I put all my models away after getting the pictures I realized that my Orlock ganger wasn't in the picture...sigh. Still, a good year and I'm looking forward to next year- got some good gifts that should make my hobbying continue unabated. Can't wait to see everyone else completed pics, see you next year!

Edited by Lord_Ikka

Looking good mate.  I had a quick review of what I did this year and its sadly a lot less on what I had hoped. Going to make a last minute push to complete this year on a good note and then get a full tally down.


Speaking of that final push:



Before of the containers... my desk is starting to get crowded...

This post was recognized by Grotsmasha!

Boc was awarded the badge '12 MoH 2022 Completed' and 1 points.

Warp Talons complete! Looking like the war dog won't be until January, but at least I start the year with a stubborn lol





Edited by Boc
This post was recognized by Grotsmasha!

Trokair was awarded the badge '12 MoH 2022 Completed' and 1 points.

So I did finish the enginseer, but the turquoise was a bit washed out compared to real life so I was hoping to take some better pictures in daylight, but that hasn’t really worked, it might just be my camera getting old. Any way here he is.


Overall he turned out ok and as a colour scheme test he was a success, I can picture the other converted guardsmen following the same principles.   





This post was recognized by Grotsmasha!

Brother Argent was awarded the badge '12 MoH 2022 Completed' and 1 points.

So please excuse the image dump, as well as usual quality issues but here is how I am travelling with my December vow so far:


1x Myphitic Blightcrawler (From November)



1x Foetid Bloatdrone (From November)



Then onto December's Imperium stuff:


5x Assault Intercessors



1x Munititorum Container with accompanying annoying little boxes (Emperor knows I am already sick of these...)



Flayed Ones TBA


Finally my two models from the Boxing Day Bash:


1x Primaris Lt:



1x Primaris Ancient



I haven't got the Flayed Ones even off their sprues at the moment but hoping to get onto that shortly.  I may just scrape in before years end (I have just over 24hrs) and if not then easily by the event cut off).


Amusingly enough I invested somewhat with some money I received for Christmas on some models for my Interdictors, some of the models I had been holding off on hoping they were in the extra Imperium issues.  But as that had now been revealed and they aren't I decided to go pick up some Heavy Intercessors, Eradicators and Bladeguard.  I then arrived home to find my next Imperium delivery waiting for me.  As I am going to take up the hobby lead weight challenge next year as well as the 12 Months of Hobby if Grot is running it again I guess January is going to be a busy month, if I can stick to it.  Doesn't help that this month for me, due to finance issues, is now a month with all four issues have models...


Now, to attempt to get some Flayed Ones sorted...


1 hour ago, Brother Argent said:

Now, to attempt to get some Flayed Ones sorted...

Prepare to curse the man that designed that kit- they are the worst fiddly models in the somewhat-fiddly Necron range. 

10 hours ago, Lord_Ikka said:

Prepare to curse the man that designed that kit- they are the worst fiddly models in the somewhat-fiddly Necron range. 


... Yes... oh so much yes...



Three hours.  Three God-Emperor forsaken hours to assemble five models.  And while they are awesome models and Flayed Ones have always been my favourite Necrons the 12:15 AM finish... well that wasn't great.  Now I feel obligated to finish them by midnight tonight.


12 hours ago, Brother Argent said:

Three hours.  Three God-Emperor forsaken hours to assemble five models.  And while they are awesome models and Flayed Ones have always been my favourite Necrons the 12:15 AM finish... well that wasn't great.  Now I feel obligated to finish them by midnight tonight.


Yup- they are very much a pain to build. Kinda makes me want to grab some old Finecast ones if I want any more, which is sad because the new models do look good, but man I hate whoever designed the new Necrons' arms/chestplate design. My fat fingers have a hell of a time getting everything in place.

1 hour ago, Lord_Ikka said:

Yup- they are very much a pain to build. Kinda makes me want to grab some old Finecast ones if I want any more, which is sad because the new models do look good, but man I hate whoever designed the new Necrons' arms/chestplate design. My fat fingers have a hell of a time getting everything in place.

Amen to that

Well it may be 10 minutes past midnight (Happy New Year Brother and Sisters!!!)  but I got there.



Sorry its a dark and not the best focussed image but it will do for now.  And that, my friends, is the end of 2022 Hobbying.  I will get a group shot of everything up soon, as well as update my own WIP thread.


Heres to 2023


On 12/15/2022 at 9:32 AM, Torin said:

 I,Torin , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of December pledge to complete 3 scimitar Jet bikes, 1 spacewolve iron priest by month's end. Just start last night. 




WhatsApp Image 2022-12-14 at 11.33.30 PM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-12-14 at 11.30.05 PM.jpeg


Good Day,


I have only manage to finish my 40k Space wolf iron priest. For this month.. I have failed to finish my 30k Horus Heresy Scimitar Jet bikes. :( .

Unless by some miracle i can paint another 2 bikes in the next 2 hours..



WhatsApp Image 2022-12-31 at 2.29.12 PM.jpeg

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