Jolemai Posted January 15, 2022 Share Posted January 15, 2022 (edited) Welcome to the Veritas Vitae Series!Following the release of the 9th edition Supplement, there is no better time to discuss all the tools that we have access to. This ongoing series of articles focuses on what a Blood Angels Force Commander has at their disposal, with advice, information, and tactics plucked from the readily available to the more obscure parts of GWs rulesets. Like all Veritas Vitae articles, these remain active and are in flux, so we can add and update them as the information contained within changes. So please chip in with any and all suggestions to help your fellow Frater to vicory against the daemon, the heretic, the xenos, and the traitor. Relics A Blood Angels force has a number of Relics available to boost its Characters and these can be found in the various support books available to us. This guide explores what they are, what they do, an how best to maximise their use for our army. Article SetupThe following are notes on the setup of article below:Header in Blood Red, power is found in Supplement: Blood Angels Header in Enchanted Blue, power is found in Codex: Space Marines Keywords will appear in Bold format Important points will appear in underlined format LocationsThe following points are where the Relics listed below can be found in each sourcebook: Chapter Command Relics begin on page 98 Chapter Relics begin on page 108 Blood Angels Relics begin on page 52 Special-Issue Wargear Relics begin on page 53 Common rulesThe following are common rules which apply to Relics: Relics are chosen during the Mustering Armies step on game setup If your army is led by an Adeptus Astartes Warlord, an Adeptus Astartes Character can be given a Chapter Relic If your army is led by an Blood Angels Warlord, a Blood Angels Character can be given a Chapter Relic or a Blood Angels Relic, or a Special-Issue Wargear Relic If your army is led by a Warlord from a Blood Angels Successor Chapter, a Character from the Blood Angels Successor Chapter can be given a Chapter Relic, or a Special-Issue Wargear Relic When using points, where it says you replace an item with a Relic, you still pay the cost of the item being replaced Unless otherwise stated, a Vehicle cannot be given a Relic Unless otherwise stated, a model cannot have more than one Relic and Named Characters cannot be given any LinksThe Relics a Blood Angels force can use are split into four different categories, the links to which - along with any relevant support - can be found below: Relics Support Chapter Command Relics Chapter Relics Relics of the Angels Special-Issue Wargear Edited March 2, 2022 by Jolemai Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted January 15, 2022 Author Share Posted January 15, 2022 (edited) Relics Support The following lists variables which affect our use/access to Relics. Chapter Command When purchasing the following unit upgrades, access to an additional Relic is granted for that model Chapter Champion Gains access to Blade of Triumph (Relic) Chapter Master Upgrade unavailable to those with the Blood Angels keyword if Commander Dante is present Gains access to Angel Artifice (Relic) Chief Apothecary Upgrade unavailable to those with the Blood Angels keyword if Brother Corbulo is present Gains access to Acquittal (Relic) Chief Librarian Upgrade unavailable to those with the Blood Angels keyword if Chief Librarian Mephiston is present Gains access to Neural Shroud (Relic) - Note: this is unavailable to Librarian Dreadnoughts Master of the Forge Gains access to Mortis Machina (Relic) Master of Sanctity Upgrade unavailable to those with the Blood Angels keyword if Astorath is present Gains access to The Emperor's Judgement (Relic) Stratagems The following Reqiusition stratagems can be used during army formation to acquire additional Relics for your force Angel Ascendant Cost: 1 CP Duration: Use before the battle, when making your army. Can only use once Description: Select one Blood Angels Sergeant and give him one of the following Special-issue Wargear Relics: Digital Weapons; Fleshrender Grenades; Master-crafted Weapon; Quake Bolts. It must be unique and it can't be used to give a model two Relics. Combos: tbc Each of these have their use, but Quake Bolts appear to be the standout option for the moment on a supporting unit. Like most things, you need to plan ahead to get the best out of them Honoured By The Arc Angelicum Cost: 1 CP Duration: Use before the battle, when making you army. One use only Description: Once you have nominated a model from a Blood Angels Successor Chapter to be your Warlord, this allows you to give a Relic to a Character from the Relic of the Angels list instead of a Special-issue Wargear Relic or a Chapter Relic from C:SM (Replace all keywords with your Successor where necessary) Combos: tbc Gives you access to the BA Relics for your first one should you really want to. Relic Of The Chapter Cost: 1 CP Duration: Use before the battle, when making your army Description: If you Warlord has the Adeptus Astartes keyword, you can select an Adeptus Astartes Character to have Chapter Relic if it hasn't already got one. Must be unique, can only be done once unless it's a Strike Force battle (1001-2000, twice), or an Onslaught battle (2001-3000, thrice) Combos: tbc Taken from any source we have access to. Often worth the price Edited February 26, 2022 by Jolemai Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted January 15, 2022 Author Share Posted January 15, 2022 (edited) Chapter Command Relics The following Relics are only available to those models which have purchased a Chapter Command upgradeThese are only available if your army is Battle-forged and includes any Adeptus Astartes Detachment (excluding Auxiliary Support, Super-heavy Auxiliary, or Fortification Network Detachment) During the Mustering Armies step, you can upgrade certain HQ choices which grant you access to the following Relics for that model Angel Artifice Chapter Master only Description: Bearer has a 2+ save, +1 wound, +1 toughness Combo: Any non-TDA Captain, Stormshield, Adamantine Mantle Decent on almost any Chapter Master that isn't held on the back line, with the potential to make very strong combinations The Emperor's Judgement Master of Sanctity only, excluding Chaplain Venerable Dreadnoughts Description: To hit, to wound and damage cannot be re-rolled against the bearer. Gains ability: The Emperor's Judgement (Aura) - enemy units within 6" of the bearer roll an extra D6 when doing morale tests and discard the lowest result Combo: Jump pack, power fist, Adamantine Mantle, Angel's Sacrifice Good on a Chaplain that is going forward with our assault troops Mortis Machina Master of the Forge and models equipped with an Omnissian power axe only Description: Replace weapon with the following: Range: Melee; Type: Melee; STR +3; AP - 2; D 3; Abilities: Each time an attack is made against a a Vehicle unit and the saving throw is failed, an additional mortal wound is caused Combo: Jump pack... Decent on any Techmarine tbh, especially one on the forward line Neural Shroud Chief Librarian only, excluding Librarian Dreadnoughts Description: Increases the range of the bearer's Psychic Hood ability to 24" Combo: Foot Librarian Enhanced range to help denies with a slow moving Librarian/support Librarian Acquittal Chief Apothecary and models equipped with a bolt pistol/absolver bolt pistol only Description: Replace weapon with the following: Range: 18"; Type: Pistol 1; STR 5; AP - 3; D 2; Abilities: Each time an attack is made against an Infantry unit, the attack always wounds on an unmodified 2+ and has a Damage characteristic of 4 Combo: Primaris Apothecary Better weapon for those without another option... Blade of Triumph Company Champion and models with a master-crafted power sword only Description: Replace weapon with the following: Range: Melee; Type: Melee; STR +3; AP -3; D 3 Combo: Champion on Bike, Champion with jump pack, Imperium's Sword Warlord Trait An Champion which is going to be stuck in can benefit from this. Has the potential to be a low-threat Assassin if used correctly. Edited February 26, 2022 by Jolemai Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted January 15, 2022 Author Share Posted January 15, 2022 (edited) Chapter Relics Bellicos Bolt RifleModel with master-crafted auto bolt rifle only Description: Replace weapon with the following: Range: 24"; Type: Assault 4; STR 5; AP -1; D 2 Combo: Primaris Captain, Primaris Lieutenant Arguably better in smaller games when that extra punch from the ranged weapon is more noticeable, and of course, better on a mid-ranged character that is supporting advancing (core) units. AP is -2 during the Tactical Doctrine Benediction of Fury Chaplain only (excluding Chaplain Venerable Dreadnoughts) Description: Replace Crozius Arcanum with the following: Range: Melee; Type: Melee; STR +2; AP - 2; D 3; Abilities: Each time an attack is made with this weapon, every unmodified roll of 6 to wound inflicts an additional mortal to wound on the target Combo: Jump pack, Chaplain on bike, Primaris Chaplain on bike Worthy addition to any Chaplain getting into melee (and when you don't want/can't have a power fist) Ghostweave Cloak Phobos model with camo cloak only Description: It can move across models as if they weren't there when making a Normal Move, Advance, or Fall Back. Also, each time an attack is made against the bearer, subtract 1 from the to hit roll. Combo: Captain in Phobos Armour, Librarian in Phobos Armour Really useful for a Librarian with Null Zone enabling it to get where it wants and be a bit more survivable Lament Model equipped with a master-crafted stalker bolt rifle only Description: Replace weapon with the following: Range: 36"; Type: Heavy 1; STR 5; AP - 2; D 3; Abilities: Each time an attack is made with this weapon, if it successfully wounds the target a further 1 mortal wound is inflicted Combo: Primaris Captain, Primaris Lieutenant Arguably better in smaller games when that extra punch from the ranged weapon is more noticeable, and of course, better on a long-ranged/backfield character that is supporting stationary (core) units. AP is -3 during the Devastator Doctrine Primarch's Wrath Model equipped with a boltgun / master-crafter boltgun / special issue bolt carbine only Description: Replace weapon with the following: Range: 24"; Type: Rapid Fire 2; STR 5; AP -2; D 2 Combo: Almost any Firstborn Character, Primaris Captain, Primaris Lieutenant It's essentially a stronger storm bolter, use it as such. Again, more noticeable the smaller the game and better on mid-range stuff. AP is -3 during the Tactical Doctrine Purgatorus Model equipped with a bolt pistol / heavy bolt pistol / master-crafted special issue bolt pistol / absolver bolt pistol only Description: Replace weapon with the following: Range: 18"; Type: Pistol 3; STR 5; AP -3; D 2 Combo: Almost any Character Especially useful for Primaris models which only have a pistol and no options to upgrade, and in smaller games where the extra power will be noticed more. Worth pointing out the AP increases to -4 during the Assault Doctrine Reliquary of Gathalamor Primaris model only Description: Bearer gains the ability Reliquary of Gathalamor (Aura): When an enemy Psyker is within 18", 1 is subtracted from any psychic tests and each time the test is failed, the unit suffers D3 mortal wounds on a roll of 4+ Combo: Any unit in Phobos Armour, Bladeguard Ancient, Judicar Useful for any Primaris Character that will be in close range of psychic-heavy armies (so meta dependent), and tandems very well with a Cullexus Assassin's Abomination ability Standard of the Emperor Ascendant Ancient model only Description: Add 3" to the bearer's Astartes Banner ability. Also, each time a morale test is taken for a friendly <Chapter> Core unit within range, you can re-roll that test Combo: Bladeguard Ancient, Company Ancient, Primaris Ancient, Terminator Ancient Out of sequence attacks are a bonus, but very useful (for example, targeting and weakening something which hasn't been activated yet) - so anything that boosts that is great. Better in smaller games/themed lists which don't use Sanguinary Ancients (as they prefer different Relics) Teeth of Terra Model equipped with a astartes chainsword only Description: Replace weapon with the following: Range: Melee; Type: Melee; STR +1; AP - 2; D 2; Abilities: Each time the bearer fights, it makes 3 additional attacks with this weapon Combo: Any model with an astartes chainword Better in smaller games where a Character is getting into assault. AP becomes -3 during the Assault Doctrine Tome of Malcador Librarian model only Description: The bearer knows one additional psychic power from any discipline it has access to Combo: Any Librarian, Spritual Might Has to be from the same discipline, so useful for any specific builds/redundancy - i.e two buffs/debuffs, an another witchfire to go with Smite. Very useful when used with the Spiritual Might stratagem The Armour Indomitus Description: Add 1 to the Wounds characteristic of the bearer. The bearer has a Save characteristic of 2+. Once per battle, before making a saving throw for the bearer, it can activate its armour’s force field. If it does, then until the end of the phase, the bearer has a 3++ Combo: Any character, Angel's Sacrifice Obvious Warlord choice or one which will see action. Alternatively, good for one which only has power armour (so a little wasted on Terminator and Artificier Armour characters). Popping the 3++ on the turn Angel's Sacrifice is used is a neat trick to enhance survivability of a unit The Burning Blade Model equipped with a power sword or master-crafted power sword only Description: Replace weapon with the following: Range: Melee; Type: Melee; STR +3; AP - 5; D 2 Combo: Most Firstborn characters, Primaris Captain Much stronger power weapon, so useful on characters with access to that and those which see combat (such as a Sanguinary Priest). Alternative to a Chapter Champion's Blade of Triumph should you be tight on points. Increases to AP -6 during the Assault Doctrine The Honour Vehement Description: The bearer has the following ability The Honour Vehement (Aura): While a friendly <Chapter> Core unit is within 6" of the bearer, each time that unit fights, until that fight is resolved, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of models in that unit. This is not cumulative with the additional attack granted by the Shock Assault ability Combo: Judicar, most Ancients Very defensive, useful for prolonged combats/tarpits (like certain VAS builds). So give to a character which enhances that characteristic The Shield Eternal Model with a storm shield, relic shield or combat shield only. Description: The bearer has a 4++, +1 to their armour saving throws, and a 5+++ Combo: Terminator Captain, Primaris Captain, Primaris Lieutenant, Angel's Sacrifice, Transhuman Physiology, Stalwart Anything you want to tank hits with really, just get it into position. The Vox Espiritum Primaris model only Description: Add 3" to the range of the bearer’s aura abilities (to a maximum of 9"). This does not increase the range of aura abilities that are psychic powers. Combo: Primaris Captain, Primaris Chaplain, Primaris Lieutenant 9" bubble isn't to be sniffed at, but especially useful with a Chaplain. Also works with various Warlord Traits. Edited March 4, 2022 by Jolemai Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted January 15, 2022 Author Share Posted January 15, 2022 (edited) Relics of the Angels Gallian's StaffModel with force stave only Description: Replace weapon with the following: Range: Melee; Type: Melee; STR +3; AP -2; D D3; Abilities: User gains the ability Gallian's Staff: each time this model takes a Psychic test to manifest a power from the Sanguinary discipline, add one to the result of that test Combo: Any Librarian, Spiritual Might, Chief Librarian, Psychic Mastery Better force stave hat's AP-3 during the Assault Doctrine. All Sanguinary Spells require a 5 which is useful, especially when casting a third spell (Spiritual Might) and stacks with Psychic Mastery (so a Chief Librarian using Sanguinary needs a 4 to cast) Hammer of Baal Model with thunder hammer only Description: Replace weapon with the following: Range: Melee; Type: Melee; STR x2; AP -3; D 3 Combo: Death Company Captain, Terminator Captain Thunder hammer without the drawbacks that's AP-4 in the Assault Doctrine. Icon of the Angel Description: The bearer gains the following ability Icon of the Angel (Aura): While a friendly Blood Angels unit is within 6" of this model, you can re-roll the charge rolls made for that unit Combo: Sanguinary Ancient, most support/jump pack characters Often seen with Sanguinary Ancients for the obvious reason, but this can be any unit which arrives from Reserve or those which start on the board. Best with combat units... Visage of Death Description: Each time a melee attack is made against this unit, subtract 1 from the to hit roll. The bearer gains the following ability Visage of Death (Aura): while a model is within 3" of this model, it loses any Objective Secured and any similar ability it has that enables it to control objective markers regardless of the number of enemy models within range of that marker Combo: Rites of War Any character which accompanies an Elites choice, all about the "objective flip" where you turn off their Objective Secured and thanks to Rites of War, take the objective for yourself. When used correctly, this is a game changer (although it can be agued many opponents have wizened up to it by now) Wrath of Baal Sanguinary Ancient model only Description: The bearer gains the following ability Wrath of Baal (Aura): while a friendly Blood Angels Jump Pack unit is within 6" of this model, each time it is selected to make a Normal Move, Advance, or Fall Back add 2" to that unit's Move characteristic until the end of the phase Combo: Starting the game on the board... Use something else to grant the charge re-rolls, this gives a blob jump units (i,e Sanguinary Guard) the same movement of a Bike unit which means they can hit home after a squad of Death Company (Forelorn Fury) alarmingly quickly... Edited March 2, 2022 by Jolemai Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted January 15, 2022 Author Share Posted January 15, 2022 (edited) Special Issue Wargear Adamantine MantleDescription: Bearer has a 5+++ Combo: Any Character Suitable for any Character, but especially useful on anything that lacks an invulnerable or during smaller games Archangel's Shard Model equipped with power sword or master-crafted power sword only Description: Replace weapon with the following: Range: Melee; Type: Melee; STR +2; AP -4; D 2; Abilities: Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model in a Chaos unit, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 3. Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model in a Chaos Monster unit, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 4 Combo: Almost any Firstborn Character, Primaris Captain, Company Champion Better power sword that almost always wounds on 2s with Red Thirst and is AP-5 during the Assault Doctrine. Decent when you know you'll be facing any flavour of Chaos and a budget weapon for a company Champion too. Artificer Armour Description: The bearer has a 2+ armour save and a 5++ Combo: Almost any Firstborn Character, Lieutenants, Sanguinary Priests Extra protection for a "smaller" Warlord or Character that sees use in smaller games Digital Weapons Description: Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack using the close-combat weapon profile. If that attack scores a hit, the target suffers 1 mortal wound and the attack sequence ends. Combo: Lieutenants, Characters/Sergeants that will see combat, Angel Ascendant Bonus damage, sees use in smaller games Fleshrender Grenades Model equipped with frag grenades only Description: Replace weapon with the following: Range: 6"; Type: Grenades D3; STR 5; AP -3; D 2; Abilites: Blast. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, the target does not receive the benefits of Light Cover against that attack. Combo: Angel Ascendant, any Character/Sergeant with a "basic" weapon AP-4 in the Devastator Doctrine, go to ranged weapon within 6" - so give to something that will use it Gleaming Pinions Jump Pack models only Description: The bearer is eligible to charge in a turn in which it elected to Fall Back, and you can re-roll and charge rolls that model Combo: Various Captain builds Certain Captain builds or any jump pack unit which is likely to be charged/counter-charged will benefit from this. So more of a support jump pack unit really Master-crated Weapon Description: When you give a model this Relic, select one weapon that model is equipped with (this cannot be a Relic or a weapon whose profile includes the word ‘master-crafted’). Add 1 to the Damage characteristic of that weapon. That weapon is considered to be a Chapter Relic Combo: Angel Ascendant, combi-weapons, Most Firstborn Characters, Gravis Captain Whilst combat weapons appear to be the go-to choices for this, combi-weapons, weapons with a large number of shots, and even an inferno pistol can benefit to become really nasty - especially in their "preferred" Doctrine. Interestingly, a Gravis Captain's boltstorm gauntlet will make use of both profiles too Quake Bolts Description: When you give a model this Relic, select one bolt weapon that model is equipped with. When that model is chosen to shoot with, you can choose for that weapon to fire a quake bolt. If you do, you can only make one attack with that weapon, but if a hit is scored, the target unit is felled until the end of the turn in addition to any normal damage. Each time a melee attack is made against a unit that is felled, add 1 to that attacks hit roll. Combo: Angel Ascendant, supporting Sergeants (i.e Eliminators) All about softening up a unit prior to a charge. Whilst the assaulting unit's Sergeant looks like a good choice, this can see it lost/neutered, so put it on a supporting squad that can keep fire in additional turns (such as an Eliminator Sergeant) - conversely, on certain VAS builds (i.e tarpits) the Sergeant can make use of it to ensure +1 to hit in the subsequent round of melee. Doesn't stack with an Armorium Cherub Edited March 4, 2022 by Jolemai Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karhedron Posted March 2, 2022 Share Posted March 2, 2022 My favourite place for Quake bolts is on the Eliminator Sergeant. As well as nice long range, he also has BS2+ meaning he can make the most of those shots. Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paladin777 Posted March 2, 2022 Share Posted March 2, 2022 Master crafted seems especially nice on a gravis captain, allowing you a rare opportunity to double dip phases with the damage with his Boltstorm Gauntlet. D3 in melee and D2 shooting sounds pretty nice to me. I agree with the quake bolts on the eliminator sergeant too. Karhedron and Jolemai 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karhedron Posted March 2, 2022 Share Posted March 2, 2022 Master crafted seems especially nice on a gravis captain, allowing you a rare opportunity to double dip phases with the damage with his Boltstorm Gauntlet. D3 in melee and D2 shooting sounds pretty nice to me. And the Gravis Captain is tanky enough that he does not really need any of the armour relics which frees those up for squishier characters like the Sanguinary Priest. Paladin777 and Jolemai 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted March 2, 2022 Author Share Posted March 2, 2022 Cheers for the input folks, will add them in :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paladin777 Posted March 4, 2022 Share Posted March 4, 2022 (edited) Armor Indomitus combos well with Angel's Sacrifice. Pop the 3++ on the same turn and soak up some serious firepower. Putting quake bolts on a VV sergeant with a bolt pistol allows them to get their +1 to hit the rounds after charging/charged, which is something the eliminator sergeant can't do. Edited March 4, 2022 by Paladin777 Majkhel, FormelyKnownAsSmashyPants and Jolemai 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted March 4, 2022 Author Share Posted March 4, 2022 Noted! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paladin777 Posted March 6, 2022 Share Posted March 6, 2022 It seems to me like a company champion would make especially good use out of the Shield Eternal. He gets an increase to his invulnerable save (because of him only having a combat shield) in addition to its other benefits, where most other candidates already have storm shields. This combo is probably just for fun games and won't likely work very well in the tourney scene, but Gallian Staff plus psychic mastery probably gives enough reliability for the sorcerer (with a jump pack) to keep up with forlorn fury JP DC. Unleash Rage would be nice on the first turn. Karhedron 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karhedron Posted March 6, 2022 Share Posted March 6, 2022 It seems to me like a company champion would make especially good use out of the Shield Eternal. He gets an increase to his invulnerable save (because of him only having a combat shield) in addition to its other benefits, where most other candidates already have storm shields. I like the Company Champion idea, I just wish we could give this guy a Jump Pack. He needs a pod or Transport and most of the guys I want him accompanying are flying. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted March 6, 2022 Author Share Posted March 6, 2022 (edited) You can through Legends (which is legal). Same as a bike. Edited March 6, 2022 by Jolemai Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paladin777 Posted April 30, 2022 Share Posted April 30, 2022 (edited) Master crafted seems especially nice on a gravis captain, allowing you a rare opportunity to double dip phases with the damage with his Boltstorm Gauntlet. D3 in melee and D2 shooting sounds pretty nice to me.And the Gravis Captain is tanky enough that he does not really need any of the armour relics which frees those up for squishier characters like the Sanguinary Priest.With Armor of Contempt, it's even more tempting to give this guy a 2+ relic armor now, just saying!---- Gleaming Pinions would probably be great on a DC captain with a heavy hitting melee weapon like a TH. You should probably combo with Sword of the Imperium for best result. It would also prevent such a unit from ever being tar-pitted. 7 TH attacks (8 in assault doctrine) on the charge is nothing to sneeze at, though it's admittedly nowhere near as potent as it used to be. Regular captain with a MC relic blade and SotI would make good use of it too. Edited April 30, 2022 by Paladin777 Jolemai and Karhedron 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FormelyKnownAsSmashyPants Posted May 1, 2022 Share Posted May 1, 2022 (edited) Worth pointing out that Special Issue Wargear only can be taken once. Annoyingly, this means that if you’re taking a Blood Angels detachment and a detachment from another chapter, whether that DA, SW, Salamanders or whoever, the you can’t have a Blood Angel with a Master Crafted Weapon or Artificier Armour, and a character from whatever your second detachment is made of with the same wargear. Kinda stoopid, but it is what it is. Edited May 1, 2022 by Captain Smashy Pants Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FormelyKnownAsSmashyPants Posted May 1, 2022 Share Posted May 1, 2022 Armor Indomitus combos well with Angel's Sacrifice. Pop the 3++ on the same turn and soak up some serious firepower. Putting quake bolts on a VV sergeant with a bolt pistol allows them to get their +1 to hit the rounds after charging/charged, which is something the eliminator sergeant can't do. I’ve plans for a VV squad with Quake Bolts on the Sgt and hammers on everyone so that they mitigate the -1 to hit. Karhedron 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted May 5, 2022 Author Share Posted May 5, 2022 For those not taking Dante and wanting a Chapter Master (especially if the mooted CP change comes into effect - see Warlord Traits), Angel Artifice is starting to look very useful post Armour of Contempt. Definitely worth revisiting as the game moves forward imo. Paladin777 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karhedron Posted May 5, 2022 Share Posted May 5, 2022 (edited) To my mind, Angel Artifice works best on a platform that already has T5 such as a bike or Gravis Armour. Given the amount of S5 power swords and MCPSs around at the moment, the jump from T5 to T6 looks like it provides a significant buff. My main concerns is the 40 point Chapter Master tax (if it is fair to call it that). I think if you are getting a CM, you need to build around that ability with a heavy hitting unit or two that will really benefit from full rerolls. Edited May 5, 2022 by Karhedron Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paladin777 Posted May 5, 2022 Share Posted May 5, 2022 (edited) When I eventually get my gravis captain to the tabletop he's probably going to babysit some eradicators. That's certainly a worthy target for full rerolls! Alternatively, he might babysit aggressors if I'm facing a horde or some sort. On such a model (T5, 3+ save, which means I'm lumping biker captains in with this) I think that the Angel Artifice is an auto-include. Edited May 5, 2022 by Paladin777 Karhedron 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted June 27, 2022 Author Share Posted June 27, 2022 So with Nephilim missions/games having less CP available to make lists and seeing as there be no freebie Relics, what makes the cut going forward? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
keeblerartillery Posted June 27, 2022 Share Posted June 27, 2022 (edited) First blush is that Dante is almost auto-include. Especially since you can make him your warlord without taking his trait - so you get a free CP and a chapter master. I think things like selfless healer and rites of war are invaluable now - as well as a relic like wrath of Baal. Astorath with a built in D3 weapon that he can natively buff to D4 is also quite tasty now. Edited June 27, 2022 by keeblerartillery Karhedron 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karhedron Posted June 27, 2022 Share Posted June 27, 2022 Yup, Selfless Healer is still valuable if you are running a Priest/Apothecary. Armour Indomintus is also valuable for any squishy Characters like Priests or Librarians. I think my Captain will make do with a Relic Blade and Inferno Pistol as these allow him to hit decently hard without using up a valuable CP. WLTs are going to be something you have to think carefully about taking for a particular job rather then loading up on them by default. I can see Rites of War still having a place for handing out ObjSec to out elite melee units. Gift of Foresight maybe on a Biker Smash Chaplain. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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