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Militarum Tempestus 54th Psian Jakals - "Hell Rain" Charlie Platoon


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With an all or mostly scions force, these guys may not be fantastic but at least they add 30 more dudes that are storm troopers since the reinforcements nerf which will keep you on the field longer. Now if you count the kasrkin as storm trooper types(as i do) you can have 135 guys on the field with 105 of them deep striking. Starting to catch up with line guard in numbers. 

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I have been thinking about it but the armor is too different. I do like the weapon load outs though. 


Sorta went on spending spree of sorts yesterday...I WAS LEFT UNATTENDED TO LONG....


Purchased an old 6th Edition Militarum Tempestus Codex




Then started hunting down bits for upcoming Taurox Prime Conversions and Tauros Venator Conversions




Spotlights x5 (3 Taurox Primes & 2 Tauros Venator)




2 HKs for Tauros Venator




alternative spotlight/ Smoke Launchers for Tauros Venator




Multilasers for Tauros Venators if I decide to not take lascannons




Another squad of Aquilons




Another box of Scions


And a bunch of 28.5mm bases since I am gonna update the Scions from 25mm to 28.5mm bases


Plus some stuff from Etsy :devil:


And as I was trying to do a quick tidy of my hobby desk, I realized I only have 35 of my 40 Scions built, so I have to build 5 more. With the 5 I ordered last night, and picking up another box Thursday at LGS, That is 50 Scions but 6 are going to Valkyrie #2 as gunners, and 4 for Venator crew, so 44 Scions and 4 of those will probably be Vox operators alternatives. So 40 Scions...for now 









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While fiancé had an appointment with one of the younger kids, I watched the other ones and we built models (Aquilons, Eldar, Necrons and Blood Angels).  Then we had dinner and after I finished building my squad 




Basing left to do. But before that I do that I need to finish my objective counters and base them too. 

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While do some online training last night for 2nd job I managed to knock out this 




objective counters from kill team and necromunda boxes. Need to do bases and then attach them and camo tarps.


containers and Nuke are for future scenario games 


also since I have 2 Aquilons with bare heads I knocked those out too



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Got some work done on my bases 




made the mistake of asking my regular opponent @The_Oni_of_Hindsight should I add barb wire or sand bags … he responded yes .  My mental response was :cuss:




after adding barb wire and sandbags followed up with some busted wood and more bricks 


I did start aquiline based too





and the 28.5 mm based arrived for the scions so I started those bases too 



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1 hour ago, WAR said:

Got some work done on my bases 




made the mistake of asking my regular opponent @The_Oni_of_Hindsight should I add barb wire or sand bags … he responded yes .  My mental response was :cuss:




after adding barb wire and sandbags followed up with some busted wood and more bricks 


I did start aquiline based too





and the 28.5 mm based arrived for the scions so I started those bases too 



Why the bigger bases? Did I miss a base change?
P.S Victoria miniatures still has a wheeled taurox kit, physical and stl

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2 hours ago, Silas7 said:

Why the bigger bases? Did I miss a base change?
P.S Victoria miniatures still has a wheeled taurox kit, physical and stl

The aquilons are on 28.5mm bases as standard. The scions take up so much of the 25mm base and makes it feel cramped and I believe GW will increase their base size in the future.


I wanted a 6 wheel as I feel the 4 wheel kit looks off. Also don’t have a 3D printer so stl would have be sent to a non 40K playing friend to do my prints. 

Edited by WAR
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