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I'm starting this to help keep me motivated throughout the year, in addition to show off what I've been working on. I hope to accumulate a full 3rd company eventually, though some of what I post here will be first Campany.
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Captain Antargo, though he really needs to swap out his plasma pistol! I'll do that when my magnets come.

458CFAF2 E828 4DDB BE83 9EB4E7BFD2B8


His lieutenants, (though the one with the claws can be used as a captain sometimes).

E7991456 C036 4669 8151 479D987D26E8


Squad 14

569A0C63 1E07 4A8B BD91 C30D2B01CFAD


Squad 13

08BF682E 4A04 4DF8 939B ED660EF3BBB1


Squad 4 (which I finished painting this month).

46A2F438 86E5 402D B54D B6FA47258429

Edited by Paladin777

Squad three (five more intercessors) is done, and with that I'm on track for the 12 month's of hobby! Next up to be finished in March is a squad of three eradicators! My wife got me that kit for Christmas.


E61A09FD A5BC 4EB9 82AC 5A04C3E6D2A3

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Three Eradicators of squad 6!


A9CB3BF0 A3EE 4509 87EE FB33D0A99A8A

0CF4CB8E 282D 44AF 8603 684D49890F66


When I was putting them together I didn't realize the sergeant hand with the pistol was augmetic, but I think it came out ok anyway!


And with that my March entry of 12 Month's of Hobby is complete and submitted!

Edited by Paladin777
  • 2 weeks later...
This isn't really related to my company (though FWIW my 3 attack bikes are coming along nicely), but it is related to the hobby. I got a bunch of hobby supplies from my wife for my birthday! I got a magnifying glass stand with an LED ring on the underside, a kit of general tools ( didn't need the clippers that came in it, but the rest of the stuff will be very useful as everything else I either didn't have, or needed new ones), a handle for the minis (it comes with 6 magnetic discs that you can sticky tac an entire squad on so you're not constantly fiddling with the mini's), and a paint stand (my paints are horribly disorganized)! Edited by Paladin777

Great start, I do love to see some BA! The basing looks good, the sand looks really desert-y the faded yellow tones are a lot more believable than the sands my local hobby stores stock. It contrasts really well with the armour of the BA.


The burnt metal on the Multimelta Eradicator looks great, my own efforts never turn out so well! Unfortunately for some reason I can't zoom in on the pictures, I have a new pad, which is a shame because I really wanted a closer look at your Captain.


Great work so far, and keep it up!

Thank you for your kind words!


The 'sand' (Armageddon dunes Technical paint) I use is actually darker than that too. I dry brush Tyrant Skull over it to lighten it up and add color texture. I got the recipe from then Citadel color app so I can only take limited credit.

  • 3 weeks later...

For my April submission of 12 months of hobby, I am proud to present the three attack bikes of Company 3; Squad 7!


9AA4F3B3 C626 423D B63A 9F9DA6FE3114


3A3B51EE FAD6 4D5C 93E5 AC37DEBE608C


421AE033 08C4 4594 B2E9 2774B37FA398


Next up: 5 Tartaros Terminators!

Edited by Paladin777
I applaud the patience for painting the little lightning bolts. They look good, but I can never do them well, at least not on the kneepads. I keep my lightning on the front wheel mounting, I can't do them that small with my tired old peepers. Looking forward to some termies!

I applaud the patience for painting the little lightning bolts. They look good, but I can never do them well, at least not on the kneepads. I keep my lightning on the front wheel mounting, I can't do them that small with my tired old peepers. Looking forward to some termies!

My wife got me a large lit hobby magnifying glass for my birthday! It works great!

  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I intended for this to be my May entry for the 12 Days of Hobby, but I kinda jumped the gun and got them done a bit early!


And yeah, it's definitely not Third Company too... but I had a good time painting them and can't wait to see them on the tabletop!


B1FD7CB8 CB26 49FD 82AD 74D201720A95



2F58F862 EACB 48D1 8096 1D46CDA6648F

AEED8A7B 2C3F 4AF2 A62A A81D29794EE1

F09CCFFD DE52 4F8F A845 18187D37A78A

D2820C80 2837 4E26 AABF 9605C8A03FAA

16A60320 45A5 4CA8 AD3C 1095C28BAD96

Edited by Paladin777

I just found out that incursers are considered close support today, so my 3rd company roster is now a bit out of whack


I can help wondering what my last two squads should be. They're supposed to be battle line squads.


This is the roster so far. One check means I own it, two checks means they're complete and painted.


If anyone has any other suggestions, I'm certainly open to hearing them.



Squad 1 (battle line) tactical squad x5

Squad 2 (battle line)tactical squad x5

Squad 3 (battle line)intercessors x5

Squad 4 (battle line)intercessors x5

Squad 5 (fire support) eradicators x3

Squad 6 (fire support) Aggressors x 6

Squad 7 (close support) Attack Bikes x3

Squad 8 (close support) bolter inceptors x6

Squad 9 (battle line)infiltrators x5

Squad 10 (battle line)infiltrators x5

Squad 11 (battle line)heavy intercessorsx 5

Squad 12 (battle line)heavy intercessors x5

Squad 13 (battle line)intercessors x5

Squad 14 (battle line)intercessors x5

Squad 15 (fire support) eliminators x3

Squad 16 (fire support) eliminators x3

Squad 17 (close support) plasma inceptors x6

Squad 18 (close support) incursers x10

Squad 19 (battle line)

Squad 20(battle line)

Edited by Paladin777
  • 1 month later...

Yay! The site's back up!!! I've got another model for the 3rd company to share, and it's a real chonky boy! I present my Captain in Gravis Armor!

In other news, my wife (who has been getting more involved in my hobbying lately) said that I should paint something green, to which I said that I don't have a green army!

suffice to say that when your wife tells you to buy a new army so you can paint it green, you say "yes dear!" So the rest of the months of the year will be split evenly between my third company and filthy xenos (Biel Tan craftworld Aeldari), but I absolutely still intend to carry on with the twelve months of hobby, you guys will only see half of the progress here.



  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
On 10/26/2022 at 3:21 AM, Xenith said:

Oh yea, I just mean technically - it can be difficult colour matching between flat paint on a plastic surface and paint drybrushed over texture, so good work still! 

Thanks. I appreciate the compliment. 

I just finished a trio of windriders for my November project, and I think I'm gonna paint a regular dreadnaught for December. I've got two in primer, and I figure the holidays are going to cut into my hobby time, so doing a single model is probably for the best. It's also needed to complete the Demi-company!

Edited by Paladin777
  • 3 weeks later...

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