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Paladin777's Third Company


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Thanks, and I couldn't agree more on the 12M challenge!


It's the first time I've tried free handing the BA insignia. I'm pretty happy with how it came out, but I think it kinda looks like the Avatar's head! 


After the holidays I'm gonna place out everything I've painted last year by month and post a picture!

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A little late, but here's everything I painted last year!

Each month's project is on a different tile on the table. Jan-June is in the front row left-right, and July-December is in the back row. 



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-whoopsi I wanted to comment on the dread and didnt notice, that there is a second page already-


That's a nice fella! I really like your green lens effect. Although I would have painted the lascannon nossleguard or however you would call it in a different color than the rest of the barrel. I think that would draw the attention to the gun and that's something good, isn't it? 

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On 1/28/2023 at 5:31 PM, Paladin777 said:

A little late, but here's everything I painted last year!

Each month's project is on a different tile on the table. Jan-June is in the front row left-right, and July-December is in the back row. 




Looking good! Don't forget to cross post it here:



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And now I'm pleased to announce Squad 20, consisting of 5 heavy intercessors!


These are the first minis I've ever painted with the aid of a wet palette, and also the first time I've thinned my paints! XD


While I think my painting was decent before, thinning makes such a remarkable difference that I truly lament not starting to do so earlier. Unfortunately, there were no online tutorials when I started in this hobby...



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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/25/2023 at 10:08 AM, Paladin777 said:

@JolemaiJust posted to the showcase! Thanks for the reminder.


I'd also like to present Third Company's Squad 18: five assault intercessors!



How do you get the yellow so smooth on their helms? I always struggle getting the yellow helms smooth :(



That bare head/face is pure love!


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5 hours ago, Jolemai said:

Was the combi and easy conversion?

Pretty easy. The weapon is from the chaos terminator lord kit. I filed/shaved off all the chaos iconography. It was in the wrong hand, so I clipped/shaved/files off the hand and did the same to the gun on a bolt-inceptor's left hand, then put it all together! Overall, I'm really happy with how it came out. 

@Eilio Tiberiusmultiple passes with a relatively thin paint. This was before I started thinning my paints (the first squad of Heavy Intercessors is the first I thinned paints deliberately), but I've always found Averland Sunset to be a naturally thin paint anyway. 

in regards to the bare head: thanks! That was the first face I've ever done that I was actually happy with!

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Again, not a part of my Third Company, but it is a part of my Call to Arms pledge. I'm proud to present my completed Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack! 





I will be continuing with my Third Company next month with an ironclad dreadnaught!


I know that GW is discontinuing them, but it's gonna be the last piece to complete in order to have a full Demi-company, and GW can't take that away from me! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Regarding Your RTT: what is points limit of a list?

Maybe (highly maybe) try using null vehicle list? After Balance Datasheet devastating wounds won't spill over the unit so it can somewhat neglect enemies AT firepower

Bear in mind it is just theory with no real life backing ;)

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2000 points. The problem with me trying a completely null-vehicle list is that I would have nothing higher than Str 8 in the entire list as my the anti-tank as my collection is largely tailored to 9th: fists, hammers, and melta!


if I had things like lascannon devs I'd be pretty inclined to consider it. However, with the way firstborn have been going, I'm not going to buy anymore FB kits.

Hard targets with lots of shots like repulsors and knights would eat me with impunity. 

FWIW I'm intending on taking the Gladius detachment. 

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OK, so maybe not null-vehicle but null-vehicle-deployment?

You mentioned inclusion of Ironclad Dreadnought- that sounds as really solid anti-tank (I've tried reserving DC dred and Furioso and they both worked really nice)

Land Raider also adds quite a lot (4 lascannon shots) but I think that he shouldn't be lonely ;)

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Yeah, either 3 attacks at S14/AP-3/D d6+2 or 5attacks at S12/AP2/D3 with +1 to hit and wound against monsters and vehicles is pretty nasty. 

I've also got the two boxnaughts with lascannons. It's not a ton, but they just came down in points, and handing out Reroll 1's to nearby infantry is a nice bonus. 

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3 Dreadnoughts (two of which ugrade shooting of nearby infantry) and Land Raider gives solid shooting and all of Your infantry can be T5+ (terminators would be the weakest element if rest of army is made of Heavy Intercessors, Agressors and Inceptors)

This can give headache to light firepower of enemy

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That sounds like a great plan, and one I'd certainly like to try running in the future as I love chonky bois!

Thing is, of the list of units you've mentioned I've only got 3 inceptors, 10 heavy intercessors, the dreadnaughts, and 5 terminators ready to go and at my painting pace I have only enough time to add either one squad (2 if I went with 2x3 more inceptors or aggressors), or maybe the land raider. 

for what it's worth, I've also got a librarian dreadnaught that I could paint up for yeeting squads across the board for secondaries and far-flung objectives. That might be useful!

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