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If you feel confident to finish it in time, I would say go for the land raider. It gives you some anti-tank capabilities and is a tough nut to crack. Also a good spot to hide your termis if you want to start them on the board. 

Ok. I'll take a look at the Land Raider tonight and consider it. 

if I don't think I'm up to the challenge, I'm kinda thinking the VVets. 5 with a SPriest has dropped 45 points!

@Khorneeq here's my full asset list. 

Blood angels painted asset list




Terminator captain 95

Terminator librarian 90

Gravis captain 80

Jump librarian 75

Jump sanguinary priest 90

Jump captain x3 (two were lieutenants in 8th/9th) 100 points each

Firstborn lieutenant (kinda pointless now...)


5 Death Company (1w TH, 1w Psword/BP, 3w cs/BP) 115

5 Sanguinary Guard 175 (really 8, but that's not very useful anymore!)

5x Relic terminators 200

3 bolter inceptors 115


4x5 intercessors 85 each

2x5 heavy intercessors 105

5x assault intercessors 80


2 dreadnaughts w TLLC/DCCW 135 each

1 ironclad 150 (magnetized)


3 eradicators 95

3 MM attack bikes 55 each

3 eliminators 75

Edited by Paladin777

I looked at the land raider last night. I do not feel confident at all about being able to finish it before the end of the month. 

I feel like the inceptors would be the better pick, but as a blood angels player I am also feel like I need to do either Vanguard veterans or Assault Squad (leaning toward VVets because they're already assembled and primed and the Assault Squad is still on sprue!) because I should have at least one unit of jump pack assault troops!


tentative army list coming soon.

Edited by Paladin777

1955 points x(


Gravis captain w BDiscipline: Pfist, boltstorm gauntlet, relic blade (with H Ints)


Jump sanguinary priest (honor vehement~(with VV's)


Terminator Liberian w combi-weapon, AptC~ (with relic termies)


10 Heavy intercessors (2 with H bolters)


5 intercessors (1 with grenade launcher, sergeant had Psword and bolt pistol because WYSIWYG)


5 intercessors (1 with grenade launcher, sergeant had Psword and bolt pistol because WYSIWYG)


5 assault intercessors (sergeant has fist and HBP because WYSIWYG)


3 bolter inceptors (surgical strike unit)


3 eradicators (1 w MM, probably in reserves)


3 eliminators~(do sniper things with 3 bolt sniper rifles)


5 relic terminators (3pfist/CB, 1 CF/RAC, sergeant CF/PB/GH, likely candidate for rapid ingress)


1x3 MM attack bikes 


dreadnaught w TLLC/DCCW

dreadnaught w TLLC/DCCW


Ironclad, likely w seismic hammer and DCCW (and 2 Hflamers)


5 VV's (3 w SS and 2w IP) not painted yet, so I could go up to all storm shields if that's recommended.


I've also still got 45 points to play with, and I'm very willing to drop the Honor Vehement on the priest as well as Adept of the Codex from the librarian (though a little less so) for 80 points. 


The problem is that I've got nothing else to slot into those points. Everything else is more. I'm also willing to drop a unit of regular intercessors for 165 points left, but that's not enough for a unit of Sangaurd, and my DC hit like a wet noodle with the way they're armed. 


Suggestions are very welcome!


Edit: I guess I could drop an attack bike and add a jump captain to the VVets, but 295 points is a lot for 7 T4 models. That said, Honor the Chapter is a Battle Tactics strategem... 31 attack at S6, -3AP (-4 on the captain), with Lethal hits and Lance on the charge is nothing to scoff at!


Edit 2: I just noticed that a jump Captain with a power fist/thunder hammer and Honor Vehement has 7 attacks at Str 11 on the charge when in the assault doctrine... holy smoke! Throw in a SPriest and Honor the Chapter for AP-4 and Lance for good measure and Chapter Master Slamguinius might not be completely dead after all! XD

Edited by Paladin777

So not much different than the list above, but I think this might be the finalized list I'm gonna bring to the RTT at the end of the month. That said, suggestions are still welcome, as are well-wishes! XD


I've also got a Jump captain with twin lightning claws and another with a TH and Plasma Pistol, if anyone thinks that's better than the RB and IP. 


I haven't painted the VV's yet, so I could ditch the Inferno Pistols for Storm shields, if anyone thinks that's also a good idea. Im starting to paint them tomorrow, then it'll be set in stone.


The Ironclad arms are magnetized, so all 4 options are available, though all arms with an underslung gun have Heavy Flamers. I think the loadout below is the most balanced, but I'm willing to hear other opinions. 


anyway, onto the list. 

2000 points Gladius Strike Force



1x Captain in Gravis Armor with Bolter Discipline, Power Fist, Boltstorm Gauntlet, and Relic Blade


1x Captain with Jump Pack (his 'lieutenant'), Honor Vehement, Relic Blade, Inferno Pistol, and Bolt Pistol


 1x Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack, Chainsword, and Bolt Pistol


1x Terminator Liberian with Adept of the Codex, Force Weapon, Combi-Weapon



7x Heavy intercessors with Heavy Bolt Rifle Bolt Pistol, and Close Combat Weapon

2x Heavy Intercessors with Heavy Bolter Bolt Pistol, and Close Combat Weapon

1x Heavy Intercessor Sergeant with Heavy Bolt Rifle Bolt Pistol, and Close Combat Weapon


3x Intercessors with bolt pistol, Bolt Rifle, and Close Combat Weapon

1x Intercessor with bolt pistol, Bolt Rifle, and Astartes grenade launcher

1x Intercessor sergeant with Power Sword, bolt pistol, and Bolt Rifle


3x Intercessors with bolt pistol, Bolt Rifle, and Close Combat Weapon

1x Intercessor with bolt pistol, Bolt Rifle, Astartes grenade launcher, and Close Combat Weapon

1x Intercessor sergeant with Power Sword, bolt pistol, Bolt Rifle, and Close Combat Weapon


4x assault intercessors with chainsword, and Heavy Bolt Pistol

1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant with power fist and Heavy Bolt Pistol


1x Eradicator with Bolt Pistol, Melta Rifle, and Close Combat Weapon

1x Eradicator with Bolt Pistol, Multi-Melta, and Close Combat Weapon

1x Eradicator Sergeant with Bolt Pistol, Melta Rifle, and Close Combat Weapon


2x eliminators with Bolt Sniper Rifle, bolt pistol, and Close Combat Weapon

1x Eliminator Sergeant with Bolt Sniper Rifle, bolt pistol, and Close Combat Weapon


3x Relic Terminators with Power Fist and Combi-bolter

1x Relic Terminator with Chainfist and Reaper Auto Cannon

1x Relic Terminator Sergeant with Chainfist, Plasma Blaster, and Grenade Harness

Jump Infantry

3x Vanguard Veterans with Heirloom Weapons and Storm Shield

1x Vanguard Veteran with Heirloom Weapons and Inferno Pistol

1x Vanguard Veteran Sergeant with Heirloom Weapons and Inferno Pistol


2x Inceptors with Assault Bolters, and Close Combat Weapon

1x Inceptor Sergeant with Assault Bolters, and Close Combat Weapon


1x Attack Bike with Twin Boltgun, Bolt Pistol, Multi-Melta, and Close Combat Weapon


1x Attack Bike with Twin Boltgun, Bolt Pistol, Multi-Melta, and Close Combat Weapon


1x Dreadnaught with Twin-Linked Lascannon, Dreadnaught Combat Weapon, and Storm Bolter


1x Dreadnaught with Twin-Linked Lascannon, Dreadnaught Combat Weapon, and Storm Bolter


1x Ironclad Dreadnaught with Seismic Hammer, Dreadnaught Combat Weapon, and 2 Heavy Flamers

Edited by Paladin777

Adept of the Codex is limited for Captain models only, this needs to be changed
I like Artificer Armour for librarian as it gives him FnP, which may be useful against Hazardous Smite

Ironclad Dreadnought may benefit more from Hurricane Bolters as his CCW don't get Extra Attacks

As for the rest it looks good so I hope You will do well at RTT

Be sure to bring the Battle Report afterwards

If I change out the hurricane bolter I'd lose out on the CCW's 5 attack profile as well as a heavy flamer. Is that worth it?


in which case do you think the more generalist profile (as compared to the seismic hammer) of the chainfist would be better with 4 attacks vs 3?


I also didn't notice the AotC Captain requirement. Thanks. That really limits its usefulness...


The Artificer Armor does seem nice on a librarian. It's a shame that the 2+ is wasted though. 

oh well. I don't have anything else to spend the 20 points on!

Edited by Paladin777

For me Hurricane Bolter is better than Heavy Flamer because at range of Flamer it gets 12 shots (because of Rapid Fire) and can fire even further so can make some chip damage at range over 12"


Decision on CCW type should be dependant on targets that You want to throw Ironcald at

Sadly Ironclad's special rule don't stack with Chainfists Anti-Vehicle rule (it wounds on unmodified 3+ so no additional bonus against Vehicles) :down:

Again only my opinon: I would go for Seismic Hammer as You probably want Dreadnought to deal with tough, multiwound enemies (Vehicles are ideal :biggrin:) and minimal Damage output for Hammer is the same as for other CC weapons (and it go up to 8 Dmg per attack) with addition of better Strength and AP


If You are afraid of getting tarpitted with chaff units Hurricane may help because Dreads can fire even in combat

  • 2 weeks later...

Another entry that isn't 3rd Company, but here are the 5 VanVets I finished only 4 hours before the event! IMG_8216.thumb.jpeg.1aba7e357e70cb1400daaebd40d45b0f.jpeg



Here's a copy-paste of what I posted to BA today on how the event went, for anyone who was interested.



Played my first RTT today!!!!


Went 1-2, but had an absolute BLAST!


here's the list. Most things functioned pretty well as expected, but the standout units were my dreadnaughts, which 2/3 survived in all three games, and my Heavy Intercessors. 

the sanguinary guard were a dud unit. I dropped 2 squads of regular intercessors for them, and I regret it. 

The VanVets and eradicators were also quite solid. I'd definitely run them again!


  Reveal hidden contents

++ Army Roster (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Blood Angels) [1,995pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size: 2. Strike Force (2000 Point limit)

Detachment: Gladius Task Force

+ Character [410pts] +

Captain in Gravis Armour [105pts]: Bolter Discipline [25pts]
. Boltstorm Gauntlet, Powerfist, and Relic weapon Blade: Boltstorm Gauntlet, Power Fist, Relic Blade

Captain with Jump Pack [115pts]: Bolt Pistol, Inferno Pistol, Power Fist, The Honour Vehement [15pts], Warlord

Librarian in Terminator Armour [100pts]: Artificer Armour [10pts], Force Weapon, Smite

Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack [90pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Bolt Pistol

+ Battleline [290pts] +

Assault Intercessor Squad [80pts]
. Assault Intercessor Sergeant: Heavy Bolt Pistol, Power Fist
. 4x Assault Intercessors: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Heavy Bolt Pistol

Heavy intercessor Squad [210pts]
. Heavy Intercessor Sergeant
. . Heavy Bolt Rifle: Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon
. Heavy Intercessor w/Heavy Bolter: Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Heavy Bolter
. Heavy Intercessor w/Heavy Bolter: Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Heavy Bolter
. 7x Heavy Intercessors: 7x Bolt Pistol, 7x Close Combat Weapon, 7x Heavy Bolt Rifle

+ Infantry [765pts] +

Eliminator Squad [75pts]
. 2x Eliminator: 2x Bolt Pistol, 2x Bolt Sniper Rifle, 2x Close Combat Weapon
. Eliminator Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Bolt Sniper Rifle, Close Combat Weapon

Eradicator Squad [95pts]
. Eradicator: Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Melta Rifle
. Eradicator Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Melta Rifle
. Eradicator with Multi-melta: Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Multi-melta

Inceptor Squad [115pts]: Assault Bolters
. 2x Inceptor: 2x Close Combat Weapon
. Inceptor Sergeant: Close Combat Weapon

Relic Terminator Squad [200pts]: Grenade Harness
. Relic Terminator Sergeant: Chainfist, Plasma Blaster
. Relic Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon: Chainfist, Reaper Autocannon
. 3x Relic Terminator w/ Power Fist: 3x Combi-bolter, 3x Power Fist

Sanguinary Guard [175pts]
. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus Boltgun, Encarmine Blade
. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus Boltgun, Encarmine Blade
. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus Boltgun, Encarmine Blade
. Sanguinary Guard: Encarmine Blade, Inferno Pistol
. Sanguinary Guard with Power Fist: Inferno Pistol, Power Fist

Vanguard Veteran Squad with Jump Packs [105pts]
. Vanguard Veteran Sergeant with Jump Pack: Heirloom Weapon, Inferno Pistol
. Vanguard Veterans with Jump Packs: Heirloom Weapon, Inferno Pistol
. Vanguard Veterans with Jump Packs: Heirloom Weapon, Storm Shield
. Vanguard Veterans with Jump Packs: Heirloom Weapon, Storm Shield
. Vanguard Veterans with Jump Packs: Heirloom Weapon, Storm Shield

+ Mounted [110pts] +

Attack Bike Squad [55pts]
. Attack Bike [55pts]: Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Multi-melta, Twin Boltgun

Attack Bike Squad [55pts]
. Attack Bike [55pts]: Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Multi-melta, Twin Boltgun

+ Vehicle [420pts] +

Dreadnought [135pts]: Twin Lascannon
. Dreadnought Combat Weapon w/ Storm Bolter: Dreadnought Combat Weapon, Storm Bolter

Dreadnought [135pts]: Twin Lascannon
. Dreadnought Combat Weapon w/ Storm Bolter: Dreadnought Combat Weapon, Storm Bolter

Ironclad Dreadnought [150pts]: Heavy Flamer, Hurricane Bolter, Seismic Hammer

++ Total: [1,995pts] ++

Here's a rough outline of how the matches shaped up. 

  Reveal hidden contents

first game was against Votann. I lost, but it was a closer game than I expected. 


Takeaways: avoid Hearthguard unless attacking with a very heavy hitting unit that'll neuter them in one shot. 

MVP was my Ironclad who walked through 2 Sagitaurs and put 10 wounds on a Hekaton! A fantastic sendoff before his rules go to legends. T.T


I was pleasantly surprised at how effective my 3 eradicators did too!


second game was against Necrons. 

honestly, that game was attrition incarnate, but I lost both the game and was losing models faster than him with all his reanimations. 

Takeaway: just need to play them more to figure out exactly what does what. 

third game was against White Scars. 

honestly, the game was a stat check for my opponent who didn't bring enough firepower to blow through all the gravis I flooded the table with. Lots of intercessors, outriders, and Phobos units.

Closing thoughts. Definitely would love to attend the next one if I can swing it by the wife! I learned a fair bit, and also learned about some things that I can do better with my list... just in time for a new codex to drop!


I also hope to actually be able to get practice games in as opposed to going in rather blind!


Edited by Paladin777
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Brother Raul said:

Nice work. What colour did you use on the helms?

Averland Sunset. 

it's such a nice paint to work with. I think that was before I started thinning my paints, though Averland Sunset comes pretty thin right out of the pot. 

Edited by Paladin777
21 hours ago, Paladin777 said:

I'd like to welcome the newest additions to my 'completed' roster: 5 vanguard veterans with storm shields!



  Reveal hidden contents



I really like them. The gold looks muted in a very gritty way. Very nice *heirloom weapons* by the way :biggrin:

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

In addition, I finished my Firstborn Bladeguard Veterans just in time for the local RTT tomorrow!





I'm really happy with how the sergeant's shield turned out!

Edited by Paladin777

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