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A fix for Lasguns?


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I think I have a unique fix for lasguns:  

Lasgun: 24", S3, AP0, d3 auto-hits.
Laspistol: 12", S3, AP0, d3 auto-hits.

Hotshot Lasgun: 18", S3, AP-2, d3 auto-hits.

hotshot Laspistol: 6", S3, AP-2, d3 auto-hits.

This makes 9xlasguns do 2 damage against Intercessors base (median/mean 2.0, +/- 1 std deviation).  Hotshot lasgun (@4d3 shots) are about the same (median 2, avg 1.8, +/-1),

To boost today's lasguns, we really have to jack up the number of shots, but 50% of those dice (18/36 per squad), do nothing.  Now:

* its functionally equivalent to 2-6 shots per lasgun at BS4 (2 base is where we're at (too weak), 4 is what we need to be, 6 counterbalances the 2)

* every die we throw means something. 
* Flamers and special weapons still have a place

* this puts us in the average damage range base

* this takes up less time figuring out if we're in RF range or not

* this takes up less time because rolling to hit is simpler

* this would (IMHO) be a balancing factor for the 55pts/squad and 1VP we give up per squad for No Prisoners!



We'd have to drop FRFSRF (but I think it's worth it). 


But we could also change Take Aim! to +1 additional Hit, BID! could still be +1 to wound, Lts still provide RR1s to Wound, and with the "Optimal target bracket" of 0-9 inches giving a -1 AP bonus, lasguns would be between 4-7 dmg.  (median 5.0, mean 5.3, 4-7 std deviation).


Fully buffed lasguns would be BRUTAL. 

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That's a nice elegant solution. As you said has the benefit of increasing the number of shots of a lasguns without the tedium of having to roll excessive number of shots per squad.


Maybe worth sending to the faq email?

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Good question.  What to do with Conscripts and Veterans as well.


this is my current thinking:


  • Veterans:  +1 hit/model (so vets are D3+1 base, D3+2 under TA!)  - mean/median 3.0 wounds, +/-1 std deviation
  • Conscripts: -1 hit/model (so D3-1 base, flat D3 under TA!) (puts 19 conscripts at about the same output as 9 standard infantry)
  • Overwatch: additional -1 hit/model, minimum 1 (remember, they're lasguns)

I need to update my program to handle negative modifiers, but ballpark numbers work out.  Today 18 lasgun shots hitting on 6s yields 3 hits.  Sooo not worth it, not even against T2 scarabs.  At D3-1 minimum 1, that's ~12 lasgun hits, 1.3W against intercessors.  But if orders last until the next turn, then TA! brings Overwatch back to ~2W against intercessors.  We're now looking at a viable option, then we get other buffs (RR1s to wound, AP-1 at point-blank range).


I think RR1s "to hit" buff could still work normally, like you re-roll the die when it shows up as a "1" for the number of shots (which could work for Flamers as well).  "RR all hits" could then be just another +1 hit. 


It's a bunch of math, but since we have to do a lot of math anyway, this kinda moves past the "roll to hit" portion of "do the math then roll to hit". 

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Of course there was. You always had some kind of broken combo or another that completely invalidated other armies. Invisible death stars? All the other fun named combos from the days gone by?


The main difference was that it wasn't changed for years, even if a small correction or clarification would have been enough. Or that it took much longer for people to find out about them if they weren't present in their local meta. With the internet this has changed and sped up.

Edited by sairence
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I finally got my program updated.

20 conscript Lasguns (d3-1 shots/model, min 1) vs. intercessor:   mean: 3.0 μ=3.0 σ=1.6
20 conscript Lasgun in overwatch vs. intercessor:                 mean: 0.7 μ=1.0 σ=0.8
9 veteran Lasguns (d3+1 shots/model) vs. intercessor:             mean: 3.0 μ=3.0 σ=1.6
9 guardsman Lasguns in overwatch (d3-1, min 0) vs. intercessor    mean: 1.0 μ=1.0 σ=1.0

I think this makes lasguns worthy to shoot, and overwatch at least a consideration to pluck that last wound off a charging model.

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