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Welcome to part two of the Blood Angels Unit of the Week Series!

Following the release of the 9th edition Supplement, there is no better time to discuss all the units we have access to. Each week a different unit will appear, with the idea being that we discuss how best to use that model on the battlefield. Where part one will focus on the unique BA units and part two will focus on BA units that are new to this edition of the Codex, part three will discuss how to get the best use the generic units from the past that are still with us (and that many of us have in our armies still), and part four will discuss the Legends units that we still own and love. Finally, part five will be dedicated to the reinforcements from Forge World.

Note, this isn't to lament any nerfs, etc, from previous editions; the rules are as they are so try to unlock its potential for those who wish to use them all the same. Similarly, this thread is only for using the option being discussed; it matters not if you feel something is a better choice as such comments aren't constructive to the topic and shall be removed.

Without further ado, here's this week's entry:

sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg Cerberus

What are you thoughts here folks? How best would you use your Cerberus?

  • To compliment a list, or to build a list around? What else would affect your list(s) with this unit?
  • Will you be running multiples?
  • How are you buffing this unit? Will it babysit anything?
  • What Wargear Options do you prefer and how much does it depend on the above choices?
  • Stratagem synergy or note?

Over to you

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I love these things. The massive gun is, if you remain stationary, one of the surest ways to deal with non-super heavy vehicles, while also threatening Baneblades and knights. Sit back, buff with a techmarine and blow away anything Land Raider sized or less with utter contempt. Seriously, unless it packs a significant invulnerable, you will be playing the closest approximation of a Warhammer point 'n' click adventure game.


Back it up with some similarly long-range infantry, like Devastators, Stalker Intercessors or even Heavy Intercessors and give it a good 13 inch berth. This thing is unstable at 0 wounds... That said, it isn't very brittle, 20 wounds and a 2+ save, coupled with the aforementioned techmarine and you will find it tough to shift. But still, give it space. Even a Warlord Titan doesn't want to take d6 mortal wounds, so putting this smack-dab in the middle of your units is a recipe for pain. Place it in a corner or on a flank with good sight lines, cover it against deep strikers and quick moving infantry from a safe distance and priories carefully where that thing is throwing it's neutrons.


For BA, it is slightly less useful, requiring a degree of babysitting at the back, but the ability to deploy a Heavy 4 can opener right before the DC hit home is amazingly useful, as is the option to simply delete almost any tank you can think of. But hey, if your Intercessors/Tacticals are sitting on an objective anyway, you might as well give them cool tank to look after as well!


Options wise, I would take the Lascannons sponsons. They go too well with the neutron array for the Heavy Bolters to get a look in. A pintle mounted HB isn't bad though, the range is decent, and it can help ward off infantry. The Multimelta is a bit too short ranged for my tastes. In any case, you want to be far away from your opponent's infantry and melee options, this thing has some sort of gravitational effect on both of these, as well as anti tank rounds. This is especially true if your opponent knows about the size of kaboom that is unleashed when that 6 shows up.


For stratagems, PotMS is criminally good for an injured Cerberus. Beyond that, I would employ AoC sparingly as needed and scoff at the idea of using the smokescreen. This thing should never stop firing if you can help it.


I used mine last as part of a crusade force, it took up almost an entire expansion by itself, and proceeded to put the fear of the God-Emperor into the Iron Warriors one of the others ran. Each turn it killed a tank and maimed another, finishing the campaign by killing a pair of Chaos shadowswords in 5 turns, albeit with support.


It is slightly over costed, but the raw power it possesses is hard to find in the Chapter Armourium, and is certainly a good option if vehicles are common in your local meta.

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Whilst I'm yet to run it this edition, I tend to run mine with three heavy bolters (sponsons and pintle) as I'm not a fan of single lascannon shots. With heavy bolters going to D2, this is a nice amount of secondary fire to pepper another/softer/closer target with.

I used to run it at 2k points with other armour - this edition I'll likely use it for larger games and again, with armour support (Land Raiders, Predators, Techmarines, etc)

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