Asbestress Posted March 22, 2022 Share Posted March 22, 2022 (edited) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++Imperial Inquisition Internal Frame Beta Garmon 43++ --Please Input Desired Access Code-- -Referral Number: OMI0000346443-- Ordo Malleus Inquisitor 0000346443 -Designation: Sector Overwatch -Codename: Coteaz -Access Path: Enceladus Prime Main Frame ++Ordo Malleus Mainframe; Enceladus Fortress++ --Psychlock Confirmed-- --Welcome, Lord Inquisitor-- --Please Input Desired Access Code-- -Access: Communicae Primus --Accessing Communicae Primus-- ++Incoming Communicae++ --Origin: Segmentum Solar; Paramar System; Planet Unknown-- --Date Sent: #a2!%#>{43-f*a}=4.M40 --Clearance Level Classified Extremis-- --Priority: Alpha-Omega-- --Sender ID: AMilGSV144CRSXa5s-- Astra Militarum General Staff Vostroyan 144th Colonel Rank Signature Xa5s --Sender ID: AMecAMMRFP54AMARSPrime4-- Adeptus Mechanicus Attached Magos Mars Reclamation Fleet Primus 54 Arch Magos Autakratoris Rank Signature Prime 4 ++Further Sender IDs detected. Load?++ -No ++Loading Message++ My Lords, I am sorry to disturb the Inquisition in these perilious times, but our situation is truly dire. Arch-Magos Droykvic has miscalculated our chances. There is not much time.The Chamber of--------- I will not take an insult lightly. You are lucky I need you, Colonel Kashkov. We request immediate support, Inquisitor. I would have asked the Fabricator General of Paramar V, but I feel I should not draw unwanted eyes to our operation. I have already had enough trouble with the local "Governor", much less the "Skitarii" that guard the Manufactorum Complex. I can see the madness in their eyes. The scrapcode is in their very spirit. We will play along for now, and I will relish the chance to burn it all when all is said and done, in the Omnissiah's name. I also further add that I am unsure why I was sent here by, your Lordship... I specialise in Titans and siegecraft, yet this is a covert operation. --- Yes, Arch-Magos. Now, continuing from where I left off, my Lord, our outlook is not very good. As the Arch-Magos has already reported, the entire populace is corrupted. Never in my career have I ever seen such obvious signs of rot. Our troops' morale is low. Not even the Terrans are calm in this place. The Chamber of the Phoenix is approx. 430 kilometres from our current position. Based on the calculations of our Munitorum attaché, our scouts will reach it by mid Sept (for reference, the current date here is the 22nd of Tertius). The snowfall is heavy. Apart from myself, the Arch-Magos, and our retinues, no soldier has left the designated landing zone Landing Zone:Paramar III;Designation:Industrial/Hive World;Crater Field Maxima Our supplies should last us until we reach the Chamber. My Regiment has taken severe losses. During the covert landing, an asteroid hit bulk-lander "Aquilia's Rebirth", immediately destroying it. This has resulted in the loss of much of our support personnel and infantry, although our armoured forces have been spared. I thank the Emperor for that. Our forces are as follows: --Scrapcode Detected. Obscuring-- ++Message Corruption Detected. Recovering File Contents...++ ++Recovering++ ++Recovering++ ++Recovering++ ++Recovering++ ++Recovering++ ++Recovering++ ++Recovering++ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edited March 23, 2022 by Asbestress 4CIN87 and WarriorFish 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted March 23, 2022 Share Posted March 23, 2022 Excellent, more Vostroyans - hoping to see more soon :tu: The Pounder 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slave to Darkness Posted March 23, 2022 Share Posted March 23, 2022 I read that as Pomeranian Incursion for a second then, gutted there is no smol doggos. Unless thats what the Vostroyans have made their fur hats out of. :lol: Cant wait to see some minis.:) Asbestress and The Pounder 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pounder Posted March 23, 2022 Share Posted March 23, 2022 Great introduction to your project! The Vestroyans are the (2nd) best Grim Dark regiment. What colour scheme are you going for? Looking forward to seeing your progress. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ScionOfCorlesia Posted March 23, 2022 Share Posted March 23, 2022 Great intro. I'm excited to see more! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asbestress Posted March 24, 2022 Author Share Posted March 24, 2022 Great intro. I'm excited to see more! I read that as Pomeranian Incursion for a second then, gutted there is no smol doggos. Unless thats what the Vostroyans have made their fur hats out of. Cant wait to see some minis. Excellent, more Vostroyans - hoping to see more soon Thank you! Due to the sparse availability of Vostroyans, the Regiment will mostly consist of vehicles, although I am working on sniping some deals on Ebay, and perhaps trying some blue stuff. Right now, I have some vehicles, and I plan on converting a skirmisher/sniper kinda guy with some Cadian and Admech bits, with a healthy helping of green stuff to make it feel Vostroyan (elongating the dress uniform to make a coat, ushanka etc.). Great introduction to your project! The Vestroyans are the (2nd) best Grim Dark regiment. What colour scheme are you going for? Looking forward to seeing your progress. I'm going for the classic "red and gold" look, although I plan on including some "irregulars", made like the sniper I mentioned earlier in the comment, but with a bit less sculpting work. These are the "Terrans" I mentioned in the original post, and will be purple and yellow, and will see dual use here and in my Imperialis Militia army. Right now, I'll be focusing on conversions and vehicles while I get some metal Vostroyans. This project will be a bit more "narrative" focused than most army lists, and I aim to create some custom rules as well for the army. Some of the datasheets I've been working on include: "Terran Irregulars", "Vostroyan Skirmishers", and some other things that may not fit in a Vostroya specific army thread, focusing on the conflict in the Paramar System. When all is said and one, I'll compile these and the lore in to a PDF and post it somewhere on the forums as a little "Warzone" book wannabe. Of course, if I for some reason abandon this project, I will dump everything to my gallery. I'll aim to focus almost purely on the Vostroya specific bits for now. As for the nearer future, I think I'll be able to post some minis, lore, and datasheets by next weekend at the latest. WarriorFish and duz_ 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plague _Lord Posted March 24, 2022 Share Posted March 24, 2022 Great introduction to your project! The Vestroyans are the (2nd) best Grim Dark regiment. What colour scheme are you going for? Looking forward to seeing your progress. That's funny, but I allways saw Votroyans as the most Noble Bright of imperial guard regiments :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted March 24, 2022 Share Posted March 24, 2022 The classic scheme is always nice, as far as second hand goes patience is the most important part (and faith, of course) :tu: Asbestress 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slave to Darkness Posted March 24, 2022 Share Posted March 24, 2022 Would you use third party minis for the infantry? Wargames Atlantic have some nice greatcoat minis and some large furry hats, you could do some close proxys with those. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asbestress Posted March 24, 2022 Author Share Posted March 24, 2022 Would you use third party minis for the infantry? Wargames Atlantic have some nice greatcoat minis and some large furry hats, you could do some close proxys with those. I've thought about getting those exact Les Grognards, and looked at others as well, but in the end I decided that none of them have the exact aesthetics, or John Blancheness I'm going for. Perhaps I might look a bit more into them if the search on Ebay starts dragging on. Also, update, I made a mock up of my Skirmisher scout concept duz_ and Slave to Darkness 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asbestress Posted March 26, 2022 Author Share Posted March 26, 2022 Quick W.I.P. update I don't usually like posting pictures of unpainted minis, but I just really love how this one came out! This lad here is a Skirmisher, who forms part of the 144th's "First Wave" contingent, scouting out enemy positions ahead of the main force, and eliminating targets of oppurtunity with his long-las. He's mostly made up of bits from the AoS Freeguild Guard kit, with some Skitarii and Cadian bits, and of course green stuff for the hat, gun strap, letter V on the parchment on his belt, and his elbow guard. I figured that I could use the Skitarii Ranger rifle as a long-las, since the metal Vostroyan lasguns are a bit shorter. Also, have some mediocre rules for it. (Source for template: CyderPirate, drlag34, Tallarn Commander and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted March 27, 2022 Share Posted March 27, 2022 We love seeing WIP pictures though :lol: Aside from seeing models coming together it's also a great way to see the effort that goes in to them :) This is a great bit of kit bashing and conversion work you should be posting more of such pictures :tu: Asbestress 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
W.A.Rorie Posted March 27, 2022 Share Posted March 27, 2022 Dude that is awesome! Asbestress 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asbestress Posted April 2, 2022 Author Share Posted April 2, 2022 ++Recovery Failed++ --Load further communicae?-- -Yes ++Incoming Communicae++ --Origin: Segmentum Solar; Paramar System; Paramar III-- --Date Sent: #a2!%#>{43-f*a}=4.M40 --Clearance Level Classified Extremis-- --Priority: Alpha-Omega-- --Sender ID: AMilGSV144CRSXa5s-- Astra Militarum General Staff Vostroyan 144th Colonel Rank Signature Xa5s --Sender ID: AMilGSK158LCRSgf4c-- Astra Militarum General Staff Krieg 158th Lieutenant Colonel Rank Signature gf4c --Sender ID: AMecAMMRFP54AMARSPrime4-- Adeptus Mechanicus Attached Magos Mars Reclamation Fleet Primus 54 Arch Magos Autakratoris Rank Signature Prime 4 ++Further Sender IDs detected. Load?++ -No ++Loading Message++ My Lords, I hereby thank you for the reinforcements. The Krieg 158th are a truly storied Regiment, and I hope to utilise their efficiency to it's full effect. Although the Korps did not bring any heavy armour, we shan't be found wanting. The 144th is famed for it's tanks, after all. --- At the Munitorum's current estimations, the 158th would breach the capital hive's walls in approx. 3 months. Full capture in 4 further months. Casualty estimates at acceptable (78%) levels. Kashkov does not authorise this. Please inform him of missing time efficiancy --- I am sure your calculations are flawfless, officer, but our objective is of far greater importance than merely taking the planet. The necrons' Ordo Xenos registry:LivingMaterial/Necronicus/Necron unconfirmed presence here is far more exciting to my neurological processor. --- Yes, Magos Droykvic. Our situation is not much changed. Skirmishers are on their way to the aforementioned "presumed" necron chamber. Paramar III;Designation:Industrial/Hive World;Chamber of the Phoenix;Designation:Unknown - The Chamber of the Phoenix is an ancient site on the world of Paramar III, presumably constructed before even the first colonists of the Dark Age. It's doors have never been breached, despite numerous attempts by the tech-priests of Paramar V. Now that the planet is consumed by chaos's presence (Designation(Inquisitori Classified Maxima); Infestarus Slaaneshi, Infestarus Nurglite), the teams from the forge world have stopped their expeditions, and are preparing a purgatory crusade. Battleforce Coteaz Beta is to breach it's walls before them. The Korps' reinforcements shall come in handy. Their artillery is fierce, although their demenour frightens both my regiment and the Solarites. Our forces are as follows: ++Nurglite scrapcode infestation cleansing in process. Holosphere cleansing complete. Estimated corruption of Battleforce Coteaz Beta: 0%++ ++Message Corruption Detected. Recovering File Contents...++ ++Recovering++ ++Recovering++ ++Recovering++ ++Recovering++ ++Recovering++ ++Recovering++ ++Recovering++ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the kind words so far, everyone!I've managed to snag some bits and pieces of things on Ebay and some local sites. As you might see, I've gotten some really nice deals, particulary on some rarer Krieg stuff.My collection thus far for this project includes: -3 converted Skirmishers (expect some wip pics for these) -1 Chimera (on sprue) -1 Leman Russ (on sprue) -1 Vostroyan Mortar Team (in shipping) -1 Centaur Artillery Tractor (in shipping) -1 Quartermaster Cadre (in shipping) 4CIN87 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asbestress Posted April 4, 2022 Author Share Posted April 4, 2022 Hello!After ordering some of the aforementioned stuff from Ebay, I've come to a bit of a roadblock.I aim to use both the Kriegers and Vostroyans in one army (imo their aesthetics mesh really well), but afaik you can't combine Regiments in one army anymore. Is that correct?Furthermore, if I were to use purely Death Korps rules for these (if the mono-Regiment requirement exists), what units would you lads recommend from the range? The tanks and heavy support will mainly be modeled as Vostroyans, alongside some characters and misc specialised infantry, and all the rest (infantry, artillery, support vehicles (Chimera, Hellhound, Sentinels, etc.)) will be Kriegers.Thanks in advance for the answers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
War of the Eagle Posted April 4, 2022 Share Posted April 4, 2022 Id say make up your own Regiment (could be a consolidation of Krigers and Vesteoian half destroyed regiments that had to join forces to win a war) you then can use whatever regiment rules suit you and can make your own regiment culture on what units they prefer. 40k has infinite possibility and plausibility dont put yourself in a box unless your trying to 100% recreate an army from a specific publication. 4CIN87 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pounder Posted April 4, 2022 Share Posted April 4, 2022 We’re (Krieg) kinda caught in a weird spot atm. Our regimental rules are rubbish. Like War of the Eagle said you might be better off using the rules to make your own regiment. If like me you’re in it for the models I’d strongly recommend Deathriders and Engineers with Hades Breaching Drills. They’re the only Krieg specific units and add the flavour but still perform on the table! Like I said at the beginning we’re in a bad position given that we don’t know what’s coming in the new codex or even when it’ll drop. Slave to Darkness and Asbestress 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slave to Darkness Posted April 5, 2022 Share Posted April 5, 2022 ^^ This. The Pounder 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted April 5, 2022 Share Posted April 5, 2022 Krieg as a FW army has always been somewhat in the dark and left behind, many use the core codex for more support and up to date rules. As mentioned Guard are a very large and diverse army so you can do what you like, if you're not explicitly doing an army from the background then you should look at whatever traits and units fit you best :) As the Guard codex isn't new either it's very much a wait and see situation with regards to rules - but models are forever so I'd focus on getting these painted up. Then when we know more you can make decisions then and have models ready to go :tu: Asbestress, The Pounder and Slave to Darkness 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slave to Darkness Posted April 5, 2022 Share Posted April 5, 2022 but models are forever so I'd focus on getting these painted up. Then when we know more you can make decisions then and have models ready to go Aye, if in doubt, build more infantry. WarriorFish, Asbestress and The Pounder 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pounder Posted April 5, 2022 Share Posted April 5, 2022 Couldn’t agree more! Rules come and go, minis are what keep us coming back for more! Slave to Darkness 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asbestress Posted April 7, 2022 Author Share Posted April 7, 2022 Thanks everyone.So, pretty much just get what visually appeals to me rather than focus on rules and such. Seems pretty doable :P I probably won't update this topic for a few months. Life's gotten a bit too busy for me to fit 40k in. I've made more Excel docs in the past month on my on volition this past month than I ever did for anything school/job related to plan out what I want need to do for myself. Mental health can be an ass, and I've been neglecting it for too long.See you later, Frater. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted April 7, 2022 Share Posted April 7, 2022 When in doubt always go for models :P We're not going anywhere and who knows, maybe there'll be a new Guard codex by then... :tu: Asbestress and MrKoolPants 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slave to Darkness Posted April 12, 2022 Share Posted April 12, 2022 Mental health can be an ass, and I've been neglecting it for too long. Ahh yes, mental health, my arch nemesis. *Glares in Krieg* Good luck, take some time to work on that, and get plenty of rest as well. Dont forget to drink plenty of tea, pip pip tally ho wot wot. MrKoolPants 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asbestress Posted April 25, 2022 Author Share Posted April 25, 2022 (edited) Hello!I'm still on hiatus for now, and enjoying some nice tea, but just wanted to post some things I've written up.If any mods see this (sorry if this isn't the right place to ask), could this topic be moved over to the Forge? I feel putting this whole thing in the AM subforum was a bit of a mistake, considering I don't want to make like 4 different threads for everything I'm doing for this.So, I got a general layout of the storyline for Paramar III written up (This is just going to be a write-up for "Book One" out of three main phases, if you will.)Storyline (Book One) Coteaz is going after Trazyn's Vault after being tipped of to it existing by the Necron Lord himself. A gate leading to Solemnace is located on Paramar III, a smaller Hive/Industrial World located nearby to the Forge World of Paramar V, which has recently become quarantined by the Officio Medicae due to severe outbreaks of seemingly uncurable plagues. Coteaz sends out a strike force, which for now consists of a Siege Army of the Death Korps, a few Vostroyan Regiments, and a Valhallan Command Company trusted by the Lord Inquisitor to manage the operations. As the strike force setup their base camp in the quite literal middle of nowhere (an asteroid crater) and begin planning a siege of a nearby hive to use as a more permanent base of operations, a mysterious giant clad in purple peers from the distance. It seems it's not only the Inquisitor who has found out about Trazyn's collection... Forces involved (Book One)I aim to make at least a Kill Team's worth of forces for each Strike Force Coteaz Beta (AM)Defenders of Keldenhive (Defenders of the besieged Nurgle corrupted hive) (R&H)League of the Lost (small, almost extinct League of Votann that has lost it's Votann with mysterious goals on Paramar III) (LoV)Phoenix Conclave (Eidolon's Own) Named Characters (Book One) -Main-Colonel Kashkov (Overall leader of Strike Force Coteaz Beta, Vostroyan)Arch Magos Autokratoris "Droykvic" (Member of the Martian Parliament, trusted asset of Lord Inquisitor Coteaz)Lieutenant Colonel 679-438-63495-21-Korian (Leader of the 68th Siege Army)Captain Jusivich (Inquisitorial Representative, Valhallan)Governor Malius Bonifice II (Fallen Governor of Paramar III)-Secondary-Kildensson (Leader of the League of the Lost)Trazyn the Infinite (You know him, you love him)Eidolon (Lord Commander of the Emperor's Children)Hecaton Brutus (Contemptor Dreadnought of the Minotaurs, Equerry to the Estate Imperium) Plan of release orderI plan on doing these either as Word docs, or if I manage to make a semi-decent page template, as PDFs, kinda in the style of IA books Book One: Forge of Rust (What you just read)Book Two: Blades of Excess (When you thought this wasn't going to have SM)Book Three: Solemnace (Agrax Earthshade hits the fan) Edited April 25, 2022 by Asbestress duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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