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Lackluster reveal stream again


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So day 1 of Warhammer Fest '22 was to start at my local time of 2 AM. Usually I try and catch it but when 100% of the streams I catch from GW are pathetic in their content I elected to avoid this one.


I got up, checked the WarCom site and...yep. My fear was confirmed. A 1 hour and 15 minutes stream on the designated 40k day and we got:

  • A handful of mortal followers and possessed marines in the Chaos Space Marine codex.
  • A single League of Votann biker
  • A tease of World Eaters
  • The plastic Daemon Prince is a dual kit, with a 40k variant

The full kits revealed total 30 models, 29 of which are one army. The World Eaters got a tease showing a few chain-axes.


I cannot call this acceptable. I've said it before and I'll say it again - teases have no place during reveal live streams. The World Eaters should have been teased on WarCom, and actual things worth showing be shown during Warhammer Fest. The Leagues should have had way more than a single model shown. Show the full basic troop squad, a HQ choice and the bike. If the 40k day was so lacking in content, I have no hope for the rest of the days, especially Heresy day.


I can see two ways GW can fix their streams going forward.

  1. Less time talking between reveals, show more content in their 1 hour stream.
  2. longer stream, same time with the hosts waffling on but more content.

Sorry for this rant...I just needed to get this off my chest and I know GW won't listen.

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Do what a lot of us do, don't watch the stream and instead watch the watchalong with your favourite Warhammer personality. It helps a lot with the down time between the reveals as you are entertained by the streamer you enjoy watching.

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It's not the content that annoys me, it's the lack of it. For the dedicated 40k day for Warhammer Fest I expected, nay, demand to see more than we got. More of the Leagues, also seeing the upcoming Imperial Guard.

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The 1 hour and 15 minute stream was for Warhammer Fest, and the day specifically for 40k. I cannot stress that enough. The one day out of the entire week of reveals for upcoming releases from GW, dedicated to upcoming releases for 40k showed off 5 units for one army, a single unit for another and a tease for a third.


That fits my definition of lackluster.

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It sounds generally like you weren't interested in Chaos. We knew they were going to be most of the stream, and that their presence is going to be very strong this year as far as releases. We also know they're coming before Guard.


Excepting new factions (Votann, World Eaters), there's only two Imperium factions left to release (Guard, Knights are due this weekend), no Xenos left to release, but 60% of Chaos haven't even had their books released yet (Chaos Knights -> limited this weekend, Chaos Daemons and Chaos Space Marines). So everything is going to be heavily weighted to Chaos.


As a further addendum, the main star of Warhammer Fest is going to be Saturday with the 30k reveals during the open day.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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The 1 hour and 15 minute stream was for Warhammer Fest, and the day specifically for 40k. I cannot stress that enough. The one day out of the entire week of reveals for upcoming releases from GW, dedicated to upcoming releases for 40k showed off 5 units for one army, a single unit for another and a tease for a third.


That fits my definition of lackluster.

Your definition is bad.


They showed off an entire release wave, the first unit of a new faction, the official announcement and teaser for another new faction that covered the broader design goals and conceptions. Not to mention the Daemon prince, which is a reveal for what...10 different armies at this point?


They ALSO previewed the next chapter approved, announced points moving to digital, previewed CP generation changes, confirmed no guard releases for at least 6 months, if not more, and talked about tweaking faction specific secondaries. All of which is FAR more relevant to FAR more people than any release wave.


It's the textbook definition of a good reveal. I don't know if you're mad that something YOU liked didn't get a reveal or if you just think they should detail every kit that's coming out for the next 36 months in an hour, but your expectations are ridiculous.

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I got up, checked the WarCom site and...yep. My fear was confirmed. A 1 hour and 15 minutes stream on the designated 40k day and we got:

  • A handful of mortal followers and possessed marines in the Chaos Space Marine codex.
  • A single League of Votann biker
  • A tease of World Eaters
  • The plastic Daemon Prince is a dual kit, with a 40k variant

The full kits revealed total 30 models, 29 of which are one army. The World Eaters got a tease showing a few chain-axes.


To compare using GW's own standard, I went and checked their 40k Day last Warhammer Fest:




  • About a dozen Sororitas miniatures
  • A Warzone Charadon book
  • Some terrain


This year's 40k Day with all the Chaos reveals looks better BUT WAIT, there was a Black Library Day:




  • Gaunt's Ghost
  • EVERY SINGLE previewed book was 40k-related


That's all, right?  NOPE, MOAR 40k Day Part II:




  • Ork Sub-faction: Beast Snagga Boyz
  • Cadian Upgrade Kit
  • ...and a teaser for something I actually don't remember


For a single day, last night's performance was pretty good for a single night.  But if that is the entirety of the 40k previews, it doesn't quite compare to the 3 days' worth of content, which was what 40k had last year, it's less than half.  In fact, this Warhammer Fest is only 4 days, whereas last year's was 6 days.  HUGE HOWEVER, however, this will entirely rely on the 30k/Horus Heresy/AoD.  I reckon that would make or break this year's Warhammer Fest.


But Fraters, Sororitas, Brother Reaper, in the process of just comparing last night's performance with last year's, I realised what Brother Reaper feeling right now might be how Age of Sigmar players feel all the time.  AoS had the 1st of of 6 days in last year's Warham Fest, followed by 5 days of 40k where they kinda teased a new Warhammer Underworld.  You feel disappointed?  Imagine what it's like to be an AoS player.  I feel outraged for our AoS cousins.

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Idk how old you are but you’re definitely sounding like a spoiled child.

Kill team is still coming and I think necromunda?


Was that directed at me?  If so, I apologise.  I was trying to show whatever one may feel, empathise with AoS players who feel neglected.  Perhaps that is childish.


You're also right, there's Kill Team and Necromunda, for sure.

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I play Chaos Space Marines. They are my second largest army behind my Dark Angels. So I was, and still am, excited for our upcoming release.


I stand by my statement. The 40k day was lacking in 40k. There are now 4 factions yet to receive their release this edition: Daemons, Guard, Leagues and now World Eaters. 4 factions that should have been shown off on the 40k day of Warhammer Fest.


Comparing to previous streams and Warhammer Fests since going online and my criticism remains the same. The streams have been too short and too light on actual reveals. And for every teaser shown during a reveal stream, I usually just stop watching.


For how AoS is treated in terms of streams/reveals etc, I don't have any investment in that game. However, if what N1Sb said is remotely true, I weep for the playerbase. GW needs to do better for all of their systems.

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There are now 4 factions yet to receive their release this edition: Daemons, Guard, Leagues and now World Eaters. 4 factions that should have been shown off on the 40k day of Warhammer Fest.


But we only found out that Codex: WE was happening today. Your complaints are frankly confusing.

You should also keep in mind the pandemic and global supply chain crisis aren't over yet. So definitely some things are still screwy for GW, probably causing a variety of delays and schedule reshuffles.

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If we didn't know about WE, then there'd be 3 factions that could easily have had the same content as Chaos Marines got shown over an hour, even 2 hours. Suddenly going "On the 40k dedicated day we can show a single model for a brand new faction and announce another faction but show you nothing but some art" leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

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Idk, but iirc the we have enough in the pipeline (according to the leak) to warrant it’s own reveal show and the year has more than enough months left for that to happen.


On a side note: I prefer not to have a 3 hour stream now unveiling every release of the year and then have a constant moaning about the release schedule and why a specific release is later than another, just because fraters want to have releases in a different order

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My issue is not the amount of things for Chaos Space Marines shown off. My issue is the lack of things shown for 40k as a whole, on the 40k day of warhammer fest.


Chaos got:

  • 2x HQ choices (Daemon Prince, Dark Commune)
  • 1x Troops (Cultists)
  • 3x Elites (Possessed Marines, Accursed Cultists, Torments)

Leagues of Votann got:

  • A single Hernkyn Pioneer trike

World Eaters got:

  • a teaser for their codex


Leagues should have shown off a HQ, the entire basic troops unit and the trike.

World Eaters should not have been announced during the stream. Either show off a HQ, Terminators and the new Berzerkers or don't show anything and announce their Codex after Warhammer Fest on the WarCom site.

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There is a point to be made that GW's release schedule and structure is outdated. It still works on the basis of a Codex and thus exclusive models for that faction.


What GW should be doing is what other modern companies do in many gaming industries beyond wargaming too; wave release that has something for each faction.


Unfortunately, GW aren't that good at modernising their business model and certainly not for consumer friendly practices. They're getting better but it's still a glaring issue.

Edited by Captain Idaho
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The true problem about Warhammer Fest were leaks. I am sure GW knows about leaks so we knew what was going to happen...perhaps adding big surprises could save the day / week.
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World Eaters should not have been announced during the stream. Either show off a HQ, Terminators and the new Berzerkers or don't show anything and announce their Codex after Warhammer Fest on the WarCom site.

Tbh, not having announced WE as a separate faction would have been an incredible bad move:


Imagine buying a book without knowing they were removed, because you’re out of the loop with the rumors. Not everyone follows closely and doing it on stream probably has a higher reach than a warcom article alone.


Personally I would be pretty annoyed/pissed about buying a codex because there was no clear communication about major changes to it.


Wouldn’t you fee the same?

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I would have to disagree, I felt last night's reveal actually had more content and less waffle from Adam and Eddie than previous online ones.

I don't play Chaos (although I might now start...) or really have an interest in Squats but I really enjoyed the model reveals.

I also found the fact that points updates will now be free and the CP changes in matched play missions exciting, and enjoyed the AoD Origins teaser.

Plus we have boxed games tomorrow, which they said have 40K content, and 30K on Saturday, which in theory is also relevant for 40K.


I don't mind GW bashing butI think it's unfair to say last night's show was "lacklustre" - for a 60 minute event i don't think they could have packed any more in tbh.

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