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  On 5/17/2023 at 12:57 PM, gaurdian31 said:

What you have done looks great so far! Really like his little bird friends and the skin looks nice and demony. Wings are looking great too!



Thank you gaurdian! The wings were a right pain, I had to slowly layer up the flesh colour and white is a bit irratating. There's some bits on the wings I still want to tidy up but I'm pretty happy with where they are now

I still need to tidy up the belt, cables, skulls/bones, tail and some of the cuts on the wings. And the base. Almost there, right? :laugh:









Honestly, yes you are almost there! Every update on him and he looks better and better! The blade on his weapon looks really good and so does everything else, but the blade caught my eye on this update. 

Thank you gaurdian! I'm very proud of the spear :biggrin:


Audin, Marshall of the Hunt, Blood Vulture. Once belonging to the Mantis Warriors, he rose rapidly through the Red Corsairs ranks before ascending to Daemonhood and lead the Hounds of Huron















He'd been with Huron since their Astral Claws days, having lead him to battle countless times before their betrayal. Andral would follow the Blood Reaver to Terra itself would he ask it









A very productive weekend indeed! I finished off the other 5 Raptors who were about 50% done, bringing me up to 10 Raptor total :happy:










This now brings me up to 1900 points for the Corsairs:

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I need to finish off a birthday present off for a friend, which is about a week late (whoops! :biggrin:). Then I'm back to it with another 5 Bolter Legionnaires that I have some basecoats on

  On 5/22/2023 at 8:01 AM, Kaiju Soze said:

The Raptors are looking good.



Thanks Kaiju!


  On 5/22/2023 at 1:34 PM, gaurdian31 said:

Dang all of those came out nice! This is making me want to go back to my Corsairs. Lovely all around!



You definitely should gaurdian, your Corsair force is ace!


After painting up a model for a mate's birthday, I've made a small dent in basecoats for a squad of 5 marines and also 10 cultists:



I wasn't too sure on the new cultist models (I hated the old ones, mind you) but they've grown on me massively! I'm base coating them with Wraithbone as I have 5 different skin tone Contrast paints I'm going to give a whirl

Excited to see how the skin tone contrasts work out as I haven't had a chance to experiment with them yet. I like my power armor boys to be fully encased in it. Also thank you for the compliment! I just wish I was a speedier painter so I had more of them painted up.

The Contrast experiments worked very well as it turned out!

The Colours I used were: Guilliman Flesh, Darkoath Flesh, Gore Grunta Fur and Garagak's Sewer, over Wraithbone. Darkoath and Guilliman Flesh are basically identical, Guilliman's is very slightly pinker






Still tonnes to do on this lot but they're looking pretty great at the moment

  On 5/26/2023 at 1:14 PM, gaurdian31 said:

The skin tones came out really well! Those cultists look good!



Thanks gaurdian!


  On 5/27/2023 at 8:10 PM, madlibrarian said:

These are great! Love the dreadnought in particular. How long would you say you spend on an average miniature? A marine as an example?



Cheers librarian!

I think it probably works out to be about 1.5 hrs per mini not including drying time. Highlighting doesn't take too long as most of the time I'm just tracing lines around the recess washes or on flat panels like the Dreadnought, holding the brush at 45 degrees and just dragging it along. :biggrin:


I've completed the Cultists, I may have spent a little too long on a 50pt chump unit but I'm happy with how they turned out!














Ready to dive in front of some bullets for the Astartes!


I've got the basecoats down on a set of 5 Marines ready for washes and highlights. After that I think my force is in need of some heavier support, I have 2 Oblits and a Predator that I'd like to get painted up, I also have a Heldrake in bits and a Venomcrawler to do too :thumbsup:

Bolter Babes completed, including their leader who is an ex-Blood Angel:




And also the first of two Gun-Hunks:





So the extra 5 marines brings me up to 23 painted so far:



  On 6/5/2023 at 3:05 PM, gaurdian31 said:

New guys are looking good! Really like the looted equipment!



Thanks gaurdian! I figure that a mix of kit leaning towards more Loyalist stuff helps make them look a bit more hodgepodge and looted Vs the Legions' uniform look :happy:


  On 6/5/2023 at 6:48 PM, Urauloth said:

Those oblits look nice in Corsair colours!



Cheers Urauloth! The models really lend themselves to the compartmentalised(?) scheme I'm going for with the Corsairs, I can mix and match the 3 trim and panel colours without it lookign weird :biggrin:


Gun-Hunk number 2 is well under way, still plenty to do:



Love the dreadnaught. Looks so much better than the standard Helbrute. The Daemon Prince is ace, as well. The new kit is a big step up over the last one which I think looked goofy.


Red Corsairs are probably my favorite of the undivided Chaos faction color schemes, the red and black piecemeal pattern looks really striking.

  On 6/7/2023 at 1:03 PM, gaurdian31 said:

Looking good! The oblits have a lot more details on them then I remember. 



They've got loads of gribbly bits and the subdermal ammunition is  a bit fiddly to get to :sweat:


  On 6/7/2023 at 2:39 PM, Rain said:

Love the dreadnaught. Looks so much better than the standard Helbrute. The Daemon Prince is ace, as well. The new kit is a big step up over the last one which I think looked goofy.


Red Corsairs are probably my favorite of the undivided Chaos faction color schemes, the red and black piecemeal pattern looks really striking.



Cheers Rain! The old MK4 and MK5 dreads are peak Space marines for me, so I always feel obligated to put some in the army :biggrin:

What's cooler than Space Pirates? :wink:



"Huron had seen and fought a great many things in his time but very little set his teeth on edge as these two did. They spoke, moved and fought in absolute unison. He could hear their smiles cracking whenever speaking"









So the Obliterators Gun-Hunks are done and should help level my firepower in 10th, currently the Sicaran is the only High Strength weapons I have :biggrin:

I've got another Venomcrawler on the painting desk and some more combat marines too!

They came out great! There is a little gold spill over on the flamer tank of the new gun hunk, but I don't think that detracts anything from it. They look like they would be great bodyguards for Huron. 


I didn't even spot that, I was going to do a vial/fluid in the tank effect and totally forgot! Whoops!

The perks of posting photos is people spot the bits I missed :sweat:


I had a big building weekend, mostly for my Eldar vow for Call to Arms, but also got some bits done for my Corsairs too. I rebuilt an eBay rescue Heldrake, it's rather battered and had a load of bits broken so it needed quite a bit of conversion work. I also got basecoats down on a Predator and another Rhino, Transports are important as are Tank-killers:




I've lost the actual turret at some point and decicded to use a spare Russ turret instead and it looks pretty great!

I'll get some photos of the Heldrake too :happy:

The russ turret works really well with the predator chassis.  The marine looks good too! I am holding off on building or painting anything except my sad Decimator until our index drops.

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