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Master of the Maelstrom - Shark-tank reborn

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Cheers gaurdian!


I got a couple of games in this weekend, the first was a 2k game vs Tyranids and it was a fantastic game! It really came down to the wire and some pivotal plays!

End Score was 54 to me, 62 to 'Nids. We had some great moments like my Forgefiend killing 6 Zoanthropes with shooting and then dealing 9 wounds to itself from Hazardous, Huron managing to stay alive vs a Deathleather and Neurolictor for 2 turns of combat until help arrived(+ a "dog" fight between the Hamydra and a little spore guy), the Defiler and the Norn Emissar starting and ending combat on 4W each. The Maulerfiend continued it's trend of being instantly killed by the Norn, he's yet to fight in combat or survive more than 1 round of something looking at him! :sweat:

My Predator was a real standout too, killing a unit a turn T2, T3 and T3 overwatch until a Tyranofex decided to deal with it and the Sorcerer did major work too. He forced the Deathleaper to take a Leadership test and did the MW killing him, then moved up the board obliterating the Neurotyrant in shooting before him and his squad ade a 12" charge and managed to get into the Hive Tyrant where he also killed it. This meant my opponent had to pull the Norn back to deal with this squad as we both had so few resources left and kept my opponent from scoring more!










Also had a smaller game against Eldar too, which was also very close until a tipping point in T3 where everything went well for my opponent and my big things got blasted off the table. The Maulerfiend finally made it into combat for the first time and survived for 2 rounds! And the Sorcerer laughs as he killed 6 Windriders after his squad is whipped out




All in all a fun game day and a good showing for the Corsairs!

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Tahnk you folks! The games were a blast to be honest and I'm glad both my opponents had fun too! The 'Nid player mentioned that he'd never won a game (he's been playing since the start of 10th) and he was over the moon about winning, new 'nids are no joke too! Even though they were losses, the close games are the most fun I think and it really was a slug-fest for both sides. I had 2 bikes and a 3W Forgefiend left and my opponent had a Screamer killer on 2W, a unit of 2 Neurogaunts and a unit of 6. So close!


I'm slowly working my way through 5 legionaries at the moment (pardon the extremely messy paintjobs so far), another couple of ex-Blood Angels join the cause of the Tyrant




Joining a couple of Blood Angels:






We take all sorts! :wink:


I did also tally up the Legionaries I have and the equipment they've got or what I'll have once this CtA vow is complete:


5 Champions

3 Icons

2 Heavy Melee Weapons

6 Bolters

9 Chainswords


Special weapons:

2x Lascannons

1 Autocannon

1 Missile Launcher

1 Chaincannon

1 Melta

1 Plasma

1 Balefire tome

1 Flamer


Total of 34 marines

As you can see, it's a real ecleptic mix of models! I have about 15 marines that were going to be for my Iron Warriors project that I never got around to painting that I think I'm going to pull apart and make some spares of things. I think 2 more Heavy Melee Weapons is probably a good idea as it gives me scope to do 4 squads of 5 legionaries for bigger games and I'd need another Icon and couple of extra Chainsword guys too. I'll focus on getting this first CtA vow done though :biggrin:

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Are you using the Lascannon from the Havoc kit for your legionnaire or is it from something else? I am trying to figure out where to get some good lascannons as they are not in the kit. Also the new guys are looking good and that is a good list of options.

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@gaurdian31 Based on the 3 spikes at the top of the lascannon, that looks to be a Havoc Lascannon. IIRC that's the only source of Chaos infantry lascannons. You could look into the Heresy Heavy Weapons Upgrade Set. If you buy boxes rather than individual bits you get 10 in there plus accompanying arms (along with 20 other weapons). However, they aren't designed like 40k Chaos, so no trim/spikes, if you are looking for that aesthetic.

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Well dang, I was hoping for an easier source of chaosy lascannons. I am the legionnaires can still take them, but the lascannons not being in the box has been a bummer and I was hoping maybe there would be another source. I guess that would be the same for autocannons too unless you had a copy of the Shadow Spear marine or just put a long barrel on the heavy bolter or chain cannon you can get on the upgrade sprue. Oh well, your new guys are looking good like I said earlier. Thanks to you both!

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  • 3 weeks later...

"He'd channeled all of his hatred into his spear before his ascension. It was all his family had on that sunless planet and ancient beyond words. After being taken by the Night Lords, Karthos returned for his spear and slaughtered his remaining family in possession of it"




The Night Lord Cohort is coming along nicely!



I also finished up 5 of the marines:




2 More ex-Blood Angels added to the force :biggrin:


I think I need more of Sanguinus' lot


I've also started on the next batch of projects:



O'm really looking forward to painting the Purge marines, they should be a really cool palette cleanser. My aim is to make them gross and brubby in comparison to the Red Corsairs. Filthy and rusty, no adornments and next to no gold or painting individual rivets. I love the idea that they maintain the bare minimum of their armour. They're nihilism manefest and here to kill all life in the universe kinda thing

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Thank you TC! There's no biases towards Night Lords or anything, right? :wink:


The Purge are coming along nicely, so far I've only given everything bar the black a heavy coat of Reikland Fleshshade:







We'll see how things continue! Expect a decent a mount of rust :biggrin:

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Thanks Volgon! The Reikland fleshshade wash did most of the heavy lifting for the scheme, all I had to do is push it a little further in some areas with a really watered down bit of Mournfang Brown and/or Skrag brown :happy:


First Purge guy done:








I quite like the idea that the brightest bits of the model is all the natural bits, basically the opposite of their way of life/ultimate goal and one of many ironys of Chaos

Anywho, they stand out really nicely next to the Corsairs, not just for being a different main colour (although using the same black) but also becaus ethe Corsairs are nice and neat and these guys are battered:


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Thank you both! I didn't know Reikland would make the metals look rusty, I just thought it would make it look a bit grubby. A happy little accident! :biggrin:


The 6 are done!














These guys were a really fun little side project for the Corsairs! When I first started putting together the army I did think it would be cool to one day have a small warband for each of the marked Renegades that got their rules back in 8th/9th? Have a squad of PM as the Purge (of course), Rubrics as The Scourged, Noise Marines as the Flawless Host and Berzerkers as Brazen Beasts (although I'd do some scheme changes). A splash of a differnet paint scheme stands out in the army and almost like some sort of corrupted Aspect Warriors vibe:





More marines next!

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Thank you folks! It was a great palette cleanser to paint something for the army that was stylistically and colour-wise different than what I usually paint. I want to take the unit up to 10 so I'll be doing that in my next CtA vow if I've got time :happy:



I'm working my way through this old boy at the moment:



Why did GW stop producing these :sad:

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This does take me up to 38 Legionaries total which is pretty cool!




The vintage guys together:




I'm doing pretty well with my vow so far, I need to get the Black Legion guys done I think which is mostly going to be Contrast and a little bit of highlight work so we'll see how that goes!

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