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  On 6/12/2023 at 5:07 PM, danodan123 said:

Is it easy to get a new-scale marine through the hatch?


I need to get some more tanks also and was thinking of doing something similar but wasn't too sure.



The body/legs bit is actually just the old rhino kit one with new CSM arms stuck on. The new arms and pads really help to beef him up a bit! :biggrin:

I'm lazy and didn't want to cut up a new CSM :sweat:


  On 6/12/2023 at 5:18 PM, gaurdian31 said:

The russ turret works really well with the predator chassis.  The marine looks good too! I am holding off on building or painting anything except my sad Decimator until our index drops.



That's fair enough, I can definitely see why you'd wait! For me, I'm just getting stuff done that I think is cool or might be useful to the army. If they've got good rules that's a bonus!

I played the 8th edition codex all the way up until the 9th ed one dropped and absolutely loved it, it sucked and a lot of the units I used sucked but I had a blast! Hopefully the 10th rules are fun too :biggrin:


As promised, photos of eBay rescued Heldrake:















As you can see, it's pretty battered. My plan is to have the hole underneath to be a wound from a Lascannon or something similar and be a hot glowing mess with the front claws also being battered and chipped too.

We'll see if I can pull it off :sweat:

Excited to see where you go with the. drake The wings are both cool and odd as they kind of make it look like it is missing the back half of its body. The index dropped and I am actually back to being cautiously excited for 10th and we get to keep the Master of Possession, which I was a little worried about. Hopefully they start selling him so people can pick him up.

  On 6/13/2023 at 8:40 PM, gaurdian31 said:

Excited to see where you go with the. drake The wings are both cool and odd as they kind of make it look like it is missing the back half of its body. The index dropped and I am actually back to being cautiously excited for 10th and we get to keep the Master of Possession, which I was a little worried about. Hopefully they start selling him so people can pick him up.



They'd be silly not to release that MoP kit to be honest, it's a great sculpt! He says, looking at the one I have that's been cut up for parts :sweat:


The Index has really pushed my kitbashing ideas and units I'd like to get done into overdrive, the lead up already had me brimming with ideas!

I've got quite a few gaps in the army specifically in the Character slot. Currently I only have Huron and a Sorcerer that can fit into squads. I've had a few characters in parts ready to finish but I finally got them kitbashed up: Master of Possession and an Exalted Champion






I'm not too sure on the Champ's bolter as it needs to look like a Combi-weapon but I'm cautious of actually using a combi-weapon bit as they're quite bulky. I've also got a Dark Apostle and a Master of Executions most of the way there too


I finished up the Predator, Vulture, last night. Vehicles are (in my opinion) very easy to do, lots of flat panels with straight lines to drag my paint brush along










Don't talk to me or my sons again!



Looking good, though I feel the eagle should be defaced a little on the predator. Could say the wolf part of the bolter is the combi part if people ask. That Master of Possession is a great kitbash, definitely looks like he might be getting possessed.

Thanks Gaurdian!

I was wondering what to do with the Aquilla, I was a bit indecisive and just left it as it was in the end :biggrin:


I've started work on 4 characters for the next wave, left to right: MAster of Possession, Master of Executions, Dark Apostle and Exatled Champion:







Still a whole bunch to go but looking pretty great so far!

The birds are from the Chaos Knight kits, there's a good few scattered across all the kits. I'm using them as markers for the units that are part of the Hounds of Huron, they're there as watchful eyes for Audin the Daemon Prince/Marshall of the Hunt. Just cool little additions to tie them all together basically :happy:


  On 6/19/2023 at 10:16 AM, TrawlingCleaner said:

The birds are from the Chaos Knight kits, there's a good few scattered across all the kits. I'm using them as markers for the units that are part of the Hounds of Huron, they're there as watchful eyes for Audin the Daemon Prince/Marshall of the Hunt. Just cool little additions to tie them all together basically :happy:



Nice. And I reminder I should pay more attention to the Fantasy Chaos range.


Looks great, by the way.

  On 6/19/2023 at 10:44 AM, Kaiju Soze said:

Nice. And I reminder I should pay more attention to the Fantasy Chaos range.


Looks great, by the way.



I think the Chaos Knights are the big stompy robot kind and not the horsey kind :)

  On 6/19/2023 at 11:22 AM, danodan123 said:


I think the Chaos Knights are the big stompy robot kind and not the horsey kind :)


Yeah, that tracks. I thought the birdies on those kits were bigger.

Thank you folks!

The birds are ace and serve as cool spot colours too (did the colour scheme really need spot colours? Who knows :laugh:), I always thought they were bigger too!


The Dark Apsotle is comign along nicely, almost there just need some tidy ups:







I'm thinking this guy game from an Ultras successor like the White Consuls or perhaps just the Ultras themselves. Soemthing that hasn't really been expanded upon is the fall of Primaris marines. There's so many reasons they could defect, I think sprinkling in some units will be cool


Also most of the way there with an Exalted Champion, definitely thinking Astral Claws for this guy:




I've also been looking at lists and what I need to change/paint to make my lists legal. The answer si very little, once I've painted up these characters, I'll filled the gaps. The only thing I need to do is paint 2 more bikes as I was running 2 units of 5. Thankfully I have 6 of the Outrider bikes to form squad one, I just need to paint 2 normal chaos bikers to form squad 2 and I'm ready to bounce into 10th!

Edited by TrawlingCleaner
  On 6/20/2023 at 9:05 AM, Gamiel said:

Looking good. Any plans to do any CSM in the style of the Red Corsairs we see in the 3:ed CSM Codex? With their old colours kept but with Chaos/Red Corsairs markings painted on in red?



Cheers Gamiel!

I was tempted to begin with and do "Evil Deathwatch" type vibe where most marines all have different chapter symbols but to be honest, that's more work that I think is worth :biggrin:

I'd need to either source decals for a load of different chapters or freehand them plus a lot of chapter colours are likely to clash. A neat idea but vey hard to pull off IMO!

I've been wondering how to go about an Exalted Champion conversion.


I would like to have it accurate to the datasheet by way of at least having a combi weapon and any melee weapon I guess can be classed as the exalted weapon...


However, I'm stumped with where to find a combi weapon bit that looks good... I love the backpack the original model comes with however it's rather pricey on the second hand market and also I think the scale might look silly! Any suggestions?

  On 6/20/2023 at 10:47 AM, danodan123 said:

However, I'm stumped with where to find a combi weapon bit that looks good... I love the backpack the original model comes with however it's rather pricey on the second hand market and also I think the scale might look silly! Any suggestions?


My go-to for combis has been the Battle Sister box, but that's largely because I really like the Sororitas flamer design.

  On 6/20/2023 at 11:02 AM, Kaiju Soze said:

My go-to for combis has been the Battle Sister box, but that's largely because I really like the Sororitas flamer design.


It's quite hard to see from the sprue, do you think the chaos plasma/melta/flamer part from the chosen kit would fit on the sisters bolter bit?

  On 6/20/2023 at 10:47 AM, danodan123 said:

I've been wondering how to go about an Exalted Champion conversion.


I would like to have it accurate to the datasheet by way of at least having a combi weapon and any melee weapon I guess can be classed as the exalted weapon...


However, I'm stumped with where to find a combi weapon bit that looks good... I love the backpack the original model comes with however it's rather pricey on the second hand market and also I think the scale might look silly! Any suggestions?



It's not a Chaos backpack, but if you like that the Exalted Champion's combi weapon is mounted on his backpack, the new Phobos Lieutenant from the Leviathan box also has a combi weapon (it's a combi-flamer instead of a combi-melta on the original ExChamp but that is irrelevant rules wise for 10th at least) attached to the backpack. Should be much easier and cheaper to acquire once Leviathan is fully out in the wild.


Black Templars also have some one handed combi weapons, albeit mostly Primaris styled, so perhaps not your cup of tea, that I've used for my own warband (can see them in my Lichborne Kill Team thread in the WIP forum). The Sword Brethren kit has a left handed combi-plasma used by the sergeant. The Marshal kit has a right handed combi flamer (not generally seen on painted preview pictures but if you look at the sprue you can see it). The Castellan has a right handed Firstborn combi flamer.


You might be able to find a Firstborn Sternguard box somewhere. There's a number of combi weapons in that box. Personally my favorite combi weapon is the melta from the Terminator Lord/Sorc kit. It required a bit of trimming to separate it from the Terminator arm but I love it. Just a massive gun, and a nice, big chainblade bayonet that can easily be interpreted as an Accursed/Exalted Weapon.


Sorry to derail the thread @TrawlingCleaner, the characters look great! I do think the Dark Apostle could use something to make him stand out more as, well, a Dark Apostle. He's got the crozius but just kind of looks like a Primaris guy to me. Do you have any plans for his Cultist buddies following him around?

  On 6/20/2023 at 9:28 AM, TrawlingCleaner said:


Cheers Gamiel!

I was tempted to begin with and do "Evil Deathwatch" type vibe where most marines all have different chapter symbols but to be honest, that's more work that I think is worth :biggrin:

I'd need to either source decals for a load of different chapters or freehand them plus a lot of chapter colours are likely to clash. A neat idea but vey hard to pull off IMO!


I would do it by having their left pauldron in Red Corsairs red with their clawed fist on (or maybe the Chaos star) but the rest of their armour in their original colour, with some Chaos/RC grafiti here and there, maybe some CSM parts here and there. But that's just me. 

Edited by Gamiel

It's all good folks, no hijacking was done here when kitbashing is involved! :biggrin:

The only thing to watch out for with the sisters combi bolter is that they're quite a bit smaller than CSM bolters, the Chosen Combi bit may be quite large! Nothing a bit of cutting and sticking can't fix, mind you :laugh:


  On 6/20/2023 at 3:28 PM, Volgon said:

 I do think the Dark Apostle could use something to make him stand out more as, well, a Dark Apostle. He's got the crozius but just kind of looks like a Primaris guy to me. Do you have any plans for his Cultist buddies following him around?



The Cultists are the bit I'm stuck on at the moment, I'm thinking of having some well dressed cultists, one with a small banner and the other I haven't figured out yet. That way when he goes in a Cultist squad, his pals standout, when he joins normal squads he stands out anyways because he's bloody huge :sweat::



Speaking of which, the Exalted Champion is done:


"He was there when Huron's Iron Halo failed and helped carry him when his flesh melted. He'd protected Huron as he healed and been reborn anew as a Red Corsair. Exalted Champion Torr was a dependable leader in a Maelstrom of loose cannons"







The Master of Executions is also most of the way there, I'm not too happy on the fade between colours on the sword atm:






Character command is coming along nicely!




  On 6/21/2023 at 7:24 PM, gaurdian31 said:

If you can find them I'd suggest the traitor guardsmen or maybe convert some of the Cadian command squad into the Dark Apostles lackeys.



A good while ago, I attempted to make a Savlar Chem dogs army. It lasted for 1 unit before realising the conversions I was doing were too time and money expensive :laugh:

The plus side is that I've still got some left that I've been scattering projects:


The flag needs to be straighened up but otherwise I'm pretty happy with them. I did a similar thing with the Dark Apostle for my Iron Warriors army, GSC have so many great bits!

I've also added a little icon to the Apostle, he did just need a little something extra I think (needs to be painted):





"This "Chapter Champion" droned on about Courage and Honour and had worn himself out on Daine's many lazy blocks. The thing he called a bird landed and dribbled: STOP TOYING WORK TO DO. The Champion had tried to block Daine's onehanded overhead swing but died all the same"









"Emperor go with you! The Sorcerer called out. Grunk spun on his heel whirling his axe before the brightest Golden Light burned his outline onto Huron's retina. He knew what this Sorcerer's patron was, the thought of which filled many with fear but for the Tyrant: Curiosity"








6 very bad man ready to Raid and Reave in the Tyrant of Badab's name!



I also kitbashed up a generic chaos Lord with a Thunder hammer and plasma pistol:





Lots of different bits went into this including Khârn and Khan! :biggrin:

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