Kaiju Soze Posted October 4, 2023 Share Posted October 4, 2023 3 hours ago, TrawlingCleaner said: Thanks librarian! I started to drill barrells for a previous project, way back when but after doing a unit or two I just felt that it was an extra step I didn't need or want to do. When I was starting to get into the online part of 40k there was also quite a vocal part of the community that would comment on people's posts something to effect of "Great painting but drill your in barrels". It always rubbed me as a kind of elitism. Not that I'm accusing you of this here in any way! I think it's just something that attributed to me not liking drilling my barrels I can understand the appeal but it really isn't for me! Between the effort and the number of wrecked or nearly wrecked barrels I've ended up, I'm right there with you on this one. gaurdian31 and TrawlingCleaner 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5993011 Share on other sites More sharing options...
madlibrarian Posted October 7, 2023 Share Posted October 7, 2023 On 10/4/2023 at 5:32 PM, Kaiju Soze said: Between the effort and the number of wrecked or nearly wrecked barrels I've ended up, I'm right there with you on this one. yeah, fair enough guys! I don’t mind either way - fyi TC, I’m nicking that double chain sword terminator power sword conversion you did - looks 10/10 my dude! TrawlingCleaner 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5993404 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrawlingCleaner Posted October 12, 2023 Author Share Posted October 12, 2023 On 10/7/2023 at 10:23 AM, madlibrarian said: yeah, fair enough guys! I don’t mind either way - fyi TC, I’m nicking that double chain sword terminator power sword conversion you did - looks 10/10 my dude! Steal away librarian! The Berzerker kit is absolutely fantastic, there's so much you can do with it! I'm re-re getting back to the Terminators and getting some proper paint work on them, mainly the power weapons and highlighing the red so far: The Chainaxe in particular is quite crispy and I'm very happy with it. Now I just need to finish off the unit I've also gotten to work on repainting a Chaos Sorcerer I converted yonks ago. These Tartaros Termies will be this Sorcerer's enterage and when I get around to converting some of the new scale Terminators, they'll be the bodyguard for the Chaos Lord I converted The black armour needs redoing to be brought in line and the skin needs some tidy ups but otherwise he's not that far off being done Kaiju Soze, Dr_Ruminahui, LSM and 6 others 8 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5994310 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrawlingCleaner Posted October 12, 2023 Author Share Posted October 12, 2023 So I've got a game tonight in preparation for a LGS 1500pt 1 day tournament. My list is: Huron - Warlord Winged Daemon Prince - MoS - GoGo Juice 10 Legionaries - Accursed Weapon, Heavy Accursed Weapon, Balefire, Melta, Havoc Autocannon, Icon - MoU 10 Cultists Rhino 6 Bikes - Powerfist, 2x Melta, Icon - MoN 10 Raptors - Powerfist, Melta, Flamer - MoS Predator Destructor - 2x Heavy Bolter - MoU 2 Oblits - MoU Venomcrawler - MoN Helbrute - Multi-Melta, Fist - MoU The list is basically the units I have painted in something resembling decent I think it's got some play but I think I'm going to struggle into anything big, it's basically only the Oblits that have anything over S9 but I'm a stickler for WYSIWYG and only using things I've painted (plus this weekend will be using the +10 pts for painted rule) So we'll see how I go! LSM, Dr_Ruminahui and gaurdian31 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5994371 Share on other sites More sharing options...
gaurdian31 Posted October 12, 2023 Share Posted October 12, 2023 Terminators are coming along well, really like the power weapons, especially the lightning claws! Your list looks fun, hope it goes well and have a great time! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5994432 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrawlingCleaner Posted October 13, 2023 Author Share Posted October 13, 2023 Cheers gaurdian! The game was VS an Eldar army containing: Spoiler Avatar of Khaine Barraroth with 5 Hawks Farseer with 10 Guardians with Brightlance Farseer with 6 Windriders 5 Fire Dragons in a Wave Serpent Vyper 5 Dire Avengers 5 Rangers 3 ShroudRunners It started off poorly after I forgot one of my bikes at home (one fo the Meltas and the Icon Bearer), Crumbs! The game was fantastic and even after an absolute stormer of a Turn 2 from my opponent, it was right down to the wire! I deployed right on the line with most units, the Oblits started in Deep Strike, the Cultists and the Prince held back behind some buildings. My opponent won the roll off and pushed forward with the Vyper on the central objective and the Wave Serpent just behind. The Dire Avengers and Shroud Runners pushed onto the bottom right hand corner opposite my Raptors and killed a couple. The Rhino took a Brightlance hit and was reduced to 2 wounds and the Predator took 3 wounds too. In my Turn 1 I pushed the Raptors up hard, to be 2" away from both the Shroudrunners and Dire Avengers, losing 2 more to their Overwatch. Between the shooting from the Venomcrawler, Helbrute, Bikes and Rhino I just about manage to kill the Vyper. My opponent's dice were hot! The Predator chipped 8 Wounds off the Wave Serpent but didn't manange to kill it. I didn't think anything of it at the time but this would be my downfall I think. Also leaving things very low for them to be thorns in my side was the theme of the game The Raptor wiped the Shroudrunners and left the Dire Avenger Exarch alive on one wound End of Turn1: Turn 2 my opponent dropped the Windriders in to contest a top point that my Bikes and the Rhino with Huron, The Avatar is diverted off to the right hand corner to deal with the Raptors and the Hawks drop down behind the Bikes in the top. The Wave Serpent jumps forward and the Fire Dragon's jump out. I overwatch with the Predator and roll hot on the Heavy Bolters, 2 6s gives me 4 hits which converts into 4 1s to wound. All the other weapons whiff and the Fire Dragons are totally fine, Crumbs! They whirling dervish and between the Serpent and the 5 of them they kill the Helbrute and the Predator. Ouch! The Rhino gets popped and the Windrunners open up into the Marines+Huron leaving me with 1 marine + Huron. The Avatar drops the Raptors easily. In my Turn 2 I drop the Prince next to the Wave Serpent and the Fire Dragons, the Cultists come forawrd a little and the Oblits drop down where the Raptors died. The Venomcrawler moved up towards the Avatar before he promptly overwatches, uses a Fate Dice and get 4 hits with the lance and pops the Crawler! The Bikes push up to try deal with the Windriders and drop 1 in shooting after an awful set of rolling. Huron and his man sit on the objective, tucked in. The Oblits deal 3 wounds to the Avatar. The Cultist actually kill 3 Fire Dragons with pistols in a hilarious turn of luck. The Prince charges, finishes off the Serpent with his Mortal Wounds and skewers the remaining Fire Dragons. The Bikes charge the enemy bikes and only manage to kill 2 bikes in a horrible turn of events. Turn 3 starts and I'm looking thinner on the ground than before but if I can weather the storm, I think I'm still in this. The Hawks drop down near Huron, the Bikes fall out of combat and drop onto the point Huron is on. The Avatar goes further into the corner to deal with the Oblits. The Guardians come forward a little from his back point. Huron and the marine die to Hawk fire and the bikes are dropped from Shuriken, Brightlance from the Guardians and the Ranger's snipers. An Oblit dies to the Avatar shooting after using a Fate Dice again and the other is picked up on the charge. My Turn 3 starts and all I have left is the Prince and Cultists. My Secondaries are kind and need me to take his home objective and be in his territory. Between charging and shooting, the prince picks up the Guardians and leaves the Farseer on 1 wound but crucially has taken the back objective. Turn 4 Bikes stay on the top left objective, the Avatar is storming from the bottom right to try pin down the prince and the Hawks drop down on my home objective. The Bikes and the Rangers only manage to strip 3 wounds off the Prince and the Hawks pick my Cultists off and take the objective from me My Turn 4 starts with only the Prince and a dream. I draw assassinate, Tempting target (where the bikes are) and Deploy teleport homers. The prince jumps forward to and shoot backwards at the Farseer on one wound who promptly survives. The prince charges the bikes, killing them all but leaving the Farseer on 2 wounds but taking the objective Turn 5, the Farseer on bike runs away to the central objetive where the Avatar joins him, everyone else stays still. My Turn 5 I draw the objective that wants me to have more in the centre. Currently the Avatar is on 11 and the Farseer is on 2. I have a chance to pick both up and get a decent swing as I score at the end of my turn. The prince shoots the Farseer, kills him geting me Assassinate and I charge the Avatar. Between the charge and the attacks I get the Avatar down to 3 Wounds and the Prince takes no wounds in return. I was hoping that I could force the Battleshock on the Avatar and at least score 5 for the primary but he passes the test. The games ends: Eldar - 76, Corsairs - 59 A close one! I think Ultimately, the backbreaker was losing the Predator and the Helbrute Turn 2. Whilst they weren't lynchpins, the predator would have been really handy to deal with the bikes and the Hawks. The Prince was without a doubt the MVP of the match, I played super cagey with him the entire game because I knew there was no way he could kill the Avatar without any help. Also being MoS he moves 14" so can really bait the big guy around. This was the unit I wasn't too sure on but he pulled this game with him the whole way. I totally forgot about Huron's Hamydra ability and this would've come in massive clutch as I could've jumped him round the corner and kept him safe on Turn 3. Something to keep in mind! The Predator was good, I think it would struggle into anything that isn't T9 although using Profane zeal may help to swing into something the -1ap isn't great I'm looking forward to this weekend and giving this list another go! madlibrarian, Dr_Ruminahui, Bouargh and 2 others 2 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5994619 Share on other sites More sharing options...
gaurdian31 Posted October 13, 2023 Share Posted October 13, 2023 Sounds like a good time overall! Glad to hear the prince was doing work, I always worry about them under performing but sounds like yours did great! TrawlingCleaner 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5994683 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrawlingCleaner Posted October 16, 2023 Author Share Posted October 16, 2023 Especially with such a high points cost too! 210 with the Enhancement is really rough if he doesn't pull his weight! Sunday went as well as I thought it might with a finishing record of WLL it was a great day overall. I played Necrons, Death Guard and new Marines, we used the old Tempest of War cards which I think worked out fine but it wasn't seemless. For example, a good chunk of the cards use 9th ed terms like ObSec, pyshcic phase etc that no longer exist or unit roles that don't exist so it involved some extra figuring out between players. Game 1: My Opponents list was: Spoiler Overlord witha Res Orb Techno mancer In a squad of 5 Lychguard Plasmancer with the Turbochickens and the teleport enhancement In a squad of 10 Immortals Destroyer Lord In a Squad of 3 Heavy Destroyers 6 Bikes (I forget the name) 2x Glocktopuses 1 Spyder 3 Scarabs Reanimator Big Renaminator with gun (I forget the name of this too) I got Turn 1 played pretty chagey as I know how much damage the Heavy Destroyers can do (my Dark Eldar have felt their wrath many times). The Rhino advanced up my right flank to take the right hand objective, the Prince and Raptors advanced up to take the left both sets were mostly obscure by LoS blocking. The Predator and the Venomcrawler shifted up to get line of sight on the 'Cron Bikes still be hidden. The Predator killed 4 bikes with 1 ressurecting and the Crawler killed the remaining 3 bikes with a stunning 14 wounds out of 12 starting shots! In his Turn 1, my opponent pushed up with the Lychguard to hold the centre and the big Reanimator killed a couple of the Raptors and I lost 2 Bikes to the Destroyers. My Turn 2 I kept the rhino on the point, dropped the Oblits down next to the Rhino and pushed the bikes up. The Crawler converged on the centre with the Helbrute just behind. The Predator got some line of sight on the Destroyers and took some Overwatch for his troubles. The Immortals used their teleport and went into Reserves. The Venomcrawler and Helbrute opened up on the Pesky Lychgaurd and left 1 on 1 wound remaining. The Predator opened up on the Destroyers and did a sum total of 2 Wounds. The Oblits opened up and killed the 3 Destroyers and chipped 2 wounds off the Destroyer Lord. The Bikes did nothing to the Destoryer Lord. In the charge phase, the Venomcrawler was the only one to make it into Combat and he finished off the Lychguard but failed to do anything to the Overlord but importantly took the centre objective off the Necrons. In His Turn 2 the Immortals dropped back down right on the back board edge next to my Cultists, alongside a Glocktopus with the other one dropping behind the Rhino. The Destroyer Lord came forward as did the Reanimator and the Scarabs jumped forward to try and tie up the Rhino. I lost a couple more Raptors to the Big Reanimator before the Overlord killed the Crawler and the Scarabs killed the Rhino. The Cultists were picked up with a flurry of shots from the Immortals End of Turn 2 Necron movement action shots: Spoiler My Turn 3 and my Raptors, Helbrute and Predator all turn back to deal with the Glocktopus and the Immortals. Huron and the Crew stay still so the Glocktopus next to them doesn't shoot on moving. The one next to the Helbrute knocks it down to 1 wound. The Prince charges the Overlord and the Technomancer left in the middle, killing both. The Oblits blast the Spyder off the table and Huron's crew deal with the Scarabs and the Glocktopus with ease. The Predator fire on all cylinders and killed the 10 Immortals, 2 turbochickens and took the Plasmancer down to 1 Wound. The Bikes fail the charge into the Destroyer Lord His Turn 3, there's sparsley anything left, just a Plasmancer that drops the Helbrute with a staff shot. The Destroyer Lord and Reanimator charge the Bikes leaving 1 on 1 wound The game ends here 56-32 as we were pretty slow to start and get some things figured out plus my opponent was quite new (no shade on them, they were a fantastic opponent). Dealing with the Bikes first turn was ideal because it allowed me to take the game at my tempo. If ther'd hemmed me in Turn 1 it would have been pretty hard for me to come back Game 2 Vs Death Guard My Opponent's list was: Spoiler Lord of Contagion In a Squad of 5 Blightlords Plaguecaster In a Squad of 10 Plaguemarines 10 Plaguemarines Blightspawn In a squad of 5 Plaguemarines With a Rhino 20 Poxwalkers Bloatdrone with 2 spewers 3 Blight Haulers Plagueburst Crawler My Opponent got Turn 1 and the opening salvo set the pace for the game. I lost the bike squad instantly to the Blighthaulers and the Plaguecrawler took the Predator down to 4 wounds. Ouch! My Turn I push the Raptors, Venom Crawler and Daemon Prince up the right flank, Huron and the lads jump out with the Helbrute and the Predator providing covering fire. The Predator does 0 wounds to the Blighthaulers and the Helbrute does 2 to one of them. Huron loses 4 guys to overwatch from the Plagueburst Crawler's Overwatch but makes the charge. Even with reroll wounds, the squad does absolutely nothing to the Haulers with Huron taking 6 Wounds off of one of them. The Prince and Crawler fail their charges on the right flank. Uh-oh End of Turn 1 Spoiler In his Turn 1, the Plaguecrawler and the Haulers whiff pretty hard and only reduce the Helbrute by 4 Wounds and the Predator lives on 1 wound. Blightlords drop down behind the Venomcrawler and the Prince to Sandwich them as the Plaguemarines roll forward with the Drone. Between the flamer on the drone and the blightlords, I take 7 Wounds on the Venomcrawler. Ouch! The drone and the Blightlords charge the Crawler and the Plaguemarines charge the prince "to just tie him up". We both thought the Prince would take a couple of wounds, kill some marines in return but be totally fine otherwise. Nope. The Plaguecaster bonks the prince for 6 Wounds, more than he'd taken in any game so far let alone a single phase, then gets brought down by knives and a heavy melee weapon before even being able to swing. The Blightlords take the Crawler out easily. Huron's crew are charged by a 5 man PM Squad and are reduced to just 2 guys, Huron and the Champion. The Champion takes out 2 Marines and Huron takes a Hauler out of action and puts 6 Wounds on another My Turn 2 starts and I have aplan to heavily reduce the amount of Plaguemarines on the board as I have the Oblits to drop in and the Predator should do some work. The Helbrute pushes up and chips some wounds off the Haulers, entirely with his Heavy Flamer as does Huron. The Oblits kill 2 MArines and the Predator kills 1. The Predator fails it's Dark Pact and dies. My raptors charge the Blightlords and die to a man for 1 in return. The Crew are reduced to just the Champion and Huron, the Champion fails to wound anything in return. Huron continues to be the only thing pulling it's weight in this game and kills another Hauler and chips some more wounds off the other one. His Turn 3 and the Helbrute tanks all the shooting from the remaining Hauler and the PBC, the Oblits tank all the shooting that comes into them and the Rhino survives on 1 wound from a mix of bolters, plasma and Blightlaunchers from the fresh 10 man squad in the back. Huron whiffs all his attacks finally and the Champion kills a couple of Plaguemarines and takes a wound in return. My Turn 3 and I whiff hard with the Helbrute's shooting and the Oblits whiff massively again. Huron drops the last Hauler to 1 Wound and the Helbrute kills some more Plaguemarines. We run out of time here but this was a brutal 65 to 30 here. If it had gone further, there's not many points I could score with what I had left. It was a real slog of game but my opponent was fantastic and it was one of the most fun games I've had in a while. Huron laying the smackdown on the Haulers was very cool to see. I need to put my dice in jail for their heinous rolling Game 3 was vs New Space marines Their list was: Spoiler New Ironhail detachment Techmarine with a Lethal Hits aura thing Librarian with a 4+FNP In a squad of 5 Sternguard With an Impulsor 2x Gatling Gladiators 1x Lancer Gladiator 1x Other lancer I forget the name of 1x Atreus This was honestly, one of the lest enjoyable games I've had in a good while. Worse than the turkey shoot that was getting blasted by an all shooting army, was that my opponent was a poor winner and sore loser. I thought the Atreus would be the most bothering thing but it was actually the Gatling Gladiators, their Sustained Hit 2 into Infantry + Dev Wounds was absolutely brutal. Huron and his crew had their Rhino Destryoed, jumped out near one of the Gatling Gladiators to have it line them up and kill 6 marine then have me move towards it and get Overwatched and lose the other 4 leaving Huron on a Wound. The Prince did tank all of the armies shooting one turn which was pretty great (I only had him, 5 cultists and 1 Oblit left at this point), which did prompt my opponent to have a bit of a whine about it. I'm not a big fan of complaining about the odds stacked against me in games, however, the list in particular was almost exactly what my list didn't want to come up against. I have the Oblits which are the only weapons above T9 and on a vertical map too. A brutal set of circumstances! Even with a sour ending, the 2 games before were so enjoyable it more than makes up for it! What did I learn? I need AT for sure. The Predator had one great turn, one good turn and every other turn was very meh. If I was fighting a horde army or more marine armies, maybe it would would work but it just bounced off armour and infantry if they had cover. I probably should've run it as an Annihilator rather than a Destructor, hindsight is 20-20 after all! Bikes are good but they attract a lot of fire, which in itself is good but they don't last that long. I think they'd work better moving cover to cover rather than the bruisers I was trying to use them as. Raptors are entirely Anti-Light infantry or low model count marines. They're the opposite of Terminator Hunters (maybe Terminator ticklers?) I need a proper melee brick. The Legionaries are probably on the same level of Raptors with the only upside being that they reroll their wounds natively. They're a great bully unit for smaller infantry but they really struggle into armour. The Helbrute is nice but 140 points is steep, if anything it really needs that Lascannon as he wasn't able to get many shots off before dying or getting into combat. Getting both benefits is cut but it's not going to boost damage by a huge amount Sustained Hits is king and lets units swing upwards very hard, Lethal never seemed to work out for me Onwards and upwards! The store runs these monthly so I'll be re-looking at my list and seeing whatelse I might take. I definitely need some AT and a proper bruiser unit too. I think Chosen and a Landraider would definitely shore up some of the shortcomings of the army but we'll see how I get on painting them over the next month! Speaking of bruisers, the Terminators are almost done: Transfers and bases to go! Bouargh, Dr_Ruminahui, Kythnos and 3 others 4 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5995448 Share on other sites More sharing options...
gaurdian31 Posted October 16, 2023 Share Posted October 16, 2023 Terminators are looking good and glad at least 2/3 of your games were fun! madlibrarian, TrawlingCleaner and Dr_Ruminahui 1 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5995472 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaiju Soze Posted October 16, 2023 Share Posted October 16, 2023 Clearly the answer is to loot a Wardog Karnivore. After my last game, I'm only half joking. Those Terminators are looking great. TrawlingCleaner and gaurdian31 1 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5995552 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr_Ruminahui Posted October 16, 2023 Share Posted October 16, 2023 (edited) I was thinking about your experience with the Hellbrute, and think they are least powerful hanging around with units with the Mark of Chaos Undivided - a think the biggest part of their potency is not in their giving both halves of the dark pact, but combining with god specific marks to trigger both halves on a 5+ - particularly with units that get improved crits from shooting (so, nurgle and tzeench). I also think the Mark of Nurgle is the best mark for it, as you can greatly increase its survivability with the Dark Obscuration stratagem (and, vehicle wise, it is very fragile) while also letting it trigger its own dark pacts on a 5+. And yes, lascannon would seem to be the way to go, both generally and as your list is so short on anti-tank. If you don't think you are getting much out of the hellbrute's dark pacts "doubling", in all seriousness I would recommend a wardog. They are at most 20 points more expensive, and are better in also every regard except dark pacts - higher T, more wounds, inherent 5++ versus shooting, faster, better weapons.... its not quite the no brainer it was on release when more wardogs were actually cheaper, but in my mind the wardog is the better deal unless you specifically are fielding the hellbrute to improve your dark pacts. I guess one other tick in favour of the hellbrute is it can use our index stratagems, though they might just be a case of freeing up Dark Obscuration to protect a different unit instead. If you were to go the wardog route, I would go with a huntsman or a stalker, though, not a karnivore, in part to help fill your anti-tank issue, but that does require you to find 10 points somewhere. Edited October 16, 2023 by Dr_Ruminahui gaurdian31 and TrawlingCleaner 1 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5995632 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrawlingCleaner Posted October 17, 2023 Author Share Posted October 17, 2023 18 hours ago, gaurdian31 said: Terminators are looking good and glad at least 2/3 of your games were fun! Thanks gaurdian! In hindsight, I could've had fun with the game I think. My best course of action was probably to take a 5 minute break when I realised I wasn't enjoying it and reset myself. A couple of compounding issues shouldn't have taken me out of the game but I let them get to me. It happens! 15 hours ago, Kaiju Soze said: Clearly the answer is to loot a Wardog Karnivore. After my last game, I'm only half joking. Those Terminators are looking great. 9 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said: I was thinking about your experience with the Hellbrute, and think they are least powerful hanging around with units with the Mark of Chaos Undivided - a think the biggest part of their potency is not in their giving both halves of the dark pact, but combining with god specific marks to trigger both halves on a 5+ - particularly with units that get improved crits from shooting (so, nurgle and tzeench). I also think the Mark of Nurgle is the best mark for it, as you can greatly increase its survivability with the Dark Obscuration stratagem (and, vehicle wise, it is very fragile) while also letting it trigger its own dark pacts on a 5+. And yes, lascannon would seem to be the way to go, both generally and as your list is so short on anti-tank. If you don't think you are getting much out of the hellbrute's dark pacts "doubling", in all seriousness I would recommend a wardog. They are at most 20 points more expensive, and are better in also every regard except dark pacts - higher T, more wounds, inherent 5++ versus shooting, faster, better weapons.... its not quite the no brainer it was on release when more wardogs were actually cheaper, but in my mind the wardog is the better deal unless you specifically are fielding the hellbrute to improve your dark pacts. I guess one other tick in favour of the hellbrute is it can use our index stratagems, though they might just be a case of freeing up Dark Obscuration to protect a different unit instead. If you were to go the wardog route, I would go with a huntsman or a stalker, though, not a karnivore, in part to help fill your anti-tank issue, but that does require you to find 10 points somewhere. Thank you for the input both! Wardogs are definitely something I'd like to add from an aesthetic point of view at least, they look sick and would look good either in Corsair colours or another household/scheme The only downside is that I know I'd want to pick up a big one or 2 in addition and with a wedding in 6 months, my missus might not be happy They're definitely on the cards in the future, although for now I'm just looking to add beef through units I have in the backlog Whilst I didn't finish of the Terminators fully last night as I wasn't in a transfer mood, I did slap some red basecoats on the next "wave" of Corsairs: Still a whole bunch more to go but the nice thing about doing basecoats whole sale like so is that I can pick a model up and just do a colour or a wash and chip away at something. Anywhere from large model to single infantry or character, where ever the hobby butterfly wants to fly off to next gaurdian31, Kallas, Dr_Ruminahui and 1 other 2 1 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5995729 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaiju Soze Posted October 17, 2023 Share Posted October 17, 2023 Yeah, collecting a Knight army is an easy rabbit hole to fall down given how few models it takes. I suggested the Karnivore for its current points cost, high speed, and how mine overperformed in my last game by killing a Lord of Change (5 mortals off Tank Shock and about 20 damage from the fist). The lack of Dark Pacts and invulnerable save in melee make me think a Maulerfiend is likely a better choice, but that costs more. Dr_Ruminahui, TrawlingCleaner and gaurdian31 2 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5995781 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrawlingCleaner Posted October 18, 2023 Author Share Posted October 18, 2023 (edited) 22 hours ago, Kaiju Soze said: Yeah, collecting a Knight army is an easy rabbit hole to fall down given how few models it takes. I suggested the Karnivore for its current points cost, high speed, and how mine overperformed in my last game by killing a Lord of Change (5 mortals off Tank Shock and about 20 damage from the fist). The lack of Dark Pacts and invulnerable save in melee make me think a Maulerfiend is likely a better choice, but that costs more. I do really love Melee flavoured 'bots too, don't tempt me Kaiju! "Ultramar's Bane had been given their name after committing many raids against the 500 world's, leaving many burning husks of worlds in their wake. Often forming a squad of Huscarls for Blackheart, their martial prowess is as strong as their hatred of Ultramarines" The Terminators are done! I'm super happy with the result on these guys. Whilst each member has a differnet set of equipment and paint scheme, they still work in unison as a squad. Now I just need to paint their Sorcerer boss! The lanky lad is also getting quite a bit done so far: Still tonnes to do but he's really taking shape! Edited October 18, 2023 by TrawlingCleaner Kythnos, Kaiju Soze, Dr_Ruminahui and 2 others 4 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5995984 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaiju Soze Posted October 18, 2023 Share Posted October 18, 2023 But where would we be without the temptations of Chaos? If I have any criticisms of the terminators, its that the red helmets don't stand out super obviously against the armour. Otherwise, they look really good. TrawlingCleaner and gaurdian31 1 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5996067 Share on other sites More sharing options...
gaurdian31 Posted October 19, 2023 Share Posted October 19, 2023 The terminators came out great, but I do agree with @Kaiju Soze that the red helms kind of get lost in the armor a little. TrawlingCleaner 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5996265 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrawlingCleaner Posted October 20, 2023 Author Share Posted October 20, 2023 I had hoped the yellow eyes would help them but I agree they are lost a little. When I have some time between projects I'm first going to try adding some orange to some of the highlights to bring the brightness up a bit. This in theory should help differentiate between the curved plate in front. If that doesn't work then they both get black helmets! I've been working on the Forgefiend a bit more and the red is pretty much done bar some tidy ups and some more highlighting on the guns: Still a whole bunch to do in general but it's good to see it starting to pop I've also been repainting the sorcerer in between other projects too: Both still have a long way to go Kaiju Soze, Dr_Ruminahui and Kallas 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5996414 Share on other sites More sharing options...
gaurdian31 Posted October 20, 2023 Share Posted October 20, 2023 That's a great looking purple on the sorcerer and the fiend is coming along nicely! Do you have something the giant skull it has for a face could be looking down on? An injured marine or guardsmen would look great there I think. Dr_Ruminahui 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5996548 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrawlingCleaner Posted October 23, 2023 Author Share Posted October 23, 2023 "Yaga Pattern Forgefiends are famed for their speed at distances and favoured for lightning fast raids. What it shirks in armoured bulk of the standard Forgefiend, it gains in speed and height" The forgefiend is done! I'm very happy with this guy, he's the right amount of creepy but cool looking. It's named Yaga pattern after Baga Yaga and her walking house (as suggested by a friend of mine). Perhaps it's also piloted by naughty Children Daemons too! Dr_Ruminahui, Lord Abaia, LSM and 5 others 4 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5997093 Share on other sites More sharing options...
gaurdian31 Posted October 23, 2023 Share Posted October 23, 2023 Came out really well! Nice creepy vibes to it! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5997191 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrawlingCleaner Posted October 24, 2023 Author Share Posted October 24, 2023 Cheers gaurdian! I'll be finishing off the Sorcerer and starting the Landraider soon, I'm currently working on some bits for my AoS forces (including some gribblies that'll be used by my 40k stuff). My heavier firepower is leveling up slowly, I think the 'fiend is definitely needed! I do need to get a full army shot at some point too! Dr_Ruminahui, Bouargh, Kythnos and 5 others 5 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5997287 Share on other sites More sharing options...
gaurdian31 Posted October 24, 2023 Share Posted October 24, 2023 It'll be cool to see them altogether! Also looking forward to the land raider! TrawlingCleaner 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5997305 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrawlingCleaner Posted October 27, 2023 Author Share Posted October 27, 2023 The Sorcerer is done! It's not a night and day difference but it didn't need that much to be honest. All I did was swap some colours around, redid the black colours, rehighlighted the red, highlighted the cape a bit more and did the rivets: Vs the old: I also painted up another model for my Slaves to Darkness AoS army that came with these little guys: The functionally do nothing in the game (they don't even appear on the datasheet), however I thought they'd make good "Stickied Objective" markers. I'm always forgetting the objectives I've stickied! As such I made 2 more that I'll paint up too: The landraider is in the process of being basecoated, it's big so takes a while! madlibrarian, gaurdian31, Brother Captain Vakarian and 3 others 4 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5997923 Share on other sites More sharing options...
gaurdian31 Posted October 27, 2023 Share Posted October 27, 2023 Those markers are a good idea and the updated paint job on the sorcerer is great! TrawlingCleaner and LSM 1 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5997950 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrawlingCleaner Posted October 31, 2023 Author Share Posted October 31, 2023 On 10/27/2023 at 2:42 PM, gaurdian31 said: Those markers are a good idea and the updated paint job on the sorcerer is great! Thank you gaurdian! I'm always forgetting sticky objectives so it should maybe, hopefully be a good reminder I've gotten some more basecoats down on the Landraider, whilst I was waiting for washes and contrast to dry on another project for AoS. I came back to the Landraider when I finished with the other proejct and immediately started work on the Chosen instead. Classic. They're still *incredibly* rough but we'll get there. The basecoat step is always the tedious bit that takes the longest and also generally makes the models look bad Lots left to do! Brother Captain Vakarian, Gamiel, gaurdian31 and 2 others 4 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/374135-master-of-the-maelstrom-shark-tank-reborn/page/8/#findComment-5998717 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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