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Master of the Maelstrom - 2nd Venomcrawler completed

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With a mild side-quest with building and painting the new Darkoath (They're absolutely gorgeous models), I've gotten back to painting the 'fiend. I'm most of the way there but I think it needs some more work:





I think I need to do something with the front carapcae/shell bit just above the balck band? The red isn't quite perfect and it's showing.  I think I'm having trouble with it based on the previous one I did  which has way more red on it:






The leaks have really got my juices flowing for army list ideas and where I'd like to go next. The Raider's detatchment is really cool and literally the way I like to play the army, swarm forward on loads of bikes+transports and smash!

The Lord Discordant really looks tasty in the Raiders detatchment, as it's a Mounted keyword model rather than Daemon Vehicle, it synergises really well with their strats. The Dread Reaver relic seems ideal for the Disco, Reroll hits+Wounds when within 12" of the enemy deployment zone is a huge area of the board and really helps make him swing hard, he's definitely a midlevel unit bully rather than the vehicle killing monster of yester-year, a very similar role to the Venomcrawler I think! He can mitigate enemy hit back too from vehicles by potentially turning off a vehicle's shooting which is ace and also buffs friendly units shooting. Definitely the next model to paint!

The downside of the new detatchment is that it largely makes the Lord on Bike a bit superfluous (a Legends unit I know) with one of his abilites giving the entire unit Assault but I suppose the great thing is that half the Raider's strats are Battle Tactics which is tasty!

The Detatchment really helps Defilers too by giving them -1AP when targetting enemy units on objectives which the Battlecannon loves and gives them Assault. With the 8" move, advancing and still shooting really helps get it up the board which is something I've struggled with it for a while

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Mr. gorilla arm is coming along really nicely - personally, I don't see the problem with the red that you describe, it looks fine to me.  I guess if you want to make it match the other places where black meets red on the model, you could do a line of red highlighting just above the back plate, and maybe buff up the highlighting on that ridge on the model's right side between the hatch and the black collar, as it does seem to kind of peter out there.


I agree with your takes on the new Raider's detachment - it looks really good and I'm inclined to use it for my own force though if I do that I'll probably want to paint up my second rhino and a legionaires or chosen squad to go in it.

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I strengthend up the red a touch and also added a highlight next to the black as the good Dr recommended and I'm much much happier with him now. Great suggestions both!












Yaga bros:



The Beefybois of the army



Lord Discordant up next! He's a heavy old model being totally metal :sweat:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks gaurdian! I went with Black in the end as it contrasts/compliments nicely with the red and is a bit imposing. The Wolf is a little goofy looking so the Black kinda helps it out:














Raptor Lord up next I think or maybe a Second Venomcrawler! :happy:

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I think I need to add something to the base for sure, it's a bit sparse at the moment! A nice chunk of Ultramarine power armour or vehicle chunk should give a nice contrast too! :happy:


The codex finally arrived! A few days late to be a well timed birthday present to myself but very cool all the same:




Blackheart is eager to get reaving!


The book is really nice, as per usual, interestingly there's very few bits of old artwork left in there. The odd bit here and there but it's mainly all new stuff with some new bits in the old styling










There's nothing too new for the Corsairs in there from what I can tell. The blurb about the Tyrant's Gate that was introduced in the 9th ed codex is now on Huron's page blurb, the Studio paintjobs on units all seem to be the new models and the newer scheme (closer to mine but darker). Interestingly, Huron's model doesn't appear in any of the studio shots.

Does that add fuel to my theory about him coming later in the edition or is that just my hopium catching up with me? :laugh:


I've got a Crusade game this Thursday so I'm looking forward to getting a game in with the new detachment and codex!

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Thanks gaurdian! I hope he does too, it would be odd if they don't update him tbh. They've aggressively purged all other Finecast models in 40k armies up until now and they haven't sold his model for nearly a year now!


The game on Wednesday was another loss for Chaos (0-6 so far). Dread Reaver made the Lord on Bike hit hard consistently, however the unit got blasted by nearly everything in the Edlar army Turn1, leaving only the Champion and the lord. Small board sizes with small amounts of terrain and low points is really crumping Chaos I think :sweat:

By getting unit kills my units are slowly getting more and more levels, the Sorcerer gained a weapon upgrade so I gave him +1 Attack and +1 BS on his Psychic powers. The Ranged squad have +1OC and the rhino has +2" move which are all pretty handy. Bigger games should help me a lot as I can actually use my speedier elements properly :biggrin:


I also got another game in VS Harlequins on Saturday, I forgot to take a photo of the first turn as I got my Maulerfiend on the board but it died straight away to Haywire bikes, hopefully that rubs the newly painted model syndrome off :biggrin:

I won the game but rather narrowly as the Chaos Lord and the Master of Executions soloed most of the Harlequin force by themsevles. I didn't feel the detatchment use that much in this game as the additional AP is useless against an army that only has 4+ Invuln saves. Assault guns really helped though and the Advance and charge strat saw use from the ranged squad pushing up with the Sorcerer




Helped a pal who's been out of the game since the start of 10th (not had the time and lives pretty far away), he used my Corsairs and I think they did better with him at the helm than they've done with me for maybe about 6 months? :biggrin:

Against Quins again, this time the Venomcrawler lived and killed a unit of bikes solo in shooting and then killed another 5 quins in combat. It was impressive to see!


I love the 'Crawlers and decided to get my 2nd one painted up, they're so sick that they're one of 2 units in the army that I haven't converted at all (the other being Oblits). I'd definitely pick another one up at some point too and get 3 in a game, they're surpringly good for their points (when they don't get instantly killed like mine has in Crusade :biggrin:)

Still WIP but getting there:



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"Most often used by the Red Corsairs as Infantry support vehicles, Venomcrawlers are able to keep pace with Transports, jumppacks and bikes alike. Although filled with bloodlust, the Corsairs have factored the Crawler's short attention span into their battle plans"









Another Crawler joins the fray!

I'm definitely thinking about painting another at some point :sweat:

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