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Returning player, first time Guard.


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Inspired by Commissar Gamza, and his tank love, I'm coming back to the hobby.


So, I like tanks.  I want to play tanks.  I want to build and paint tanks.


I have many, many Space Marine tanks and 3 Baneblades (well, 1 Stormlord and 2 Baneblade recovery projects).


Now I would like to build a Leman Russ tank company to accompany my big boys.


What's good, what's crap, and what's fun?




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I've run tank squadrons throughout 8th edition, 9th has given us a couple buffs, they are a fun way to play! Don't expect to win though.

We're still one of the worst armies currently, hopefully our codex will shift things forward for us, but it's doubtful and no idea when it will be available. 


As for Factions 

Cadian re-rolls 1 when stationary, good if you're castle and gunline,

however with the smaller maps and absolute need to capture and hold objectives your mileage may vary 

Catachan let's you re-roll Flamer dice, fun if you're running flamers on everything

Vostroyan add's 6in range to all your guns, less useful on the smaller maps sizes now, unless you want to castle and gun line again

Tallarn vehicles and move and advance and still fire weapons (heavy becomes assault) great for flooding the table

Valhalla vehicles stat lines are equal to double the number of wounds remaining, helps you move and shoot in your top tier longer 

Custom consider Jury Rigging for wound regeneration and Gunnery Experts for improved # of shots 

Running as multiple Spearhead detachments gives your tanks ObSec but will be contested anytime a more enemy models show up nearby


For Leman Russ

Magnetize your sponsons and turrets, sometimes you can squeeze in an extra tank on your list if you leave the sponsons off

also with no sponsons lets you group your tanks in much more compact formations on tables with dense scenery 

However wanting to pour out as many shots as possible is a good reason to bring sponsons with heavy bolters or flamers 

LasCannons as your hull for back line, probably want flamers auto hitting on your front line tank hulls 

use Tank Commanders with Tank Aces traits, they also give order to nearby tanks! 

Punisher cannons since they aren't Blast, can still be shot in melee/close combat great for front line tanks

the auto wounding 6s work well with above variant since they are dumping out 20 shots or 40 with Grinding Advance (move less than half distance) 

Track guards are very useful to keep your tanks full movement range even as they become degraded 

Demolisher need a close range to hit but the high strength is great, some how one of mine always rolls snake eyes for number of shots once per game :sad.:

Battle Cannon / Plasma Turrets are decent on your Tank Commander. 


Other Tanks / Artillery 

Master of Ordinance buffs Basilisks Wyverns Manticores and Deathstrikes = reroll 1s within 6in of this officer (helpful when not playing Cadian)

also has a once per battle artillery barrage attack which helps occasionally but never count on it. 

Basilisk are still useful despite the -1 AP when fighting Marines, keep them in your back line and screened from deep-strike, ignore line of sight too

Manticore missile launchers are also pretty good but with same traits as above

Advancing 3 Hellhounds w/flamers right into the enemies front line is always a laugh, they also explode on 4+ BOOM! 

Chimeras with Flamers help keep any troops you bring along alive a bit longer


I haven't had much experience with Baneblade variants, I'm sure some other Generals can chime in. 

I'd say at least bring 2 so one can do work while the other is distracting the enemy and being shot to pieces

Edited by 4ndroid
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Thanks... er, TANKS a lot! 


Winning isn't the priority, I just want to paly some cherry tanks!


Magnetizing and having swappable turrets is the plan.

Edited by Venemox
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So oddly enough… I’ve been having fun with this list.


++ Spearhead Detachment -3CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [102 PL, 1,600pts, 7CP] ++


+ Configuration +


Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)


Detachment Command Cost [-3CP]




Regimental Doctrine: Regiment: Cadian


+ Stratagems +



Tank Ace [-1CP]


+ HQ +


Tank Commander [12 PL, 205pts]: Battle Cannon, Display Tank Orders, Heavy Stubber, Lascannon, Relic (Cadia): Gatekeeper, Weapon Expert


+ Heavy Support +


3x Leman Russ Battle Tanks [30 PL, 465pts]

3x . Leman Russ Demolisher: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Stubber, Turret-mounted Demolisher Siege Cannon


++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [22 PL, 400pts] ++


+ Configuration +


Detachment Command Cost


Regimental Doctrine: Regiment: Cadian


+ Agents of the Imperium +


Vindicare Assassin [5 PL, 100pts]


+ HQ +


Knight Commander Pask [14 PL, 238pts]: Heavy Bolter, Storm Bolter, Turret-mounted Punisher Gatling Cannon, Warlord, WT (Cadia): Superior Tactical Training


+ Troops +


Militarum Tempestus Scions [3 PL, 62pts]

. 2x Scion: 2x Frag & Krak grenades, 2x Hot-shot Lasgun

2x . Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun

. Tempestor: Bolt pistol, Power sword


++ Total: [124 PL, 7CP, 2,000pts] ++


Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)

Edited by Hiroitchi
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I like the forgeworld tanks, specifically the Marcharius types. Be prepared to Get your wallet out if you go that route. Baneblades performance is not great for times I have used it, hitting on 4s can limit its affectivity (and only one shot with the demolisher cannon means that weapon is worse that a Leman Russ with demolisher cannon due to grinding advance). I have found other variants of the Baneblade to be more effective (more damage output from the big cannons). Fun to try out the variants and see what works for you. Also the sponsons on Baneblade variants are not worth the cost - even more so now with armour of content.

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Space Marines are pretenders to the Panzer Kunst, welcome to the practitioners :wink: Don't forget we have some tutorials for magnetising, most Guard tanks are straight forward fortunately :thumbsup:


I run more infantry heavy armour these days so don't have much to add to the good advice above, the game isn't very favourable to tanker lists currently but with a new Guard codex coming at some point and probably close to a new edition when it does arrive things can change (and should). This should give you time to work on your vehicle pool so it hopefully works out nicely :)


Don't forget the most important part either: a WIP to let us know about your progress :biggrin.:

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I went two detachments just in case they limit tank commanders much like they have with a lot of HQ units in different armies; might as well get used to it. I went spearhead for majority of the tanks to give them obsec. The Vindicare is there to help take out enemy characters with aura buffs and the Tempestus scions to drop in to try and take an objective. The rest is pretty simple, just move 4.95 inches and you’ll get grinding advance, so makes a demolisher threat be 28.95 inches.


Fish for those 6s. Don’t be afraid to loose a few tanks here and there; where ever possible keep firing at a target that can kill your tanks till it’s dead. Often than not I go in this kill order: anti tank, buff aura, and then obsec. It’s great to be cadians for the reroll 1s if stationary.


The strategems I always use are:


Hail of Fire

Load Fire Reload

Field Promotion

Never Give Up! Never Surrender!

Shock Troops


Tank Ace

Edited by Hiroitchi
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I magnetized my assault marines jump packs back when Razorback assault was the meta for Blood Angels.


Both my Landraiders are fully sponson magnetized, including ability to make them a Terminus Ultra.


I'm doing swappable turrets, and magnetized sponsons thanks the the magic of 3d printing.

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Thanks... er, TANKS a lot! 


Winning isn't the priority, I just want to paly some cherry tanks!


Magnetizing and having swappable turrets is the plan.


If winning isn't priority then have a look at the Malcador Defender from Forgeworld.


Mine always comes with me to tournaments as a fun choice and it usually does far better than it really should.


It either:


- Gets priority targeted over tank commanders by people who don't know what it is (leaving the tank commanders mostly unscathed for a turn) and occasionally survives with 1 or 2 wounds left due to starting on 18 wounds. You then do relentless to get it to shoot on top profile meaning it still has a reasonable chance of causing some damage.




- It gets left alone because people don't think it will do much, but even at bs4+ with 5 heavy bolters, 2 lascannons and the demolisher cannon it will usually do a good chunk of damage (especially when combined with gunnery experts and spotter details as regimental traits). 


Is it an optimal choice? Absolutely not, and when your dice don't behave it feels pretty useless for its points. 


Does it look cool? Yes


Has it occasionally single handedly won me games through becoming an obstinant force of nature? Somehow on more than one occasion (most notable recently was killing a 5 man unit of jump pack vanguard veterans with stormshields and powerfists in overwatch, keeping our priority objective safe for the remaining 2 turns of the game and clinching us the win).



Armageddon Pattern Medusa's are also worth a look if you want some more interesting artillery than the standard lot. 2 parked in a corner with Commisar Yarrick (with gunnery experts and spotter details on top) makes for a very functional delete button for any enemy monsters/vehicles you don't want hanging about.

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Thanks... er, TANKS a lot! 


Winning isn't the priority, I just want to paly some cherry tanks!


Magnetizing and having swappable turrets is the plan.


If winning isn't priority then have a look at the Malcador Defender from Forgeworld.


Mine always comes with me to tournaments as a fun choice and it usually does far better than it really should.


It either:


- Gets priority targeted over tank commanders by people who don't know what it is (leaving the tank commanders mostly unscathed for a turn) and occasionally survives with 1 or 2 wounds left due to starting on 18 wounds. You then do relentless to get it to shoot on top profile meaning it still has a reasonable chance of causing some damage.




- It gets left alone because people don't think it will do much, but even at bs4+ with 5 heavy bolters, 2 lascannons and the demolisher cannon it will usually do a good chunk of damage (especially when combined with gunnery experts and spotter details as regimental traits). 


Is it an optimal choice? Absolutely not, and when your dice don't behave it feels pretty useless for its points. 


Does it look cool? Yes


Has it occasionally single handedly won me games through becoming an obstinant force of nature? Somehow on more than one occasion (most notable recently was killing a 5 man unit of jump pack vanguard veterans with stormshields and powerfists in overwatch, keeping our priority objective safe for the remaining 2 turns of the game and clinching us the win).



Armageddon Pattern Medusa's are also worth a look if you want some more interesting artillery than the standard lot. 2 parked in a corner with Commisar Yarrick (with gunnery experts and spotter details on top) makes for a very functional delete button for any enemy monsters/vehicles you don't want hanging about.


Oh wow, I completely overlooked they still had mobile medusas. For some reason in the thousand times I have been on battle scribe I missed that they titled them Armageddon pattern Medusas. Sweet! My Artillery Hell meme list just got that much better!


I second the Defender. It was cool before the Hammer of the Emperor, now its even cooler! And it looks flipping awesome. 

Edited by Galron
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Gotta agree with everyone above, magnetize your tanks sponson's and turret weapons. I didn't and I regret it all the time. Its not too hard and will be amazing for keeping a variety of lists available. Exterminators are fun, but very bad for points costs (own 2). I haven't messed around with a punisher yet, but it seems to do everything the exterminator does but better.


Hiroitchi has it right on target priorities too. Its less cut and dry than with older editions with how much chip damage basic units can do, but if they cant hurt you then you can win the game much easier. Youll never win an obsec numbers game(except knights, you lose a different game there) so kill threats, then pick off the remainder at leisure.


Welcome to the guard, the leman russ and tanks in general are what brought me into 40k and guard as well.

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