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The White Marauders


For the past several years, I have been bouncing the idea of a custom chapter around in my head.  I knew where my influence would come from, what the primary color would be, and what I wanted to base some of the culture off of.  I tried learning a second language, learned of different subsects within Catholicism, developed the history of the chapter, tried to do a wiki on the fandom site, and finally, came up with a rough idea of how I wanted to present my custom chapter and where I get the influence. 


Black Templars were my first army, and I knew I wanted a contrast army to "ally" with them, But I didn't want to paint them white and settle there, not that there's anything wrong with that, it just isn't for me.  So, I decided to come up with an army that would be a total contrast with Black Templars, my take on what I think they could be like if their geneseed came from another Primarch.  I used a little influence from the Dornian Heresy to come up with this idea.


Here's what I have for lore so far.  The White Marauders are decedents of the Iron Warriors.  Being one of my favorite legions, I chose them as my chapter's heritage because, well, I wanted a second loyalist army and wanted to go that route.  I decided to use influence from another legion as well, but I'll get into that later.  Obviously, this isn't known to the Marauders, as far as they know, they have no idea who they descend from.  Once I came up with this idea, I wanted to use rules that I felt encompassed what I wanted the chapter to feel like.  A lot of people who make a loyalist Iron Warriors army will use Imperial Fists or Iron Hands rules.  But, I didn't want to do silver Imperial Fists, so once White Dwarf 462 was announced to have rules for the Exorcists, I knew these were the rules I would use for my chapter.  When I think of Iron Warriors, I think of a legion who is accepting of Chaos, but, as a majority, disdain chaos in one way or another (there are acceptations, yes).  I felt the Exorcists rules fit this theme, a chapter that is so disdainful of Chaos, they specialize in fighting it.


So then came the chapters history.  I planned on making them some 30k lore in case I ever wanted to get into 30k, so I decided they were decedents of a Black Sheild force of Loyalist Iron Warriors who fought off Night Lords warbands during the Thramas Crusade.  They stripped their heraldry from their armor down to the bare, white, ceramite and then began fighting the traitors through guerrilla warfare, using the tactics they learned fighting the Night Lords to survive.  Not exactly how the Iron Warriors would fight, but definitely how Black Shields needing to survive would.  However, this lore is a little shaky, and is probably going to change at some point.


The current lore was a little easier to come up with.  I twisted Gothic culture and Catharism to come up with how the Marauders would view the current Imperial religion and the theme of them being survivalist demon hunters.  There's more to type and this is only a rough draft, but this is where things are going right now.  I will try to get a mini painted up in the chapters colors and iconography to post here, until then, this is where I need to take a typing break :ph34r.:  .

Edited by Mike8404
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