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Suddenly I Have a Guard Army


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1 hour ago, Montford said:

There is a great variety of styles to the uniforms of the Imperial Guard: there's Cadian, Vostroyan, etc.


Are there any regiments which look like Napoleonic French soldiers?

Made by GW? No.

but there are 3rd party companies that make it.



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7 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

Made by GW? No.

but there are 3rd party companies that make it.




Apologies, I should have been more clear!


I meant in the Lore of 40K do they have any such regiments whose uniforms look Napoleonic. Those miniatures from Wargames Atlantic are actually why I asked the question :biggrin:

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The most comprehensive array of regiments to my knowledge was in the 3rd Ed codex. They were black and white illustrations though. Generally speaking it's been acknowledged that the Imperium is so large that they don't regulate Imperial Guard uniforms that heavily because it would be impractical. So with that it's entirely possible there are worlds that do. 



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3 hours ago, Montford said:


Apologies, I should have been more clear!


I meant in the Lore of 40K do they have any such regiments whose uniforms look Napoleonic. Those miniatures from Wargames Atlantic are actually why I asked the question :biggrin:

There’s one in the codex that’s heavily kitbashed I think that is vaguely napoleonic looking, but I have no idea if there’s any lore behind them.

but you can just make your own regiment.

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11 hours ago, duz_ said:

The most comprehensive array of regiments to my knowledge was in the 3rd Ed codex. They were black and white illustrations though. Generally speaking it's been acknowledged that the Imperium is so large that they don't regulate Imperial Guard uniforms that heavily because it would be impractical. So with that it's entirely possible there are worlds that do. 




Thank you for this!

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7 hours ago, dees said:


This is Chris Peach's converted Astra Militaum from WFB Empire minis. 

That’s exactly what I was talking about lol


Personally I think it’s so boring playing a premise GW regiment, at least lore wise.

most of us don’t have the money to completely kitbash an all new unique looking regiment 

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The new Codex should follow the same premise as the others i.e. make up your own paint scheme but then you can play as any of the sub factions. So having the Napoleonic French inspired miniatures I will follow that route.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Les Grognards are really nice Guard Stand-ins. And are perfectly in scale and compatible with other guard stuff.

For example: 


And with some work you can add the bearskins to other minis.


I'm building them as 30k Imperial Army but also plan to use them in 40k. Once the codex drops.

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  • 5 months later...

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Astra Militarum:


A few months ago I began my Guard army with a box full of 'rescued' armored vehicles.


I am posting this to bring anyone interested up to date: the unshaded silver and red tanks are now all panzer grey with highlights and decals, the Valkyrie is reassembled, and the Chimera hull which had a medieval bombard in the back has been kitbashed into a passable Basilisk courtesy from a barrel found in my parts bin which is from a German 88 model kit I bought in 1980. :biggrin:

Rescues Complete.jpg

A few close ups:



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I have two squads of Kasrkin which I bought as Inquisition Storm Troopers way back in the days of the Witch Hunter Codex.


My main Infantry are Les Grognards from Wargames Atlantic; if I am going to have an Imperial Guard army I want to have Imperial Guard! :wink: They are made to resemble the Napoleonic Imperial Guard but with sci-fi weapons. The only picture I have at the moment isn't good to see them in detail.


However my FLGS did hold a Muster event and I was one of 9 IG players and the video is on YouTube. My Army starts at 07:41) and they got some good closeups. When that was filmed I hadn't finished all the detail work yet.


Hard Knox Games Astra Militarum Muster 05FEB2023



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