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Infantry durability…

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I keep seeing people demanding GW do something to make our infantry more durable.

im sorry but it’s not needed for the most part, because our infantry was never intended to be durable on an individual basis. Our durability has always been in numbers. If you want durable infantry there are several other factions to fit that play style.

guard is and has always been about waves and waves of infantry and/or massed armor.

the only durability ‘buff’ I think we really need is to have infantry squads dropped to a slightly lower flat points cost, that makes every build viable/worth it for the cost of the squad. I think 45pts for a squad and any/all upgrades is fair.


the only direct survivability buff I think our infantry needs is on our HWSes. As has been brought up several times before a ‘dig in’ mechanic that gives +1 to saves or +1 to T or something would make sense.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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The most durable infantry I have played have a 1+ save. How? Well, take your two squads of 10, 4 vets in a command squad and a company commander and put them in a Doomhammer with tank ace hull down deployment. With its firing deck up to 10 models can fire - so make that the two heavy weapons, the two special weapons and the vets as they hit on 3’s. 

having the commander on board turns the Doomhammer into an officer to help with inflexible command.

if you want to then take an objective you can then slingshot your troops 9 inches first move, then move move move to gain even more ground and you can repeat this by stacking infantry behind the Doomhammer and recharging it with fresh troop.

Anyway, it’s one way to play, looking forward to hearing more tactics and strategies on this thread.

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Guard infantry is reasonably durable when they are in a transport. Out in the open, they aren't meant to survive long.

I think discussion on points for basic infantry won't lead anywhere. The current flatrate is unlikely to survive the codex and we have no idea what capabilities infantry will get and which will need to be accounted for.

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