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Spoilers taking over posts.

Machine God

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Hello Mods.

There's something wrong with the Spoilers.

We in the PBP Games Forum have noticed this problem. If you post a Spoiler at the front of a post and close it off then write stuff that is supposed to be read. When you send the reply it just comes out as one big spoiler.

Edited by Machine God
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a diam vitae elit dapibus lobortis. Integer at tortor nec est blandit aliquam vitae nec augue. Integer finibus scelerisque felis, sit amet maximus turpis volutpat non. Sed imperdiet sed nibh porta dapibus. Proin sit amet urna non nulla semper venenatis. Cras nec sapien ornare, facilisis ligula in, maximus risus. Pellentesque mattis pharetra diam, in malesuada lectus porttitor quis. Nam pretium ipsum non feugiat tincidunt. Aliquam congue interdum erat ut tristique.

Cras elementum mattis dui, non mattis nisi ultrices in. Etiam vehicula vitae dolor id aliquet. Fusce non magna sit amet lorem imperdiet vulputate ornare ut ligula. Suspendisse gravida laoreet tellus, vitae malesuada lacus euismod sit amet. Mauris et semper urna. Phasellus lobortis maximus turpis sit amet dictum. Phasellus commodo nec magna in gravida.

Praesent maximus nisl quis rutrum facilisis. Fusce a dolor pretium, consequat elit mollis, accumsan ante. Praesent bibendum eget nisl eu varius. Nullam quis lorem ac urna malesuada tincidunt ut eu quam. Donec et orci id sapien iaculis faucibus sit amet nec nibh. Phasellus consectetur pulvinar elementum. Nam efficitur ex non metus volutpat, at tempor sapien consequat. Donec eget felis sit amet justo lobortis gravida vel a metus. Nunc sed enim gravida velit imperdiet lobortis eu quis nulla. Donec consectetur lacus vitae mauris auctor, ac ultricies ligula interdum. Vestibulum tincidunt elit ut metus maximus placerat. Duis finibus dui eget enim bibendum, non tincidunt enim pretium.

Nullam sagittis, dui sit amet malesuada condimentum, magna arcu fermentum massa, at ornare mauris orci eget dolor. Sed consectetur mauris nec leo laoreet, mattis feugiat lectus dignissim. Phasellus mollis, nisl quis lobortis volutpat, lectus urna lobortis leo, et egestas libero nisl sit amet enim. Morbi a rhoncus magna. Sed orci neque, venenatis dignissim sollicitudin vitae, dignissim et augue. Maecenas congue neque vel diam lacinia rutrum. Aenean nec libero eget nulla rutrum lobortis. Mauris nec velit non mi tincidunt rutrum in id orci. Suspendisse potenti. Duis bibendum eu odio sit amet feugiat. Aliquam quis purus at nibh ultrices tempor ut ac enim. Nulla sed pretium sem.

Ut in odio at mi vehicula rutrum. Nunc tempus non erat nec commodo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc sagittis risus at imperdiet feugiat. Vestibulum sagittis nibh in metus dapibus sagittis. Mauris at dolor nisi. Curabitur nec purus nec neque iaculis volutpat blandit non tortor. Vestibulum a blandit quam, et euismod quam. Quisque maximus tortor et sapien luctus tincidunt. Curabitur ut porta odio. Nam nisi risus, aliquet a odio vel, blandit iaculis quam. Duis a tempor arcu. Sed non pellentesque lorem. Aenean euismod id felis at efficitur. Pellentesque nec interdum erat. Curabitur vulputate eget neque semper rutrum.

The first thing I did was enter the lorem ipsum text.

Then I entered "Test" (after a hard return).

Then I selected all of the lorem ipsum text.

Then I applied the spoiler code.

Then I entered these steps.

I just want to see how it all looks.

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Hello Brother Tyler.

I posted my Bug Report as the issue has affected my posts and some of my fellow PBP Gaming Frater.


I typed an Open Square Bracket then typed spoiler in it and then a Closed Square Bracket, then the text which I closed off with an Open Square Bracket and a Forward Slash then typed spoiler and a Closed Square Bracket

Then I typed some more asking: What's a Hard Return. When I press Submit Reply the problem will make the spoiler take over the text afterwards.

It didn't happen now as I was on my laptop, but it would if I was using my Android.

Edited by Machine God
I think its a phone thing
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By Black Cohort.


This is mine. The white text in the first spoiler was typed after I closed the spoiler. Then I created the second spoiler and closed it off and then typed the last white text.

I think it occurs when posting from smartphones / Android.

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