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Heresy Era Raven Guard


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Ever since I saw the leaks for the new Heresy box set, I knew that it was time to start on a heresy-themed Raven Guard army. This will be my fourth 30k army, having started Word Bearers, Thousand Sons and World Eaters since I was bitten by the heresy bug in 2004. Each of these armies started well, gave me a nice starting force to play games with, then petered out due to other projects.

The eventual aim of the army is going to be a mixture of pre-Corax XIX legion, combined with Weregeld, taking inspiration from the old Index Astartes articles on the Raven Guard , as well as the Dornian Heresy. By starting a project log here, I'm hoping that I can keep up my motivation to build and paint the models, as well as write some short bit of fluff for the force. 

At the time of writing, I've managed to narrow down the paint scheme I'll be going for, and assemble the first squad, which I'm hoping should be complete by the end of the weekend.




Part 1: Induction

 Kamyar Fallah awoke, his skin itching from the previous round of implants, the sound of beating wings still filling his thoughts. In his mind’s eye black shapes filled a night sky, their cawing deafening to his ears, burning all around him. In the corners of his eyes he could still see the shapes hovering, their meaning elusive, their eyes ever watching.

 Ever since his recruitment to the XIXth legion, and induction into the Pale Nomads, the dreams had come with a disturbing regularity, leaving him disquieted and shaken. As his body was wracked with changes, growing bigger, stronger and tougher than he could ever have imagined, most of his fears had faded their meanings alien to his newer hypoindoctrinated mind, but the dreams were still there, tugging at a part of his subconscious, refusing to let go.

 As long as he could remember, times had been tough, with only the strongest in the hives of Vervensvelte surviving to adulthood, and Fallah had survived everything despite growing up amidst warring genecults, techno-abominations and mind-witches. Since his induction into the Legiones Astartes, Fallah had endured hardships greater than any he could remember and excelled, defeating foes who were larger and more experienced, progressing faster than many of his contemporaries. There was an underlying viciousness to him that few of the other recruits could match, an ability to size up opponents and strike for their weakest points without mercy purely through instinct.

 As his confidence grew along with his new body, Fallah felt great things ahead of him, yet still woke up every morning to the cawing of ravens.

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