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[DH1e] The Damocles Contingency (RPG IC)

Mazer Rackham

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Surprised by his own agility within the hulking suit of power armor, Scourge dropped his lasgun to the side and drew his cleaver and scarred heater shield. He stepped in close to Helene shield raised, and the crescent blade of his axe flashed menacingly as it sliced down towards her exposed back.



Free Action: drop lasgun

Free Action: Quickdraw battle-axe and heater shield

Full Action: Swift Attack (WS): 36

Swift Attack: 1d100 25

Attack #1: 25, success with 1 DoS (hit location: body)

Swift Attack: 1d100 64

Attack #2: 64, miss with 2 DoF


Battle-axe Damage: 1d10+1R+5(SB), Pen 2 (mono)

Battle-axe Damage: 1d10 6 + 1 + 5 = 12 damage, Pen 2


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The Free Market:




Helene desperately flings her arm up, nails scraping sparking showers across the axe blade as her clawed hand gets inside the swing, diverting the blow. Her hand rides up the shaft, and along your arm, scything in at your head.


Helene Reaction: Parry



Counter-Attack: Hit, (Head)

Damage: 11 Pen 3

Dodges are reset, and you used it on Helen's turn, so Reaction is available in Falk's turn. (So, now)


Falk [ ]


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With a snarl, Scourge tilted his helm away and whipped his heater shield up with bone crunching force, turning her raking claws aside at the last instant.



Reaction: Parry (WS): 36 + 15 (Defensive; shield) = 51

Parry: 1d100 46: success, 0 DoS

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Seeing an opening with Helenes back turned Falk barged into her, shotgun held high like a shield as he pulled the injector kit he had pocketed the day before. Evidence of another crime forgotten amongst the death and destruction, a mis-placed package that now might tip the balance. There was no telling how strong or durable Helenes powers may have made her but her fathers letters had spoken of medication to control her and he was carrying enough Obscura to knock out an Ogryn...



Roll to hit: 18 vs 45 (hit)

As per a Hallucinogen grenade and/or sedative as the situation dictates ... the sedative effect may require a few follow-up blows to the head though.


If Falk is close enough to do this as a half action he'll feint to try and get around Helenes guard

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Helene attempts to Dodge, but is thrown by Falk's feint. Her body is in perfect position for the stroke and she shudders against Scourge as she recoils.


Her face tells you the intoxicant has entered her system.


The Hallucinogenic effect will have no impact, as she's built...differently. However, the sedative action of the narcotic will certainly work. For each dose Helene receives, she will take a Level of Fatigue. Further, there will be a 50% chance of losing one of her Unnatural Traits. She's built...different.


Helene takes Fatigue Level 1. D100: No effect.


Nicios [ ]

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Nicios unleashed his mind against the witch, then wheels and fires at the closest puppet.


Half Action

Manifest Pyschic Power (Spasm)

Threshold - 7

Roll - 5(WPB) + 3 + 6 + 3 = 19

Overbleed x 2 (5 each over threshold) - target Willpower test at - 20 (-10 per each overbleed)

Result = Target need to take a Willpower test, failure means that they twitch uncontrollably and fall down (if they are holding a weapon it fires randomly). No Psychic Phenomenon occur (no 9s rolled).


Half Action 

Standard Attack (puppet 3)

Target - 36 + 10 (red-dot) + 30 (point blank) = 76

Roll - 46

Result = Hit, body

Damage - 7 + 3 = 10, pen 3 (manstopper round)


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Drexler's Lair:




You crawl through the service ducts and tunnels, doing your best to avoid the cobwebs strung up by Tunnelwebs, until you clamber free, and spot the door to Drexler's office. There is no sign of Geist, but a replacement sentry is lying up against the wall, his brains blown out.


From inside the office you can hear traded gunfire.


The Free Market:



Your shot strikes the perpendicular cadaver, dropping it, yet once again, the psychic wall, even buckled by your assault, and bruised by fatigue remains solid. (Sorry man, her dice are on fire).



Slipping under Scourge's guard and heater shield to move to his flank, she plants a hand on his chest, whispers into his soul

"Take your bolter - kill that annoying psychic idiot!"


Helene's Actions

Half Action: Manoeuvre

Half Action: Psychic Power - Compel (Scourge)

WP: Pass (Manifested, no Perils)


Scourge - Make Opposed WP.




Half-Action: Half Move

Half-Action: Standard Attack (Falk/Nicios)

BS: Miss, MIss

Puppet 9:


Full Action: Charge Falk

WS +10: Miss


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Scourge gritted his teeth and reeled from the psychic assault, the compulsion overwhelming his senses. He must not betray his companions. Hatred was his armor. Faith was his shield. The God-Emperor would protect him. 


His hand twitched and spasmed, his battle-ax loosening in his grasp, threatening to drop. 


My faith is my shield my faith is my shield my faith is my shield my faith is my shield...




Opposed Willpower test: 33

Opposed Willpower: 1d100 15: success, 1 DoS


Spending 1 FP for 1 additional DoS, yielding 2 total. 

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Gesturing silently for the girl (OOC: Can we assume Reynard has had a chance to ask her name?) to wait by the stummer box, Reynard edged towards the open door, trying to think of everything he could remember about the layout of Drexler's office. A short corridor, leading into the secure study-vault. Couches and the heavy desk for cover. As far as he knew, there was no other way in or out. Whoever was attacking, they must be fighting their way inwards, and that should put him directly behind them?


Reynard took a deep breath and looked quickly around the edge of the door frame.



Silent Move test to avoid being detected?
Ag50, Roll: 53, Fail.

Ho hum, extremely close but no cigar… :rolleyes:
Guess I will reroll that... unless I had any kind of positive modifier for being behind the attackers/them currently being in the middle of a gunfight? :whistling:



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The Wreck:




The hatch pops open with a rush of expelling pressure. This part of the hull must have remained pressurised and intact, which bodes well for recovering anything. Moving through the hull, the radiation bleeds off away from the hatch, the shielding heavy, intact. However, but a few steps inside, it also cuts you off your comms. Power lingers here, dallying in emergency glowstrips, albeit weakly. A back-up generator would be a prudent mechanism for a prison ship, on the floors the paint is still legible. One passageway leads fore, to the command deck, one leads port, to an observation room, and the third leads to a holding block.


Each one of these routes will require a different challenge. The command deck route maybe intact, but a lot of panels have popped or have fallen. Cables dangle across the passageway which will either require a Challenging (+0) Agility test, or you can try to find the circuit breaker and kill the power Perception (+0) Test.


The passage to port is easier, but will pass by a fluctuating power source which is emitting radiation. Your anti-rad gear will protect you somewhat, but the passage is long and winding (also going downhill). This will require a Difficult (-10) Toughness Test (only one Test).


The way to the holding block will take you deeper into the ship, and from your cartographs may also gain access to storage bunkers. However, navigating these very difficult sloping floors (the holding pen is a relatively open area) will be a touch tricky, and requires a Challenging (+0) Strength or Agility Test to prevent scudding across the room. You may of course voluntarily choose to slide down a six metre slope.

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The girl's name is Alyce.



It's a partial fail, so we'll see.

You realise the gunfight isn't a raging shootout. There were two close together shots, a professional hand. They are followed by three in return from an amateur. You're close enough to hear two people in distress, but as you enter, the microscope in your pocket has been dislodged by all your jostling, and falls the short distance to the floor with a clink.


You can hear the sharp intakes of breath, but as you hold position, no bullets streak your way.


"Who...who's there?"  a young male voice asks. There are notes of pain and adrenaline-fuelled nerves there, but you recognise the tones of Sebastian Lecroix.


"You come in here, I'll blow your head off!" Drexler replies angrily.

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Well, that was a relief. Reynard made his voice as calm and soothing as he could.


"I'd much prefer you didn't, my Lady. Now, perhaps if you and Master LeCroix would be so kind as to put up your guns for a moment, we can resolve whatever issue you're having with words rather than bullets? Seb, it's Reynard. I'm coming in now, my weapons aren't drawn. Please don't shoot at me."


With that, Reynard stepped cautiously around the door frame and along the corridor. His hands were held away from his sides to show they were empty, but he was careful to throw his coat back so that nothing would impede his draw. If it became necessary.


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Drexler's Lair:


A servo-skull carefully peers out from behind a corner, blue-hued occulus regarding you. It emits a little worried blurt.


"What do you mean 'there's a kid'?" Drexler demands. "Alright, come in. I won't shoot if this clown doesn't!"


Seb moans. "Reynard? I need help!"


It appears the coast is clear.

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"It's just Alyce. Local girl," Reynard explained loudly as he entered the study.


"Alyce!" he yelled, "Come inside the door but stay in the corridor! Keep watch for me, ok?"


No need to expose the poor child to even more bloodshed. He moved forwards, looking for Seb. The kid had sounded pretty worried. Injured? He kept an eye open for where Drexler was too, and what the spymistress was up to.


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Drexler's Lair:


Alyce nods and toddles to the end of the corridor, humming a cheery little rhyme to keep herself company. She sighs. "I wish I had dolly. She could keep watch with me," she whispers.


Inside, the office is a shambles. Drexler's heavy desk is overturned to use as a bastion from fire, and the dark-haired beauty peers out from behind her parapet with her gun barrel up, but her finger is still in the trigger guard.


Across from her, books spilled on the floor between them, is one of her couches, overturned and holed twice in a centimetre tight group. Seb waves his hands, one of them holding the piece. An old, beaten up stub revolver that has seen many a better day.


"You know this :cuss:?" Drexler barks. "He just tried to off me!"


"Reynard - it's my da, please. I got a message, if I don't do what they want, they'll kill him..!" Seb moans.


"Shoot the prick!" Drexler retorts, leaning up a fraction to project her bile at the lad. "I'll kill your da, then you, and burn your bloody house down! Do it, Reynard!"

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Reynard grimaced. A complication he didn't need. He moved first towards Seb, snatching the gun and throwing it away into a corner. But even as he kneeled beside the boy and started checking him for injuries, he was speaking to the woman.


"We already did that last part, unfortunately. A great pleasure to see you again… Milady. I am afraid I know no other way to address you properly. You told me that 'Drexler' is not your name, and 'the Sapphire Widow' does not seem… appropriate…? I suppose, to paraphrase the old saying, a rose without any name would still smell as sweet."


He shrugged slightly and grinned.


"Now… if you will take a moment to consider, do you really want me to kill him? It sounds to me like it's someone else who wants you dead. Don't you want to find out who?"


He looked down at Seb and back up again.


"Is there a medikit in one of these bureaus? I might need some help."



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The Free Market:






Initiative Order Remains.


Map: Not immediately required - Puppet 9 is in CC with Falk, Helene is to Scourge's right hand side, slightly behind.


Scourge [ ] 

Note: As discussed, you MUST take actions as follows:

  • Equip Bolter
  • Make a Ranged Attack with this weapon
  • Your attack will be resolved at -20 BS.
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Reynard sighed.


"He's not a threat any more. He's a damn kid. Pull yourself together. Cool, calm, collected. You've been shot at before, right?"


Probably not a good idea to take Seb's side too much. He had to be a mediator here. He looked down again.


"You heard her, though, kid. Who sent you? If you want patching up, you'd best start making her believe you're not her enemy."



OOC: Is there any way I can determine how badly Seb is hurt? Don't have Medicae skill, would Awareness work just to see where he was hit?

Awareness 48, Roll: 61 (That may not help a lot… :wallbash:)


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Since Seb's wounds aren't obvious, perhaps this would be your narrative flummox. I'm assuming Reynard would recognise bullet wounds, and there's nothing to show other than a few scrapes and bruises. What is obvious, though, is that if not for the deflection of the internal construction of the couch, Seb's heart would be a few ounces heavier with two 10mm bullets in it.


Seb looks up at you. "His name was Greyson, I don't know his first name."


He sticks his hand up, for you help him up.


"Medkit is third bureau along, second drawer," Drexler says, leaning out from behind her barricade. She keeps the weapon lowered, but the safety is still off, and her finger is still on the trigger. "And Reynard, slow and easy. Just because you have a nice arse doesn't mean I won't put another crease in it."


She looks you right in the eye. "Just being careful."

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"Thanks for noticing, and likewise." Reynard replied with a wink, then turned back to Seb.


"Stay on the floor, kid. Safer if you don't move around too much just yet."


Medically… and also she might shoot you again if you're not careful.


Moving slowly himself, Reynard collected the medikit and returned to Seb's side. He started to unpack the various patches and injectors.


"I can't see any damage, what's troubling you? Could be the impact cracked a few ribs or something? You're damn lucky if that's the worst you got. Let's see what we've got here…"




OOC: I've just realised, Medicae is an Advanced Skill, not Basic, so Reynard can't even attempt it at half stat? Going to have to try something else…



After a long moment, Reynard shrugged sheepishly and looked up at Drexler.


"Do you know how to actually use any of this stuff? To be honest, I haven't a damn clue! Look, Seb is a good kid who's been put in a crummy situation. He doesn't want to hurt you, he was just trying to help his da. He knows now he made a very serious mistake, and he isn't going to try anything stupid. Are you?"


He stared sternly down at Seb.


"Once we're done here, I'm going to help you with your da. That bastard Greyson needs dealing with once and for all."


He looked back at Drexler and shrugged again, hopefully.





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"Let him up," the blue-eyed damsel says, holstering her shooter. Still looking at Reynard, she sighs. "No good with a needle, eh? Fine. Make yourself useful, you rogue. Brandy in that cabinet. Pour me a lot. Bentley?"


One of the servo skulls flits to its mistress, bobs its skull head.


"Look after the boy, will you? Florence? Bring that girl in."


The second skull makes a chirp, and goes to fetch Alyce.


Drexler rights a chair and drops into it. "Now, once we're all comfortable, Seb, you will tell me everything."

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His face contorted in pain behind his steel visor as he fought to resist the compulsion, but it was to no avail. His limbs twitched and moved of their own accord, his body enslaved to a malign foreign will. His axe and heater clattered to the floor at his feet as his right hand curled around the pistol grip of the boltgun and squeezed. 




He howled and struggled defiantly, with even the servo-musculature and machine spirit of his war-plate straining to resist the awful imposition. The white-hot hammer of psychic force bludgeoned him into compliance, but he managed to squeeze his eyes shut before the deafening report of the boltgun overwhelmed his anguished cries. 



Free Action: drop battle-axe & shield

Free Action: equip boltgun

Half Action: Standard attack (BS): 36 + 0 (Standard Attack) - 20 (Firing Basic Weapon in Melee) = 16

Standard Attack: 1d100 71: miss, 5 DoF


3 bolt shells have been expended up to this point



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With a smile of relief, Reynard got up and went to the cabinet. While the servo-skull treated Seb, he poured two glasses of deep amber liquid. As he walked back towards Drexler, he took a sniff from one. Fruity, but with an oaky after-scent that suggested the drink had actually been matured in a wooden cask. Very expensive. The information broker had done well for herself.


But the question was how. Who had she made deals with? What did she know about the Golem, or the chaos cults erupting across the Hive? Now that she had holstered her weapon, he had to find out. He placed the second glass down beside her and moved to a couch directly opposite her. When he sat down, his own laspistol was drawn and carefully not quite pointed at her.


"Before we get to Seb's story, I'm afraid I have a few points that my employer requires clarification on. Sorry. Please believe it's not at all how I want things between us, I'm just being careful, too."


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Falk cursed, the obscura hadn't even slowed her down and her actions were not those of deliberate intent and not frenzied aggression. Shoving aside the corpse-puppet he brought up his shotgun once more at point blank range.


Helene could not fail to see the move at this range as she lashed out to knock the gun aside but too slowly realised the misdirection as the hand cannon came up underneath it...


Free action draw, free action fire select, half action feint, half action single shot fire

Feint: 1 vs WS 35 (opposed test - pass with three extra - shot cannot be dodged or parried unless Helene wins the test)

Shoot: 52 vs BS 44+10 red dot = pass

Damage: 7+7 = 14, Pen 2 (high power round)

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