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[DH1e] The Damocles Contingency (RPG IC)

Mazer Rackham

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Causeway 3:


GM: Enough passed, so we'll move on.


A scrape of a foot, bump of a metal panel, or the swirl of heat signatures on Bardas' Auspex. Either way, the presence which Nicios detected with his uncanny power seems to have manifested.


For now the gestalt adversaries lurk at corners, peeking around from the dimness.


Falk's eyes the keenest, you have the impression of furtive, humanoid shapes. Pale, dirty skin half smocked in tattered rags or not at all. Wide, lidless eyes, misshapen hands, feet.


The instances of contact increase as you proceed into the belly of the Underworld, long nails scraping metal and rock.

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"Scrags, standard offensive posture". Those lost to the Emperors light were increasingly common as one travelled deeper into the underhive and this place was deep indeed. Around him stablights and lamp-packs were turned to maximum intensity and judges paired off with lockshields at each junction as they passed to push back any opportunistic lunge, but as much as they had trained for this there was no telling how many were amassing against them here or how deep their mutations ran.

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Causeway 3:


The aggressive posture triggers an equal response. Sharp, short hisses in the tunnels and vents respond to the slashes of light spearing up and down the Causeway.


Gentlemen, Initiatives.

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Mutations. Reynard found his lip curling in silent disgust.


The preachers said such were the outward proof of the touch of Chaos upon a body. Other tales - supposedly put forward by more medically inclined minds - suggested that they were instead the result of rad-poisoning. But even such 'rational' rumours agreed that, however these aberrations came about, they seemed to draw the eye of the warp onto the unfortunate bearer.


Whichever was true, it seemed likely that these beasts could have come under the influence of the daemonic Golem. Best to deal with them now.



Initiative: Ag5 + 1(Wary) +d10(6) = 12


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Initiative roll

D10: 7 + 4 (Ag) + 2 (Paranoia) = 13


The continual radial sweep of the asupex display as it refreshed each cycle was beginning to have slight soporific effect after half an hour of walking, eyes divided between the way ahead and the flickering green screen. The glimpse of heat signatures and the Lawmans warning arrived in his mind at about the same time, they where being surrounded.   

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++ ROUND 1 ++


+ Initiative Order +


Restal: 16

Scourge: 14

Bardas: 13

Reynard: 12

Nicios: 11

Mutant Horde: 11 (Player has Priority)

Arbites Squads: 8

Falk: 7






MAP 2:




GM Notes: The Main Causeway (blue squares), are 6 x 6 metres squared, the Tributaries (red squares), are 4 x 4 metres square.


GM Notes: The Mutants will form a Horde (kind of). What this basically means, is they will be treated as individuals for targeting, but treated as a Horde for Damage and book-keeping, as I don't fancy keeping thirty lines of text in every reply post.


GM Notes: The Arbites have 4 squads. Each one of these squads, on a Routine (+10) Command Test, can be ordered to hold a chokepoint if you wish. Once in place they will hold and block an entrance until ordered to move to another chokepoint.


GM Notes: You can take off down one of the Tributaries if you really want, but returning to the Causeway and the Nucleonic Stack Staging Area.


Questions in the OOC. I'll update this map with what can be picked up, heard etc after we've dealt with any questions.


EDIT: Tactical Map has now been added.




Restal [ ] 

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Kerr Restal:


Resolutely he strode forwards in front of Falk to get a clear arc. He fired his Las-Carbines at the Horde of Mutants at his 1 O'Clock.




Move 3m forwards, 1m in front of Falk.

(Full Action) 2xSAB Vs Red 4 to his front. Las-Carbine: 1D10 +3 +2 (Mighty Shot) Pen 0

BS 40 +10 (Close Range) -10 (Two-Weapon Fighting + Ambidextrous) = 40. Result: 13, Pass 2DoS

#1. 2 +3 +2 = 7 Damage.

#2. 5 +3 +2 = 10 Damage.


BS 40 +10 (Close Range) -10 (Two-Weapon Fighting + Ambidextrous) = 40. Result: 30, Pass 1DoS

#1. 9 +3 +2 = 14 Damage.





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Used to fighting in close formations, Scourge raised his boltgun to fire further down the hallway past Falk and Restal, but with a dull click the mighty cannon jammed. Naught followed but a muttered oath from the warrior as he reflexively worked to clear the jam after being betrayed by the weapon's machine spirit. 


Full action: SAB

WS: 37 + 10 (short range) + 10 (SAB) = 57

Semi-auto Burst: 1d100 95: failure; 3 DoF & weapon jams (94+ for SAB)


OOC: it's been so long since I've had to clear a weapon jam in this system that I can't remember if it can be cleared now or on the following turn, but here's a dice roll in either event… 


Full Action: clear weapons jam

BS Test to clear weapon jam: 36

Ballistic Skill Test: 1d100 29: success; 0 DoS

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As the light of las weaponry opened up ahead Bardas turned to the Arbite team behind him, they had just passed a side passage.


+Cover that passage, we can’t get outflanked.+


The React team must have been thinking along similar lines for even as he spoke their shotguns barked into the passage way. They knew what they were doing, best to keep pout of their way. Instead he harried forward, they had to keep going.  



Command Arbite west of Bardas to hold passageway next to them with mutant 6 -Half Action   

Fel: 34 /2 (Basic) = 17 +10(Routine) = 27

D100:42, Fail, 1DoF

Half Action Move 4m eastwards, Past Reynard I think, need to start heading down the corridor at some point.


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Reynard noted Scourge's misfortune with his bolter and paused before drawing his own pistols. He looked at the filthy shapes ahead, a mob clad in rags at best. Maybe he had a better option than wasting the precious armour piercing ammunition?


He stepped forward, taking a small object from a pocket and hurling it towards the enemy, bowling overarm like a nobleman playing Grasshopper on a Sunday. The device bounced forwards into the massed bodies at around knee height, and then with a roar of noise, sudden fire blossomed in the darkness.



Half Move east.
Single shot with Frag Grenade at Horde (size 4) to the east
BS41 +10(Short Range) +10?(Large Target?) = 61, Roll: 49, Hit!
Blast(4) + X = 5 Hits vs a Horde?
Dam 2d10
1: 2+5=7
2: 3+1=4
3: 6+8=14
4: 1+6=7
5: 4+5=9



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With the mutants to the front seemingly taken care of, Nicios moves towards the side passage closest to the left. He gathers his will and pushes out waves of terror at the group pf mutants hiding there.





Half Action - Move (to get within 8m of the target group)

Half Action - Manifest Pyschic Power (Terrify)

Threshold - 13

Roll - 5 + 3 + 6 + 3 + 5(WPB) + 1(Power Well) = 23

Overbleed x 2 (5 over threshold each) - add +10 per overbleed to each target's Shock table roll

Result = Passed. A number of targets (up to 5 for Nicios' WPB) must take a Willpower test. Failure to pass the test means a target must roll on the Shock table (at +20). No pyschic phenomena (no 9s rolled).



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Causeway 3:


The small mob shrinks back, before panic overcomes them. Unholy terrors twist and warp already mutated faces, before they begin to punch and beat each other, some just to vent, others just to get their comrades out of the way before fleeing themselves. The mob is effectively destroyed - by their own nightmarish fear.

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GM: I've wrapped up the NPC/Adversary Turns



Mutant Hordes:

Full Action: Full Move

North 4 x Horde Charge Arbites

WS: Miss

Horde x 6 is FLEEING.


Arbites Units:

West Arbites (both squads): SAB Shotguns against remaining SW Hordes x 4

D100: 41, 30, 01, 22 4 x Hits

Dam: 8, 6, 9, 4 (4 X Mag Dam) Horde destroyed.


Arbites Unit (East):

Full Action (SAB) Shotguns

BS: 17, 40 (2 x Hits)

Dam: 7, 5 (2 x Mag Dam)

Horde vs Break Test: 93 FAIL



NE Arbites;

WS vs N x 4 Horde: 33, 08 2 Hits

Dam: 13, 7 (2 x Mag Dam)





Falk [ ]

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"Keep moving, squad one advance, squad four rearguard." Holding position might seem safer in the short term but if they were facing any real numbers the might just mass out of sight, better to keep moving and clear through their territory.




Half action advance, half action  fire at point blank into the north horde

Roll to hit: 15 - vs BS 44+30(range) = hit with 5 extra DoS (scatter - so three hits total)
Minimum damage is 10, Pen 0

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