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What future Horus Heresy kit are you all looking forward to the most?

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We know that we have the Shooty Leviathan, more options Contemptor, Predator, and Land Raiders coming.


We probably have Breachers, Dispoilers, the other two Spartan variants, assault marines, and probably the Javalin coming soonish, if not more. 


What are you all excited about for the horus heresy

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Things we know about, probably the predators and the tartaros 10-man rebox.

Things I hope for, assault marines/despoilers/etc combat type units and maybe a special combat weapon sprue like the support weapon one.

I'd particularly like it if they made the units in different armour marks, but it feels like we might get a run of mk6 to match AoD.

Edited by Brother_Angelus
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A close one for me, on the one hand I'm quite looking forward to getting some of the plastic Proteus Raiders, but I am also wanting plastic breachers (or even a upgrade kit similar to the FW one but with the heresy shields [or even a mix of shields] which seems more likely than a full kit) and I am willing to admit that I will fall in love with plastic Mk2 at first sight.

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I know it’s quite a minor wish compared to a brand new kit, but I’m mostly hoping for / excited to see plastic upgrade kits. Specifically for Cataphractii and Tartaros Terminators. A pack with arms, mixed power weapons, combi-bolters (Melta, Flamer, Plasma options etc.), volkites. Just all the extra stuff that are options but don’t come in the plastic kits currently would be incredible. 

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3 minutes ago, Testamentum_Veritas said:

I know it’s quite a minor wish compared to a brand new kit, but I’m mostly hoping for / excited to see plastic upgrade kits. Specifically for Cataphractii and Tartaros Terminators. A pack with arms, mixed power weapons, combi-bolters (Melta, Flamer, Plasma options etc.), volkites. Just all the extra stuff that are options but don’t come in the plastic kits currently would be incredible. 

That's an excellent point, a combi weapon kit would be great. Since that combi-grenade launchers don't have a model (I think one of the old temie upgrades had one?) and combi-volkite is limited to a Warhammer World model (which was out of stock when I went there), a combi set would be great. Though I'd like a more... rough mixed one for Phobos which look like a special weapon clamped to the underside of the Phobos bolter whereas the Tigrus was melded together more.

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Every vehicle that got volkite sponsons has been getting a plastic kit, so I'm thinking the javelin and arquitor are on the menu for one as well.

I'd be really excited for the javelins; the current price is prohibitive, and the separation of weapons is frustrating.

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Truthfully I'm looking forward to the legions who have been neglected getting things.

Raven Guard, Iron Warriors, Iron Hands, Salamanders etc getting praetors.

Tartaros terminators getting re-boxed. Definitely want a despoiler squad and corvus jump packs.

And 100% plastic Sicarans if that ever happens!

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I feel like despoilers with a jump pack upgrade sprues HAS to happen.

Breacher/Destroyer upgrade kits for existing kits would be pretty easy for them to do.

Would mainly like to see jetbikes and javelins as I feel they're some of the most heresy feeling units and the resin versions are some of the most horribly priced models out there.

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2 hours ago, SkimaskMohawk said:

Every vehicle that got volkite sponsons has been getting a plastic kit, so I'm thinking the javelin and arquitor are on the menu for one as well.

I'd be really excited for the javelins; the current price is prohibitive, and the separation of weapons is frustrating.

That's a very good observation! If they gave them the option its likely they are already making the kits too. 

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The sicarian, but while I love the model I mostly want to see the sprue. why?

The way the plastic spartan is made makes it rather easy for GW to make the Typhon/Cerberus/Proteus LR tanks with either replacing one or two sprues for something slightly different. Sicarian is also a tank that has a few variations. Obviously we've got the turrets, which I could see as upgrade packs. The big thing are the aquitors and venators. The aquitor uses modified sicarian tracks essentially. so depending on how the plastic kit is made, it may be possible for GW to reuse the tracks and add one or two pieces that would resemble the extra armour plating of the aquitors with the middle pieces of the tank being made from a different sprue.


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Things we need and are likely to get:

Breachers, Despoilers, assault,  and recon

Things we need, but probably not as likely

seekers, destroyers and veterans,

These last three might come as upgrade kits like the special and heavy weapons did

Also wouldn't be surprised if assault is just an upgrade to a despoiler kit.



As for vehicles.  The new plastic Proteus can be seen in both the liber Hereticus and liber Astartes.

And with the new plastic Deimos rhino and Predator, I would expect anything else built on the Deimos to follow.  Vindicator Demolisher, Vindicator Destroyer, Whirlwind Scorpius, Damocles... 


And with the plastic Spartan I expect them to also do in plastic (or rework the resin parts) to build the Typhon and Cerebrus.



Oops.  What am I most excited about? Maybe breachers and Assault marines? Mk2 and mk5 would be nice to see finally make it to plastics.

And I will gladly buy 2 Typhons and 3 Vindicator Laser Destroyers if they make them in plastic.

Edited by Canadian_F_H
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Assault squad in MkII please.

A World Eaters praetor in an aggressive running pose would be nice too. I know, I could convert one from Khârn but i) expense and ii) what if I want Khârn in my collection too?

If I can be greedy a plastic sabre kit with swappable weapons would also be welcome.

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Anything that's not a vehicle: Assault Marines, Despoilers, Breachers, Destroyers, etc, maybe plastic upgrades for the existing Terminator kits (e.g. Command, weapon pack with power weapons/thunder hammers/combi-weapons) .

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For the stuff we know is coming, Predators. I want to throw one in my list.

Of stuff that is probably happening, Assault Marines. I really want lots of choppy boys for my SoH and sourcing bits to make my own has been slow.

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the release seems to have gone well, so it is reasonable to be hopeful

- an assault with jump packs kit checks off multiple units simultaneously and seems like a real likely one, maybe 10 jumppacks, 10 chain swords, 10 bolt pistols, 2 of each sergeant special melee weapon

- jetbikes

- deredeo to round out the dreadnought family

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2 hours ago, Orange Knight said:

Jump packs, so I can build a unit of 10 Fulmentarus....

I'd love to see Guilliman explaining to his stolen Tyrant Siege terminators totally innovative and unique Fulmentarus that they have to somehow fit a jump pack beneath the cyclone launchers to avoid getting sued by Perturabo over a copyright infringement.

You may have meant Locutarus ;D though I'd rather you go ahead with jump pack fulmentarus, after all Guilliman 'turns wildest theories into practical reality'

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Hmm, I forgot about bikes and jetbikes.  I've no interest in them, but they would be a fantastic financial boon to anyone who needs them if they were to become available in plastic.


That said. Besides the things they have already shown on war-com, and the LR-Proteus. I am fairly certain the next wave of stuff is going to be Mechanicum, since they have already shown the book on War-Com, and they will desperately need plastics.

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