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500 point local league


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Hello Friends,

At my local store they are running a 500 point league over the next few months.   For my fist game I took 1 company commander, 2 infantry squads each with a plasma gun and lascannon, one special weapon squad with flamers, and 2 LRBTs with demolisher cannons.   My opponent is a newer player and fielded Ahriman with 2 squads of 9 Thousand Sons Rubric Marines if i remember right.  The battle field was 4x4 feet and had a large 2 level building in the middle 4 smaller one level buildings in each quarter.  We played with 4 objective markers, one in each deployment zone and 2 in the mid-board.  The objectives simply gave 1 point to the holder and an extra point if you held more than the enemy.  Because of the smaller points and board size we each choose one secondary. I choose Unflexible Command which i didn't get anyway, and I don't remember his. 

I was lucky and got the first turn which allowed me to grab one of the mid-field objectives with the SWT while keeping one infantry squad on my objective while the other sat on top of a building.  More importantly I was able move up and then to unload on one of his squads with my TRBTs, killing all but 3 marines in of one squad.  Nothing else had range so it was his turn now. 

He moved forward with the remains of one quad toward the SWT and moved his other squad from behind the small building towards the bigger building in the middle, but kept one marine within range of the objective in on his side.  He teleported (or what ever TS call it) Ahriman into my deployment zone and Doom Blotted, Smited, and shoot one infantry squad, killing all but the HWT, Plasma Gun and Vox.  He also took 5 wounds off a LRBT with Doom Bolt and Reaper Cannon from the rest of the marines.   Lastly he managed to kill 3 of the SWT with his bolters.  

I lost one SWT man to moral and uses a CP to auto pass the the infantry squad.  I only moved the remaining SWT off to the side of the objective so his full squad of Thousand Sons couldn't se them unless they moved around the building which would put them out in the open.   My damaged infantry squad damaged Ahriman, but it took the full strength squad to finish him off with the plasma gun and lascannon.  The LRBTs killed the remaining 3 Thousand Sons after the 2 flamers did nothing to them.  

His next turn he managed to mind bullet and shoot my damaged LRBT down to 3 wounds and still hold the objective. 

Then I moved all my remaining models while keeping the LRBTs still.  This got my flamers, plasma guns and lascannon line of site and with the demolisher cannons and heavy bolters killed the remaining marines.   The total points were 7 for me and 3 for him I think, but it might have been 6 to 2. 

It was a good game for the Guard, and he was genuinely a very good sport and fun guy to play and talk with.  As Far as the league goes the match earned me 9 points and him 6 if I remember it right.  And believe 10 is the most you can get in one game, and your get points for having a painted army and using a list you haven't uses before.  

I'm hoping to play again on Saturday but life has a way of getting in the way.  I hope this was at least a little entertaining and don't have a good day, have a great day everyone. 

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I like that idea, and really wish I had the models.  For this weekend I'm contemplating taking a Tank Commander and dropping the SWS, or dropping the tanks altogether and adding more SWS and HWT.  

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Those are good points made.  In my head one Tank Commander ordering himself to re-reroll the number of demolisher shots is pretty tempting at 500 points, but is taking two regular LRBTs better?  Damage output seems to favor taking the 2 regulars by one or two hits a turn from the demolisher cannons and of course they're  twice as hard to kill.  The Tank Commander has less output and survivability, but saves 105 points that could buy a lot more bodies that the IG really really need. I used mortar team every game in 8th and lover the damage they did, if only they were still 33 points lol.  


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I love small games like this. I think it makes you focus on lean list-building and gameplay fundamentals in a very helpful way. 

As far as list-building goes, it sounds like you’ve got something that works, so I wouldn’t change much. Structurally, you’ve got two ObSec infantry squads with a bit of punch, and one “throwaway” objective holder unit in the SWS. Having two LRBTs at this points level presents a real challenge for most lists, so I would keep both.

The best advice I have would be to anticipate which units you will have alive by the end of most games. Imagine how the board will look: which units will you have left, and where will they be? Which units will your opponent have left, and where will they be? In other words, play for the endgame. You can force your opponent’s hand early on to shoot at the SWS and LRBT, leaving your infantry squads and CC free to accumulate points and strip wounds opportunistically with the special and heavy weapons.  I would guess that you’ll have the CC, one LRBT, and one Infantry Squad left at the end of most games you win.  

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LtColKool thanks for the feed back, and I hope you’re right.  Giving it more though I like the way small point games make me look for point efficiency.  I like the IG because we have the ability to bring diverse lists here, where my Custodies can’t.  I’m gonna play a game or two today and I’ll post an update and hopefully some pics. 

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Hi Guys, this weekends game was a success for the Astral Militarum! I played a list with a Tank Commander, a CC, 3 infantry squads, and 2 SWS with flamers.  My friend played Orks with a Beast Boss on foot, a Weird Boy, a Squig   Nob, 3 Squig Boyz, 10 grots and 15 Beast Snaga Boyz. 

The mission was quite different than before with 3 objectives, one in the mid-board and one in each deployment zone, they were all worth 5 points and an additional 5 points was gained if you hold 2 of the 3.

I don’t remember his secondary, and mine was buy lasgun or bayonet. 

He got to take the first turn and moved everything but the grots who sat on his objective forward then used da jump to get the 15 beast boyz onto the middle objective.  That was pretty much it as he wasn’t in range to shot much and then I took my turn.

I moved both SWSs, the Tank Commander and the CC up.  In the shooting phase I killed all but 5 of the beast boys and wiped the 2 Squig boyz out.  I then charged his remaining beast boyz with the CC, and charged his Squig Nob  with a SWS.  I didn’t kill anything with either charge, but luckily I only lost a few guys from the SWS.  My CC took some wounds but lived thanks to his invulnerable save.  I did have to use a CP to make the SWS auto pass moral to keep the Squig nob pinned. 

His 2nd turn started with the loss of 2 more beast boyz to moral.  He moved up the remaining Squig boy towards my tank and the beast boss too.  The weird boy moved up towards the objective.  The bomb squig caused 2 MW on the tank and then he charged.  I overwatched and used defensive gunners witch killed the squig boy with the tank, but the Beast Boss made it in causing 4 wounds total to the tank commander.  He rolled very poorly and my tank was very lucky to say the least.  My CC survived with one wound remaining.  The SWS was wiped out, but they did do their job of being a road bump to slow down the squig nob.  

My 2nd turn I moved the CC back, and the tank commander out of combat over to the center objective.  My remaining SWS moved up as to shoot the beast boyz or weird boy.  In the shooting phase I killed the 3 remaining beast boyz with the SWS, the Beast Boos died to two infantry squads, and the last infantries lascannon and plasma gun killed the weird boy.  

At this point we called the game as all he had left was 10 grots now in range of the tank commander and me on 2 objectives.  

It was a good game and he had me sweating on the 1st turn.  He was a great opponent and played a very orky style that put the pressure on.  

I will say the Hammer of the Emperor was really the only way my non heavy weapons did any damage so I’m really liking the upgrade. 

Please forgive the poor spelling and grammar, I’m using my smart phone.  I working on uploading some pick I took but it’s tricky from a phone too. 


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Here is the army I used earlier today.  I’ll write battle reports later for I’m two recent games, and so far I’m 4 wins, no losses and ahead in points for the league so fingers crossed I keep it up. 


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Four wins zero losses is great! Any thoughts on what’s driving your success?

Also, do you feel the recent changes to AM (ie HotE and AoC) have helped push guard to be more competitive? 

EDIT: also, army is looking great! Love the scheme, and the HWT conversions 

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Thanks Friend,

I really like the way the color scheme came out. I tried to keep it simple but eye catching and red really does that well.  When I get around to painting the base rims black that will make a good contrast to the red I think.  

I had played probably 4  or 5 1500 to 2000 point games before HotE and AoC were placed there is a big difference IMO.  With all our range weapons getting a 10% to 16% boost to wounding it really really helps.   That of course depends on what we are shooting at, and with what.  It doesn't make us top table IMO, but it does allow the AM to at least trade fire with the enemy.  Before HotE came out I would simply not factor in what the lasguns were doing as it was the special and heavy weapons that had to almost everything for me, and I bring a lot of them!  

The AoC has been helpful to the LRBT by giving them a turn or two more use before they get put on the lowest bracket or die.  Against another AM player it helped his Basilisk stay around a turn longer against me, but more on that in a later post.  I have had four games against very different armies and it seems to me that those two army upgrades have made me lot more offensive which is needed by the AM at this time. 

I think also that playing in a smaller game size gives the AM an advantage because our HQ tax is about 1/3rd of most other armies.  We also get ALL our upgrades for free so in all our infantry squads. I take the Vox, special weapon and heavy weapon.  That may not seem like a lot of savings but after you multiple that by 2 or 3 or more I start getting more squads to play with compared to the pre-point update.  In my case that is SWSs that I now have room for which add to the special weapon count for the army quickly.   In my last game, which was actually 750 points as we moved up in the points now for the whole league, I had 9 flamers, 3 plasma guns, 3 Lascannons, 2 heavy bolters, 1 demolisher cannons and the storm eagle rockets.  If I did the math right that is 22 strength 7 or better shoots (without rapid firing the plasma guns) and 30 potential flamer HITs a turn.  That is heavy fire for a 750 point game.   

I hope that I made all that rambling understandable, and don't have a good day, have a great day!

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As mentioned before I got games in last Friday and Saturday.  On Friday the points were still at 500 and I played a Tank Commander with demolisher cannon, a Company Commander, 3 Infantry Squads and 2 SWSs. 

The other player brought 3 Armigers: a Halverin with the 2 auto-cannons, a standard Warglaive , and a Moirax (if that is what its named) from Forge World with a lightning gun thing that gets extra hits on 6s.  I hadn't played these guys before but knew that I needed to at least kill two of them to get any chance of not being tabled.   

The terrain setup was mostly the same as before.  A 2 level building in the middle but had open windows we could see through, some defendable pipe lines here and there, and in each deployment zone there were 2 buildings or shipping crates you could stand on that were 1 level tall.  There were 4 objective markers with one in the centers of our deployment zones and 2 in the centers or the table quarters at the midlines making a them set up in a diamond shape.   We would get 5 points per objective held in our command phases and an additional 5 if we held more.  

He set his Helverin in the back on his objective, and the other 2 as far up as he could on opposite sides of his deployment zone ( I think he should have loaded up on one side but that's just me.)  I had 2 infantry squads setup on the crates which gave me control of the objective, then the last was one the building.  The SWS were one the line ready to run at the midfield objectives.  My Tank Commander was set right across from the Warglaive on my right side and the Company Commander was in the middle-ish behind the crate but close to one guardsman with a Vox.  

I got first turn and ran the SWSs up to the objectives on both right and left getting to both.  My Tank Commander moved up about 5 and a 1/2 inches so I could use PTTD on the cannon.  Nothing else moved.  I could shoot the Warglaive with the Tank and 2 lascannons in the infantry squads.  The Warglaive was killed dispite him having some reduce damage by 1 ability.  The Moirax was shot at, but no damage resulted.  

His turn was kind of boring as he just moved the Moirax up and vaporized one of the SWS, and did 6 wounds to the Tank with the Halverin (the AoC and 2+ save really saved me there). He was unable to charge his Moirax at the SWS because the terrain pieces were close enough together that he couldn't move in.  

I now had LOC with everything at the Moirax and moved all my Infantry squads so they could see the Helverin as well.  I could now shoot the Helverin if I killed the Moirax and had more to shoot after.  The Tank Commander and the SWS were able to kill the Moirax, and the 3 infantry squads left the Halverin with 3 or 4 wounds remaining.

The next turn he shoot at the Tank Commander but was unable to kill him...and then l killed it...

He is a very nice fellow and I really enjoyed playing him.  It was a good game for the Astral Militarum, and I do wonder if him having the first turn to get at my Tank Commander with the Warglaise's super melta would have changed the outcome or prolonged the game at least.  

That wraps up this way to wordy update and I'll type up a report on the 750 point game later I hope.   Thanks for reading!


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Hi friends here a very long report on my game from last Saturday.  

On Saturday the league moved to the next stage of 750 points.  My “updated” list was shown in the picture above with the Manticor or next to the LRBT. 

My opponent played Astral Militarum with a similar style build.  He had a Tank Commander with a demolisher cannon, a Company Commander with a Command Squad, a Basilisk, and 5 Infantry Squads with Voxs and flamers if I remember right.

The board was 5 ruined buildings with 1 in the middle, 2 on his side and 2 on mine.  There were crates about 3 inches high and 6 inches long that he had in his deployment zone.  There was one crate in mine.  Lastly there were some trees on the edges that mostly reminded us of where the table edges were. 

We setup with the Tank Commanders looking across from each other, the artillery tanks behind cover and our units in and on the buildings and crates.  The real difference was that I had my SWSs sitting on the line so I could run them as far forward as possible to the 2 midfield objectives (it seems to be a pattern with me and them now).   

He got fist turn and moved up his infantry and Tank Commander.  He moved up 2 infantry squads into the middle of the board followed closely by two others, kind of like a column. His remaining Infantry Squad sat on his deployment zone objective. Because he hadn’t started them as far forward as he could he didn’t reach the midfield objectives.  His Tank Commander moved bringing it in range of mine.  Next was shooting and the Emperor was on my side as proven by his basilisk only getting 2 shots at my Manticore that netted 3 wounds, and his Tank Commander only putting 4 wounds on mine.  He did manage to kill off 1 SWS completely and killed another 4 guardsmen off one of my infantry squads.  I do believe I would have won the game even if he had done more damage to my Tank Commander or even killed him, but he didn’t reduce my ability to shoot at all, so the next turn for me was kinda like I got the first turn…I hope that made since.

On my fist turn I moved up my remaining 2 SWSs and the 2 Platoon Commanders with them to the midfield objectives.  My Tanks stayed put as my targets were in range and being Cadian there was no reason whatsoever to move.  My Infantry also stayed still as they were in range of his front infantry.   I gave the infantry re-roll orders and the SWS FRFSRF, and pound them to dust for the Leman Russ.  I outright killed his Tank Commander with the use of the demolisher cannon and one lascannon shot from an infantry squad now benefiting from Overlapping Fields of Fire.  His two forward infantry squads took fire from the SWSs and my infantry squads in range killing 7 and 8 men.  My 2 other lascannons managed 1 wounding shot on the Basilisk but he saved it, and the Manticore did 3 wounds total…not great. 

He failed both moral tests and lost the 2 men remaining of a squad, but the other only lost the 1 man so had 2 remaining.  He moved his 2 men onto the objective and followed them up with the full squads just behind them.  His basilisk was now his only long range heavy hitter and it put three wounds on my Tank Commander.  His infantry squads killed a remaining SWS and killed all but the plasma gun, sergeant and HWT of one infantry squad.  My now loan SWS was reduced to 2 men and were charged, but he only killed one and my over-watch took out 3 or 4 men on the way in.  He was now on 3 objectives and I had ground to make up.

In my second turn I moved up the fully intact infantry squad who are now in rapid fire range of his squad on the objective. My Tank Commander moved up and now had LOC to his back field infantry squad on the objective and.  My Platoon Commands moved up to end with in charge range of his remaining infantry squads.   My last SWS man moved backward.  My two other squads didn’t move.  The Tank Commander killed 7 of his men sitting on the midfield objective, and funnily enough the Platoon Commander killed one with is pistol.  1 of my infantry squads also shot them doing 2 wounds I think. My Infantry on the other side shot his other squad sitting on the midfield objective killing around 5.  My wounded squad shot them killing 1 or 2.  My Manticore did 6 wounds to his Basilisk but the lascannons again did nothing to it.  I charged his 2 man squad with the Platoon Commander and did nothing, but he did nothing back so ok I guess.  The other Platoon Commander charged the squad with 5 man squad on the objective and I don’t think caused a wound, but also wasn’t killed so yeah for close combat Cadian!

He failed his moral for his wounded squads losing more bodies.  His Basilisk again only got off three shots at the Manticore but didn’t kill it although it was on the bottom bracket now, and his remaining unengaged men shot and killed more of my infantry but not enough to matter really. 

My turn was simply moving all my infantry up and rapid firing in to his infantry squads that the Platoon Commanders moved back from and the other half sized squad he had at the objective.  My lasscannons despite having moved were able to kill the Basilisk finally.  The Tank Commander took aim at the last infantry squad on his backfield objective and killed all but 2 or 3.  As the dust settled he had no men left to hold objectives against my infantry now in the midfield, and his remaining models had no way of killing my guardsmen or tanks so he conceded.   The win gave me 10 points in the league scoring, so that should put me in the top three at worst.   

He was a great guy to play against and I hope to play him again soon.  He and I spoke after the game about what we thought of the game.  He doesn’t use SWS because they don’t of ObSec and uses the Basilisk because it is a very classic tank for the AS.  I recommended bring all the upgrades you can and he agreed it’s a better way of running them and he simply hadn’t adjusted to the new points. 

I’m playing Necrons next Saturday and hopefully I’ll remember to take pics so the battle report will be much much shorter LOL.  Thanks for reading and questions, comments and criticism are always welcome.     

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Thank You Friends!  It has been fun to work with the army at these point levels because you really have to look at what is really point efficient.  Having now played Thousand Sons, Imperial Knights (Armigers anyway), Orks, Astra Militarum, and Necrons I've had to adjust to different list type which is always a fun way to test yourself.    

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Last Saturday I played against the Necrons at 750 points.  He had a big unit of Necron Warriors, 2 large units of scarabs (1 of 6 and 1 of 9 if I remember right), 3 Canoptek Spyders, 1 Cryptek of some kind with 2 Cryptothralls. 

My List was a Tank Commander with demolisher, Company Commander, 3 Infantry Squads, 2 SWS with flamers, 2 Platoon Commanders, 1 HWT with mortars, and a LRBT with demolisher cannon.   So mostly the same as before but swapping the Manticore for a LRBT, and trading a SWS for a HWT. 

The board was set with 6 single level ruined buildings with 2 in each deployment zone and 2 the middle. There were some ruined walls the provided cover too.  We played 3 objective markers with one each controlled by a player and one in the middle.  Each objective is worth 5 points, you get an extra 5 if you control more.

Looking across at so many bases was intimidating with the 3 big spyders next to 15ish  scarabs.  Just behind them were the warriors and Cryptek with the 2 body guards.  Do to some special rule he got a 6 inch move before the game started putting metal bugs closer to me already.

I won the roll and got first turn.  In regular fashion the SWS and Platoon Commanders ran forward to flame the scarabs and the tanks shot the Spyders. Here I learned that re-animation protocols is not my best friend as I killed something like 8 scarabs and a 2 Syders, but really only killed 1 Spyder and 4 scarab bases.  Not to make excuses but other than the flamers and demolisher cannons nothing else did much to note, including the lascannons.  Also despite being Cadian I lost a plasma gun guy to overheating.  

His turn came and everything moved up but for the Necron Warriors, and killed one of my infantry squads shooting with the Spyders.  He then charged my SWSs and killed them, but I did manage to flame and lasgun all but one wound off a Spyder.  That was important because although he killed all the SWS guys he didn’t bother attacking the Platoon Commanders.  So now his Scarabs were suck on one guy as were the Spyders. 

He was in a great spot here owning 2 of the three objectives, but it was now my turn and he was close enough that all my remaining lasguns had or could move into rapid fire range with FRFSRF.  My Platoon commanders dropped back and my squads moved up protecting my objective in case he survived my shooting phase.  

My luck turned and my shooting phase was fantastic.  My tanks both got 9 shots from their demolisher cannons killing off the Spyders, and their heavy bolters killed 2 bases from the smaller Scarab unit.  My HWT finally decided to load and aim this time thanks to the Concentrate Fire stratagem killing 3 bases of Scarabs.  The two remaining infantry squads managed to kill off the remaining of the large Scarab unit.  There were two Scarab bases left now and I charged them with an infantry squad but did only 1 wound.

He decided to call the game at this point has he didn’t have enough bodies left to hold objectives, and the Cryptek and bodyguard were unable to move away to avoid a meet and great with demolisher cannons.   

He really had me sweeting after a big part of my first turn shooting was negated and then having all the metal bugs and monster’s really close to me on his first turn.  I think having my SWS act as one turn meat shields really saved me because if the scarabs could have got to the rest of my guys it would have taken me right out of the game, and the same could be said of my tanks. 

In all it was a faster game than I had anticipated but I’ll take a win any day.  He was is a great player and fun to talk to about 40K.  He has been playing for a long time like myself having started in 3rd edition and then coming back after taking 6th and 7th off.   I miss having a Necron army and I’ll try and post pick of the one I had

Looking over the games I’ve had so far it seems to me that the SWS getting into the midfield to flame and hold up the enemy army has been very helpful by getting my other troops and tanks an additional turn of shooting. 

Thanks for reading and sorry for not having pics as my phone was dead.  Criticism and comments are always welcome.  

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Apparently there is a Necron awakening Tomb World in my sector because again I had to call the Astral Militarum to fend off these metallic xenos LOL.  Yesterday I played the Final 750 point league game against another pregame move, ignores cover at half range and everything is obsec necron army.  

He had a Skorpekh Lord, 5 Immortals (we put their name to the test!), 3 Skorpekh Destroyers, 2 Canoptek Scarab bases (I was releived it wasn't more than a dozen like previously), 3 Ophydian Destroyers, 4 Lokhust Destroyers, and 3 Lokhust Heavy Destroyers. 

I had the same list as before but the HWT had Lascannons instead of Mortars. 

The game mission basically Conversion from Nephilim with 4 objectives with 1 in each deployment zone and 2 in no mans land.  We deployed diagonally away from each other which I haven done for a while so setting up took much more though as I didn't want his to have a good alpha strike and first turn change.  Luckily I won the roll for first turn!

His pregame move took his 3 Skorpekh Destroyers to one no mans land object and his 3 Lokhust Destroyers, 3 Ophydian Destroyers and Skorpekh Lord towards the other objective.  Both Objectives were in ruined buildings.  His Immortals were sitting on his objective and the other stuff was basically sitting right on his deployment zone line.   

I started out moving and running the SWS towards both the objectives with the Platoon Commanders right behind.  That was it.  I then killed killed the Skorpekh Destroyers with the SWS the LRBT, the Scarabs with the Infantry Lagunas thanks to FRFSRF, 1 Lokhust Destroyer the a Lascannon and Plasma Gun, and all the Lokhust Heavy Destroyers with the Tank Commanders and HWT's Lascannons.  Some where in there I killed 1 Ophydian Destroyer too. IT WAS A VERY EMPEROR BLESSED SHOOTING PHASE... 

I wish I had remembered to take a pick of the deployments before the game started, but below you see mine but the SWS had moved.    image.thumb.jpeg.feb03501b2ad049bfc8dc4acdb1d8b81.jpeg

In his turn he moved all his stuff over and out of the ruined building that my SWS was at and his immortal stayed put on his objective. The pic below is before he moved.   image.thumb.jpeg.646d0d7c980f9db7c19ad3590a4cc0ab.jpeg

Here are the Immortals in a building on the objective. 


He killed the SWS easily with his Lokhust Destroyers and killed all 3 of the other SWS across from his Immortals.  His lack of shooting was a real issue for him now.  His 3 Ophydian Destroyers came out and killed the middle infantry squad, and his lord killed all but the Sargent, HWT and Plasma Gunner of the upper Infantry Squad.  


That was kinda all the excitement though.  In my next turn I CP auto passed the moral of the unit the lord smacked around and fell back.  This 2 Ophydian Destroyers remaining were left in the open and his 3 Lukhust Destroyers were damaged.  My LRBT's demolisher cannon and remaining 2 SWS flamers moved and killed the 5 immortals.  The full strength Infantry Squad killed the remained 2 Ophydian Destroyers with the help of the LRBT Heavy Bolter.  The remaining Tank Commander, HWTs and Plasma Gun killed the Lord and Lukhust Destroyers. 

It was a short game and it was nice to do different deployments.  He was a very good sport and I think with more games will get more accustomed to the Necrons.  To me they are still a shooting army but both games I've play with them now have been mostly combat based so maybe I need to adjust my opinion of how to play them. 

I hope you enjoyed the report and as always comments and criticisms are well come.    

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