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New rumors - updated 12-Oct

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excited about new big boom booms.

happy that command squads will no longer be individual elite slot

not happy about the lack of heavy weapons in infantry squads 


also the supposed lack of veterans/SPS Makes me doubt the rumors. We’ve seen what looks a helluva lot like shotgun veterans in that angron pic.

and considering I bought a box of orlocks and converted them to be veterans I’m going to be very upset if that’s true.

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Field Ordnance? If I'm in love with the rumor it can't be true. 

I could see some shifts in slots happening. The nephilim changes making a regimental standard relevant again (more or less) are very interesting here. I mean it's cool to bring out unused models. But more to the point, I could see slot changes as a means to curb abuse, should there be more forthcoming changes to the use of command squads. 

New heavy weapons could be happening, or it could be echo chamber based off of the grainy photos. The idea of a 'Cawl-ified' sentinel makes the idea of other 'Cawl-ified' items more believable. Still, the very idea that there is a new sentinel makes me interested in the prospect of new lore in the book. 

All that said, the good Lord Valrak seems to be correct as of late with a great deal of accuracy. Secondary interpretations beyond that... plausible, but I won't get too excited just yet.

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2 hours ago, Captain Caine 24th said:

Field Ordnance? If I'm in love with the rumor it can't be true. 

I could see some shifts in slots happening. The nephilim changes making a regimental standard relevant again (more or less) are very interesting here. I mean it's cool to bring out unused models. But more to the point, I could see slot changes as a means to curb abuse, should there be more forthcoming changes to the use of command squads. 

New heavy weapons could be happening, or it could be echo chamber based off of the grainy photos. The idea of a 'Cawl-ified' sentinel makes the idea of other 'Cawl-ified' items more believable. Still, the very idea that there is a new sentinel makes me interested in the prospect of new lore in the book. 

All that said, the good Lord Valrak seems to be correct as of late with a great deal of accuracy. Secondary interpretations beyond that... plausible, but I won't get too excited just yet.

I’ve had an urge to get a sentinel for a while now, and I’ve been holding off ever since the the new sentinel rumors came out.

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8 minutes ago, Emperor Ming said:

Removal of inf squad heavy weapons, after being made free, might be considered a right slap in the face by some guard players:mad::laugh:

For me it’s a monetary thing.

I have a single squad of Catachans and no Catachan HWT.

if I can’t use heavy weapons then I have to buy build and paint a whole new squad.

I have a few Cadian squads, but filling one all the way out leaves the other at almost half strength as a result. 


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I'm really sick of GW getting rid of units that don't have kits but are made of generic models throughout the range. SWS and Vets are flavourful and are simply upgrades to regular units. Maybe if they bothered to add decent hobby content to the Codices they could actually explain this to newer players. A SWS has 3 guys with special weapons, and three regular dudes. Veterans are regular Guardsmen with better BS and access to better weapons. 


Removing Heavy Weapons Teams from infantry is also appauling. I might just drop 40K entirely for HH. Sick of this. 

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I also have to say that the majority of these Rumors don't make me happy, why do GW keep removing Units? I can understand this for Space Marines, where you have double and triple entry's in the Book, but why for Guard where you have only a few Options already?

I hope that Veterans and Special Weapon Squads remain and Infantry Squads keep their loadout choices.

The only positive Thing about this new batch of rumors are the Command Squads. This is also the most likely to be actually true, as with the new and autoinclude secondary "inflexible Command" GW already forces you to play the Commander and the Command Squad more or less as one Unit again.

But to be total honest I thing 90% of these Rumors are evidence less hearsay as the Guard Community starts to get desperate for the Codex or any new official Information about Guard.  But every time a new big preview Event is happening, Guard never gets mentioned.

I struggled throw whole of 7.Ed without an Codex, but even my patience with this 9.Ed mess is starting to end. Starting to also think about dropping 40k and switch to HH entirely.


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Pretty sure these were mostly taken from the Guard rumour thread in the the news forum of the B&C, no? The article even links it as a source, albeit an older article. There was a recent one too. :sweat:

I guess what goes around comes around.



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On 8/23/2022 at 2:13 AM, Emperor Ming said:

Removal of inf squad heavy weapons, after being made free, might be considered a right slap in the face by some guard players:mad::laugh:

Im on the other side tbh.

i believe putting a HWT in infantry makes me not use them to their best effect, which is rapid fire range, a second melta or plasma in this regard would be awesome.

Leave HWTs to dedicated teams and vehicles IMO.

lasguns for the win.

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On 8/26/2022 at 5:11 AM, greatcrusade08 said:

Im on the other side tbh.

i believe putting a HWT in infantry makes me not use them to their best effect, which is rapid fire range, a second melta or plasma in this regard would be awesome.

Leave HWTs to dedicated teams and vehicles IMO.

lasguns for the win.

That’s fine if your play style is like that, but it would be pretty :cuss: to force that on everyone else.

I also feel that the rumor isn’t true because they just recently released veteran krieg for KT which is also usable in 40k

doesnt make sense to remove veterans so soon after that

On 8/26/2022 at 10:30 AM, sairence said:

In fairness, I'd be very surprised if the "everything is free in IS" stays in the Codex anyway.

Me too, but it’s simplified list building soo much

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23 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

That’s fine if your play style is like that, but it would be pretty :cuss: to force that on everyone else.


Thats a fair comment, more choice for different playstyles would be better, i was just putting out a differing viewpoint. Everyone else has shown a negative viewpoint to that particular rumour.

These rumours are likely wishlists from tinternet, inc our own little corner.

I still have hope for platoons where we can get 2-3 infantry, command sqaud and HWTs for one troops choice/

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9 hours ago, greatcrusade08 said:

Thats a fair comment, more choice for different playstyles would be better, i was just putting out a differing viewpoint. Everyone else has shown a negative viewpoint to that particular rumour.

These rumours are likely wishlists from tinternet, inc our own little corner.

I still have hope for platoons where we can get 2-3 infantry, command sqaud and HWTs for one troops choice/

If the rumor was either/or HWT/extra special weapon no one would have been upset at the rumor, but completely upsetting the way the army has worked since like day one has only one realistic outcome


7 hours ago, Slave to Darkness said:

Platoons all the way...

'But Slave, that forces people into certain builds etc'... 

Dont care. Platoons or bust... Its fluffy and right. 

There’s plenty of room in the fluff for different organization charts within the guard regiments. The codex just lays out the standard organization that most regiments follow 

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10 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

Yeah there’s some good sounding stuff, but some trash stuff in there.


After BoLS shared one of my posts here as breaking news I wouldnt take anything they say too seriously. The only rumors I pay attention to are those that come from Valrak, and even then I still see it as a rumor and not set in concrete until GW announces it. 

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