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New rumors - updated 12-Oct

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9 hours ago, domsto said:

You are thinking to small my friend.

The Vanquisher cannon must get a similar statline as the Tau Railgun to be lore accurate and viable. 

Things shouldn’t be lore accurate because the game would be broken, and which lore should things be accurate to? Different books will depict the same things completely differently based on what the plot needs.

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The Mordian Glory rumor isn't that the Wyvren is going away, it's that the Wyvern kit is going away in favor of a combined Manticore/Wyvern/Deathstrike kit.


The Tau railgun is just one shot.  The Vanq could be useful a ~2-3 shots, S12, D6ish, with some special rule like ignoring phase caps and invulns.  With the +1 to hit, and it taking a normal slot instead of an HQ, it would be worth it.  It's just not useful today because it doesn't do enough damage to be worth a TC slot.

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The Macharius Vanquisher is 2 shots Str16 dmg straight 9!!

It’s good but still on average the regular Macharius battlecannon does better especially against anything with an invuln save.


An ignore invulnerable saves or mortal wounds rule would really help.

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4 hours ago, greatcrusade08 said:

I just hope an all infantry force is still viable. if whiteshields are still in the mix, then im good to go.

Guess it will partly depend on what you mean by all infantry force.

im sure if you include FOBs to support your conscripts/IS/CSTs then most likely.


if you mean blobs of 200 infantry with nothing but lasguns, I’d imagine that’s not going to be any where as viable as upgraded infantry or armor 

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'Cannon to right of them,

Cannon to left of them,

Cannon in front of them

   Volleyed and thundered;

Stormed at with shot and shell,

Boldly they rode and well,

Into the jaws of Death,

Into the mouth of hell

   Rode the six hundred.'


That settles it, my Vostroyans will recieve cavalry support before I buy them any tanks or artillery. I'm crossing my fingers that they can be taken in squads of at least ten.

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22 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

Guess it will partly depend on what you mean by all infantry force.

im sure if you include FOBs to support your conscripts/IS/CSTs then most likely.


if you mean blobs of 200 infantry with nothing but lasguns, I’d imagine that’s not going to be any where as viable as upgraded infantry or armor 


atm i run conscripts, regular infantry, command sqauds, HWTs etc. i like the look of the new gun emplacement models.

im a fan of the change to two special weapons in infatry tbh, makes them easier to use

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1 hour ago, greatcrusade08 said:


atm i run conscripts, regular infantry, command sqauds, HWTs etc. i like the look of the new gun emplacement models.

im a fan of the change to two special weapons in infatry tbh, makes them easier to use

I think the conscripts won’t provide a very ROI, but otherwise I think you’ll probably be just fine if you integrate the new infantry units

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I saw these leaks earlier. I'm taking them with a grain of salt. 


Making the Exterminator 3 shots each puts it inline with the Predator I believe which is long overdue. 


I don't know what always overcharged Executioner means? 


Flat 3 damage on the battle cannon is amazing. 


Vanquisher is finally what it needs to be. Especially if turrets fire at BS3+

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salt... salt... salt....


Unfortunately with AoC, the 20 shots and  AP1 on the Punisher means that gun took a major nerf.  It would still be useful against hordes, but less effective against anything else.


I would say the Executioner means single-profile (no dual-profile) any to-hit roll of a 1 means a MW.  It just means we need a source of RR1s to Hit.  In which case, the flat D2 doesn't make sense.  Sure the AP4 is great, but with all the -1D out there, it's a "meh" trade-off.  I'd just take the DC.


I'm iffy on the Vanq.  AP4 would need a bunch of shots because AP4 goes to AP3, so terminators in cover are saving on 4s.  Unless the opponent has vehicles...  It's a niche weapon, and it has potential at BS3, I'll just have to wait until the book comes out and find the sweet spot, and figure out if the gun fits in it's niche.


The exterminator & BC look sooooooo sweet. 



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6 minutes ago, OldWherewolf said:

Unfortunately with AoC, the 20 shots and  AP1 on the Punisher means that gun took a major nerf. 


How so? 

It's currently Heavy 20 S5 AP -, this can only be an upgrade? 

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1 hour ago, duz_ said:

I saw these leaks earlier. I'm taking them with a grain of salt. 


Making the Exterminator 3 shots each puts it inline with the Predator I believe which is long overdue. 


I don't know what always overcharged Executioner means? 


Flat 3 damage on the battle cannon is amazing. 


Vanquisher is finally what it needs to be. Especially if turrets fire at BS3+

I'd guess that there's no normal profile any more and it only uses the overcharged statline.

18 minutes ago, OldWherewolf said:

salt... salt... salt....


Unfortunately with AoC, the 20 shots and  AP1 on the Punisher means that gun took a major nerf.  It would still be useful against hordes, but less effective against anything else.


I would say the Executioner means single-profile (no dual-profile) any to-hit roll of a 1 means a MW.  It just means we need a source of RR1s to Hit.  In which case, the flat D2 doesn't make sense.  Sure the AP4 is great, but with all the -1D out there, it's a "meh" trade-off.  I'd just take the DC.


I'm iffy on the Vanq.  AP4 would need a bunch of shots because AP4 goes to AP3, so terminators in cover are saving on 4s.  Unless the opponent has vehicles...  It's a niche weapon, and it has potential at BS3, I'll just have to wait until the book comes out and find the sweet spot, and figure out if the gun fits in it's niche.


The exterminator & BC look sooooooo sweet. 



1. the punisher was always just meant to clear hordes, and not meant to be good against MEQ

2. off the top of my head i thought russes had plasma vents or something that prevented the MWs of overheating or was that just the TC?

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Without firing twice, all of these look like either side grades or nerfs:ohmy:


This could be made up with points decreases I guess:ermm:


Even the battle cannon, ok so it does look better, but it could end up with 4 shots, with double shots and pound them to dust mine always got around 8, maybe 6 with a low roll:tongue:

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1 hour ago, Emperor Ming said:

Without firing twice, all of these look like either side grades or nerfs:ohmy:


This could be made up with points decreases I guess:ermm:


Even the battle cannon, ok so it does look better, but it could end up with 4 shots, with double shots and pound them to dust mine always got around 8, maybe 6 with a low roll:tongue:

increased shots, or better stats, for turret weapons with +1 to hit sounds pretty good to me, tbh.

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2 hours ago, duz_ said:

How so? 

It's currently Heavy 20 S5 AP -, this can only be an upgrade? 

If we lose grinding advance it’s a big ol’ nerf for the punisher. At the moment, you can double tap anything and fish for 6s with HotE, getting 6-7 wounds off the hit roll alone (on average)

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The +1 to hit is sort of a side grade as well since people were running 3 tank commanders:ermm:


and is a nerf to tank commander sponsons and hull weapons:sad:


and the big problem I have here is guard need general all-round improvements, not sidegrades or nerfs. 



Edited by Emperor Ming
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