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New rumors - updated 12-Oct

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New rumours from the upcoming codex:

(Warning wall of text below)




Mechanised infantry- disembark after movement
Parade Drill - Lasguns to heavy 2 if stand still
Armored super- sentinal couns at 3 models for obj, tanks as 5 super heavy as 10
Blitz Division -Units in reserve count as half points, and when in coming in deploy in enemy deployment zone turn 2
Bombidiers- +1 to hit for artillery with sentinal or vox caster with line of sight and within 12" of friendly artillery 
heriloom weapons +4" to range for all weapons
brutal strength- no minus 1 to hit for moving with heavy, +1 str in combat first turn of combat
grim demeanour - ignore negative combat attrition
gorilla fighters - ranged attacks give infantry and sentinals light cover over 18"
shock troops- reroll 1 hit per unit
industrial efficiency- AP-1 as 0
swift as the wind- infantry +1 movement, all other units +2", +1 to charge
trophy hunter +1 strength against vehicles and monsters
recon- calvary and sents get pre-game move
Issued in command phase. Infantry officers within 6" Commissars within 6". Tank Commanders within 12"
if officer disembarks a transport, can issue an order as if it was the command phase. 
FRFSRF - Lasguns to heavy 3
Tank Aim - +1 to hit +1AP
Fix Bayonetts +1 to hit +1AP in melee
Take Cover! - gain light cover, in light gain dense
MMM- +2" movement, and auto advance 6" (dont have to advance)
Suppression fire - 5 or more hits, subtract 1 from hit rolls until next phase. Can only target 1 unit (not too sure about this one. 
Says everything is out from like an earlier codex so who knows if this is anything even close to right
Tank Orders
Pound them to dust - double # of enemy models for blast
Full throttle - 2+" movement, counts as stationary if advanced
Gunners - Re-roll 1s to hit
blitz them - +1 to charge, mortals on charge. 4+ d3 mortals, +1 with dozer blades
Shock and awe- gain obsec
Pinning fire - 5 or more hits -2" movement
Prefectus Orders
Forwards fTE - Counts as remained stationary if normal moved or advanced
Duty and honor - action and shoot, advance and fall back with actions
Get back in the fight - fall back and shoot
At all costs - gain obsec, 1 extra model if you have obsec
Show them Steel - 5+ FNP and +1 to leadership
Remain viligant - No deepstrike within 12" and hold steady
IF army includes any AM detachments, upgrade any Battle tank or Superheavy by making them a tank ace (points upgrades, not CP)
(No Name) Super Heavy - Model gains officer keyword and knows tank orders. Can issue to Titanic. Baneblade TC. 
meticulous calibrator - No cover against attacks
Mechanical Packrat - transhuman
Veteran Commander - Extra Regimental doctrine for just this model
Knight of Piety - 5++ invul, 5++ FNP against mortals 
Master of Camo - more than 12" away, get light cover. Titanic gets light cover at 18" away. 
Steel Commissar - know prefectus orders and tank orders. 1 tank order and 1 prefectus order. Can order abhuman units with prefectus order
Frontline Combatant - double exploding 6s in melee. +1 to wound. 
Master Tactician - Redeploy trait (non titanic)
Grand Strategist  - 5+ CP get it back 
Superior Tactical Training - Select 1 type of orders the warlord does not know. Knows those orders as well. infantry officer can get tank orders/prefectus orders
Old Grudges - 6" aura add 1+ to hit against selected unit
Lead by Example - issue orders to its own unit
Emperors Benediction - Commissar Bolt pistol 3shots s4 ap-1 d2, ignore look out sir, 6 to wound does a mortal in addition
Tactical Auto Reliquiry - Warlord issues 1 additional order
Death Mask - 4+ invul in bearers unit
Barbican's Key - once per battle in movement pick up and re-deploy and then re-roll charges (Veil of darkness) bearers unit
Kurovs - increase cost of one of opponents strategem by 1 till end of battle
Gatekeeper - 72" Blast, turret weapon, Heavy D3+6 shots, S9, AP-3, 3 damage
Relic of lost cadia - 6" aura, 1+ Ws and +1 BS and plus 1 leadership and attacks (cadian only)
Order of bastion solaris - Transhuman on bearers unit
Psyker sigal - knows 1 more power, attempt to manifest additional power
Armor of Graf TOSCHENKO - +1 wound, 2+ save
Laurels of Command - Issue order in opponents turn, once per battle Fix bayonets, take cover, at all costs, show them steel, remain vigilant, shock and awe
BS 4+, T9 2+ save. Between 250 and 280 points. 17 wounds, twin battle cannon. Can be replaced with oppressor cannon and autocannon. Castigator gatling can be replaced with pulverizor gatling. 2 meltas or 2 stubbers. 2 bolters or multi meltas. Armored tracks, +1 save against D1 weapons
oppressor cannon d6+3 S10 Ap-3 4 damage 90" range


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Is the removal of regiments for doctrines a good thing or a bad thing:ermm:


So where all other dexs get piles of relics, special rules and extra warlord traits split between sub factions, guard are gonna get a handful..


so that what...


you can mix catachan models with cadians:ermm: is anyone actually fused about that, cos I'm not:tongue: 


This is all starting to sound very worrying:mellow:


Especially when the current major issue, is guard is an old codex in a new edition, but that problem is about to replicate itself next year....


Sorry for the doom and gloom, hopefully I'm just being overly cautious:smile:



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and if you don't want to watch the video


3-4 different people/groups have come to me with info.
I have cross referenced as best as I can and I am sharing the stuff that comes from at least 2 sources
I have seen a few pictures (but tbh not many) but cant share - requested by sources

NOTE: If I find out any more stuff I will update the document with an edit in red text and highlight

Regimental Doctrines

Mech infantry - may disembark after moving.

Parade Drill - already given on warhammer community article

Cult of Sacrifice - already given on warhammer community article

Armoured superiority- Sentinels count as 3 models for objective’s. Other tanks 5. Super heavies count as 10

Blitz Division- costs halve PL when working what goes in reserve. Can deploy on turn 2 with the “turn 3” rules for setup

Bombadiers - if a Vox or sentinel can see a enemy unit and is within 12 from an artillery piece add +1 to hit

Heirloom weapons +4 inch range

Brutal Strength - moving and shooting heavy weapons no -1 hit. First turn in combat and +1 str for infantry

Grim Demonour - do negative rolls for combat attrition

Guerilla fighters - ranged attacks more. Than 18 inches away give infantry and sentinels soft cover

Elite shock troops - reroll one hit roll per unit

Industry efficiency - treat Ap1 as AP0

Swift as the wind - infantry gain +1 inch movement. All others gain +2. Also add +1 to charge rolls

Trophy hunter - attacks against monsters and vehicles get +1 str

Recon operators - Cavalry and sentinel units get a pre game move must end further than 9 inches away from the enemy.

That’s it for doctrines. HOWEVER you must give up “hammer of the emperor” which is massive!

Edit 13/10/2022 02:19: I have been told from another source that you dont need to give up HoE, take the whole HoE situation with a bucket of salt until more info comes out 


Regimental Orders

In your command phase officers can issue orders 6 inch for regiment and perfectos orders. 12 inch for mechanised orders. If an officer disembarks from a transport it can issue an order as it was in the command phase.

FRFSRF - Heavy 3

Take Aim +1 to hit +1 AP

Fix Bayonets +1 to hit on Melee +1 AP

Take cover - Get light cover if already in light gain dense.

Move Move Move! +2 movement if you chose to advance auto 6 (no roll )

Suppression fire - target infantry unit only. Can only target 1 unit. If 5 or more hits are scored enemy unit subtracts 1 from hit rolls until your next shooting phase.


Tank Orders

Pound them to dust - when using blast weapons double the amount of models on the enemy unit.

Full Throttle - add 2inch movement. Count as stationary if advanced.

Gunners kill on sight - reroll 1’s To hit.

Blitz them!! - add +1 to charge rolls. If a charge is made roll a dice a 4+ inflicts D3 mortal wounds. (Dozer blades add +1 to “hit roll”

Shock and awe - Gain objective secured

Pinning fire - target infantry unit only. If 5 or more hits are made unit subtracts 2 from movement


Other Orders (possibly prefectus/commissar orders)

Forwards, for the Emperor! - When shooting,the unit counts as having Remained Stationary if it made a Normal Move or Advanced

Duty and Honour! - The unit can perform actions even if it Fell Back or Advanced, and shooting does not cause actions to fail.

Get Back in the Fight! - The unit can shoot or charge (but not both) in the same turn it Fell Back

At All Costs! - Unit pains Objective Secured (its models each count as 1 extra model if it already has this ability),

Show Them Steel, Show Them Contempt - Add 1 to the unit's Leadership, and its models can ignore mortal wounds on a 5+

Remain Vigilant - units cannot be set up within 12*, and the unit can Hold Steady if charged (and its overwatch hits on a 5+)


Tank Aces

Name Unknown - SUPER-HEAVY model only. This model gains the OFFICER keyword and knows Mechanised Orders. In your Command phase, it can issue one Order, and the unit you select for that Order can be an ASTRA MILITARUM TITANIC unit.

METICULOUS CALIBRATOR – Ignores Enemy Light Cover

MECHANICAL PACK RAT- Transhuman on a tank

VETERAN COMMANDEER - Pick a bonus regimental doctrine

KNIGHT OF PIETY - This model has a 5++ invulnerable save. Ignore mortals on a 5+,

MASTER OF CAMOUFLAGE- Get light cover from ranged attacks over 12 inches away. Titanics must be 18”

STEEL COMMISSAR – Gains Commissar Orders, can order ogryn.


Psychic Powers

TERRIFYING VISIONS - Malediction: warp charge 6. select one enemy unit within 18" Until the start of your next Command phase Subtract 2 from the Leadership + Your opponent cannot select that unit for the Insane Bravery Stratagem and no re-roll for Morale. Also roll 2D6 and if beat the enemy Ld they fail any actions they were doing

GAZE OF THE EMPEROR - Witchfire: warp charge 6. select one enemy model within 12" of and visible. Draw a straight line between any part of that model's base and PsYKER's base. Roll one D6 for that enemy model's unit, and one D6 for each other unit that this line passes over: on a 1-5, the unit being rolled for suffers 1 mortal wound; on a 6, the unit being rolled for suffers D3 mortal wounds,

PSYCHIC BARRIER – Blessing: warp charge  6. select one friendly ASTRA MILITARUM unit within 12" of this PSYKER. models in that unit have a 5+ invulnerable save.

NIGHTSHROUD - Blessing: warp charge 6.  select one friendly ASTRA MILITARUM unit within 12" of this PsYKER. That unit gains tran:cuss:

MENTAL SHACKLES - Malediction: warp charge 6. select one enemy unit within 18" of this PsYKER. -2" from the Move + -2 from Advance and charge rolls

PSYCHIC MAELSTROM - Witchfire: warp charge 6. roll a number of D6 equal to the result of the Psychic test. for each 5+, the closest enemy within 18" + visible suffers 1 mortal wound (max 6).


Warlord Traits.

If your warlord is not an officer it must have front line combatant

FRONT-LINE COMBATANT - melee attack: exploding 6s and +1 to wound

MASTER TACTICIAN – 3 unit redeploy and can go in strat reserves

GRAND STRATEGIST – CP refund on a 5+ (per CP spent)

SUPERIOR TACTICAL TRAINING – Select one type of order the model doesn’t know, it now knows them. E.g. officers can do commissar orders

OLD GRUDGES – select enemy unit pregame. Units with 6 inch of warlord have +1 to wound against that unit

LEAD BY EXAMPLE - can issue Orders to its own unit, even though you cannot normally select OFFICER.




THE EMPEROR'S BENEDICTION – range 18 Pistol 3 S4 AP1 D2 Abilities: ignore the Look Out, Sir rule. unmodified wound roll of 6 does 1 mortal wound in addition


DEATH MASK OF OLLANIUS – bearer + their unit gets a 4++

THE BARBICANT'S KEY Grand – Dark matter crystal/viel of shadows equivalent (e.g. pick up and put down same turn)

KUROV'S AQUILA – Vect equivalent (e.g., 1 enemy strat costs 1 more CP for the game)

GATEKEEPER 72” rang.: Blast. Turret Weapon. Heavy D3+6 str 9 ap-3 D3

RELIC OF LOST Cadia-  Cadian only. Once per battle. (Aura): CADIAN INPANTRY in range get +1 WS and BS and attacks and Ld

ORDER OF THE BASTIUM STELLARIS – Transhuman for bearer and unit

PSY-SIGIL OF SANCTION Psyker model only know +1 power, cast +1 power

ARMOUR OF GRAF TOSCHENKO bearer gets 2+ save and +1 wound

LAURELS OF COMMAND Can issue one order (from a specific subset, not all orders) in the enemy turn. Once per game


Other Bits:

Core army rules. Hammer for the emperor stays “possibly new name” but add “units in 6 inches can use officers leadership”

May go for hammer of the emperor and pick 2 doctrines

Scions are now elites but may be taken as troops if your whole detachment is scions (+2 other keywords)

Chain of command. You must select an officer to be your warlord if your army includes any officers. You can only have 1 castellan in each detachment If you have a castellan he must be your warlord. Unless your army contains Lord Solar then he must be your Warlord

On the scion thing above they are taken in troops instead of elites. So you can’t have them in both slots.

Platoons are kinda back, different to how we have seen them before (not like back in 2nd/3rd ed). Special Deatchment rules (kinda like Dark eldar) and there is a platoon keyword

Cadian shock troop squads can double up on SW. Snipee rifles are Tanith specific now, or elite if in a different army..

artillery “are mortal wounds machines.”

new lord solar charachter he has a movement of 12 so he is a Calvary model. (Supreme commander)

No conscripts (but whiteshields have a datasheet)

No Veteans

No Commisar Yarrick

No special Weapon squads

No spam of special weapons anymore in storm trooper squads. 4 allowed in a 10 man squad max of 2 the same weapon. 5 man squads get 2 special weapons but can only have 1 of each type max.

No Pask , Creed or Kell

Rough riders confirmed to be back

Ok so hammer of the emperor stayed the same and adds 6" if a leadership test is passed based as long as withing 6" of an officer or... 12" with a vox

You can play scions as it's own faction but lose a lot of abilities and about 25% of the codex is unusable

Lord Solar is what allows you to take scions as a troop. If creed is taken, she must be your Warlord as well.

command squads are back. You attach people to them like the old days. Officer 4 guardsmen. Then a officer of fleet / ordnance / astropath. They all have 1 wound. You can also attach Ogryn body guard which has the “big rule” do if you target the unit you have to use his toughness etc. same as the one previewed in the chaos Ogryn

Preachers / engineers are still independent and have more wounds etc

Orders still spread


Rogal Dorn Stuff:

This model's twin battle cannon can be replaced with 1 oppressor cannon and 1 co-axial autocannon.

This model's castigator gatling cannon can be replaced with 1 pulveriser cannon

This model can be equipped with one of the following: 2 meltaguns; 2 additional heavy stubbers.

This model can be equipped with one of the following: 2 heavy bolters; 2 multi-meltas.

This model can be equipped with armoured tracks.

Bs 4+ T9 2+ save (turret weapon rule)

Oppressor cannon D6+3 shots Str10 Ap -3 Damage 4 Blast 90 inch range

Armoured Tracks (upgrade) D1 weapons give you a +1 arm save

Between 250-280 points

17 wounds

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the dorn...i wonder if that's a melta gun/stubber AND multimelta/hvy bolter option they mention, or if it's one or the other.

this would also lend itself to indicating that destroyed tank behind the castellan is indeed the dorn. disappointing for me to say the least.

the army rules/doctrines don't seem particularly powerful, but they definitely do seem to be able to allow you to field an army with just about any sort of specialization you want.

i'm leaning towards mechanized and SatW for a highly mobile force for my dragoons.
a taurox moving 16" then the infantry jumping out up to 3" from the taurox, and then able to move 7" the turn after? seems like you'd be able to contest or even take the enemy's rear field objectives pretty quickly. getting your infantry across at least 20" of table if you advance or up to 25" of table covered in T1.

still not sure how much i believe veterans are going away.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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Wowowow. There is so much to unpack there. While I’m definitely worried all of these rules are going to get BLAM’d by a new Edition, it will be amazing if Guard gets to finally catch up with some rules that every other faction has had access to. 


Amazing synergies in those rules starting to emerge. If even part of it is true, I’m so excited. 

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First impression:

They make playable now units worse to create 'usefulness' for unplayable units.

New toys like 'Primaris Cadians' and new tank are forced to be better than 'older' units to increase sales (understandable and not a surprise).

Doctrines if taken instead of HoE are rubbish. 

Three playable WTs: STT, GS and MT. That's one WT more that it used to be. OK, Old Grudges can be used too, but is situational.

Limits to number of SWs per squad are lame.

Iconic characters are gone and replaced with female-Creed and dug-out-of-nose Lord Solar (No comments). 
'Command squads' becoming Command squads again is good (the only good?).


Don't know if i would still want to play such army. Let's see what Codex will really bring.

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Some of the doctrines look really interesting in my opinion. They definitely reward specific playstyles and armies that are tailored to them instead of giving a broad boost. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as the baseline powerlevel of the units making use of the stuff is sufficient. And so far we have no info on that, so I don't subscribe to some of the doom and gloom. There was always going to be an adjustment in playstyles.


That some of the older characters would go away was probably inevitable. It's sad, but we know Creed is captured, Kell is dead, Yarrick has been ancient forever. Pask is a bit weird to me, as the last bit we got about him was that he was training up new tankers. But I guess with a range refresh we get new characters...just the way of things go I suppose. I'm still building my Fortress of Arrogance, guess now I can actually glue my Yarrick to it. :P


Overall I'm liking the direction of these leaks. There's a lot of ways to manipulate how the opponent can do things. I love some of the order effects and that Commissars get their own niche for them now. Especially the ones that make stuff obsec and the FNP against MWs seem like they could be pretty insane in the right moments. 


There is a lot of flexibility there, which I really, really like.

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Dunno how credible those rumours can be, things like hammer of the emperor or doctrines, well we know you keep hammer and 2 doctrines:yes:


Then things like sniper rifles are Tanith only, but regiments in the old sense don't exist anymore, and from what I can see none of the doctrines limit sniper rifles:ermm:

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This feels odd, removing hammer of the emperor if you use doctrines seems fake, afaik no other sub-faction rules require you to lose your army bonus. I just don't see that happening (and if it did, it would be a really bad decision). Or is it you can get three but lose hammer of the emperor? That's not clear to me. The doctrines are meh but hopefully there's more of them than that.

Losing vets is irritating especially as we're getting a range refresh and they could have just added in an upgrade sprue for them. 

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2 hours ago, Harrowmaster said:

This feels odd, removing hammer of the emperor if you use doctrines seems fake, afaik no other sub-faction rules require you to lose your army bonus. I just don't see that happening (and if it did, it would be a really bad decision). Or is it you can get three but lose hammer of the emperor? That's not clear to me. The doctrines are meh but hopefully there's more of them than that.

Losing vets is irritating especially as we're getting a range refresh and they could have just added in an upgrade sprue for them. 

HotE was just an errata to make them useful until the new codex, it being in the new codex is more of a surprise than the idea we could lose it.


i definitely agree about vets, but am taking that with a grain of salt, seeing as the original rumor that claimed vets were going away was the same rumor that claimed ISes were losing access to heavy weapons.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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Looking at these leaks alone, I think it’s premature to say the codex will be good or bad. There’s definitely some promising potential, and there are some losses. 


Assuming any/some of this is true, it’s going to come down to the datasheets to determine if Doctrines, WL traits, and orders are good or not, relative to the rest of the meta. Synergies will emerge, and some of them will even be good enough to build an army around. Others will only be fluffy or thematic. 


One thing is for sure: they’ve provided rules, in some form or another, for an extremely wide swathe of classic Imperial Guard play styles and tropes. Commissar tanks/orders, abhuman bodyguards, armoured companies, artillery batteries, light infantry, Catachans, Kriegers, and of course elite cadian/Kasrkin/scions. With a faction as wide-ranging and storied as the Guard, it’s a helluva job to provide rules for all of these, much less make an internally balanced codex of them. 


If we have to say goodbye to some old characters or units to bring the AM in line with other codices as far as balance and unit selection, I say it’s a good thing. Progress and development is a good thing, it’s what keeps the game alive and well as a system. Old units will live on in the fluff, and in our model collections. 

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3 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

HotE was just an errata to make them useful until the new codex, it being in the new codex is more of a surprise than the idea we could lose it.


i definitely agree about vets, but am taking that with a grain of salt, seeing as the original rumor that claimed vets were going away was the same rumor that claimed ISes were losing access to heavy weapons.

Even if it was just made up (though I agree with @Emperor Ming) it would be pointless to exclude it imo if it could be included as other armies all have a rule like that plus sub-faction rules. Can only wait and see I guess. 

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1 hour ago, LtColKool said:

Looking at these leaks alone, I think it’s premature to say the codex will be good or bad. There’s definitely some promising potential, and there are some losses. 


Assuming any/some of this is true, it’s going to come down to the datasheets to determine if Doctrines, WL traits, and orders are good or not, relative to the rest of the meta. Synergies will emerge, and some of them will even be good enough to build an army around. Others will only be fluffy or thematic. 


One thing is for sure: they’ve provided rules, in some form or another, for an extremely wide swathe of classic Imperial Guard play styles and tropes. Commissar tanks/orders, abhuman bodyguards, armoured companies, artillery batteries, light infantry, Catachans, Kriegers, and of course elite cadian/Kasrkin/scions. With a faction as wide-ranging and storied as the Guard, it’s a helluva job to provide rules for all of these, much less make an internally balanced codex of them. 


If we have to say goodbye to some old characters or units to bring the AM in line with other codices as far as balance and unit selection, I say it’s a good thing. Progress and development is a good thing, it’s what keeps the game alive and well as a system. Old units will live on in the fluff, and in our model collections. 

I’m still thinking that mech and SatW will be a powerful combo if they turn out to be true.

people keep harping on how mobility is key in 9th, that makes it seem like guard will have one of the most mobile forces between those two.


either of those two mixed with brutal strength could also be decent moving an infantry squad w/ HWT for no penalty.

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2 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

I’m still thinking that mech and SatW will be a powerful combo if they turn out to be true.

people keep harping on how mobility is key in 9th, that makes it seem like guard will have one of the most mobile forces between those two.


either of those two mixed with brutal strength could also be decent moving an infantry squad w/ HWT for no penalty.

100% agreed about the mobility buffs/synergies being big news. 40k is a game of movement. 

I’ve seen people break down 40k balance into three areas: mobility, output, and survivability. Most successful factions or lists emphasis one or two, and make up for weaknesses in the third. 

In light of that, Brutal Strength is a huge winner in my book. The synergy with BS, HotE, and FRFSRF is going to make even barebones infantry squads credible shooting threats. 

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17 minutes ago, LtColKool said:

100% agreed about the mobility buffs/synergies being big news. 40k is a game of movement. 

I’ve seen people break down 40k balance into three areas: mobility, output, and survivability. Most successful factions or lists emphasis one or two, and make up for weaknesses in the third. 

In light of that, Brutal Strength is a huge winner in my book. The synergy with BS, HotE, and FRFSRF is going to make even barebones infantry squads credible shooting threats. 

Brutal strength is kinda useless for shooting on a barebones infantry squad, but again combined with either mech or SatW.

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4 minutes ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

Brutal strength is kinda useless for shooting on a barebones infantry squad, but again combined with either mech or SatW.

On a barebones infantry squad, FRFSRF makes Lasguns Heavy 3. That means you can move normally and then spit 30 shots at 24” range at no penalty.*

Is that super OP? Of course not. But it does make the shooting output of an otherwise weak “objective scoring” unit non-trivial all the sudden. And then you still have Brutal Strength on all the things you care about. 


*If the rumors are true 

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