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New rumors - updated 12-Oct

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I love the rumor of the manticore going to AP2 D3, with the Basilisk going to AP3 D2, each with 2d6 shots.  That actually presents a choice in army construction, and allows us to play both models, and tailor to a specific role.   Now if we can just get rid of AoC on 2/3rds of the armies in the game and have it be a targeted buff.


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So, big event in late April, likely an announcement of 10th.


im mentioning this here because a lot of people seem to have this idea we’ll get our codex and then boom 10th is coming out.

I’ve stated we’ll probably have our codex in hand for about 6months as a minimum before 10th, and an announcement at the tail end of April would line up nicely with my prediction.

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On 10/20/2022 at 12:21 AM, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

I hate these lives streams they’re always so rambling and the chat gets them off subject on tangents.


does anyone have a summary?


I'm not a fan of the streams either, just too long and unfocused. It's where youtubers get a lot of their income from though I think.


In fairness to the guy though, he linked a whole sheet with everything in the video description and usually puts out a summary video within a day or two of the streams.

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Looks like Auspex Tactics posted 2 hours ago a condensed version for field ordnance batteries.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khpD3-Wf0qE


I'm both extremely interested in artillery here, but also likely going to convert via Kromlech, Victoria, etc., to stay all Krieg. Still, looking at the rules there are a few key points not yet clear. Apparently PLATOON, but not CORE. So, all eyes on the forthcoming orders mechanic and keywords... 


Looks like the field gun (howitzer) gets ignore LOS. But the rocket launcher does not. Very odd. Being out in the open for line of sight at T4 and 4+ SV, is really rough. 48" range might mitigate some problems, but I worry about a traffic jam of units if this 100mm base isn't all the way at the back of deployment. Perhaps some range is mitigated with a regimental trait. Officer/command squad bases going up to 28.5 might also add to the crunch for deployment space (e.g. trying to hide, or trying to get multiple units in an aura). It's not yet clear to me if I must take 2+ weapons, and if such batteries would have to be deployed within some coherency (that could exacerbate the above). Well, taking up space can be very cool for zoning out deepstrike, but very bad for consolidation/pile-in. 


INFANTRY keyword could also be crucial for movement and shooting penalties (or pleasant surprises). And if the other rumors are true that heavy and special weapons are limited to 1x of a type per squad, it could make for some really odd required choices, and thereby this choice becomes comparatively more attractive.


I'm ok for 70 points (if true). That's not necessarily a bad value for a sort-of-upgraded heavy weapon squad.  If there are a lot of mortal wound mechanics for damage output, it could be an interesting cheap way of scaring an opponent to overcommit, or excessively avoid an area. Now, that said, the beefed-up lascannon is only 1 or 2 shots hitting on a 4+. The basic rule with heavy weapon teams is 2x will miss, 1x will fail to wound. So, I'm more interested in high volume fire. One of my first questions with hands on the codex will be whether I take 2 field guns or 1 manticore/basilisk? 





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6" move on those big guns? Yet my firsteike turret has repulsor pads so it can float and it moves 3"


Not a fan of the big guns if these stats stand true. Tho will likely take some bombard for indirect fire fun.


Rather just take more regular lascannon heavy teams than these big ones. Or take what is likely to be a tasty upgraded Vanquisher cannons.

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I'm a little surprised at the short ranges and lack of indirect fire on the MLRS.  Sure most MLRS aren't really indirect as in not like with surgical accuracy. If I buy any I will build them and the field gun as well. Not exactly sure a heavy lascannon is even important to me. Really depends on the points for the MLRS too. I'd be thrilled to deploy at least three of them for some kind of ptsd inducing alpha strike. Not setting my expectations that high. 

Now I am wondering if the other FW artillery will be kept or dropped from the game. I'd love an artillery park on my table edge, waves of conscripts in front and rough riders smashing in.  

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1 hour ago, Emperor Ming said:

d6 shots and only d2 on the field guns, that's 8th edition weapon profile not 9th:laugh:


Thats rubbish:laugh:

For the Bombast? seems fairly average. The MRL with the 6+D6 blast seems nice. Bot sure how blast works with the 6+D6. I guess minimum 9 shots? under blast? For 70 points too. MRL feeling stronger than I'd thought now. 

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1 hour ago, Warhead01 said:

For the Bombast? seems fairly average. The MRL with the 6+D6 blast seems nice. Bot sure how blast works with the 6+D6. I guess minimum 9 shots? under blast? For 70 points too. MRL feeling stronger than I'd thought now. 


Nope, Blast is min 3, so the 6-10 model bracket simply doesn't affect that profile. Just means you get max shots against 11+ models. Same with the Wyvern now, no benefit from "small" blast as your min shots are already a higher value.

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In that case blast doesn't really matter. We'll still get on average 9 or 10 shots per gun with just an average roll. I'm fine with that. It'll pip every now and then but hardly matters. We still don't know about any other interaction to boost this/these. And that's probably a thing. 


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2 hours ago, Emperor Ming said:

Feels like they are trying to turn it into codex cadia:sad:


With associated hangers on:tongue:

Guard version of the Ultra Toiletseats. 


Hopefully the rumored Krieg book is true. 

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On 10/23/2022 at 1:46 AM, Diagramdude said:

10th edition comes out in 5 months so it’s kind of moot, just a sales bonanza for the new Guard plastic

Where do you get comes out in 5 months? Likely to be announced in 5 months which probably means 8 or 9 months until 10th drops, so we have the better part of a year to play the new codex in 10th edition. Not great but it’s nothing to be particularly upset about 

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More new leaks apparently




THE EMPEROR'S BENEDICTION – range 18 Pistol 3 S4 AP1 D2 Abilities: ignore the Look Out, Sir rule. unmodified wound roll of 6 does 1 mortal wound in addition




DEATH MASK OF OLLANIUS – bearer + their unit gets a 4++


THE BARBICANT'S KEY Grand – Dark matter crystal/viel of shadows equivalent (e.g. pick up and put down same turn)


KUROV'S AQUILA – Vect equivalent (e.g., 1 enemy strat costs 1 more CP for the game)


GATEKEEPER 72” rang.: Blast. Turret Weapon. Heavy D3+6 str 9 ap-3 D3


RELIC OF LOST Cadia- Cadian only. Once per battle. (Aura): CADIAN INPANTRY in range get +1 WS and BS and attacks and Ld


ORDER OF THE BASTIUM STELLARIS – Transhuman for bearer and unit


PSY-SIGIL OF SANCTION Psyker model only know +1 power, cast +1 power


ARMOUR OF GRAF TOSCHENKO bearer gets 2+ save and +1 wound


LAURELS OF COMMAND Can issue one order (from a specific subset, not all orders) in the enemy turn. Once per game


Claw of the Desert Tigers: Model with power sword or Power Saber only. Str +2 Ap-3 D2. Each time the bearer fights with this weapon you get +2 attacks.


Clarion Proclomatus: Upgrade for a Master Vox guy in a command squad. Gives a command squad officer unlimited range for orders, but only when ordering another unit that has a vox caster.


Relic Banner (name unknown): Upgrade for a regimental standard bearer only. 6” Aura that effects friendly core units. Friendly core units ignore any modifiers to hit and to wound when making ranged attacks. Enemy models cannot use any rules to ignore the wounds it looses (no feel no pain!) (not sure how this works with Transhuman and units that can only loose so many wounds per phase)


Null Coat: Tempestor Prime and Commissar model only. Bearer can attempt to deny 1 enemy psychic power and gets +1 to deny.


Emperors Fury: Model with a plasma pistol only. Range 12” Pistol 3 Str 8 Ap-3 D2. (doesn’t seem to overheat)


Refractor Field Generator: Tempestor Prime Only. 6” Aura that effects friendly scions Infantry units. Friendly scions within range get 5++





Relentless: Use in the command phase on a friendly vehicle. Model counts as being on its top profile until start of next command phase. 2CP for titanic vehicles, 1CP for other vehicles.


Field Promotion: Costs 1 CP. Use this when your Warlord dies. Select 1 officer model in your army and give it a warlords trait it is able to take. Full all rules and objective purposes this model now becomes your warlord. If the enemy had a objective to kill your warlord then it does not succeed. Can only be used once per game.


Vengeful Salute: Use when a friendly vehicle is destroyed in the enemy shooting or fight phase, as long as the vehicle did not explode. Before you remove the model the vehicle can shoot with its turret weapons. The vehicle counts as having BS 5+. Costs 1CP to use on Battle Tanks or Armored Superiority units, otherwise it costs 2CP.


Crush them! Costs 1 CP. Use in the fight phase. Use on Battle Tank or Superheavy units. Cannot be used when fighting enemy vehicles or monsters. Model gets WS 4+. If the model has the armored Keyword the model gets WS 3+. Unmodified wound roles of a 6 do 1 mortal wound in addition to other damage. (Note sure how this works with a dozer blade)


Fire on my Position: Costs 2 CP. Use when a Friendly model with a vox caster dies from a melee attack. Don’t remove the vox caster model. After all attacks have been resolved roll a D6 for each unit within 3” of the voxcaster. On a 4+ that unit take D3 Mortal wounds. Once resolved remove the vox caster model. This strat only costs 1 CP for Units with the Cult of Sacrifice keyword.


Officer Cadre: Costs 1 CP. Standard extra warlord trait stratagem.


Battlefield Request: Costs 1 CP. Select a Sgt or Watchmaster model in your army and give them 1 of the following relics: Claw of the Desert Tigers, Barbicants Key, The Emperors Fury, Relic of Lost Cadia.


Imperial Guards Armory: Costs 1 CP Standard extra relic stratagem.


Maverick Maneuvers: Costs 1 CP. Use in your shooting phase. Select a sentinels unit. After they have resolved their shooting, the unit can make a normal move up to 6”. It can’t shoot again this phase.


Thunderous charge: Costs 1 CP. Use on Ogryns or Rough Riders when they have finished a charge. Select 1 enemy unit within engagement range. Roll 1 D6 for each Ogryn or Rough Rider in Engagement range, for each roll that equals or beats the enemy Toughness, they suffer 1 Mortal Wound.


Artillery Strike Request: Costs 2 CP. Use this stratagem in your command phase when the Master of Ordnance or an Expert Bombardier Officer is on the board. Place a marker on the board. At the start of your next command phase, roll 1 D6 for each enemy unit within 6” of the center of the marker. Add +1 for each unit within 3” and -1 for an enemy character. On a 2-5 the enemy units suffers d3 mortal wounds. On a 6 they suffer d6 mortal wounds. You can only use this stratagem once.


Vicious Traps: Costs 1 CP. Use in your opponents charge phase when an enemy unit charges one of your units is fully inside area terrain. Roll D6, 2-5 the enemy suffers d3 mortal wounds, on a 6 suffers 2d3. Add +1 to the roll if your unit has the Catachan or Veteran Guerrillas Keyword. Add +1 if they have the Melta Mine keyword. Add +1 if Sly Marbo is on the battlefield.


Feign & Strike: Costs 1 CP. Use on Rough Riders in the movement phase when they fall back. The unit can Shoot and Charge even though they fell back.


Flakk Barrage: Costs 1 CP. Use in the enemy movement phase after the enemy has set up reinforcements. 1 Hydra may shoot as though it were in your shooting phase, but can only target aircraft that have set up as reinforcements this turn.


Shield of Flesh: Costs 1 CP. Basically the same as it is in Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good.


Mount up: Costs 2CP. Use in your shooting phase. Can only be used on units with Mechanized or Militarum Tempestus Keywords. After they have resolved their shooting, if the whole unit is within 3” of a friendly transport they can embark.


Overcharge Lascells: Costs 2 CP. Use in the shooting phase on a Kasrkin or Scions unit. Each time that unit makes an unmodified wound roll of a 6 with a Hotshot weapon, it inflicts 1 mortal wound in addition to normal damage. Can do 6 mortal wounds max.


Smoke launchers: Costs 1 CP. Standard smokescreen like stratagem.


Ablative Plating: Costs 2 CP. Use the stratagem in any phase. Select one battle tank or Armoured unit. Until the end of the phase reduce the damage of enemy attacks by 1 (to a minimum of 1). This stratagem costs 3 CP for a Rogal Dorn or Superheavy unit.


Melta Mine: Costs 1 CP. Unit with Melta Mine Keyword only. Use in the fight phase against an enemy monster or vehicle. Roll a D6, on a 2-5 the enemy unit suffers d3+1 mortal wound. On a 6 it suffers 2d3 mortal wounds.


Battlefield Surgery: Costs 1 CP. Details unknown. Orbital Interference: Costs 1 CP. Effects Officer of the Fleet models. Other Details unknown. Acceptable Losses: Costs 1 CP. Details unknown.

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8 hours ago, ImperialWarrior said:

If the rumors are true here’s a comparison between dorn and russ



With the exterminator buff, is anyone expecting normal autocannons to get a buff?


I had the same thoughts and logic, I’m not sure I will be buying a Dorn if the rules stay the same as the leaks.

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More rumors coalesce on the codex marking the end of the old man of Armageddon. Alas poor Yarrick (https://youtu.be/GvD0EBfjVQw). I've got to imagine they'll give his story the book treatment, or a campaign narrative. I've got both pewter versions of him, maybe I should paint him properly or convert him in a commisariat leman russ. 


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