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[HH 2.0] My Infantry-based Pride of the Legion Ultramarines army


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I decided to start a new thread to help motivate myself into working on this little project.  The idea was to build an infantry-focused army, using the Pride of the Legion rite of war, of Ultramarines.  The army is being made with custom bits to make them A) look more romanized, and B) make them more true-scale.  As a result, the average height puts their eyeline roughly the same, to +2mm higher than a standard Primaris Intercessor, for an idea on scale.

The project will consist of the following army list as a roadmap for what i'm going to make.  after it's built, ill probably add more content to give me options to vary up the list as time goes on.


:HQ:Remus Ventanus..........175pts
Nuncio-vox, Legion Standard

Invictarus Suzerain Squad..........345pts
10 Models (base 5+5)
+2 Thunder Hammer

Retinue for Remus

:Elite:Honoured Telemechrus (named contemptor dreadnought)..........240pts

:Elite:Ultramarines Nemesis Destroyer Squad..........240pts
base 10 Models
+8 Mortifier Bolters, +2 Rad Missile Launchers with Suspensor Webs
+Nuncio-vox, Legion Vexilla
Sergeant Wargear: Artificer Armour
, Thunder Hammer

:Troops:Veteran Squad..........360pts Compulsory Choice #1
10 Models (base 5+5)
+8 Nemesis Bolters, +2 Missile Launchers
+Augury Scanner, Nuncio-vox, Legion Vexilla
Sergeant Wargear: Artificer Armour, Power Sword

:Troops:Veteran Squad..........215Pts Compulsory Choice #2
base 5 Models
+4 Nemesis Bolters, +1 Missile Launcher
+Augury Scanner, Nuncio-vox, Legion Vexilla
Sergeant Wargear: Artificer Armour, Power Sword

:Troops:Legion Tactical Squad..........145pts
base 10 Models
+Nuncio-vox, Legion Vexilla
Sergeant Wargear: Artificer Armour, Power Fist

:DTran:Rhino Transport..........35pts

:Troops:Legion Tactical Squad..........145pts
base 10 Models
+Nuncio-vox, Legion Vexilla
Sergeant Wargear: Artificer Armour, Power Fist

:DTran:Rhino Transport..........35pts

:Troops:Fulmentarus Terminator Squad..........290pts
base 5 Models

:FA:Locutarus Storm Squad..........310pts
10 Models (base5+5)
+3 Plasma Pistols

:LoW:Primarch Guilliman..........465pts

++ Total: [3,000Pts] ++


The paint scheme i'm following is based off the trailer with the ultramarines cataphractii terminators fighting the word bearers.  i really liked the strip of white armour plate around the leg, so i wanted to recreate that over as much of the army as possible, since its not something you associate with the 40k version of the army's paint scheme.

I also really liked this romanized artwork as well, which inspired me to go ahead with the project to start with:



below are the test models i've finished for each of the units:

Legion Tactical squad member:


Legion Veteran squad member:


Locutarus Storm squad member:


Nemesis Destroyer squad member:


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i haven't decided on that yet. i think after this is done, i might branch into some tanks for a change of pace. maybe those fast attack sabres, or sicarans, not sure; something that's generally only seen in 30k books though.  And if i like how they perform, i might make more fulmentarus, suzerains, nemesis, and locutarus, since they're all unique to the 13th legion.

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Very Nice!, I'll be watching this :thumbsup: 

So much Blue!, it'll drive you to being sick of blue by the end of it :laugh:

* Seeing all that nice white, Just thought I'd mention I recently used that new wash Soul Blight grey...it works really well on whites as a careful Recess shade... although if you have your technique down pat then just ignore me :sweat:

Look forward to seeing more of this, Always loved Romanized Ultramarines !!


Cheers, M. 

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oh, i bought a jar of that too! i tested it on a tactical legionnaire, and its not bad.  but i noticed that once i do the all-over wash of mortarion grime, it kinda negates the soul blight cause its just a bit stronger.  as a result, i just skipped that step with the locutarus.


at the moment, my recipe is

  • prime with grey seer
  • zenith highlight with army painter white (personal choice from experience; old GW white did me dirty on some FW stuff years ago, and AP has been good to me so far)
  • 1-2 coats of asurman blue
  • vallejo black details
  • leadbelcher metals
  • baal red details
  • vallejo liquid silver 'old gold' details
  • nuln oil metals
  • all-over mortarion grime wash

then its just a clearcoat, which my go-to of late has been munitorum varnish cause i like the semi-gloss satin finish it has.

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yep, the grime goes over the entire model, including the base.  it ages everything nicely and brings all the colors together.  and as far as the bases go, they're basecoated dryad bark, then i add stirland mud, do the grime wash, then i add agrax to the base, and up their feet to the ankle, and lastly drybrush zandri dust on the base.


that's about all i do to get them to my standard for battle-ready quality.  once they're all done, when i play the army, i pick out units that did well and i bring them up to parade quality by adding battle damage and highlights.

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