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Configuration Decoder Ring

Go to solution Solved by Trokair,

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Getting my army planning underway.  I need a little help deciphering the specifications and assembly manual.

Refer to Codex page 93 (CX),   Refer to Instruction pamphlet (PA)

PA, 5-11, step 6:

  1. C120.  That is a Autoch-pattern bolt pistol ?
  2. C121.  That is the same weapon as C120 ?
  3. C117.  That is a Autoch-pattern bolter?
  4. C118.  That is another Autoch-pattern bolter, (not pistol)?
  5. C102, C103, C122.  Those are all each Plasma Sword, and Plasma Axe?
  6. C123.  Is that a Gravitic concussion grenade?

PA 5-11, step 8:

  1. C113, C115, C116.  Those are both Autoch-pattern pistols? Different variants of a pistol?
  2. C114.  That is a EtaCarn Plasma Pistol?
  3. C109, C110.  Those are Plasma Sword and Plasma Axe, (if so, then what are C102, C103, C122)?

PA 5-11, step 9:

  1. C7, C8.  Those appear to be same weapon as C118, C119?

PA 5-11, step 13b:

  1. C17.  That's a HYLas Auto Rifle?

PA 5-11, step 14b:

  1. C27. That's an Ion Blaster?

PA 5-11, step 15b:

  1. C37. What is that?  

PA 5-11, step 16b:

  1. C46 + C47.  How do I tell if that's a L7 Missile Launcher Focused or Blast?


PA 5-11,  CX page 93:

I'm having trouble trying to find a specimen of

  • EtaCarn Plasma Pistol
  • EtaCarn Plasma Beamer
  • Ion Pistol
  • Magna-rail rifle.

Thanks in advance.


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See below in green, p32/33 of codex might also help.

Also 12b is medic 
11b is comms array
10b is pan spectral scanner


PA, 5-11, step 6:

  1. C120.  That is a Autoch-pattern bolt pistol ? Y
  2. C121.  That is the same weapon as C120 Y
  3. C117.  That is a Autoch-pattern bolterArm to hold C118 (bolter) or C119 (ion)
  4. C118.  That is another Autoch-pattern bolter, (not pistol)? Y goes with above
  5. C102, C103, C122.  Those are all each Plasma Sword, and Plasma AxeN, as far as I can tell generic CC weapons the Plasma sword and Axe are C109 / C110
  6. C123.  Is that a Gravitic concussion grenade? Y

PA 5-11, step 8:

  1. C113, C115, C116.  Those are both Autoch-pattern pistols? Different variants of a pistolY for C113 and C116 - there apears to be two styles of bolt pistol, one revolver like and one more normal like, see the biker for more revolver examples, the bike version has a different profile, so possible at one point the sergent could take bolt pistol or polt revolver, C120/C121 are also in revolver style
    C115 is ion pistol
  2. C114.  That is a EtaCarn Plasma PistolY
  3. C109, C110.  Those are Plasma Sword and Plasma Axe, (if so, then what are C102, C103, C122)? Y, as mentioned above others are generic CC as far as I know

PA 5-11, step 9:

  1. C7, C8.  Those appear to be same weapon as C118, C119? Bolter and ion respectifly (edit for clarity: C118/C119 are specif to arm C117 and is for having the weapon held one handed at rest, C7/C8 are aimed and go with coresponding arm pair as shown in that step, Almsot every model has a coresponding both hand fiering/aim pair for bolt and ion in addition to nay unique option that model has.)

PA 5-11, step 13b:

  1. C17.  That's a HYLas Auto Rifle? N, Magna rail

PA 5-11, step 14b:

  1. C27. That's an Ion Blaster? N, HYLAs Auto Rifle

PA 5-11, step 15b:

  1. C37. What is that?  Plasm beamer

PA 5-11, step 16b:

  1. C46 + C47.  How do I tell if that's a L7 Missile Launcher Focused or Blast? Missile


PA 5-11,  CX page 93:

I'm having trouble trying to find a specimen of

  • EtaCarn Plasma Pistol C114
  • EtaCarn Plasma Beamer C37
  • Ion Pistol C115
  • Magna-rail rifle. C17
Edited by Trokair
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You got most of the single handed weapons correct!

C102, C103 and C122 are just "normal" weapons though, no special rules, just there for Aesthetics.

C109 and C110 are the plasma variants. 


As for the rest...
The bolter has a drum mag and holes on the barrel, the Blaster has an ammo canister and vents on the casingPXL_20221001_191729107.thumb.jpg.82457fe78a1981214010f75e2edaf4fe.jpg

The HyLas is the one with the central drum, the Magna Rail is the huge one with holes all down the barrel.


The Plasma Gun is the one with coils and vents, the L& missile is, well, the box full of missiles!
There's no difference model-wise between Focused and Blast, it's just two different firing modes for the Launcher.PXL_20221001_191750208.thumb.jpg.fc5510b3eba01a4ff84f48241ddd1004.jpg


Hope this helps!

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Pictures of each weapon and what they are would be a great resource for this page. This is a railgun - pic. This is a plasma axe - pic. This is an Ion Blaster - pic. and so on.


Edit: I recently got back into the hobby and assembled my Intercessors with all kinds of different gun apparently because I willy nilly mixed and matched bolter magazines. I had no idea they represented different weapons. lol

Edited by INKS
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I would also kindly like to ask that the decoder ring also includes the backpacks?

I do not know what the difference is between the three (that I know of) types of backpacks.

  1. There's the small pack with no obvious enhancement.
  2. There's a medium pack with a spikey antenna.
  3. And then there's a larger backpack with a more elaborate antenna? thing?

But not sure what being a "medic" implies as far as the type of backpack?

In the image attached there are four backpacks presented.

Top, on the unit has the backpack with the small spikey antenna?  What is that?

Below the Unit, left to right, there are three other backpacks.

The one in the lower right seems to be a non-specific backpack.  Ie., has no influence on the definition of what the model is.

The bottom left two packs are either medic packs and/or communication capabilities.  And not sure from the Codex what those packs are.

So, bottom line is:   I don't find in the Codex a gallery of accoutrements that are on models and what they indicate.



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There is a comms guy and a scanner guy. Antenna for them? Otherwise it doesn't matter? PLEASE someone correct me if I am wrong. And yes. include all the bits pictures you want to identify what items are.

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The attena (middle in your picture) is the Comms upgrade, the scanner is what you have on the dwarf in the picture. If you look at the bike squad there is a simmilar anttena and scann bits on the rails for two of the bikes, and the quad can take the same comms and scnaner upgrades.

The small back pack on the right is the normal one and the fancy one on the left I took to be the Medic as it is the only one of its kind and the medic needs extra suplies.

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14 minutes ago, Trokair said:

The attena (middle in your picture) is the Comms upgrade, the scanner is what you have on the dwarf in the picture. If you look at the bike squad there is a simmilar anttena and scann bits on the rails for two of the bikes, and the quad can take the same comms and scnaner upgrades.

The small back pack on the right is the normal one and the fancy one on the left I took to be the Medic as it is the only one of its kind and the medic needs extra suplies.

This all lines up and makes sense. Paint a red + on the largest pack and call it a medic :)

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I also assumed that the pack with the blanket and extra bags was the medic one, to find it more easily when playing I painted the "stripe" on the left shoulder white to single it out.



I also let it to be the one with a knife in a hand. I am so tired to meet opponents who have all their models to look the same, and claiming from game to game that "this fellow is a ultradamagingbadass" but looking exactly the same as some other model right beside him. God I miss the "wysiwyg" days.


Cpt Danjou

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