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Valhallan 81st Artillery Company Detachment (Irregular)

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Hello Imperial Commanders,


I'm trying to figure out best way complete/fill out this Valhallan Artillery Detachment. So it has some options instead of always fielding it as a Spearhead Detachment such as a Combat Patrol which would require at least one troop choice. By irregular you may notice they are not wearing their traditional Great Coats. Valhallans may excel in cold climate fighting but like all good imperial soldiers they will go to whatever battlefield the emperor needs them. I use them with my main force the Nod 818th which is based on Cadian models as scene in my profile so... the heavy coats just wouldn't match. I was inspired to do this by the Caiphas Cain Books. The models shown are all converted with the traditional gear bags and webbing of the Vahallans and wear slimmed down helmets or side caps as seen in some of the old metal minis. What types of realistic additions would seem appropriate for an artillery company. I have a Master of Ordinance and two Scout Sentinals that are part of the company for perimeter and flank protection. I'll need to make some kinda HQ unit. Wish could be mounted in something other than a Chimera. But looking for any other ideas as well.

Valhallen Artillery Regiment.jpg



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First of all, those artillery models are gorgeous. I love the olive drab military color for guard vehicles, and the weathering/character on yours is great. 

I second Emperor Ming: wait for the codex before any big purchase. 

I really like MadRobot Miniatures for head swaps, and Anvil Industries for weapon swaps. 

Having spent some time in an artillery unit, here are my thoughts on how to fill out your force:


1) Chimera, Taurox, or Taurox Primes — the motor pool associated with carrying ammo and artillerymen alone is significant. Aside from Forgeworld units, Chimeras would be very thematic. 

2) Infantry Squads — as mentioned, there are a bunch of dudes needed around the guns, and they all have to be ready to pick up their rifles and fight should the enemy attack 


3) Tempestus Scions — guns rely on various kinds of forward fire controllers. These are often small teams of observers. Sometimes they are more or less on their own in Listening Posts/Observation Posts, and sometimes they are integrated with other units (Infantry or Tanks, for example). 

Just some thoughts! 

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Thank you LtColKool. This is exactly the kind of input I am looking for. I have my main Guard Force which is primarily an infantry force along with a Hellhound. But I wanted to do an artillery detachment from another regiment so I could add some more armor and have fun with two different paint schemes. I always liked the fluff about regiments from across the imperium being flung together to fight in various war zones. I've always hated the look of the Leman Russ and never wanted to paint one. I was wondering about something like a Chimera as my "Command" Vehicle. But I also liked the Tauroxs. Mainly, I wanted to know if fielding a squad of Infantry or would be fitting with the Theme of an Artillery Unit.

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