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++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) [108 PL, 1,999pts, 3CP] ++

+ Configuration +

[Reference] Discipline: Broodmind

[Reference] Power: Smite

Battle Size [6CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) 

Cult Creed: The Twisted Helix

Detachment Command Cost

Game Type: 4. Chapter Approved: War Zone Nephilim


+ Stratagems +

Gene-sire's Gifts [-2CP]: 2x Extra Relic

Leaders of the Cult [-1CP]

+ No Force Org Slot +

Abominant [6 PL, ]

Biophagus [3 PL, ]: Proficient Planning: Alchemist Supreme

Nexos [3 PL, ]: Relic: Cranial Inlay

+ HQ +

Magus [4 PL, ]: Leader of the Cult, Power: Mutagenic Deviation, Power: Psionic Blast, Power: Psychic Stimulus, Psychic Familiar, Warlord Trait: Prowling Agitant

Patriarch [7 PL, ]: Power: Might From Beyond, Power: Mind Control, Power: Mutagenic Deviation, Warlord
. Relic: Elixir of the Prime Specimen: Enhanced Aggression, Enhanced Resilience

Primus [4 PL, 80pts]: Leader of the Cult, Warlord Trait: Alien Majesty

+ Troops +

Acolyte Hybrids [3 PL, ]
. 4x Acolyte Hybrid (Hand Flamer): 4x Blasting Charges, 4x Cult Claws and Knife, 4x Frag Grenades, 4x Hand Flamer
. Acolyte Leader: Cult Claws and Knife, Hand Flamer

Acolyte Hybrids [12 PL, ]: Proficient Planning: A Trap Sprung
. 8x Acolyte Hybrid: 8x Autopistol, 8x Blasting Charges, 8x Cult Claws and Knife, 8x Frag Grenades
. Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon): Heavy Rock Drill
. Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon): Heavy Rock Drill
. Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon): Heavy Rock Drill
. Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon): Heavy Rock Drill
. Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon): Heavy Rock Drill
. Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon): Heavy Rock Drill
. Acolyte Leader: Autopistol, Cult Claws and Knife

Acolyte Hybrids [3 PL, ]
. 4x Acolyte Hybrid: 4x Autopistol, 4x Blasting Charges, 4x Cult Claws and Knife, 4x Frag Grenades
. Acolyte Leader: Autopistol, Cult Claws and Knife

Acolyte Hybrids [7 PL, ]
. 5x Acolyte Hybrid: 5x Autopistol, 5x Blasting Charges, 5x Cult Claws and Knife, 5x Frag Grenades
. Acolyte Leader: Autopistol, Cult Claws and Knife

Neophyte Hybrids [8 PL, ]
. 13x Neophyte Hybrid: 13x Autogun, 13x Autopistol, 13x Blasting Charges, 13x Frag Grenades
. Neophyte Hybrid (Grenade): Grenade Launcher
. Neophyte Hybrid (Icon): Autogun, Cult Icon
. 4x Neophyte Hybrid (Mining): 4x Autopistol, 4x Blasting Charges, 4x Frag Grenades, 4x Mining Laser
. Neophyte Leader: Autogun, Autopistol

Neophyte Hybrids [4 PL, ]
. 7x Neophyte Hybrid: 7x Autogun, 7x Autopistol, 7x Blasting Charges, 7x Frag Grenades
. 2x Neophyte Hybrid (Mining): 2x Autopistol, 2x Blasting Charges, 2x Frag Grenades, 2x Mining Laser
. Neophyte Leader: Autogun, Autopistol

+ Elites +

Aberrants [16 PL, ]: Proficient Planning: Our Time is Nigh
. 8x Aberrant: 8x Heavy Power Weapon
. Aberrant Hypermorph: Heavy Power Weapon
. Genomic Enhancement (Alchemist Supreme): Enhanced Resilience

Hybrid Metamorphs [3 PL, ]
. 4x Hybrid Metamorph (Autopistol): 4x Autopistol, 4x Blasting Charges, 4x Frag Grenades, 4x Metamorph Mutations
. Metamorph Leader: Autopistol, Cult Bonesword

Purestrain Genestealers [8 PL, ]: Proficient Planning: They Came From Below
. 10x Purestrain Genestealer: 10x Cult Claws and Talons

+ Heavy Support +

Goliath Rockgrinder [6 PL, ]: Cache of Demolition Charges, Heavy Seismic Cannon

Goliath Rockgrinder [6 PL, ]: Cache of Demolition Charges, Heavy Seismic Cannon

+ Dedicated Transport +

Goliath Truck [5 PL, ]: Cache of Demolition Charges

++ Total: [108 PL, 3CP, 1,999pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe

Edited by brother_b
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Working army list. More comments incoming. List is what I want to play at the LVO friendly tournament.


I know, aberrants are not that good, abominant too. I don’t care I want to take them out and have fun. More “tournament” style list would have maxed stealers.


EDIT #1: At the suggestion of Rogue I removed an aberrant from my aberrant bomb to make way for the abominant to ride along in the Truck aka clown car (how will they all fit in there!!?). 


With the extra points I added one more acolyte to a bare bones squad to ride in a rock grinder, and added a bonesword to my metamorph leader. I also used 15 points to give the abberants "Our time is Nigh" so they'll have a bonus attack their first turn of combat.

Edited by brother_b

Paint Scheme:




I worked on some neophytes and an acolyte iconward for one of the Bolter and Chainsword's events. I like the scheme and will attempt to replicate it for the rest of my army. I will start painting in earnest this weekend.


For my new models, I am planning on changing the color of the base rims to black. I will also try and use AK interactive streaking grime to both "dirty up" my new models and shade them at the same time.


  • 6 months later...

Hello adherents to the light of the True Emperor.


I never did get around to finishing this army for the LVO. Truth be told it was too much with too little time. Since then I've been painting new models and updating my existing scheme.


Previously I had painted a group of 10 neophytes and an Icon Ward. I decided I wanted a grimmer, dirtier, grimy appearance to my "workers", and have employed some techniques to achieve the desired final look. I updated the first 10 neophytes, and added a further 5.


I also added a seismic cannon as a heavy weapon.





My faithful worker employing his seismic cannon on more than the mines or salt plains of his home planet. Invaders beware!





I hope to have a full unit of 20 neophytes armed with 4 mining lasers, 4 grenade launchers, and an icon. They will have autoguns.


I want to build another 20 neophyte unit identical to the above. That will give me 40 "shooty" miniatures with 8 total las guns and 8 total grenade launhcers.


For up close and personal I'd like to build 20 shotgun neophytes with webbers (for the mortal wounds) and seismic cannons.

That's 60 neophytes, I'm almost a 1/3rd of the way done. That's encouraging.


More to follow, including some acolytes and aberrants.

Edited by brother_b
  • 2 months later...

Going to have my first real game with GSC tomorrow. A bit of a cobbled together list of the units I like.


More info after the game but definitely will feature big blobs of neophytes and some aberrants!

Savage Beasts (995 Points)

Genestealer Cults
Ascension Day
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Abominant (75 Points)
    • 1x Power sledgehammer

Acolyte Iconward (50 Points)
    • 1x Autopistol
      1x Cult claws

Primus (70 Points)
    • Warlord
    • 1x Cult bonesword
      1x Scoped needle pistol
      1x Toxin injector claw


Acolyte Hybrids (75 Points)
    • 1x Acolyte Leader
        • 1x Hand flamer
          1x Leader’s cult weapons
    • 4x Acolyte Hybrid
        • 2x Cult claws and knife
          2x Hand flamer
          2x Heavy mining tool

Acolyte Hybrids (75 Points)
    • 1x Acolyte Leader
        • 1x Hand flamer
          1x Leader’s cult weapons
    • 4x Acolyte Hybrid
        • 2x Cult claws and knife
          2x Hand flamer
          2x Heavy mining tool

Neophyte Hybrids (160 Points)
    • 1x Neophyte Leader
        • 1x Autopistol
          1x Close combat weapon
          1x Hybrid firearm
    • 19x Neophyte Hybrid
        • 9x Autopistol
          9x Close combat weapon
          1x Cult Icon
          3x Flamer
          1x Heavy stubber
          9x Hybrid firearm
          3x Seismic cannon
          1x Webber

Neophyte Hybrids (160 Points)
    • 1x Neophyte Leader
        • 1x Autopistol
          1x Close combat weapon
          1x Hybrid firearm
    • 19x Neophyte Hybrid
        • 9x Autopistol
          9x Close combat weapon
          1x Cult Icon
          4x Grenade launcher
          9x Hybrid firearm
          4x Mining laser


Aberrants (330 Points)
    • 1x Aberrant Hypermorph
        • 1x Heavy power weapon
          1x Hypermorph tail
    • 9x Aberrant
        • 9x Heavy power weapon

Well just 1000 points tonight to make a quicker game but I wanted to play with what I consider some of our core units.


Also anybody have any idea why I would get errors on the neophyte portion of the app? It looked ok to me.


Next week we’ll do 1500. I’m going to add more acolytes, another blob of neophytes, and a nexos.


Then another favorite unit of mine the rock grinder.


I love the magus models but the lack of any offensive psychic powers is very disappointing to me.


At 2000 points I’ll add a patriarch and Genestealers and a unit of jackals.

You've got 19 hybrids sharing 9 firearms between them. That's what's causing the error. When you add models to a unit, you also need to add their gear. 


I'm playing my first game of 10th tonight as well. Very similar list to yours, but with 5 less aberrants, which gives space for a ridgerunner, a reductus, a couple of enhancements, and a nexos instead of an iconward.


I hope it goes well for you :)


Edited by Rogue
Added bits

Had my first real game of 10th and first game ever with GSC. I fought imperial guard in a close match and ended up barely losing by 3 points. The game swung when my buddy pulled a sweet two card secondary objective draw and scored 8 points on one card (as he had scions drop in and I had aggressively advanced leaving my home deployment objective open). This was at 1000 points.


More to come as I’ll edit this later and add our lists and my observations.


“The fools! They’ve taken the bait as we’ve planned! Ready the ambush, brothers, we rise again like the eternal tides of our planet”!


Effrus Von Korch, Primus of the Kraken Kult


Added information and recap:


My list was posted above. We played the diagonal map, take and hold. We both decided to do the card-based secondaries. I actually had a great time. I don’t really fear change, but I definitely was skeptical about 10th edition. It’s felt like a rushed, last-minute edition that saw big changes based off of play/tournament/internet grumbling. I believe they oversimplified and removed some of the crunch gamers enjoy (such as list building) in an effort to “simplify” the game. I felt it even more as many of my models for my main army, Admech, were brought pretty low with their index.

So I was pleasantly surprised. I told my friend, “I don’t hate this, we’re having fun”. So we played toy soldiers.


Recap: I put my 10-beast aberrant squad with abominant in the middle of the game, and deployed them aggressively. I positioned my neophyte blobs; one on the left side, one in deepstrike. I then deployed two squads of 5 acolytes.


My opponent had lots of deep striking scions, a large squad of cadians, a leman russ, an armored sentinel, and a chimera with shock troops.

I was able to coax out some overwatch and dropped my mining laser neophyte squad within 3” of his cadians. I proceeded to blow up his tank, and ended up deleting the entire cadian squad. He did call in reinforcements, however, which made my Primus go hmmmmm, I thought only we could do that.

In the end I had seriously mauled his army, but he pulled a great card, dropped his deepstrikers into my back line and snatched victory with a solid 8-point secondary.




The good:


The army is fun. I had a great time with the deep striking and only got to recycle one unit but I took-back an objective. Neat stuff.

Aberrants are insanely tough. I weathered a lot of shooting and melee and still had my abominant and three aberrants.


Ambushing and our stratagems work really well to up our fire power. I took out a tank with one neophyte squad of lasers and a primus.

The primus is soooo good. I can take three of him! I will definitely kit bash a second.


Against the guard I was able to slowly replenish my neophytes. I really like the cult icon ability.


The bad:


A squad of 10 aberrants feels like it’s not the best choice of point expenditure. Not in 1000 point games, probably only situationally good in larger games.  They cost 40% of my points. The problem was they were too slow, and their attacks were wasted against the guard. As noted they were amazingly resilient, but I’m thinking two squads would be better.


Against guard specifically I think an abominant and hypermorph with improvised weapon may be a better sell. I’m not opposed to having two 5-model units, but the 10-model was just too much overkill.


Do not shoot your seismic cannons at armored vehicles. I had no idea they were so anemic against vehicles. Even the armored sentinel had a 2+ saving roll. First game of 10th. Now I know.


I need more bodies to cover the board. I lost because I was aggressive and moved forward. I had nobody in home base. Part of the problem was addressed above. I had 10 aberrants and with a smaller unit could have got more neophytes.



I really liked the game we played, and now hate 10th edition a little less. Okay I really liked 10th edition. Please buff my admech (for another forum I know).


I can’t wait to get more games in, and really didn’t get to play much with the recycling of units.


I believe I’ll take 20 more neophytes in a mining laser/grenade squad. I’ll add another primus.


I’d like to try out the kelermorph, nexos (who seems to have great abilities), and reductus saboteur.


I want to bring my own vehicle to the party. Let’s go rockgrinder!

Edited by brother_b
  • 3 months later...

Working on some new members for the cult. I also played my second game as GSC. Somehow at 1500 points my astra militarum opponent had enough points for about 40 infantry, two leman Russ, two taurox, a Valkyrie, a chimera, and some bullgryn. I was very surprised to say the least. I’ll add a write up when I have time. I lost as I had a hard time exerting board control.






That’s actually my Magus/iconward. If we’re talking about the kraken face. 

I played him as a Magus this game but I’m not convinced they’re worth anything. An offensive shooting spell would have been great.

Edited by brother_b

Based off the necromancer model from WH/AOS.


I’m redoing some of my army and sadly will remove him as magus or use him as an iconward. I went fairly character heavy which may not be the best but feels really fun.


My end 2000 point army will have 50 neophytes and 25 acolytes. It will have a couple of rock grinders with a unit of aberrants and small acolyte squad as riders. I’ll have 10 neophytes with lasers and grenade launchers in a truck.


One option for board control would be to hold back a couple big units and drop them in within 3 inches of objectives using the Strat. I did that one time last game and was able to take and hold an objective. I just didn’t have any other units to bring in. With all the bonuses this may be my best bet.


I have three vehicles which I can reposition with my primus ability. I hope to be able to pull some better shenanigans next match.


On we go we’ll see how it goes!



Edited by brother_b

I tried out a rockgrinder recently, and had a lot of fun with it - the combination of Tank Shock, mortal wounds on the charge and the grinder itself makes it pretty impressive in combat, and it has some handy short-range firepower on top.


It ended up soaking up lots of incoming shooting, which definitely meant other things survived longer than I expected them to.


It'll be interesting to hear how you get on with two (and passengers).


I delivered a load of metamorphs via rockgrinder last game and they were meh because their value comes in staying in melee fights. They got shot off the board after a turn.


I put my aberrants on foot and they did horribly against a unit of scions.


Thats a sad story of losing three aberrants vs over watch in the finest example of coolness under fire I’ve ever witnessed (rerolls because we were on an objective helped). He hit with all his special weapons including meltas. In the end my abominant stuck around, rising after being struck down. He was only able to kill 2ish guard a turn with his horrible A characteristic.


Delivering those guys in a rockgrinder though would have possible been game changing.


I’ll see how it goes.

Nice job on that Conversion. They way it was done really allows it to be fielded as either a Magus or Iconward.


Good luck on your games. I definitely agree on putting those Abs in a transport.  It helps a lot. You definitely want them to get stuck in melee quick. Opponents love to shoot em. I use both a Rockgrinder and a Truck. If I can get a Tank shock or charge out them. I am ecstatic. They don’t seem to live long. But for that is less important then getting my cult onto objectives quickly. With the Codex dropping in the Summer we’ll see what changes may come. Maybe the Magus will become more offensive. But we’ll see.


  • 1 month later...



I continue to add to the Kraken Kult. I’ve got some more neophytes on the table; heavy weapons, special weapons, and regular cultists to finish off.


Ive also primed my aberrants, and am almost finished with my abominant. I’ll post when done. I’ve got some vehicles built and primed, as well as a bunch of acolytes. 

On the build queue is my Kelermorph and saboteur. I’m excited for both of them as well.


I grabbed a female vampire from AOS to act as a base for a conversion to another primus and therein lies my next idea and thought.


Double Primus:


A primus costs 90 points, quite the investment in my army. I am set on at least 50 acolytes but may bump up to 3 units of 20. One unit would start on the board and two to drop in. I’d love another primus to really boost the effectiveness of my second unit of 20 dropping in.


Does anybody run two?


Edit: Added abominant



Edited by brother_b

I've been running two Primus for a while (at 1500) - one with 20 neophytes to hold my base objective, and one with 20 neophytes to drop in (or up) and shoot stuff. They make a real difference to the output of the units, so I think they're worth the 90 points.


Before Christmas, I finished a third Primus, who will accompany a third block of neophytes once they're finished (still got the seismic cannons to do). So yes, I'd recommend them :)

How many acolytes and in what configuration are you running them?


Im considering 10 acolytes with charges to drop in. I’ve read your take on adding a primus and it’s tempting for them.


I want a couple small squads too, with mining weapons. I just haven’t figured out what to do with them. Maybe hold backfield with a clamavus or drop in to do objectives/actions.


A second primus is definitely already an idea and will be made into a reality.


Complaint mode: Our magus is so weak, his/her spell is very underwhelming and no mind bullet attacks. I’ve taken a look at other psychic units and even the Astra Militarum has superior options.


Done with the rant! Now it’s time for more followers of the Kraken Kult!

My acolytes come and go at the moment. I've been experimenting with a unit of ten maxed out on four demo-charges. They're very, very killy, but also very limited when coming in from deep strike - they need Tunnel Crawlers to be in range, but with their large footprint can still be screened out fairly effectively (and are wasted on screening or outlying units).


And more specific to my group, a lot of the high-value targets that I'd want to hit with demo-charges either have a lot of flamers, ride in transports, or both (like Incinerators in a Repulsor) - so I can't get at them without getting toasted.


Alternatively, I've also taken small units of acolytes for chasing secondaries, although metamorphs are a viable option too.

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