Petragor Posted November 11, 2022 Share Posted November 11, 2022 Helene The Cleric nods at the bodyguards words, clearly in agreement. "The Emperors blessing should come as no surprise when you are doing His work Aria, but it is only right that you give thanks to Him. We may well come to need further blessings as our journey approaches the outskirts of His domain." Looking at the warrior, Helene catches someone at the corner of her eye. The Outlander, holding a small coin pouch. Where had he gotten that? "What is your opinion on our scout? He seems a little... rough around the edges." Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted November 11, 2022 Share Posted November 11, 2022 Aria "The native, I have seen others of his kind assigned to the expedition as guides." The scout had shown no interest in the overseers approach though the possibility remained that the guides served as observers for those organising this event. "His presence at the goliath prior to our arrival suggests assignment by the high command." The native guide seemed motivated primarily by his stomach but he had been attentive during travel and the condition of his weapons stood apart from his otherwise ragged appearance. Too early to make assumpions about his ability. Trokair, Machine God and Petragor 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Petragor Posted November 11, 2022 Share Posted November 11, 2022 Helene “You think so? Well, if they’re this prevalent, they must be quite confident in their abilities. Let us pray that our guide does not lead us astray.” The Cleric looks back at the truck and stretches her arms a little. ”Well, I’ll be returning to our vehicle now. You can do as you like, so long as you’re ready when the time comes to depart.” Trokair and Machine God 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted November 11, 2022 Author Share Posted November 11, 2022 Varn/Machine God Time to resolve your ‘Throne hunt’. Please roll me either an opposed Ag with a +30 for the crowd being distracted if you focused your effort on one target. Or roll me an opposed Ag with a + 10 for the crowd being distracted if you attempted to relive multiple spectators of their goods. Depending on your choice, and the opposed roll, I will then determine what you snagged. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted November 11, 2022 Share Posted November 11, 2022 Varn: Varn had a fun day mingling with the crowds and a bit of hunting, the bump and spill of grog with excuses and the stalk. He returned to the Goliath after catching a rat which he had brained with a rock. "Who wants some Dinner?" he called. Opposed Agility Roll. AGL 23 +10 (Crowd) = 33. Result: 07, Pass 2DoS Petragor and Trokair 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted November 11, 2022 Author Share Posted November 11, 2022 Varn You end up reliving two bystanders. When you later examine the spoils the first pouch only contains a few random personal affects, nothing of any monetary value. The second however had the same style binding that your two weeks wages had come in, and indeed inside are 45 Thrones, someone just lost their pay. Machine God and Petragor 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted November 12, 2022 Share Posted November 12, 2022 Aria: Approaching Varn, "watches should be organised, unless you have been instructed otherwise by the expedition leader." Fresh meat. The rat was curiously small compared to those that Aria had encountered in her youth, anything that lived was always a risk as there was no accounting where in the ship it had crawled from. "I believe the transport is equipped to boil water." Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted November 12, 2022 Share Posted November 12, 2022 (edited) Varn: The Boss' bodyguard approached him about the setting of watches. "Yer, Watches are a good idea. There's bound to be thieves about in a place like this, all the noise, fires and light will keep predators away," answered Varn. "Kettle is in the back of David. I'll show you where!" Edited November 13, 2022 by Machine God Typo Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted November 13, 2022 Share Posted November 13, 2022 Aria: Boiled rat... fires onboard a ship were bad news, would lead armsmen right to you. Bad in combat zones where they drew a different kind of fire, bad in hives where the fight might not stop. Here though, burnt rat perhaps. Aria followed the hunter to the back of the goliath, best to check the food supply lest they needed to find more rats. Machine God, Trokair and TechCaptain 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted November 13, 2022 Share Posted November 13, 2022 Kazimir Twiceborn Kazimir grabbed his nutrient paste that was made as his ration for recovery, it provided everything needed for his mechanical bits as well as his organic ones. Strapping his great sword to his back and double checking that he still had his stuff, Kazimir moved closer to the group that was forming around the boiled rat. He had already decided he was going to keep an eye on their squirrelly scout. Kazimir was not sure he was completely sane with his head on straight with gaps in his memory and trauma from war, but that Scout character was off to his hiver and guardsmen senses. But maybe, just maybe the useful kind when things go belly up like they are wont to do. He gave it just a little longer before things get so chaotic that the incompetent commanders of this PDF group get all turned around. After his bit of wool gathering of his mental spaces, he decided it was time to actually discuss watches and guard rotation while the team ate. Aria and Varn were already here anyways, hopefully the Techpriestess and the Noble would join them soon because those privileged ladies are the ones that are going to make or break this venture. "Varn, Aria. So, let's figure out this rotation, and Varn we will not be able to have fire like this once we separate from the convoy. It would be too much of a giveaway. " Tonight, wasn't as big of a deal as there was no way to hide a convoy as big as theirs anyways. Trokair and Machine God 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted November 14, 2022 Share Posted November 14, 2022 Aria: "I will take last watch". It seemed logical, the machine-man was most likely of the three to have enhanced vision in the darkness and the scout would be occupied with his morning reconnaissance. Best to ensure that she was awake when the mistress rose as well. Varn had been curiously cordial given others usual response to her presence. Perhaps his people were so far removed from void travel that they had not the sense of it, as it had always been the voidborn who felt her strangeness the most. A natural instinct against a predator or extended proxity to the warp and its twisting powers ... even Aria did not know for sure. TechCaptain and Machine God 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted November 17, 2022 Author Share Posted November 17, 2022 Day 2 – Night In the distance the light from the town likewise winked out one by one, the place was too small for a 24 hour life cycle so common to imperial hives. The camp likewise settled down for the night, and your team did likewise. Evening meal duly eaten, whether rat, ration pack or mess tent special, all washed down with purified water, and perhaps something with a decent proof numeral affixed to the bottle. Four of you slept, rested or recharged undisturbed while the fifth kept watch. The only disturbance the occasional expedition member heading for the latrine block, or likewise patrolling their section of the camp, perhaps an insomniac or two were about but nothing to cause alarm. Some time into the second watch your sentry hears movement from a larger group, numbers are difficult to tell in the dark but you are certain it is more than just having lost their way on the way back to their group. After another minute you are fairly certain that the group is indeed heading your way, though somewhat slow and indirect, and possibly meandering. Map: On the map the top and right side are the edge of the field, with a fence and hedge. On the left side is one of the roads through camp. Camped nearby is East Survey Team 4. Spoiler Those that are asleep please state if you are in Tent 1, Tent 2 or in the Goliath (either AdMech affiliated character can rest in the Goliath cabin if they need to plug in for power recharge, there is also space for one person to roll out a sleeping bag in the back of the goliath). Sentry, please state if you are sitting on the raised platform of the Goliath, in the back of the Goliath looking out over camp or otherwise nearby. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted November 19, 2022 Author Share Posted November 19, 2022 (edited) Kasimir had from time to time patrolled around their little part of the encampment. When he wasn’t he had taken up position sitting in the back of the Goliath, it was wind sheltered but still afforded a good view. In the meagre star light, the moons where but a slither, one waxing, one waning, you see a group of silhouettes passing the group 4 encampment. You hear their footsteps on the mud track, unmuffled compared to the overgrown grass, and where they dragging something? It is doubtful that they have seen you, and if they continue along the path then it was no concern of yours, but just in case you reach for the squad coms, ready to alert the others. The sound of footsteps lessens, not from distance, but because some walkers had stopped. Some snatches of conversation reach you, but nothing decipherable. Suddenly torchlight stapes out of the dark from several angles, illuminating the Goliath and tents. The glare of the bright light obscures its holders, but gives you an approximate estimation as to their location. Signalling the others you hope they are light sleepers, as one of the torchbeams sweeps past Kasimir, then veers back and settles on him. Another barley audible exchange of words from the main group then one steps forward. “Which one of you scum is in cahoots with this thieving deadbeat and his rat of a friend?” The man points his torch back, revealing Da being held up by two others, his head lulls slightly, perhaps unconscious, it was his feet you heard dragging along the ground. “You thought you could just pickpocket Josiepth’s wages like that. You will pay for that error. You have until the count of five.” He paused dramatically. “One” Map Dark Red is the speaker, the others red circles are aproximations of where you suspect people are. Spoiler Edited November 19, 2022 by Trokair Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted November 20, 2022 Share Posted November 20, 2022 Ravia "Remove yourselves from our encampment." Ravia moved around the Goliath, lascarbine raised at the speaker. Her voice was harsh and full of static, but didn't mask the sound of her lascarbine charging up. The barrel was aimed steadily, and Ravia's glowing eyes didn't waver from him. "If you do not remove yourselves, a non-optimal outcome will occur. This man is not part of our team nor do we know of what you speak of, so leave now." The click of the lascarbine's safety being removed is loud in the night. Machine God and Trokair 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted November 20, 2022 Share Posted November 20, 2022 Aria A deep sleep was a risk that Aria had never been in position to afford as she slipped behind the tent to alert Helene. Her instinct was to flank the newcomers, to begin with the stragglers that were uneager to commit, but Helene had a way with words and had been clear they were to be used with Imperial citizens first. Trokair and Petragor 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted November 20, 2022 Author Share Posted November 20, 2022 The speaker was unfazed, one of his companions pointing a torch directly at Ravia. “We can settle this the proper way, where you had over Josiepth’s property and the miscreant that colluded with the little rat to set up the fight with your BONE'ead as a distraction gets what’s due to him.” The speakers own torch settled back on Kazimir. “You in on this to ‘gryn? You smart enough for that, eh?” After a moment’s consideration he continued. “You’re rather small for a ‘gryn, must be the runt of the litter.” “If you continue waving that las around then I guess it will be the easy way, it be a shame for the expedition to discover five deserters floating in the ocean in a few weeks, if ever, but that’s your choice.” At this there was the clear sound of a good number of guns being ready. “It would be non-optimal for us in that Josiepth be out of pocket, but I’d think he’d settle for that.” “As I was saying, we can do this the proper way, its best for all.” “Two” Petragor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Petragor Posted November 20, 2022 Share Posted November 20, 2022 Helene Being awoken by Aria, Helene wastes no time in getting ready for whatever has prompted an encounter in this time of the night. She quickly slips into her holy (and armored) robes, and puts on her helmet, fastening the strap with one hand and seizing her Chainsword with the other. Now suitably equipped, she walks out of the tent, with Aria not far behind. The scene the cleric beholds is most concerning. Several armed thugs, presumably belongings to the seedy elements of the convoy, are in a standoff with the rest of her team, and holding another pilgrim hostage. Clearly they are some sort of criminal element, a festering sore on the seedy underbelly of the convoy, and so early on the journey. This is a test she thought a test of my, of our conviction. Will be bend to the demands of these misguided fools? No. We shall oppose them with the will and might befitting the servants of the Emperor, and they shall return to the righteous path or be destroyed. ”What in the Emperors name are you doing this time of night? In the name of the ecclesiarchy, I demand that you release this man, stow your weapons and return to your lodgings, or by the throne I shall Smite thee where you stand!” Machine God and Trokair 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted November 20, 2022 Share Posted November 20, 2022 The crew of David were his tribe now even if they were Others, they were helping him. Varn never liked the bullies, said bad things about Kaz and ignored Boss Lady. Varn had set up his tent as a basha so that he could have protection but also see the stars. It had enabled him to have a full view of the ambushers as they had arrived and started to flash torches about. He'd only just returned to his bedroll after his watch, so his big bang stick was to hand, he moved into a prone position. Varn slowed his breathing down as he aimed at the bully speaker. Full Aim at Dark Red Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted November 20, 2022 Author Share Posted November 20, 2022 The speaker laughed a little in response to Helene’s challenge. “Why surly the recovery of stolen property is the righteous thing to do, would you not agree. So stop harbouring the scum and I might even pray for their recovery post lesson.” “Da protested his innocence adamantly, and his little friend scurried for parts unknown, but someone must have Josiepth wages, Thrones tend not walk away by themselves, except perhaps in good company of a few bears and pretty ladies, and neither were here this evening.” "I think it's time for Three." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Petragor Posted November 21, 2022 Share Posted November 21, 2022 Helene The Cleric grits her teeth in anger. Who does this man think he is? Taking a hostage and speaking of righteousness? Unforgivable. Her eyes survey the numerous armed individuals, all ready to attack the group at the drop of a hat. Still, this situation is most perilous. Should I play the Noble card? Threaten them with the retribution of the Highborn and make them back down? As she looks at the beaten down hostage however, she feels her anger overtake her fear. No, this is something I must attend to myself. I will deal with them not as a cowardly scion of nobility, but as a steadfast servant of His will. And if I must martyr myself for this man, so be it. I couldn’t possibly face He on Terra in the beyond if I did not do something in the face of such injustice. She points her Chainsword directly at the leader, pressing the activation rune, letting the noise of the revving blades ring into the night. ”Your words of righteousness ring hollow scum! If your claims of wrongdoing were anything more than an ill-conceived fabrication, you would’ve alerted the authorities instead of threatening violence under the cloak of night, like the cowardly rats you are! I will now approach and free this man you have taken hostage, and if you DARE attempt to strike me down, then neither I nor the Emperor shall show thee any mercy!” With several weapons trained on her and her heart racing, Helene’s faith nonetheless compels her to take a step forward. And another… Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted November 21, 2022 Share Posted November 21, 2022 Ravia "Threatening a member of the Ordo Reductor and a follower of the Archmagos is unwise." Ravia's mask lights up and emits several beeps. "The expeditionary overseers are now being informed of this...dispute. Make your decision to continue this foolishness at your own peril." Trokair and Petragor 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted November 21, 2022 Author Share Posted November 21, 2022 “Well if you insist on resolving this the improper way by in involving Officers and Aristocrats, so be it.” You hear a the squeak of a radio turning on. “Sergeant Rahul here, wake Overseer Von Herz, we have a situation here with some thieving scum, and they’d rather deal with his wroth then own up to their misdeeds.” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted November 23, 2022 Author Share Posted November 23, 2022 The uneasy pause between the standoff dragged on uncomfortably until the unmistakable sound of rushing feet came out of the dark. Flicker of torchlight danced across the path as Overseer Eadwin Von Herz and about a dozen men made their way over. There was a general dishevelment about the entire party, no doubt as a result of having just been woken and rounded up to attend. “What is the meaning of this Sergeant?” Eadwin demanded as he strode into earshot. Rahul waited until Von Herz had come to a stop and saluted before answering. “Sir, as I believe you are aware there was a spectacle of a ‘training’ fight between these two fellows earlier this evening.” Two of Rahul’s men sown their torches at Da and Kazimir to highlight them. “While supping in the Mess tent a short while later I overheard a driver from E3 tell his companions that he thought someone had try to pickpocket him earlier that evening, his companion joked that he had imagined it as he still had all his money, but the first fellow insisted his personal affects had gone.” “I did not think much of it until Josiepth came to me after supper to report the theft of the pouch he had been issued with his initial wages.” “Not wanting to put you to trouble me and my men investigated ourselves, as we were on guard duty anyway. As we made our rounds we spoke to all the witness to the fight and corroborate their stories.” Stepping over to Da Rahul continued. “This one’s friend initiated the fight, and has he has made himself scares he was our primary suspect, but enough witnesses place him at the front of the crowd holding this one’s heavy coat throughout that he could not have done the theft himself. So an accomplice was at large. This one proclaimed his innocence’s and I doubt the BONE’ED has the smarts to have been in on it, but someone was.” “Having spoken to all the other witness the last place the accomplice could be was in group North East, this sorry lot.” All the torches refocused on the team. “I demanded that they return the stolen wages and hand over the thief for disciplining.” “Their team leader responded with a fair challenge, given the time of day, but also levelled a charged weapon at my men, so naturally they responded in kind. Then the Zealot spouted something about righteousness, as if shielding a scum was righteous. Sir.” “I do not think the Archmagos’s representative in the team would have need to take 45 thrones, and the zealot is by her own words to righteous, but neither dose that exonerate the remaining team members.” Sergeant Rahul saluted again and his men likewise made space for Von Herz to approach the teams encampment. As Eadwin stepped past he briefly spoke to the sergeant, quietly enough that it was clearly meant for him alone, but loud enough that everybody else would know. “Initiative if good Sergeant, but when it comes to discipline you will inform me first before you take any actions.” Rahul half bowed apologetically. Looking Over the team Eadwin raised his voice. “Team Leader Ravia Phi-Ro, what do you have to say for your team?” Spoiler At this point Rahul and his men do not know who stole the 45 Throne pouch, so there are some options for the team and Varn specifically. As Ravia was tending to David at the time of the incident I don’t think she can know, nor I suspect dose Helene (hence both their oh so good protestations, nice RP there). Decide what you want to do. Depending on how you respond you may be called upon for opposed test against either Rahul or Overseer Van Herz or both. Questions or discussion in OCC A few ideas from my end, but feel free to come up with others. Try to deceive and convince them that the team is innocent and any thief is elsewhere Try to misdirect while the evidence is disposed Own up (possibly with attempt to deceive for mitigating circumstance – say “I found this, was going to hand it in in the morning”) Try to convince Eadwin that Rahul is up to no good as Helene stated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted November 24, 2022 Share Posted November 24, 2022 (edited) Varn: It was a good thing that Varn had hidden the Thrones earlier in the evening, although he still had the other pouch. Varn had made the tea, also boiled the water to cook the rat and later filled the kettle urn at the back of David. It was always good to be useful, also the Thrones would be a lot cleaner now. Varn applied the safety on his big bang stick, slowly he got up and approached Boss Lady. "Scusee, Boss Lady Ravia? I found 'dis pouch like wen I wers hunting fer Rats. Twas dropped on the floor like, an I wers gonna give it the priests in the morning. Big Sky God would then give it back to who's it was, I was finking." said Varn, tossing the first pouch to Ravia. FEL 24 -10 (Difficult) = 14. Result: 11, Pass. INT 37 -0 (Challenging) = 37. Result: 24, Pass 1DoS Varn scampered away a little. Edited November 25, 2022 by Machine God Tests Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted November 25, 2022 Share Posted November 25, 2022 (edited) Ravia Taking the pouch, Ravia turns at the overseer. "My scout appears to have found Sergeant Rahul man's lost pouch. Maybe next time he will be more careful with how he ties it to his belt." Unknown to any, due to her mask, Ravia's face hardens with scorn. "Maybe before accusing those engaged in the Omnissiah's work the sergeant will think. Before slandering a veteran of the Imperial Guard with the epithet bone-head, he might observe the massive wounds taken in serving the Emperor's Will and the divine blessing of augments given to him." "Maybe, he will reconsider coming to an unknown team's encampment with multiple accomplices intent on confrontation, when a simple polite inquiry would have been sufficient to accomplish his goal of retrieving lost goods." Tossing the pouch to Rahul, Ravia again looks at the overseer. "I trust that this matter is finished. We have much work to do in the Arch-magos' name." Spoiler Fellowship Test Target- 72 (32 + 30) Roll- 43 Result- Pass with 2 DoS Edited November 25, 2022 by Lord_Ikka Trokair and TechCaptain 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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