Trokair Posted October 23, 2022 Share Posted October 23, 2022 (edited) Archeotech – Treasure Hunt Day 1, Morning The sky is just a smidge away from night, and the earliest tinges of a rising sun colour the underside of the scattered clouds. The mustering ground is already busy, and has no doubt been busy all night as supplies and personal arrived and were sorted for the individual expedition elements. The mustering site is within the grounds of the PDF barracks complex just north of Keringrat, though The expedition requirements had led it to spilled out into the surrounding land. Towards Keringrat itself a temporary tent city has sprung up housing the spillover of personal that could not be quartered in the Barracks and that could not or would not trek back to the city each night. Yesterday the expedition was officially announced as having commenced, with plenty of officialdom and ceremony. Most importantly for the common folk, it had been an official holiday and the sanctioned street parties and merriment had spilled into the long hours of the night. That was yesterday; today the various expedition teams would leave the city and head into the interior of Orealis. The main group was slated to leave at noon, or more likely some point in the afternoon, with so many people to organize having anything run on time was no mean task. You however have been assigned to one of the smaller branches of the expedition, one of several survey teams that would head out along the coast before turning in land to investigate other potential sites. In your case specifically Expedition Team Northeast. All the Eastwards bound teams where leaving an hour or so after dawn, leaving you with not that much time to make your way through the multitude of personal all around you to where you need to report in. You catch sight of E III marked on the side of a Chimera, so that would be Team East 3, you must be heading in the right direction, the orderly that had give you direction had said that NE were just past the rows of the East teams. Stepping aside as yet another Cargo-8 Ridgehauler rumbled past you spot NE stenciled on the side of a repurposed all purpose Goliath truck. As you get closer you can see a servitor loading supplies into the Goliath. You are now free to make introductory posts for your character, you are free to embellish the above circumstances further, or even start at an earlier time point as long as you end roughly at the right time and place. Maybe your character enjoyed the festivities the previous day, or is recalling the journey to get here. Feel free to interact with the other player’s characters as they arrive. There is also a senior orderly organizing the east section of the expedition (which include yourself as the sole NE team) if you want/need to ask any questions. The Goliath is designated 500A6500, see the post in the Characters and Setting Thread. Edited October 23, 2022 by Trokair Machine God, Lysimachus and Petragor 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted October 23, 2022 Share Posted October 23, 2022 Varn Varn had signed on as a tracker, he had been given forty-five thrones and a picture of a Goliath with 500A6500 NE written on the back in large writing. Sometime the evening before he had found the Goliath, he had peed on the wheels and then went out hunting. Orealis land was similar to his homeland so he knew what was edible, throttled two juicy snakes and returned with a full waterskin. During the trek to find the Goliath he had availed himself of a bottle of grog that was lying around, this he had stowed in the truck and he had even found a juicy grub spider nesting in the front right wheel arch. Hopping up on to the back of the Goliath he waited for the rest of crew to turn up. Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted October 23, 2022 Share Posted October 23, 2022 Kazimir Twiceborn Second to arrive the mass of inhuman humanity that is Kazimir moved through the familiar sights of a PDF style tent city with the assurance only a Hiver could have. He had moved towards where he had left the Goliath "David". As the assigned driver from the real military of the Imperium he knew who was responsible for it. It wasn't a surprise he had camped in the open near it though while in his sleep mode he had missed the scamp that peed on the wheel in the night or hopped in. The morning of the expedition however he did not miss Varn being in the back of his vehicle. He saw the scamp in the back and sighed, quickly wondering what the reaction would be this time to him. Most 'normal' humans don't want to deal with the inhuman form he now has and are just disturbed by the mere sight of Kazimir. Knocking on the side of the Goliath while controlling his strength not to accidently damage the vehicle, at least the seat had been adjusted for his weight and size the night prior. "Hey, hop out for a bit. The rest of the crew is still coming and I need to do pre-mission checks." Without waiting for a replay, Kazimir began going through his mental checklist, noting every blemish on the vehicle, possible problems in the future, and making sure all the tools and gear are accounted for and none of the other crews stole their stuff. It was all the usual stuff for drivers in the Guard, and he was partially through the front working his way back before he realized he didn't even remember how he picked up the skills to know so much about vehicles. This disturbed him a little but it was common among the Cogger Hive Guard for most if not all the troopers to have had their minds messed with and given knowledge the price being bits of who you were. Considering he was born again by those same Techpriests who knows what has happened. All of this rumination came with a slight disgruntled feeling towards all this PDF trash around him. Everything he found deficient or in a condition other than norm was written down old fashion on a sheet of paper he scrounged up. Since he hadn't seen a decent motor head or enginseer who would want it he figured on storing it with the rest of the gear that way he could track changes in the state of the vehicle. He had already put his week's rations with the group rations. Anyone that observed him would note he moved pretty easily despite having a sword that was larger than his already massive frame on his back, wearing full armor of the Imperial Guard. His armor being a bit different that the world's norm, coming from Hive World Cogger. It was plated and looked little like ancient full plate not that it was anymore protective than the Cadian standard. It did help hide a little just how modified his form was from a distance. Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted October 23, 2022 Share Posted October 23, 2022 Varn Varn was rudely awoken by a guttural voice "Hey, hop out for a bit. The rest of the crew is still coming and I need to do pre-mission checks." Looking up he saw something big looming over him. A Goliath in a Goliath? He thought. Varn got out of the Goliath, "Sure Bonehead, carry on. Cor what a big sword you 'ave!" Varn spat on the ground and followed the Brute around at a safe distance. Varn offered the half of snake that he was still holding to the Brute, "I is Varn! Want some snake, its good eating!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted October 23, 2022 Share Posted October 23, 2022 (edited) Kazimir Twiceborn Kazimir's deep guttural voice had a reverb to it as he responded to the scout, taking off his faceplate that integrated his helmet to his rebuilt face. The process making sounds like a power drill on a screw as he had to remove portions of his lower face to get to a working jaw. It was not a sight for the squeamish, part of the reason he preferred no company when he ate. But due to his training in the guard he knew not to offend the scout that would be guiding him. "Sure, I am Kaz." Taking a polite bite of snake, he quickly got through the creature's meat and started the process to reinstall his faceplate. Then went back to work, shrugging off the reference of him being an Oygrn. He was use to such insults and it mattered little in the long run. At least people would underestimate him thinking size meant less intelligence. Edited October 23, 2022 by TechCaptain Trokair and Machine God 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted October 24, 2022 Share Posted October 24, 2022 Ravia After moving through the mass of expedition forces, Ravia arrived at the Goliath truck designated 500A6500. The instructions on her data-slate stated that her team would join her at the truck and that further information would be received from there. She could see that the Goliath had an upgrade vox array, to connect the team back to the expeditionary command. Two potential members of the search team were already assembled at the truck. One was known to her, a Guardsman who had went through an extremely intensive rebuild procedure due to injuries. She had been part of the rebuilding effort, though in a minor way as the procedures documentarist. To be blessed with the level of augmentation that he had received was a great honor for one not of the Adeptus Mechanicus and Ravia was honored to have been involved in the effort. It would be good to have the Guardsman's enhanced strength on this mission, if any sort of manual labor was needed. The other was unknown to her- a fairly tall man clad in furs and leathers. A long spear and autogun were strapped to his back, and he appeared to be eating some sort of snake. A hunter or scout perhaps? Useful, as Ravia was not accustomed to life outside of research labs, medicae facilities, or the occasional elimination raid on heretek enclaves. Ravia moved to the side, simply watching and waiting for the moment- connecting her data-slate to her neural plug to take notes via a small mechadendrite in her wrist. The Guardsman, Kazimir of Cogger, was doing a function check of the vehicle. He did it properly, but without some of the minor tech-cants known to the Mechanicus that would increase speed and durability. Before setting off, Ravia would double-bless the Goliath to ensure a successful trip. For now, she waited for the other team members. Machine God, Trokair and TechCaptain 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted October 24, 2022 Share Posted October 24, 2022 Aria Aria stood silently in attendance of her mistress as she beeseached the guidance of the Emperor, as was her way. She had His favour as evidenced by the position in society that had been bestowed upon her but with it came the ever present threat of the Imperiums enemies. The Emperor had never deigned to speak to Aria for she was beneath His notice, but to stray from his path was short sighted. His strength was above all others, promises by the rest transparent bait to trap the unwary. So the mistress had spoken as had all those in his favour before her. In passing moments Aria had wondered what they had done to lose that favour... truly the Emperor did not forgive. Machine God and Trokair 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Petragor Posted October 24, 2022 Share Posted October 24, 2022 Helene Love the Emperor, for He is the salvation of Mankind. As the Cleric knelt upon the mustering site, countless souls passing by in their hurry to complete her task, she prayed to the Master of Mankind. Obey His words, for He will lead you into the light of the future. She heard the guttural yells of overseers and expedition leaders, ordering their underlings to work harder, faster, yet she remained in prayer. Heed His wisdom, for He will protect you from evil. She remembered her choice to join this expedition, to leave behind the hedonistic shackles of aristocracy to truly serve, and redoubled her prayer. Whisper His prayers with devotion, for they will save your soul. She felt the presence of other faithful, praying like her for a safe and bountiful journey, and she joined her devotion to theirs. Honour His servants, for they speak in His voice. She felt her bodyguard, Aria, standing a few paces behind her, an outcast much like Helene had much been, and the she included her in the prayer. Tremble before His majesty, for we all walk in His immortal shadow. As she felt His presence wash over her, Helene permitted herself to stand, looking now upon the Goliath which would serve as but one of many vessels in this crusade for long-lost treasures. Now blessed by the Emperors light, Helene was as ready as she would ever be. She entered the transport with Aria not far behind, and took in the other occupants. A Tech-Priestess, midway through a seance with the spirits of the machine, a feral-looking man whom had the smell of grog on his breath, and a hulking monstrosity who seemed more metal than man. Perhaps her fellows on this quest wouldn't be as devout as she had hoped... Still, she yet felt the Emperors Glory in her heart, and she better than to disappoint Him by faltering so early on her- their journey. Might as well break the ice... "Greetings fellow pilgrims, and the Emperors blessings upon us all! Are we ready to depart and spread His light?" Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted October 24, 2022 Author Share Posted October 24, 2022 “You there” a shout went up, approaching them was an Official with his aid. He was pointing at Ravia, while bellowing over the noise of a passing Chimera. “Do you have operational oversight of this team?” He barley waited for an acknowledgement before continuing. “Get your group ready, grouping East convoy is leaving in,” here he paused while the aide proffered a watch, “17 minutes.” You see him speak to the aid, who then rushes forward, stumbling as he tried to slow down to offer Ravia a leather bound satchel. “Sorry Sir,” he mumbled, then looking properly at the Tech-Priest apologetically uttered “Sorry Ma’am”. Satchel delivered he hurried back to the Official. Inside is a data slate with mission briefing (see Characters and Setting thread), a micro-bead tuned to ‘David’ for each team member and 250 Thrones for the NE survey team expense kitty (as previously mentioned in OCC). Helene Spoiler You recognise the Official, though you do remember his name, he is a cousin a few times removed, and does not appear to have recognised you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted October 24, 2022 Share Posted October 24, 2022 (edited) Varn Three women Others later turned up as crew, Boss Lady named Heleen. Big shouty Boss with a killer guardian and the team made themselves known. "I is Varn, scout hunter tracker. I native Orealis." lied Varn sweeping his arm wide in a circle. "I lookout bestest from outside, on top of metal beast. Not going in, must see sky. Praise Empr, Big Sky God!" Varn shoved in and looked at map even though he couldn't read. "Lake best start, Water and Food!" Edited October 24, 2022 by Machine God Typo Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted October 24, 2022 Share Posted October 24, 2022 Aria Aria offered the slightest of nods as courtesy and rank demanded. Her approach had a gnawing sense of danger that was difficult to place, standing in plain sight Varn realised his eyes had passed over her at first before catching her presence from the corner of his eye. It was not through lack of attentiveness but a wordless sense that she should not be here. But nothing about her indicated why, a mundane example of humanity not marked by the omnissiah nor the witch in any way that could be sensed. Just... wrong somehow. Cold. Trokair, Machine God and TechCaptain 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted October 24, 2022 Share Posted October 24, 2022 Ravia Ravia looked over "her" team- two warriors, a scout, and a priest-in-training possibly? "Agreed, Scout Varn. The lakeside location has the highest potential for possible undiscovered archeotech. No official settlements and unknown ruins could lead to significant discoveries." Moving to the Goliath, Ravia commented, "Everyone should stow any extra gear they have and then we need to leave. Soldier Kazimir, I believe you have training in vehicle operations? You should drive the Goliath truck designate 500A6500. I will interface with the comms system and receive updates from expedition command. We will need a spotter in the top of the cabin." TechCaptain, Petragor and Trokair 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted October 25, 2022 Share Posted October 25, 2022 Kazimir Twiceborn "Yes ma'am." With a parade ground salute, Kazimir finished up his checks and got his sword stored in the notch just behind the driver seat in the cramp quarters. While he did so he looked over the rest of the team he had been assigned to. It looks like at least he knew one from his time in recovery. She was mostly aware of what had been done to him, at least more than he knew. He was a bit indisposed and not in the right frame of mind when he was being rebuilt then asked all sorts of questions to make sure his mind was intact and it mostly was. Rivia was just another of the caste that he owed his second life two as far as Kazimir was concerned. That left Aria and Helene to his observations, Helene was somewhat he had come to expect from nobles no matter the planet. That type was always looking for faith and trouble, usually finding the latter more often than not. Kazimir was a hiver of a different rung and had deep seated opinions that Nobles should stick to the upper hives and leave the rest alone. Aria however was a blank spot in his observations, his eyes didn't slide off her, probably because of the augmentations but he wasn't registering her on any sort of emotional level. Kazimir didn't know if that was a glitch in his enhancements, in his mind, or something else. But at the end of the day he supposed it didn't matter. His mind quickly became more occupied with understanding the directions he was soon to be taking, the security concerns of each type of approach, and most important in his mind the fact the protective walls and structures of the Hive would be gone. He had the back of his neck itching like crazy at the fact that he was going to be exposed to open sky and area which is just code for poisonous danger. Even on worlds of seemingly heavenly proportions it was always danger. Nothing good ever came from being away from the cities. Kazimir's face adopted a scowl quickly though it was mostly hidden behind his mechanical mask. Lakeside at least seem to possibly have something like a proper building in the area, well hopefully. With the convoy for a ways they would at least have some support from the rest of the expeditions, but that made the whole thing a target for raiders and pirates. Without the convoy less worth being a target but also less support and easier prey. Not much in between those two options in his mind. Not to mentioned he needed to look at the map and figure out likely ambush sites and what not. He didn't have a commander's mind or training, at least he didn't think he did, but he was an experienced Guardsmen and knew his way around a few things like that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted October 26, 2022 Author Share Posted October 26, 2022 Day 1 – Great East Highway – Midmorning The long call of a horn signalled that it was time to move, a collective roar of starting engines and the subsequent murmur as they idled, waiting for their turn to move. Towards the encampment gate you can just about see the slow progression of vehicles heading out. A mix of Chimeras, Gargo 8 Haulers, Goliaths and all sorts of locally produced off pattern vehicles. A wave of hand signals and shouts migrated down the line, coordinating the teams of the East groupings as each section set of and join the line that was now snaking its way from the mustering ground towards the Great East Highway. Then it is your turn, Kasimir edges the Goliath forward, half walking pace within the camp, following a six wheeler supply truck. Despite the majority of the East grouping having already left the camp was as bussy as ever. The main expedition forces still and several hours to load their supply and organise before their departure slot, and they were not wasting a minute of it. Further along with the preparations where the Westbound teams, who would be departing once you had cleared the way. At the gate you briefly stop as an Expedition superintendent signs you out of camp. The muddied track you follow turns of the road towards Keringrat, having the entire convoy re-enter the proto hive was a waste of time, so instead a temporary road had been carved across the PDF training fields to join up with the highway just north of the satellite towns that would no doubt in time be subsumed by Keringrats bid at hivedom. Finally rumbling onto the highway proper some minutes later you pass an Achilles Ridgerunner scout vehicle, in the observation copula the Official from earlier resided, keeping a careful eye on the Eat Grouping. Satisfied that you were the last of the convoy and that all are accounted for the Achilles moved past you and quickly moved up the column until it took a place near the head of the convoy. The next few hours you journey along the higway as part of the convoy, the ocean a constant to you right, while on your left the cleared land and farmland turn to cultivated forests. To the north east you can see some hills rising above the lowland surrounding the bay. The only break in the scenery was when you passed a busy port town. Despite there being plenty of dock at Keringrat this little town had prospered in recent decades, close enough to the proto hive to be easy access, but far enough to not be turreted with subsumption for many centuries yet, if ever. In addition to the civilian and commercial docks there was also several well guarded marinas for the nobilities own ships. Lysimachus and Petragor 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted October 26, 2022 Share Posted October 26, 2022 Aria With Helenes' silent assent Aria climbed into vehicles spotting location. Those within, both heavily augmented, accepted her presence with the disinterest common of those who served the omnissiah. Peacetime, in so far as it could be within the Imperium, was a strange concept. But vigilence must be as eternal as the war beyond this world for it would reach them soon enough if there was anything of value here to be found. Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Petragor Posted October 26, 2022 Share Posted October 26, 2022 (edited) Helene Taking position in the back of the vehicle, the cleric looked out through the rear opening as the convoy begins to move. Rather than seeing the road ahead, she watches the scenery they're leaving behind, steadily growing more distant with the roars of the engines. This would be only the second time Helene had left the comforts of Imperial civilization, and the first was merely in transit to Keringrat! This pilgrimage would be an entirely different beast, but one that she would overcoma with the Emperors guidance. Yet, divine blessings aside, the Emperor helps those who help themselves. She would need to toil in more than prayer alone to earn His favour. And where better to start than with her comrades? Ensuring their devotion to the cause was paramount, and she would have little else to do besides, sitting in the back of the transport. She would start with the Tech-Priestess. She was evidently in command of their patrol, a fact which concerned Helene somewhat. It wasn't that she wanted the position, she had no real experience with Leadership, yet putting a disciple of Mars in charge of something important which wasn't an Enginarium of some kind didn't quite sit right with her. Weren't there any Emperor-loving candidates available? Regardless, voicing such opinions would be unwise, and to the Tech-Priestess' credit, she did seem competent, so far. The best way to judge her character would be to speak with her, and there would be plenty of time for that on the road. Best to get started early. Helene moved up to stand near the passage to the cabin, grasping a handhold to maintain her balance, and raising her voice to be heard over the various engines that were working to move the convoy forward. "Tech-Priestess, I was wondering whether you have experience commanding missions such as these? If you have any knowledge to impart that would aid our quest, now would be the time to share it." Edited November 10, 2022 by Petragor Trokair and TechCaptain 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted October 27, 2022 Share Posted October 27, 2022 Ravia "No, Helene von Herz, I have not been in charge of an operation of this magnitude thus far. I have been a second on other salvage missions or retribution missions for the Ordo Reductor, as well as assisting with reconstruction operations, but this will be my first time as a lead operative." Ravia looked at the other woman impassively. "I believe the Arch-Magos and the Govenor choose those with the most experience with archeo-tech to lead the various teams. Praise the Omnissiah for that, as someone who does not understand the dangers of unknown and ancient technology is liable to suffer fatal consequences." Moving her hand to the vox system, Ravia extends a small mechadendrite from her wrist and interfaces with the system. "I will check with the convoy leaders and expedition command to see if there are any warnings or extra information that would benefit us." Ravia sends a data-pulse to the communication terminals of the various command nodes. Trokair and Petragor 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Petragor Posted October 27, 2022 Share Posted October 27, 2022 (edited) Helene The Tech-Priestess' answer was very direct, as much was to be expected. Helene did not appreciate the implication that anyone not of the Mechanicus would be unfit for leadership of the mission, but it was good to hear that she had some experience at least. Leaning her head further into the cabin, the Cleric continued to speak. "You need not use my full name, 'Helene" or "Cleric' will do fine. I have left behind the trappings of Noble luxury, it does not serve The Emperor to indulge in such vain pleasures." The convoy passes the noble section of the dockyard, and Helene gives a disdainful glance at the numerous ostentatious ships docked in the marina. "That aside, what is your name? Or, err... Designation?" Edited October 27, 2022 by Petragor Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted October 27, 2022 Share Posted October 27, 2022 Ravia "I have been blessed by the Omnissiah to have the designation Ravia Phi-Ro, adept-initiate of the Ordo Reductor. " Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Petragor Posted October 27, 2022 Share Posted October 27, 2022 Helene "Well then Adept Ravia, I will await your orders once we arrive. I pray you are up to the task.” Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted October 27, 2022 Share Posted October 27, 2022 Ravia Acknowledging Helene's comment with a nod, Ravia turns back in her seat. Keeping one eye, and mechadendrite, on the vox station, she pulls out her custom lascarbine and begins to strip it down. Muttering the Catechism of Blessed Arms, she breaks down the gun, wiping it with oils and making sure the fitting of each component was tight and secure. Ravia pays special attention to the overcharged modulator that she designed herself, giving the carbine the power of a full-sized lasrifle, if not the range, loading the charge clip into the modulator with a deft click. Her nimble fingers place the gun back together and linger on the sights, for she feels that the plain iron sights are not what the Machine-God wants for this weapon, and he has been giving her thoughts about upgrading it again... Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted October 27, 2022 Author Share Posted October 27, 2022 (edited) Expedition Command answer Ravia’s query swiftly, albeit in the negative, and refer to the lecture sessions that had been put on for the benefit of Expedition members over the last few days. They go on to recommend that if you missed it you should report to your section overseer for ‘rectification’. Nothing mission relevant, if something comes up I’ll do a flashback to one of the sessions. 37.9 minutes later a message came through from the Ark Mechanicus in orbit, it too was responding to Ravia’s query, providing updated scan data of several potential sites. None however were of the sites designated for team NE, in fact they were all in the west of Orealis. You can however discern a patter to rate of data samples, and if it holds then there should be updated orbital analysis scans off the north east of Orealis in about 3 and a half days, your target sites hopefully amongst them. A little past noon the road turns northwards, the ocean still on your right. To the left of the highway the forest had become random, unmanaged, this was the beginning of the wilderness. The road stretched into the distance. After a good while longer you can see the first signs of a city on the horizon. An hour later, with the city no more than a few miles ahead of them the command makes it way down the convoy to slow and come to a stop at the side of the road. Edited October 27, 2022 by Trokair Lord_Ikka and Petragor 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted October 28, 2022 Share Posted October 28, 2022 Aria Preparation or signs of ambush? Aria scanned the wilderness from the top hatch, rifle at the ready. It was not uncommon for the scions of the mechanicus to pause and observe prayer to the Omnissiah but she had not know them to stop for anything so mundane as momentary rest in the face of an ongoing task. Looking to the tracker she marked his location, his view obscured by the vehicle creating a blind spot that she would be tasked to cover until such time as her mistress or team leader spoke otherwise. TechCaptain and Trokair 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted October 29, 2022 Share Posted October 29, 2022 Ravia "Convoy Command, this is Goliath 500A6500. Query- For what reason are we stopping?" Ravia voxed the command vehicle, as this stop was not scheduled. "Kazimir, slow as directed. Everyone else, keep vigilant. This may indicate an unexpected issue." She readied her lascarbine, snapping the charge pack in crisply and flicking the selector switch to active. The harmonic buzz of the charged gun tingled her hands, and her head began slow sweeps of the landscape visible through the truck's windshield. Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted October 29, 2022 Author Share Posted October 29, 2022 “Goliath 500A6500, acknowledged, Overseer Eadwin Von Herz will carry out a final inspection before East 1 separate from the Convoy. Stand by for now.” From the side of the Road you can see the Officials Achillies making its way back along the Convoy, stopping every few vehicles and conferring with the individual elements of the East grouping. From the rate of progress you can see that you will be here some time. After a little while you can see that the others convoy members have also realized that this spontaneous downtime will drag on a bit, and crew members used the opportunity to stretch their legs, nip into the woods for a call of nature or otherwise pass the time. Is that a card game you see a few vehicles up where a group had dragged a crate to one side as a spontaneous table? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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