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An unexpected flash of inspiration...

Evil Eye

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I managed to acquire a 5-pack of 1:18th League of Legends figures for £25 yesterday (or £5 a figure). They're quite, quite ghastly as is, but will make for excellent custom fodder. Specifically I want them to be some companion pieces to my JoyToy Chaos Marine.


I have ideas for what I want to do with them, but I have one major decision to make first; do I make them an Inquisitorial warband sent to hunt down this filthy traitor, or a rabble of mutants, heretics and general scum following him around?

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Thanks! I think I'm going to go with a heretic rabble. I've actually come up with a few ideas of what each figure should be...

>Jinx: Slaanesh cultist, ex-streetwalker, has taken so many combat drugs that she's now on a permanent high.
>Top hat: Khorne cyborg, used to be an Arbites enforcer. Got addicted to bionic upgrades, is now more machine than woman.
>Pink hair: Nurgle mutant, former Sororitas. Survived horrible mutagenic plague that wiped out her squad, embraced the Grandfather after being declared "unclean" by Imperial forces.
>Heimer: Nurgling/cyber-cherub creature.
>Black dude: Tzeentch heretic, traitor guardsman with a gambling addiction (in part because of his unnaturally good luck and prescience).

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