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Malcador Heavy Tank - what to expect?


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Ahoy frater. Just wanted to spitball ideas as to what GW might do when* the Malcador and the vehicles based in its chassis gets the plastic treatment.


At first I thought that the conversion from resin to plastic would be a straight 1:1 of the current kit, but a conversion I saw online of the Malcador as well as the plastic Predator being split into two kits got me thinking. We could theoretically see the following kits:

  • Malcador Heavy Tank: Builds standard or Annihilator versions, perhaps new turret weapons?
  • Malcador Defender: the unique "turret" might need it's own kit with a bunch of different weapons options?
  • Valdor Tank Hunter/Malcador Infernus: could probably be a dual kit
  • Minotaur Artillery Tank: I can dream. Not listed in Liber Imperium contents.
  • Dracosan APC: just plastic, nothing new really


I would love GW to take the opportunity to give the base tank some new turret options that aren't available to the Russ, but I also don't see that happening unless there are new options in Liber Imperium.


*I was basing this on my local manager assuring me my beloved tank would be plastic, but seeing it listed in the leaked contents of Liber Imperium for HH2.0 proves to me it will be plastic.


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I'd love to see a plastic Malcador but do you think it's likely for the Heresy? I thought it was just the Legion kits getting the plastic treatment for now. 


If I recall rightly from the old edition HH the Malcador was considered a Imperial Army / SA vehicle, but could also take an upgrade to marine crew? 


I always thought it funny that 40k lore was it had underpowered engine problems and the 30k version was a fast vehicle. 



If true, tanks a lot Gw

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Perhaps just Legion stuff for now, but there may very well be Auxillia stuff out soon after Liber Imperium. I can't say if the Legion upgrade still exists as I don't play HH2.0.


But yes, I think it is certain the kit to be made plastic as it is very clear everything not specific to a Legion and characters will be plastic at some point. What I am not certain is if the Malcador and its variants will get extra options or not. I guess the pending release of the Liber Imperium will explain a lot.

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Its pretty clear everything Astartes that isn't locked to a specific Legion is getting the plastic treatment, but there's been no indication if any of the other factions such as Solar Auxilia or Mechanicum will ever go plastic.

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I'd be happy to see it. But whenever the rumor comes up it seems more to be a distant, long-term plan, even a restructuring of forgeworld type of thing. I think Valrak had mentioned it recently, but nothing concrete. He seemed to be right about the scopius, and now says the other space marine heavy tanks on the way for 30k. But it's a very reasonable guess that plastic 30k would expand to include solar auxilia at somepoint. Probably after the initial sales push for the rogal dorn and cadians - we wouldn't want people to buy just one army afterall :).  Still, updating old tanks faces some debate as the amount of weapons on everything has really increased. Guns everywhere. And, the design team is different. Less towards a true-scale/historical krieg style, and more modern superhero, beefsteak style. I wouldn't be surprised if GW carves out their own new vehicles with some roughshod lore explanation. But, at least thus far, heresy seems to be ported over directly to plastic. So who knows. I'm all in on the Minotaur. Gorgeous model. 

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On 11/4/2022 at 4:01 PM, Cpt_Reaper said:

Ahoy frater. Just wanted to spitball ideas as to what GW might do when* the Malcador and the vehicles based in its chassis gets the plastic treatment.


At first I thought that the conversion from resin to plastic would be a straight 1:1 of the current kit, but a conversion I saw online of the Malcador as well as the plastic Predator being split into two kits got me thinking. We could theoretically see the following kits:

  • Malcador Heavy Tank: Builds standard or Annihilator versions, perhaps new turret weapons?
  • Malcador Defender: the unique "turret" might need it's own kit with a bunch of different weapons options?
  • Valdor Tank Hunter/Malcador Infernus: could probably be a dual kit
  • Minotaur Artillery Tank: I can dream. Not listed in Liber Imperium contents.
  • Dracosan APC: just plastic, nothing new really


Honestly, you could probably achieve most of this with 2 boxes. 


- Box One: Can build either a Malcador Heavy Tank, Malcador Annihilator, Malcador Defender, or Dracosan APC. They're all the same hull. Just need a slightly different "turret" variation for the Defender. The Dracosan could even use a Defender "turret" just without the guns, and then have doors that slot into where the sponsons would go.

- Box Two: Can build either a Malcador Infernus or Valdor Tank Hunter.


The Minotaur Artillery Tank would be the hardest to do, and probably the most likely to be sent to legends. Though it could be reworked to a forward facing artillery, with an under-over arrangement of guns using the Infernus/Valdor hull. So imagine something like the Solar Auxilia Basilisk but an extra barrel above it slotted into the hull mount. Might need a different longer casemate to allow elevation and reloading, but it could work. 

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19 minutes ago, bristlybadger said:

Here's something from the new 30k Solar Auxilia codex... Vanquisher Malcador? 


Same thing appears in the Legion Legacies pdf from a couple months ago. 




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Oh, that's an option now. Heavy Bolter, Lascannon and Autocannon for each of the 3 hard points (front hull and sponsons). Used to be the default weapon was a heavy stubber but that went the way of the dodo.

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2 hours ago, bristlybadger said:

Oh, just noticed there's also a Hull autocannon. Interestinger and interestinger... 


Always was, ever since it came out in the Vraks series.


3 hours ago, bristlybadger said:

Here's something from the new 30k Solar Auxilia codex... Vanquisher Malcador? 


That's hilarious. Would look so stupid. 


Edit: Wait, I misread. They don't actually mean "hull" it's the one in the casemate in the "turret".


Edited by jarms48
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1 hour ago, jarms48 said:


Always was, ever since it came out in the Vraks series.



That's hilarious. Would look so stupid. 


Edit: Wait, I misread. They don't actually mean "hull" it's the one in the casemate in the "turret".


Yeah, I misremembered the look of the malcador autocannons - was sure they were stubbers! 


Haha, I had the exact same thought process. Hull vanquisher would look amazing :D 

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