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New Codex tactica ideas thread.Strat,WLT,Doctrine,Relic combos.

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Hey all, the new and imminent Codex and mini range has me eager to return to Imperial Guard as an army after many years away from the faction. As an HQ I’m thinking of running  a command squad with the Superior Tactical Training WLT for the Prefectus order tree and either the Auto Reliquary of Tyberius for the extra order of the vox-caster relic for the unlimited range on orders, but I’m leaning towards the Tactical Reliquary.  Unless it’s worded weirdly the commander should be able to issue Prefectus orders either 24”, or unlimited if I use to Vox relic. As far as doctrines I’m thinking of running Elite Shock Troops for the reroll 1’s to hit and Brutal Strength to negate the -1 to hit on the move on the heavy from FRFSRF and any heavy weapons in my squad. I’m thinking that I like the idea of a core of infantry and heavy weapon squads. After having seen the Rogal Dorn tank, I can’t bring myself to like the LR battle tank anymore, but definitely want to run a couple of the former as well as some of the field ordinance.  Apart from that I want to add other stuff in think is cool like some Ogryn, Attilans and Kasrkin, as well  as some DKoK which will be hangers-on that have been attached to the main core of Cadians. I like the new commissar model and the Castellan so will probably pick up both at some point. I’m really curious what the faction’s Crusade rules involve. Any thoughts on what I’ve mentioned so far. How do other people think they are going to play their Imperial Guard?

Edited by Captain Smashy Pants
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5 hours ago, Captain Smashy Pants said:

How do other people think they are going to play their Imperial Guard?

Not at all probably:sad:


So far, leaks and such hasn't impressed upon me that the guard will be brought up to 9th standard and there are various worries:


Really worrying points increases on the combined, officers and command squads, and especially on infantry squads, which needed to come down really:yes:


Nerf to ballistic skill on tank commander hull and sponson weapons, no love for sponsons, at bs3 you could justify their cost. 


Removal of conscripts, vets, yarrick, lord commissars, special weapons squads isn't exactly ideal, even if they were unpopular choices or didn't have models


Removal of double shoot, whichever way you try and frame it, less shots is not what guard needed. It probably kills the punisher, which isn't that popular to begin with. 


Nerf to pound them to dust, the new version is just situational, and no help vs tanks or monsters, rather than being universally helpful


We are going to be the only faction without dedicated subfaction rules, because gw feels we want to mix our models together, I dunno about others but I don't want to mix models:mad:


and that however you look at it is a nerf. Your also loosing relics, warlord traits and such that would be associated with that regiment. ofc there a few like cadia that may get something. But every other dex gets a choice, its just not stripped away from them. 


Certain weapons like the lascannon, desperately need an upgrade to d3+3 damage. and it looks like there's no changes there. 


Having to shelve the demolishers just because they get the short end of the stick this codex is just another negative:sad:


Even the new tank, while it looks great, its damage output for its points looks rather swingy. 


Not a fan of units being more expensive but gear sort of included that's something for power levels, not points:yes:


But possibly my biggest issue is the constant points creep on infantry, going from 40 to 65 in the span of editions. They are just as easy to kill and now that front rank fire has been nerfed, or side graded, depending on how you look at it. If you take 12 squads at 60pts, now that's another 60pts to find after increases:laugh:


and there are gonna be people with bigger grievances than this, anyone who ran vets or like running conscripts. 


I'll pick up some new cadians cos they look amazing but that's about it:smile:







Edited by Emperor Ming
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