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Favorite Units in the New Codex


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48 minutes ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

Speaking of messing with opponent on their turn.

mech + mount up strat can really sucker some melee armies hard.

after they announce and roll their charge and move their models in, mount up. 
leaves the enemy 3” from the transport and the unit it’s carrying that can unload next turn, and dump fire into the unit that charged.

Only if you get charged in you shooting phase. 


Trip bane blade is going to be a terror.  Russ spam too.  The cav and infantry seem weak to me.  

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53 minutes ago, tychobi said:

Only if you get charged in you shooting phase. 


Trip bane blade is going to be a terror.  Russ spam too.  The cav and infantry seem weak to me.  

The strat doesn’t say anything about the shooting phase from what I’ve seen


it simply says after shooting. Says nothing about what phase it can be activated in.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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Ogryn! I love the buffs they got. With commissar orders they’re extra fun, and the bodyguard is awesome as well.


Everything else is kinda shrug. Not that there aren’t good units, but I’m just not as excited about them. I’m not buying any new minis, so I mostly won’t be trying them out. I can probably proxy kasrkin well enough, and those are looking nice.

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3 minutes ago, Khornestar said:

Ogryn! I love the buffs they got. With commissar orders they’re extra fun, and the bodyguard is awesome as well.


Everything else is kinda shrug. Not that there aren’t good units, but I’m just not as excited about them. I’m not buying any new minis, so I mostly won’t be trying them out. I can probably proxy kasrkin well enough, and those are looking nice.

Honestly you don't need the new units to put together a powerful list. Maybe Leo but you could also make a model for him if you wanted. Otherwise the new stuff is nice, I am sure it's fun, but not needed to be competitive. Or just to have fun.

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Yeah massed infantry, Russes, basilisks, valkyries, heavy weapons teams, super heavy tanks… no shortage of cool stuff. They all look good; hopefully the legends units will get updated so the Stormhammer is on par with the other baneblade variants.

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Honestly, HWTs with mortars. There are some cool rules synergies. You'd need three units:


1. Creed

2. Platoon Command Squad w/ the Finial of the Nemrodesh 1st and Old Grudges

3. 3x Heavy Weapon Squads w/ mortars (9 mortars total) 


This combo would give you:

- 9D6 shots

- S6 (from being ordered by Creed)

- AP1 (from "Take Aim")

- +1 to hit roll (from  "Take Aim")

- +1 to wound roll (from Old Grudges)

- no -1 to hit for LOS or moving (from Finial of Nemrodesh 1st)

- no cap on mortals (from Finial of Nemrodesh 1st)


So that's 9D6 shots at S6, AP1 and hitting on 3s even with no LOS. Plus (on average) 5 wounds from mortals from Born Soldiers. The large bases take up a ton of space in your deployment zone, negating opponent deep strike shenanigans. And the HWS can still move without penalty from Finial. Not to mention Creed/Command Squad would be safe in the center of the blob. 


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44 minutes ago, LtColKool said:

Honestly, HWTs with mortars. There are some cool rules synergies. You'd need three units:


1. Creed

2. Platoon Command Squad w/ the Finial of the Nemrodesh 1st and Old Grudges

3. 3x Heavy Weapon Squads w/ mortars (9 mortars total) 


This combo would give you:

- 9D6 shots

- S6 (from being ordered by Creed)

- AP1 (from "Take Aim")

- +1 to hit roll (from  "Take Aim")

- +1 to wound roll (from Old Grudges)

- no -1 to hit for LOS or moving (from Finial of Nemrodesh 1st)

- no cap on mortals (from Finial of Nemrodesh 1st)


So that's 9D6 shots at S6, AP1 and hitting on 3s even with no LOS. Plus (on average) 5 wounds from mortals from Born Soldiers. The large bases take up a ton of space in your deployment zone, negating opponent deep strike shenanigans. And the HWS can still move without penalty from Finial. Not to mention Creed/Command Squad would be safe in the center of the blob. 


our artillery doesn't currently have a -1 to hit unless I missed something today.

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2 hours ago, LtColKool said:

Honestly, HWTs with mortars. There are some cool rules synergies. You'd need three units:


1. Creed

2. Platoon Command Squad w/ the Finial of the Nemrodesh 1st and Old Grudges

3. 3x Heavy Weapon Squads w/ mortars (9 mortars total) 


This combo would give you:

- 9D6 shots

- S6 (from being ordered by Creed)

- AP1 (from "Take Aim")

- +1 to hit roll (from  "Take Aim")

- +1 to wound roll (from Old Grudges)

- no -1 to hit for LOS or moving (from Finial of Nemrodesh 1st)

- no cap on mortals (from Finial of Nemrodesh 1st)


So that's 9D6 shots at S6, AP1 and hitting on 3s even with no LOS. Plus (on average) 5 wounds from mortals from Born Soldiers. The large bases take up a ton of space in your deployment zone, negating opponent deep strike shenanigans. And the HWS can still move without penalty from Finial. Not to mention Creed/Command Squad would be safe in the center of the blob. 


I am not quite at the full combo. Creed is there, but 2 units of mortars. I don't have old grudges either but do have the flag.

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I run Scions (they're Inquisition stormtroopers using Solar Aux models), so I'm interested to see how they are changing. Haven't seen a lot of them, what I have seen has basically said that kasrkin are better, which is unsurprising. I will have to buy another full squad of Solar Aux flamers to convert to meltas because of the two-weapon cap, but otherwise the basic Scions units look ok from the previews I've seen. 

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3 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

our artillery doesn't currently have a -1 to hit unless I missed something today.

I think the current interpretation making the rounds is that we’ll lose the balance dataslate rules with the new codex. So we lose both HotE and the indirect fire rule.

Otherwise we would have both HotE and Born Soldiers at the same time, which wouldn’t make sense: there would be no reason to ever take Born Soldiers. 

It wouldn’t make sense to retain the indirect fire rule, but lose HotE. At least not without a specific clarification from GW

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I'm looking forward to the buffs to Ogryns, but not looking forward to how much rearranging i'll need to do to field my Ogryn Regiment. At the moment my HQ's are three Lord Commissars, which won't exist anymore, accompanied by an Ogryn Bodyguard each, which are moving to Command Squad attachments. 


The plan is to use my Commissar models as officers and to give them a command squad each. This might change depending on what restrictions there are fielding command squads. The unit size changes to Ogryns and Bullgryns also mean dropping three from every squad, so that's going to change things up too.

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2 minutes ago, Remain_Indoors said:

I'm looking forward to the buffs to Ogryns, but not looking forward to how much rearranging i'll need to do to field my Ogryn Regiment. At the moment my HQ's are three Lord Commissars, which won't exist anymore, accompanied by an Ogryn Bodyguard each, which are moving to Command Squad attachments. 


The plan is to use my Commissar models as officers and to give them a command squad each. This might change depending on what restrictions there are fielding command squads. The unit size changes to Ogryns and Bullgryns also mean dropping three from every squad, so that's going to change things up too.

Share PIC of all these Ogryn models.

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Real shame ogryns/bull still don't benefit from reg traits and orders, its just something that could have made them more viable:yes:


and yes I know you can order with lord sigmar:tongue:


But in regular armies (lore wise), they do take orders from officers, otherwise the army structure just wouldn't work:tongue:

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Until the Dataslate changes, my league is playing with AoC & avoiding the indirect penalty, as those are game-wide rules, but IG lose the rules on the 2nd page (including HotE) as those are patches to the old codex, which is superseded by the new codex.  Then the only funky thing that remains is Industrial Efficiency, which IMHO will be patched to "can't re-roll wounds", just like Iron Warriors. 


That makes the league consistent for when the WE codex comes out, as they will keep AoC because I assume they will be HERETIC ASTARTES units.  Otherwise they will be HERETIC ASTARTES and not get AoC because of their new codex while every other unit in the game that is HERETIC ASTARTES keeps AoC.

I for one am loving the new Ogryns & Bullgryns & Sentinels, as that gives us a semi-durable units to contest the mid field the first couple turns of the game.  Then I can hold my infantry in reserve (I'll need another Taurox or two) for a late-game push. 


Assuming we don't take the indirect nerf,  I'm loving the new Manticore & Basilisk rules, and the then there's the Bombard FOB with the +1 to hit, +1AP and +1 Strength from Creed.  (S8 AP3?  Yes please!)


The FOBs behind and Aegis Defense Line are looking sweet as well.  The hard part will be finding the right spot to establish fire control over an Objective.


The combo of 1-2 Commissars & Officers of the fleet is almost mandatory for TAC lists.  Just being able to push out deep strikers for a turn, or really zone out a board, and/or force deep strikers to drop in a certain area is sooo powerful.


My gripes about the new codex:

  • The command phase is going to be nuts
  • The indirect is just strong enough that somebody is going to spam it, meaning it will probably force ALL our indirect to take the indirect nerf, which will make our indirect 100% useless.  The sad thing will be we will just take more LRBTs while some of our favorite models gather dust. 
  • I don't have enough points to play with all my cool toys in one list!
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11 hours ago, LtColKool said:

I think the current interpretation making the rounds is that we’ll lose the balance dataslate rules with the new codex. So we lose both HotE and the indirect fire rule.

Otherwise we would have both HotE and Born Soldiers at the same time, which wouldn’t make sense: there would be no reason to ever take Born Soldiers. 

It wouldn’t make sense to retain the indirect fire rule, but lose HotE. At least not without a specific clarification from GW

Born soldiers is HoTE…born soldiers is literally a direct rewrite of the rule.

no other faction has lost dataslate rules when new codex came out.


Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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2 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

no other faction has lost dataslate rules when new codex came out.


Chaos Marines lost "Shock Assault". Admittedly the extra attack was rolled into their base profile but there is precedent that data slates applied to one codex do not apply to the next one.

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One note on the mortar pit: assuming indirect exception goes away you'll hit on 4s, as indirect is not -1 to hit but rather -1 BS.


It's still a decent combo, but feels like a lot of buffs for what is ultimately still just Mortars. 


I have been thinking about that combo with Bombard FOBs though. Would probably take either Creed or Command squad with flag though, both just seem to much investment.

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3 hours ago, OldWherewolf said:

They're not infantry?  They certainly doing look like beasts, cavalry, or swarms.  Them being a vehicle is also weird.

They’re not a vehicle either as far as I am aware


1 hour ago, Karhedron said:


Chaos Marines lost "Shock Assault". Admittedly the extra attack was rolled into their base profile but there is precedent that data slates applied to one codex do not apply to the next one.

But it is applied to the next one by rolling that extra attack into the profiles.



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On 11/19/2022 at 10:13 AM, INKS said:

Share PIC of all these Ogryn models.


I need to get around to taking some proper pictures of the lads, but thats most of them. I've got another two squads of 9 bullgryns on the painting table. All will need reorganising to fit the changes in the Codex.


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