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Favorite Units in the New Codex


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Just wanted to add on here...the more I look at it, the more I'm liking the Hydra. Really cheap and throwing lots if AP2 ACs at long range makes it seem like a great fire support unit. And Emperor help any actual aircraft in its sights.


I'm kinda struggling atm for a reason to not just fill my HS slots with a squad of Russes with 2 Hydras in support. It just covers so many bases.

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49 minutes ago, Santaclauswitz said:

The regimental standard's aura goes from the whole squad not just the model. That's a huge footprint! Same for the relic aura too. Just stringing out the min squad gives roughly 25" across and 13" depth. That's before any regimental advisors!

Thats not correct unfortunately, its the bearer gets the aura not the unit:smile:

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7 minutes ago, Emperor Ming said:

Thats not correct unfortunately, its the bearer gets the aura not the unit:smile:

The wording on the regimental standard is as follows "while a friendly Astra Militarum core unit is within 6" of the bearer's unit...."


The wording on the relic banner is as follows "while a friendly Astra Militarum core unit is within 6" of this models unit....."


That is currently RAW until it probably gets nerfed.

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6 minutes ago, Emperor Ming said:

Ah yes, you are quite right, well that makes no sense:laugh:


Whoever wrote that must have done the points as well:laugh:


Let's see, a lascannon that has same value as a storm bolter, right? right?:laugh:

I've not really gone through points much yet but that does feel odd!


I'm just glad that command squads now command rather than being veteran's special weapons teams. I like advisors are now attached to them. Finally I now have a reason to actually dig my banner and medic models out of whichever box they've been gathering dust in. 

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48 minutes ago, Emperor Ming said:

Ah yes, you are quite right, well that makes no sense:laugh:


Whoever wrote that must have done the points as well:laugh:


Let's see, a lascannon that has same value as a storm bolter, right? right?:laugh:

The more people look into the new rules the more it seems a lot of the way they were written or worded doesn’t make much sense.

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On 11/19/2022 at 12:47 PM, sairence said:

One note on the mortar pit: assuming indirect exception goes away you'll hit on 4s, as indirect is not -1 to hit but rather -1 BS.


It's still a decent combo, but feels like a lot of buffs for what is ultimately still just Mortars. 


I have been thinking about that combo with Bombard FOBs though. Would probably take either Creed or Command squad with flag though, both just seem to much investment.

My initial hype has definitely cooled off on this concept: the opportunity cost for the investment seems a little high.

The HS slots are mega competitive now. And taking an extra detachment for more slots makes you bleed command points, which you really want for the excellent stratagems (and relics/WL traits). On top of all that, the triple-HWS mortar pit relies on having Born Soldiers, which is another opportunity cost. Not to mention the points/command points sink of Creed with a warlord trait, and the command squad with a warlord trait and a relic. 

So there’s lots to consider! I mean, I love deleting infantry units from behind cover as much as the next guy. But the opportunity cost might be too high. I might have to compare output for a similar number of LRBT with order/relic support.


Sorry for the double post, but:


How do we feel about two or three max squads of Rough Riders with the Lord Solar? Especially with Swift as the Wind and Recon Operators? 

Two squads plus Lord Solar and Creed runs 650 points for an absolutely nasty alpha strike. Use Creed for the “redeploy three units” WL trait, depending on if you go first or second to either move up or hide the horsies, respectively.


With order support from Leontis, I think you could punk out a knight or a mirror-match Baneblade on the first turn. 

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I don't think you need that many and might actually overcommit with it. RRs are brittle. They want to hit something, to the point of not getting hit back and then go and hit the next thing. Bringing multiple large units will make it much harder to hide them for their strike and allow your opponent to whittle them down before they connect, this wasting your investment.


I think max 10 in 1 or 2 units are probably enough to deliver a heavy blow. Maybe have 1 or 2 units of Bullgryns in addition, to take the charge, that you can then counter with your horses. The -1D on the Bulls makes them pretty durable now.

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On 11/19/2022 at 5:10 AM, Remain_Indoors said:

I'm looking forward to the buffs to Ogryns, but not looking forward to how much rearranging i'll need to do to field my Ogryn Regiment. At the moment my HQ's are three Lord Commissars, which won't exist anymore, accompanied by an Ogryn Bodyguard each, which are moving to Command Squad attachments. 


The plan is to use my Commissar models as officers and to give them a command squad each. This might change depending on what restrictions there are fielding command squads. The unit size changes to Ogryns and Bullgryns also mean dropping three from every squad, so that's going to change things up 

The ogryn bodyguard can be attached to any officer unit other than the named ones. So you can keep them attached to your commisars.  

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On 11/23/2022 at 2:22 PM, LtColKool said:

My initial hype has definitely cooled off on this concept: the opportunity cost for the investment seems a little high.

The HS slots are mega competitive now. And taking an extra detachment for more slots makes you bleed command points, which you really want for the excellent stratagems (and relics/WL traits). On top of all that, the triple-HWS mortar pit relies on having Born Soldiers, which is another opportunity cost. Not to mention the points/command points sink of Creed with a warlord trait, and the command squad with a warlord trait and a relic. 

So there’s lots to consider! I mean, I love deleting infantry units from behind cover as much as the next guy. But the opportunity cost might be too high. I might have to compare output for a similar number of LRBT with order/relic support.


Sorry for the double post, but:


How do we feel about two or three max squads of Rough Riders with the Lord Solar? Especially with Swift as the Wind and Recon Operators? 

Two squads plus Lord Solar and Creed runs 650 points for an absolutely nasty alpha strike. Use Creed for the “redeploy three units” WL trait, depending on if you go first or second to either move up or hide the horsies, respectively.


With order support from Leontis, I think you could punk out a knight or a mirror-match Baneblade on the first turn. 

Honestly the mortar pit kinda has a big weakness in that now none of your heavy support can effectively engage heavy targets.

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