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9th Ed Chimera - Lasgun Array change?


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So in the new codex the Lasgun Array weapon no longer has any  wording a requirement for a unit to be embarked in it to shoot with it.   I think this is on purpose as the prior wording required a unit to have LASGUNS  embarked in the transport.   Not all units that could be in a transport have lasguns (Commisars, Commanders, etc.)


So as it's worded right now - I'm going to play it as RAW and fire the Lasgun Array's even if no one is embarked in it.  


This could be a miss by GW but it appears to be an obvious omission.


Then again -- it could be a FAQ item.





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Looking at the datasheet I don’t see any mention of the vehicle needing a passenger to use the weapon


3 hours ago, Glute said:

So in the new codex the Lasgun Array weapon no longer has any  wording a requirement for a unit to be embarked in it to shoot with it.   I think this is on purpose as the prior wording required a unit to have LASGUNS  embarked in the transport.   Not all units that could be in a transport have lasguns (Commisars, Commanders, etc.)


So as it's worded right now - I'm going to play it as RAW and fire the Lasgun Array's even if no one is embarked in it.  


This could be a miss by GW but it appears to be an obvious omission.


Then again -- it could be a FAQ item.





I mean it seems like by the 41st millennium there’d be a remote way to fire such an array, even if it’s basically just 6 servitor brains plugged into each gun.

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I just think it's a simplification of rules. It just makes the chimera a good transport. Even with born soldiers 12 not very buffable ap0 shots doesn't seem broken to me. 


The thing that I could see being nerfed is the regimental standard. Currently the rules state the buff aura is from the unit not just the model, same for the relic. So that's core units rerolling 1's to wound and potentially ignoring hit and wound modifiers from a unit of 5-9 bases. One of those bases could be an ogyrn! Each base gives a  6" aura as described above. I could see that being changed in an FAQ to the standard bearer itself. 


Sorry I know I've mentioned this before but I've a new found love of the command squad. It probably won't kill anything but it doesn't half make frfsrf a good alternative to take aim. 

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