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Did the Cadia Stands box not sell well?

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I have mine coming for Christmas. I have a small force of both urban and agri-world cadians which I will use these to supplement where appropriate, but since my true passion is Mordians, I’m going to convert those FOBs to have some fancy operators. Which are also coming for Christmas. I’m allegedly hard to shop for, so giving my wife and family GW product codes, or wish lists from third party manufacturers is an easy fix

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10 hours ago, duz_ said:


I feel like a lot of legacy guard players fall into this category. 


Certainly the case for me, I don't need infantry. The carriages didn't entice me, the sentinels I'd get separately. 


This box seems similar to the Holiday bundles. Good for new or starting collectors. 


Yeah, I have like 300 regular lasgun guys alone. About 100 in assorted special weapons. Probably another 100 in voxes, sergeants, officers, standards, medics, etc.


About 200 of the old metal storm troopers, including special weapons. 


Then there's all the vehicles. Lol

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From what I heard from the store manager on my Warhammer shop, it may be they had a good chunk of stock as well. I mean...on one hand selling out of a box is good, means you shifted all product but it leaves customers feeling a little cold that didn't get it. So I think these recent boxes for factions are maybe being produced in higher numbers than before which also may be because production facilities are also opening up again and the pipelines of production are getting going again proper.


Main reason I got 2 is because the one I ordered online hadn't arrived...went to my warhammer shop just to have a nosey around for some stuff...saw a box on the shelf and thought "I know how to get my copy to arrive sooner...if I buy that one it will arrive tomorrow without fail"

and low...my copy arrived the next day, without fail!


And yo,  can we talk about these models looking great. I actually enjoyed building the new sentinel model immensely! Very satisfying to build.

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I already have a full Praetorian army, an Elysian army with aircraft(that I stripped just before the mega-nerf dropped), a full Tempestus army and a decent amount of death korp. I have no need for more trooper models that dont match what I already have. I do plan on buying a codex when it comes out in local stores, a couple of those Dorn tanks, and at least one battery of the new guns whose crews I will have to convert.

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I only bought 1 of the boxes, and it was really for the codex.  I'll be using the command squad, but I really don't need more infantry.  I'm using my 80+ old metal cadians as my infantry, and I'll be painting up 30 conscripts as my Kasrkin. 

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13 hours ago, chapter master 454 said:

From what I heard from the store manager on my Warhammer shop, it may be they had a good chunk of stock as well. I mean...on one hand selling out of a box is good, means you shifted all product but it leaves customers feeling a little cold that didn't get it. So I think these recent boxes for factions are maybe being produced in higher numbers than before which also may be because production facilities are also opening up again and the pipelines of production are getting going again proper.


Main reason I got 2 is because the one I ordered online hadn't arrived...went to my warhammer shop just to have a nosey around for some stuff...saw a box on the shelf and thought "I know how to get my copy to arrive sooner...if I buy that one it will arrive tomorrow without fail"

and low...my copy arrived the next day, without fail!


And yo,  can we talk about these models looking great. I actually enjoyed building the new sentinel model immensely! Very satisfying to build.

The sentinel was so much easier to build than I expected. 
I’ve never built a sentinel before so I was plenty surprised.

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I am not to suprised that the Box didn't sold well, or seems to be so.

IMO the Box isn't that great. The only realy new unit it includes is the Field Ordinance, and they are pretty bad rulewise so...

Every current Guard player has enought Infantry, command Squads and so on, so no real benefit for veteran Players(besides the Codex of course)

And for new Guard Players the Box is simply to expansive as a starting Point.


And there is the whole Topic with the Codex itself how it interacts with the balanced Dataslate or Nephelim. And that GW itselfe said that you shouldn't play with the Codex currently.




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I would be very surprised if it sold poorly, I just think this is a busy time of year for a lot of people, and it's a hefty box in terms of model count. I think you'll see more painted examples starting to show up once people get into their Christmas holidays. 


I didn't buy one because I don't have the funds at the moment, but I personally know of people who bought several. 

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On 12/16/2022 at 11:42 AM, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

The sentinel was so much easier to build than I expected. 
I’ve never built a sentinel before so I was plenty surprised.

I just haven’t started mine yet.  I’ve got 200+ infantry so no hurry.  I’m finishing up my necrons before going back to guard.


I’ve got 6 of the old sentinels and the new ones HAVE to be easier to put together.  Idk if I’d ever got them looking decent without super glue and insta set.

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In my experience old guard players are stocked up to the gills on models and from a new guard player perspective large body count armies can be daunting. The old guard are often the ones whose speak in tens of thousands of points.


The other side I am finding myself is how well is this codex going to hold up with 10th on the horizon, for me I don't think it's a great time to be committing to a new army despite them looking very nice. Downside of leaks I guess.


I personally looked at it and thought I really want it but do I actually need it?

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2 hours ago, Doghouse said:

In my experience old guard players are stocked up to the gills on models and from a new guard player perspective large body count armies can be daunting. The old guard are often the ones whose speak in tens of thousands of points.


The other side I am finding myself is how well is this codex going to hold up with 10th on the horizon, for me I don't think it's a great time to be committing to a new army despite them looking very nice. Downside of leaks I guess.


I personally looked at it and thought I really want it but do I actually need it?

It’s a very solid codex.

there’d have to be some major changes in 10th to make the codex suck right away, and most armies can only expect to remain competitive for about 2-3 follow on releases which is about 6-9 months.



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9 hours ago, Doghouse said:

In my experience old guard players are stocked up to the gills on models and from a new guard player perspective large body count armies can be daunting. The old guard are often the ones whose speak in tens of thousands of points.


The other side I am finding myself is how well is this codex going to hold up with 10th on the horizon, for me I don't think it's a great time to be committing to a new army despite them looking very nice. Downside of leaks I guess.


I personally looked at it and thought I really want it but do I actually need it?

As one of the recurring rumors about 10.Ed is that it will be a total reset like 7.Ed to 8.Ed

I can see how this could scare of new Guard players buying into an Army so close to an End of a Edition.

The timing of the Cadia Stands box is simply bad

Edited by domsto
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