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9Th Ed Vox opinions

Kain Mor

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Hello fellow officers!

I’ve been looking into the new book and while I’m happy overall, I feel like GW still managed to botch the rules for using vox casters. how do you guys feel about them?


specifically, having Creed and the generic castellan with no way to issue an order over the radio just feels out of place, and very anti thematic. The other main issue is the lack of any meaningful way to order troops in a mechanized force where they will be embarked during the command phase.


the slight work around by having the officer disembark as well feels like it falls somewhat flat given that a squad will max out the capacity of a taurox, and the only independent officers who could ride along in a chimera are the higher ranked ones, where missing out on regimental tactics hurts and again,  no vox range. 

overall it just feels like mechanized infantry fall kinda flat when it comes to utilizing orders, which is one of our most unique abilities. 

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4 hours ago, Kain Mor said:

Hello fellow officers!

I’ve been looking into the new book and while I’m happy overall, I feel like GW still managed to botch the rules for using vox casters. how do you guys feel about them?


specifically, having Creed and the generic castellan with no way to issue an order over the radio just feels out of place, and very anti thematic. The other main issue is the lack of any meaningful way to order troops in a mechanized force where they will be embarked during the command phase.


the slight work around by having the officer disembark as well feels like it falls somewhat flat given that a squad will max out the capacity of a taurox, and the only independent officers who could ride along in a chimera are the higher ranked ones, where missing out on regimental tactics hurts and again,  no vox range. 

overall it just feels like mechanized infantry fall kinda flat when it comes to utilizing orders, which is one of our most unique abilities. 

Officers can issue orders from chimeras…no need to work around with the disembark rule.

For me vox not being present on all vehicles is where they consistently screw it up to me.


mechanized doesn’t really suffer at all when it comes to taking advantage of orders.

The vox relic also completely eradicates any possible issue.


castellan can fit in a chimera and get the regimental tactics…

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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29 minutes ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

Officers can issue orders from chimeras…no need to work around with the disembark rule.

For me vox not being present on all vehicles is where they consistently screw it up to me.


mechanized doesn’t really suffer at all when it comes to taking advantage of orders.

The vox relic also completely eradicates any possible issue.


castellan can fit in a chimera and get the regimental tactics…

you can order from in the chimera… in 6” but the problem is the infantry you are ordering already have to be disembarked during the command phase, which means your squishy infantry are getting out a full turn early. You also only get 1 order 


if you disembark the officer you can order in the movement phase but then you lose regimental tactics. 

My main point with the castellan is that he *can* fit in the chimera, but there’s no access to the Vox for him, and characters that can use Vox cannot fit in a chimera with a squad. 

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Vehicles should have the Vox, it’s annoying that my sentinels have to be within 6” of an officer.

Also really annoying that if you want prefectous orders over 6inch you have to burn CP on the command squad (who can only issue one order a turn anyway)

Echo above about characters not being able to order over 6inch even if they stand next to the master vox - it does make me consider of Solar really is worth his points.


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I agree with everyone's assessment here. Vox-Casters should function on proximity as well as Keyword for a given unit, especially solo Officer characters. Vehicles should have them standard, as well. 


The way I'm looking at it, there are certain units I will always plan on playing together. My officres/command squads/commissars will always be next to the infantry squads. Leontus will be next to rough riders or tanks. That way I'm never in a position to be out of order support. In one sense it does limit your play and flexibility. But if you look at it another way, it takes a lot of the complexity and decision-making out of the Command Phase for us, and I think that's a positive in terms of reacting quickly and keeping the game moving along. 

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1 hour ago, LtColKool said:

I agree with everyone's assessment here. Vox-Casters should function on proximity as well as Keyword for a given unit, especially solo Officer characters. Vehicles should have them standard, as well. 


The way I'm looking at it, there are certain units I will always plan on playing together. My officres/command squads/commissars will always be next to the infantry squads. Leontus will be next to rough riders or tanks. That way I'm never in a position to be out of order support. In one sense it does limit your play and flexibility. But if you look at it another way, it takes a lot of the complexity and decision-making out of the Command Phase for us, and I think that's a positive in terms of reacting quickly and keeping the game moving along. 

Relic vox takes a lot of those issues away so you can have your officers then just follow around nonvox units if necessary 

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2 minutes ago, LtColKool said:

Honestly I don't see the value in the Relic vox. There are so many good Relics, Traits, and Stratagems, our codex is hyper-competitive for CPs. I'd rather spend the 75pts for a command squad to babysit the infantry than burn a CP on the vox. 

Don’t use a CP then?

no CP required for the first relic.

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46 minutes ago, LtColKool said:


Wait, I thought Nephilim made it so that your first Warlord Trait and Relic still cost a CP? Did that get changed? I've been out of the gaming scene until recently. 

For Matched Play, yes- Nephilim is the current set of rules out and a CP is required for all WT/Relics.

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With the relatively small board size the 24” range on the command squad doesn’t feel too restrictive so I agree that other relics seem like they hold more value.


now… if you could take the relic on the castellan I’d be all over that 

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1 hour ago, Kain Mor said:

With the relatively small board size the 24” range on the command squad doesn’t feel too restrictive so I agree that other relics seem like they hold more value.


now… if you could take the relic on the castellan I’d be all over that 

Personally I hope they increase the board size next edition 

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27 minutes ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

Personally I hope they increase the board size next edition 

I would agree but they’ll never do it. Technically this is just “suggested” but everyone will use the suggested size.


the whole point of this is it can be built with killteam boards and it’s easier to work up to it as a new player, plus it fits better on tables at large tournaments so the 44x60 is here to stay at least in an official capacity 

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24" is plenty on most boards, especially as the Command squad gets look out sir protection. I wager the individual characters not getting any benefit is meant to feed into that Lead From The Front theme for them. 


Would be nice if they could still stand next to a Vox as well though.

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13 hours ago, Kain Mor said:

I would agree but they’ll never do it. Technically this is just “suggested” but everyone will use the suggested size.


the whole point of this is it can be built with killteam boards and it’s easier to work up to it as a new player, plus it fits better on tables at large tournaments so the 44x60 is here to stay at least in an official capacity 

Even with minimal terrain the current board size puts certain armies like guard, and tau at a disadvantage against any army with moderate shooting, and melee.

luckily we have some viable melee options now at least to even the field a bit at least.

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