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The most pompous (new) Guard: The XXXIV. Esseles patrician Curassiers (2000 Points)

Phoebus Apollon

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(The XXXIV. Esseles patrician Curassiers: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheAstraMilitarum/comments/kzirtp/the_most_pompous_guard_i_centuria_of_the_ix/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 )


Hello friends!

First of all: I hope my English is okay. Here is my first list with the new Codex - what do you think?

I'm still unsure about the regimental traits, the WLT and the relics.

Please give me your feedback!

Merry Christmas :)



Regimental Traits:

Armoured Superiority

Elite Sharpshooters

Trait of the Evocati: Mechanised Infantry

CP: 4 (-2)

The Nobiles: HQ

Legat Jacopo Colloredo: Command Squad with Lascanon WLT: Grand Tactician: 75

Tribun of the Evocati Amadis di Benevent: Castellan with Powerweapon: 50

Tribun of the Comitanenses Amalia Dellacosa in the ”Juditha Triumphans“: Tank Commander w Lascanon, Gatekeeper: 175


Troops: The Hastati-Cohort

Infantry Squad: Lascanon, Voxcaster, Plasmagun: 65

Infantry Squad: Lascanon, Voxcaster, Plasmagun: 65

Infantry Squad: Lascanon, Voxcaster, Plasmagun: 65

Shock Trooper Squad: Voxcaster, 2x Meltagun: 65

Shock Trooper Squad: Voxcaster, 2x Meltagun: 65


Elites: The Evocati-Cohort

Karskin Squad Primo: 2x Plasma, 2 Hotshot-Guns: 100

Karskin Squad Secundo: 2x Plasma, 2 Hotshot-Guns: 100

Karskin Squad Tertio: 2x Plasma, 2 Melter: 100

3x Chimera: Schwerer Bolter, Multilaser : 3x85


Fast Attack: The Limatanei

„Zephyro“: Devildog mit MM, Armoured Tracks: 120

„Magnitudo Priorum“ Banewolf with Heavy Flamer, Armoured Tracks: 110

„The two Sisters: Suspiria and Lachyrme” 2 Armoured Sentinels with Plasmacanons: 100


Heavy Support: The Comitanenses

„Da Tempeste“: Leman Russ Executionerwith 2 Plasmacanons, Lascanon: 175

„Adamante“: Leman Russ Executionerwith 2 Plasmacanons, Lascanon: 175

„Clementia de Scipionis“ Leman Russ Battletank with 3 Heavy Bolter: 165

Edited by duz_
Added tag for clarity
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