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Very, very, very last minute list


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Right. So.


I've left my army at uni, but me and friends are meeting up tomorrow night for some games, I'll have access to 2x know no fear, potentially plus a rhino. Bare bones that's 1000 points plus the rhino.


I've never played or properly looked into space marines to the point of building a list before, is there anything I can work with here? I'm obviously I'm rly limited on options, I'd appreciate recommendations on which chapter/custom chapter rules to run (some are painted as smurfs, some as mantis warriors, some as blood angels, and the rhino is pallid hand death guard), relics, wlts, squad wargear etc - I think my tactic is basically rain bolter fire on anything that moves since I've got so many boltguns, but I don't want to trawl through the codex plus supplements to find the best fit


I'll be playing death guard (likely harbingers or ferrymen), t'au sept t'au, and black legion if it makes any difference


List of units for anyone who needs (not sure which wargear to run):

2× gravis captain

10x intercessors

10x hellblasters

6x inceptors

Rhino - I know I can't run primaris in this dw, it's only on the list because it's something I've got access to



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Seems like it'll be a patrol detachment of 1 HQ (can't have two captains unless you upgrade one to a chapter master or proxy one as a lieutenant or chaplain) 2 Troops (2×5 'cessors) 1-2 Heavy Supports (I recommend 2x5 hellblasters to avoid blast) 1-2 fast attacks (2x3 in this case, though 6 in one squad would be fine) and one dedicated transport (you can proxy the rhino as an implusor since the dimension roughly match. )

At least you should have ~1150pts so you'd only need to drop a captain to be golden for an incursion game.


Regarding Chapter choice raven guard, salamanders, or to a lesser extent iron hands should help your stuff survive.

Crimson fists and imperial fists like Bolt weapons but the latter won't do much else, while the former at least benefits from being less numerous than the opponent.

Dark Angel's like standing still and gunning.

The melee chapters are all good but don't particularly boost the units you have.


If I were to pick I would say dark angels so you can fully disregard attrition, and +1 to hit when standing still is great and during tactical doctrine you can even shoot in melee at bs 5+ (4+ after the chapter tactic). The funnest bit will be using weapons from the dark age on your hell blasters for that damage 3 on the overcharge.

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Thanks, am I better off running 

Gravis captain 


Intercessors ×5 

InteIntercessors ×5 

Hellblasters ×5

Hellblasters ×5

Bolter inceptors ×3

Bolter inceptors ×3 

975 points 




Gravis chapter master 

Gravis captain 

Intercessors ×5 

Hellblasters ×5

Hellblasters ×5

Bolter inceptors ×3

Plasma inceptors ×3 

Edited by btecpaints
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