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=] 12 Months of Hobby 2023 [=


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I had to rush my March build to get some undercoating done before (hopefuly) the last kick of winter arrived, so part of it isn't built yet and will hopefully have a catch up undercoat later.

March target:

5 Rubrics

3 Allarus Custodians

1 Trajann Valoris

1 Contemptor Dreadnought (only legs built at this point, because resin and superglue is slow going...)


Continuation of plodding along:

12 more bits of Zone Mortalis, 6 columns, 6 walls.


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I, Reclusiarch Jolemai , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of March pledge to complete 3x Scout Bikes by month's end.






To do:

  • Everything


To confirm, three bikes is enough for the "Seriously" badge?

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On 3/2/2023 at 10:31 PM, Valkia the Bloody said:

Totally agree on these scouts.

Seeing this I am really tempted to buy some used ones on Ebay.

Great sculpts.


On 3/2/2023 at 9:59 PM, Brother Carpenter said:

Those are imho the best scout model generation gw produced.

Ive got some plastics but the metal ones are far superior.

You ve painted them up very nicely 


Thanks a lot, guys! I agree, the metal scouts matured really well, unlike many power-armoured 3rd edition models ;)


On 3/2/2023 at 9:48 PM, Brother Carpenter said:

Vow finished.

Lets see if the crappy oppo cam can capture it. Tried osl on his lantern. Might have to revisit that later. But for now pretty pleased. 



Great work! The photo is indeed somewhat on the grainy side. With some imagination, I can see how the model really looks. Congrats on getting the model done!


On 3/3/2023 at 1:27 PM, Jolemai said:

February Complete


1/1 complete

Vindicator complete




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Great stuff! I feel I haven't seen a regular Vindicator painted in forever. It's cool to see some OG vehicles around here, too.


On 2/25/2023 at 2:21 AM, Boc said:

Vow complete! 








Amazing, your work definitely is a solid contender for the model of the month!


I don't have as much time as I'd like right now so I'm quickly glancing at everyone's work but I'm generally thoroughly impressed with everything ranging from the quality of your work, impressive sizes of pledges, variety of armies and pace of work.

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19 hours ago, Jolemai said:


Cheers and as I only paint Firstborn Marines, stay tuned :happy:


I know, mate! I visit your thread in the BA subforum from time to time. With the exception of 2 Redemptor Dreadnoughts (which for the purposes of my lore are not "primaris", but rather custom/heretical bastardised Leviathan-wanna-be-dreads from my own Forgeworld), I also stick to my squatting OG minis. I just kinda miss seeing other people's older models more regularly. From my experience, most hobbyists - quite understandably - focus on Primaris Marines and the new HH stuff, which isn't exactly "old-guard 40k."



And to make it official, here's a re-vow of the models I failed to do in February.


I, Brother Christopher, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of March pledge to complete 4x Bikes and 1x Chaplain by month's end.





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This sounds like fun, and a good reason to locate and dust off my paint brushes.

Sadly I have much planned for this month, but I can vow one model and come back strong in April.


I, Sviar, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of March pledge to complete Captain Kubrik Chenkov by month's end. 


I will add a starting picture tonight. 


Edited by Sviar
To add a starting picture.
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... so this is embarrassing... I spruik myself up for a big month then, bam, go silent for half the month...


But I am trying:


I, Brother Argent, vow to start off March with a vow of Five Necron Immortals and a Tech Priest Dominus.





Can I just say I LOVE the Dominus model.  Just the idea of a guy who, essentially, doesn't understand half the tech stuff he deals with and then decides to replace his whole body with it just screams 40k to me...

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I did promise myself I'd try more WIP shots this year. The lower torso bit of the Contemptor is wonky because it's just sitting there with blu tac as I plan on gluing it to the upper torso first as part of posing and I didn't want to lose it.... Fortunately Sunday had a brief gap in the gales for me to get the rest of him undercoated.


Also halfway through the ZM batch, with the walls done, just the columns to go.



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Thunder Coyote Assault Intercessor complete for my stubborn vow. I gave decals a fair shot, but after three tries decided it wasn’t worth the frustration and left the Legio BnC pad as just its red and black coloration without the skull. 

Rather proud of how he turned out overall, esp the purity seal and the edge highlighting on the greys. 

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On 3/4/2023 at 2:34 PM, Brother Captain Arkley said:

I, Brother Captain Arkley, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete 5 Intercessors for the glory of the Lion by month's end.





I consider my vow complete atm as I am at an impasse.


I am waiting for my 3d printed pads to come so they are finished to a point that I can currently do.


The blank pads are not glued.


Big thanks goes to @Grotsmashafor the encouragement.


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I, Brother Captain Arkley, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of March pledge to complete 5 Ultramarines Assault Intercessors for the glory of Guilliman by month's end.



Edited by Brother Captain Arkley
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