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=] 12 Months of Hobby 2023 [=


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13 minutes ago, Trokair said:



Where is that vehicle from?



It's a Mule from Mantic Games' Deadzone line. In-between a Ridgerunner and Goliath in size, it was fairly easy to build and the only conversion I did was replace the mounted gun's short barrel with a spare autocannon one.

Edited by Lord_Ikka
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I don't see October being overly productive, we're almost a third of the way through the month and I've barely got build and spray done, plus we're losing light in the evenings and my weekends are quite busy.


I vow to get at least one model complete and hopefully more from the following targets:

  • Completing the EC Land Raider Spartan from last month
  • Completing the TS Sorcerers I lost interest in when the 10th ed indexes launched
  • Starting from scratch Lucious and 5 Palatine Blades
  • Starting from scratch two AT Knight Porphyrions
  • Starting from Scratch 5 desolation marines
  • Starting from scratch a Brutalis Dreadnought

I will also start, but almost certainly not finish the next chunk of my plodding along, 2 Helverins








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Well a third of the way into the month, after a weeks break, I have finally decided to get back to working on things.  I have run out of Wraithbone Spray, most of my Warpstone Glow, most of my Seraphim Sepia, plastic glue and running low on Black Templar.  Also my white primer rattle can is blocked.  My options are rather restricted as such.  Restricted, but not entirely gone.  First things first I should get back into some of my Imperium stuff, having failed to keep that up to date, at least on the necron side of things, over the course of the Call to Arms.  As such, to start this month off on the right foot;


I, Brother Argent, vow to paint for the Month of October: 1x Necron Chronomancer.



Already had this guy assembled and primed, sans base.  I really love this model as it just exudes sinister necrontyr menace. Unfortunately once I paint him he will be somewhat... blingy, as suits my tomb world.  Still, going to be enjoyable just to get back to painting. 

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So with all the blue im starting to get nightmares of Roboute endlessly quoting the Codex to me. So to save my eyes and sanity i'm going to do a quick (hopefully) palette cleanser vow. Basically I threw a load of different scheme's at a mate and told him to pick one and a company.


So, I kennyjapan, Vow to repaint this old Dark Angel Space Marine to a Space Marine of the Invaders Chapter, 5th Company 




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So I have completed the Chronomancer but haven't managed to get a decent photo yet.  I've suffered a few... shall we say set backs of the last couple of days.


Upon finally restocking some of my supplies (most notably glue) I was able to assemble one of my favourite necron models from the Imperium Magazine, the first of the Canoptek Wraiths.  I had all but finished assembling it and it was going to together amazinly when I was required to pop out to work for a few ours.  Upon my return I was informed in my brief couple of hour absence my three year old had, somehow unnoticed by my darling wife on the couch nearby, scaled my desk, retrieved my half build model, and proceded to hack and break it apart with my model secateurs...


I have been somewhat able to save the model, though I am going to have to paint some pretty impressive battle damage effects to pull it off.  And the joins on a lot of the smaller limbs keep falling apart despite my best efforts.  And it now has the gun I didn't want to use...


Anyway, for my next model for the month I vow to complete 1x Canoptek Wraith:




I will get the finished image of the Chronomancer up shortly

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I, Rhavien embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of October pledge to complete regent of the Imperium Nihilus, chapter master of the Blood Angels lord Dante by month's end.


It's about time! As a total BA fan boy it's a crime that he was sitting in is box for that long. He is assembled and ready to go! 



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On 9/6/2023 at 11:04 PM, Brother Captain Arkley said:

I, Brother Captain Arkley , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of September pledge to complete 5 Ultramarines Intercessors by month's end, for the glory of The Risen Primarch Roboute Guilliman.




So much happened with this vow, delays on replacement parts, had to goto the Germany for work, not had a huge time for hobby.


I did complete the first 5 before the end of September but just didn't have much time to take pictures and painting in Hotel rooms SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS!!!!! :).


Anyway I have done all 10 :).


Intercessor Squad I - 4th Company


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Good day.

I am back.

Kind of.

Work in the real world has been insane, so hardly had any time in the past months for painting.

This week, Nurgle had struck me down with COVID, and I was forced to stay at home all week. After the first 3 days of suffering, I was able to paint.

And I finally finished my Gallowdark terrain!

Yes, after ONE YEAR, the terrain is all done.



Next up will be a Rhino for my Night Lords.

I think I should be able to paint this one up quickly.... but no idea if I will manage till the end of October or if I will pledge it for the month of November.

Hopefully this winter, I will get some more done, especially my horde of cultists who have been waiting for some paint.

We will see.



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I, Brother Captain Arkley , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of October pledge to complete 1 Ultramarines Lt by month's end, for the glory of The Risen Primarch Roboute Guilliman.



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The Invader's been done for a couple of days but ended up procrastinating on doing the base, but, it did give me the motivation to paint the Dread, so. The Invader vow is complete and 1/4 of the original October vow complete. The golds on the dread are looking very flat and one colour + the Invader's actually alot brighter and.... Lime-ier? in RL but that's the lighting from the phone for you. Invader's Base is very basic because he was just a palette cleanser and I didn't want to spend anymore time on him.



Invader's Chapter, 5th Company Space Marine











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On 10/16/2023 at 6:25 AM, Muskie said:

What of the stronghold challenge, some of us are ride or die Nurgle apparently.

The reason why I refrained from building or painting anything between my daughter 3d and roughly 8th year. Too much impulsive movement and hand mouth moves :biggrin::whistling:


Eeh this was supposed to be a reaction to grots brutal reaction.

Mod can delete if confusing.

Edited by Brother Carpenter
Brainmelt when selecting quote tekst
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