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=] 12 Months of Hobby 2023 [=


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I brother carpenter embark on the 12 months of hobby challenge and vow to paint for the month of december two black templar initiates one bt firstborn of the 3th ed and one primaris of the 9th ed before months end.

Here both in base colour. The primaris fresh, the firstborn already was clad in black for at least 20 years. His base had once been goblin green.




Edited by Brother Carpenter
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@Brother Christopheryes I had a few of the metal pads crosses and cross and banner ones from I think a gw sale at the 2005 Dutch grand tournament I participated in. And last year I managed to buy 200 crosses only pads through the dutch marktplaats trade shop for €0,35 a piece.

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Well if it rains it pours...


Not likely to get anything done for the rest of the year.  Quite badly injured my back at work again.  Can barely walk at the moment.  Thankfully only muscular it seems so recovery, whilst probably slow, is just a case of getting through it.  I am hoping in the next few days to be able to get around a bit more but I am likely just deluding myself.  One this is for certain I doubt I will be leaning over models to paint any time soon.


Keep up the good work the rest of you and I am looking forward to seeing what you get done. 

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5 hours ago, Brother Argent said:

Well if it rains it pours...


Not likely to get anything done for the rest of the year.  Quite badly injured my back at work again.  Can barely walk at the moment.  Thankfully only muscular it seems so recovery, whilst probably slow, is just a case of getting through it.  I am hoping in the next few days to be able to get around a bit more but I am likely just deluding myself.  One this is for certain I doubt I will be leaning over models to paint any time soon.


Keep up the good work the rest of you and I am looking forward to seeing what you get done. 

Having endured many back injuries, I know your pain:sad: Get plenty of rest and we all hope you get well soon:yes:

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Thanks guys.  Whilst I have injured my back before it has never been to this extend.  Not great having to have the Mrs dress me etc.  I hate being useless and due to this being the second time I have hurt it in a couple of years I think I am going to have to seriously look at what and how much I can do in life, including what I( can do with fire fighting as I can't be a burden to other crews and risk their lives.  All in all its really... well, not great to put it politely.


Thanks for all the support guys.  I am looking at my half painted marines and watching YouTube videos about painting and narrative campaigns and its doing my head in.  Guess I shall just need to live vicariously through you guys for now.

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The RH1N0 is done, as a test I am happy with it, but I think as a template for a larger force it isent quite right.





The Iron Warrior is almost done; I just have to decide if I am happy with how he is, or if I dare to try yellow or even hazard stripes.




Perhaps some panel lining as well, I may have overdone the drybrush a bit.





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This post was recognized by Grotsmasha!

Rogue was awarded the badge '12 Months of Hobby 2023 - Completed'

I'm done for the 2023 Challenge, and feel pretty pleased with this one:








I'm not usually much of a kit-basher, but I already have two stock versions of the primus, and felt a third would be lacking in imagination. So I had a good rummage through RogueChaplain's bits box, and came up with this. The colour scheme is mostly my regular Cult look, but tweaked towards my wife's AdMech (because why not).

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I'm nearly done with my vow so I'm going to add a couple more bits. Some platform things and 5 more grey knights. 


The platforms as they complete the octarius terrain and the knights so I can do a bunch of blade effects at the same time, rather than just 1. 


If I have any time left I'll probably just get my end of year photo taken and plan for next year's haul. I'll most likely be completing some zone mortalis terrain along with other bits. 


@Grotsmasha 2024 marks the 5th year of the 12 months of hobby doesn't it? We should have a celebration!


Just looked, it's the 6th year! How time flies. 



Edited by Dwango
Old age!
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37 minutes ago, Dwango said:

Just looked, it's the 6th year! How time flies. 

Honestly, it's crazy, and to make it all the more so, there's like 6 or 7 of us that have earned the Platinum Completion badge EVERY year, thats a 60 month streak of completing models.....


As I'm sure you all may have noticed, my ability to keep up to date with the Monthly posts and Summaries has been lacking, BUT, I've had @Tyriks and @Firedrake Cordova raise their hands and offer help with these things for 2024, and have already started with the oustanding Monthly posts from this year that I've left untended.

Over the next couple of weeks, I'll be doing the Summaries in preperation for the Annual Summary, which should be complet the 1st or 2nd week of January.

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21 minutes ago, Grotsmasha said:

Honestly, it's crazy, and to make it all the more so, there's like 6 or 7 of us that have earned the Platinum Completion badge EVERY year, thats a 60 month streak of completing models.....

That's a truly monumental effort! 


It's definite hats off moment for you grot. It must take so much time and effort to keep it running, one that I am very grateful for! I've completed 100 plus minis every year, something that wouldn't have been possible without this event. 

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I have been doing this challenge every year since it started and it has provided a huge inspiration for me to get things done.  The end of this year, due to for the most part circumstances beyond my control, has by far been the worst in terms of how much I have been able to complete.  Its amazing how quickly the years have gone and the number of models I have completed due, in large part, to the motivation this thread has provided.  This year has been one of my most productive years and I am devastated to end it on such a sour note.  I had so much left I wanted to do and was hoping to go out on a high note, finishing my Plodding Along vow as well as getting my Leviathan box done etc.


But I am not going to let things get me down.  I intend on returning bigger and better next year.  I may be able to get a little done by the end of this year, with my back in far better shape after my physio visits and I am feeling far better mentally as well as physically.


I never realised how big a part of my mental health this hobby has become and I just wanted to thank you all, especially @Grotsmasha for running this challenge, for helping me push through my little mental goblins and get paint on plastic month in and month out.


And, don't worry, I will definitely be back next year.

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Little update here- the Lion and Lord-Discordant are coming along, but due to me just not feeling it I'm going to exchange the stupid Firestrike Servo-turret for 3 Tomb Blades and 5 Lychguard. The turret is annoying me, and I need the Tomb Blades to finish up my Plodding Along for the year.




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On 12/2/2023 at 12:24 AM, Brother Captain Arkley said:


Carry over for me, past week has been insanely busy... And probably will be for another week.


December has been just so busy for me so I think I will just call it.

New start in January, was overall a lacklustre year I didn't get as much done as I wanted.


Not making excuses... I think overall this year I have been in a transitioning period, I am not the GW fan boy I once was and buying a printer has really shifted my habits.


@Grotsmasha my apologies, you run this every year and I appreciate it.


Onward and upwards... 2024 hopefully a better year for hobby.




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This post was recognized by Grotsmasha!

Trokair was awarded the badge '12 Months of Hobby 2023 - Completed'

December vow complete, one Loyalist Iron Havoc fresh of the black sands of Istvann and ready to ‘hopefully’ cause some large calibre mayhem in @Black Cohort's 'A Time of Reaving' play by post game.


Anyway, excuse the poor lightning and old camera, I can assure you the yellow is yellow and not orange in real life.




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