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=] 12 Months of Hobby 2023 [=


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Plodding Along WIP


I, Reclusiarch Jolemai , embark on the Plodding Along part of the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the year of 2023 pledge to complete 22x Genestealers; 1x Bloodlord; 1x Objective from the Space Hulk boxset by year's end.





To do:

  • Fix if necessary and paint from scratch
  • As these will just be for Space Hulk, they wont have 40k bases, just what they are standing on
  • Blog for progress (plog) in the Tyranid forum


*searches for an "I'm going to regret this" meme*

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18 hours ago, shmvo said:

Hello! New here [: Would be good to have a bit of hobby accountability! My projects at the moment are more modeeling/ sculpting than painting, but I hope I can still take part in this, hopefully I am working to the rules in spirit even if I am not planning to put paint on models yet! 


I, shmvo, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete 2 squads of Sisters of Silence - a 3 person Questora Squad, and a 5 person Seeker Squad - by month's end.

A bit behind pace so far but I've made progress in the past couple of weeks:



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That's pretty immaculate green stuff work there! 

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Finished another model for my Stubborn vow, a tactical marine for 2nd Company 4th squad. Quite happy with how he came out, especially the base. Does anybody know if GW has released base packs that are like the ones on the Space Marine Heroes S1 and S2 bases? I'm quite honestly considering rebasing my marines with stuff like this. Not entirely sure, but considering it.


One of these days I will properly learn to freehand the semicircle over the curved pauldron. But today is not that day, LOL.

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Congratulations to all who completed their vows and greetings to new participants. All around, amazing output, Brothers!


Here's another completion from me.




And for photos of the individual models:



















Moreover, I hereby further extend my commitment for the month of January and pledge to complete 2 Honour Guard members of my Crusade's Marshal's Household by month's end.




I hope that the Ultramarines won't mind me using their cool (metal) models for my Templars...

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On 12/31/2022 at 12:48 PM, Brother Captain Arkley said:

I, Brother Captain Arkley, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete 10 Heavy Intercessors (2x5man) by month's end, for the glory of Guilliman - The Avenging Son.






Veteran Heavy Intercessor Squad Ethros of the IIIrd Company ( I know) :)


Edited by Brother Captain Arkley
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33 minutes ago, Valkia the Bloody said:

I love these Inquisition stormtroopers! These models look so much better painted up in such a grim dark way than as Solar Auxilia.

Thanks- looking at the pics I've got some cleaning up of details to do, but I'm happy with them for tabletop now.

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Finally, I have some models completed, all of which are Stubborn Completions for last years MASSIVE commission that I somehow managed to drag out for 9 months....


First up, the last 20 Daemonettes, (there's 3x command teams there to add to existing squads previously completed), 6 Fiends, and the Contorted Epitome,







Next up, a Necron Lord, Overlord maybe? 




And lastly a huge chonkin lot of terrain,














and lastly, some 3D printed craters (Daemonette for scale)





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Okay so I got some shots of some of the stuff.  Still need to base the Intercessors of both sorts (Guess that is a tomorrow job) but until then:



The Technomancer.  I must admit I hated this model before I worked on it.  Now, however, I quite like it.  It was fin to paint I am happy how it came out.  I should post a pic of the cape as well but I may save that for when I revive my thread.


I also did the third container.  I am glad I will likely never do another of these.  For this the final one I decided to do a rough interior as well.




I will hopefully force myself to base the marines tomorrow.  I am quite keen to get into the Ad Mech...

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